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Seems Rodgers has learned well the Packers em oh for discussing injuries. Last week he had cleared 2 of 3 check-points with the (negative) scan being the reason for him not being cleared. Yesterday he tells the world he experienced pain in the drills he tried last Wednesday and that is why he knew he wasn't ready to play. Next week?



McCarthy on Cobb: "Randall's doing more in his rehab. He's progressing. Looks good. He's starting to bounce around. Looks good."
MM on Lacy: He'll be in a rehab process today and tomorrow, and may practice some on Friday.
McCarthy: "Aaron (Rodgers) is still not medically cleared. It's important to stay in-tune with that."
McCarthy on Rodgers: "Aaron Rodgers practiced today in a limited fashion. We'll see how he is tomorrow."
Last edited by H5
Originally Posted by Brak:

This enitre organization is diseased with filthy liars.

And I'd been led to believe the weirdest locker room behavior was hazing. It brings a whole new meaning to "locker room huddle".

Originally Posted by packman15:

Can someone explain why they make so much money?  Playoffs are on the line and a division championship. If he re-injures collarbone he has the entire offseason to get better. This isn't a career ending injury we are talking about. Sounds heartless I know but millions of dollars are paid for him to play. Especially now after hearing for a week how much he wants to play. Is it pain or the medical staff keeping him out. Tired of bull****, play or shut up.

Originally Posted by packman15:

You all would have loved to watch this game back in the 60's. It will be flag football within 10 years. I have witnessed more Packer losing seasons then most of you have been fans. So close to a division title after going 1-4-1 it is unbelievable. What a wasted opportunity for the Lions/Bears to take our title.  It can’t be done with Flynn and all I hope is that we get the chance to knock the Bears out of the playoffs.


I am going to create a tumblr of your posts.  This is gold.  

Originally Posted by PinG:

75% completion percentage, over 10.5 yards per completion, a TD and only 1 interception. I will take that from Flynn every Sunday.

Yah forgot to include all the sacks and the fumble due to holding the freakin ball too long!  Seriously, I hope your confidence in Flynn will continue past this next game and that I will have to eat crow. 

Last edited by Esox
Originally Posted by Pakrz:

Pretty sure Quarless will be cut by Friday for leaking information...somebody is no longer in the Circle of Trust. 

Its the leaks coming from somewhere else (like people with access to medical information) that the Packers ought to be concerned with. I doubt Quarless leaked anything but the same flimsy hopes for a medical miracle we fans have had.


The whole thing with MM reminds me of the story about commanding officer of a group of cut off soldiers pretending to be in communication with HQ with a radio that actually did not work rather than have them lose hope. That's what this whole dog and pony show has been. When the Packers signed Flynn it was a statement on Rodgers health and availability. And not to have another "live arm" as some spun it.

I think we've already established there is a conspiracy from the top down in GB to not only confuse other teams, but also to mess with the minds of the Packer fan base Va. Packer. I've in fact started a petition asking Goodell for a stop, or at a minimum control over things like this. We're a publicly owned franchise after all.

What consumes my thoughts more now is how and the hell are the Packers going to fill Quarles's roster spot two days prior to a "do or die" game against a hated rival in adverse conditions?? This team is already thin at tight end after the quick one Finley pulled on us.

Somebody please explain what this means:


"Aaron still is not medically cleared, and I think it's important to stay in tune with that because the topic of 'Is he playing in the game?' vs. 'Is he medically cleared?' those are two totally different issues," 
- MM
Read more from Journal Sentinel: 

Last edited by Ubetcha

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