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Originally Posted by The GBP Rules:

Can someone explain to me where the meme about the Dallas Cowboys having an offensive line that is on par with the Hogs of the 80s came from?  


Everyone talks about this great line.  Yet the Packers and Cowboys played the same team on back to back weeks.  Green Bay gave up zero sacks, Dallas gave up 6.  It would have even been more than that had Dallas not gotten away with so much holding last week.

I would also like to know this.  The Dallas lovefest is in full effect right now.  The media is just so terrible.  All you hear is "How is Green Bay going to stop Murray?"  I would like to know "How is Dallas going to stop Lacy?".  Also, we keep hearing about Rodger's injury.  Yes, he is hurting, but doesn't F'n Romo have a broken back?  How about Murray's broken hand?  Somehow those injuries aren't relevant now.  God, I hate Dallas.  Please Packers, kick the **** out of them.  Thanks!  Go Packers!

Originally Posted by Troy:

I would also like to know this.  The Dallas lovefest is in full effect right now.  The media is just so terrible.  All you hear is "How is Green Bay going to stop Murray?"  I would like to know "How is Dallas going to stop Lacy?".  Also, we keep hearing about Rodger's injury.  Yes, he is hurting, but doesn't F'n Romo have a broken back?  How about Murray's broken hand?  Somehow those injuries aren't relevant now.  God, I hate Dallas.  Please Packers, kick the **** out of them.  Thanks!  Go Packers!

Don't worry about it.  All this stuff is on the bullitin boards in the locker room.  It is called motivation - as if they really needed any.  One thing JJ and the Cowboys have yet to learn is humility.  Unless they truly have the refs in their hip pocket, they might be surprised come Sunday. 

If the coaching staff didn't trust him for a game during the regular season I don't see him being active for the playoffs. Fans just need to accept they're going to have to wait until next year for Jeff Janis.


I really like the guy's upside but don't quite understand the fascination bordering on obsession some fans appear to have with him.

Packers have released player status projecting to Sunday.

@TyDunne: For the #Packers, Rodgers is listed as probable for Sunday. Same for Davon House, Josh Sitton & Josh Boyd. Sean Richardson is questionable.


@RobDemovsky: McCarthy: Aaron Rodgers came through the practice with everything OK. Feels good today. I feel he's going to be available for the game.


@RobDemovsky: McCarthy on weather: "Only thing I worry about is the wind. I'm told it's going to be between 6-8 mph. I'm OK with that."


@RobDemovsky: McCarthy: They have pressure in their scheme. It's not very high. We've always liked playing vs. pressure. Look at Aaron's passer rating.


@RobDemovsky: McCarthy said he won't watch the Panthers-Seahawks game on Saturday night. "I'm going right to bed."


@WesHod: MM: Ron Wolf in my mind and everyone here at the Packers, he's a Hall of Famer. We're happy and proud of what he's done.


@WesHod: MM: Kevin Greene. What a dynamic player. He did a great job for us as a coach. I'm hoping he'll get in. I know it's been close.

Last edited by ilcuqui
Originally Posted by Pikes Peak:

Who cares what the media or anyone says.  The game is played on the field.  

So effin hard to avoid this week though. I'm just going to take 3 quarts of Nyquil and wake up Sunday at noon.

I think someone posted this before....not sure


8-0 Dallas on the road.


They beat....


Cowboys @ Titans 26-10

Cowboys @ Rams 34-31

Cowboys @ Seahawks 30-23

Cowboys @ Jaguars 31-17

Cowboys @ NY Giants 31-28

Cowboys @ Bears 41-28

Cowboys @ Eagles 38-27

Cowboys @ Redskins 44-17


While the Seahawks win was impressive, none of those teams are a "murderers row" of road opponents.


Combined W/L record of teams on the road?




Take out the Seahawks game




Ummmm......yeah. I've been watching football a long time. My eyes normally don't deceive me. but THERE IS NO WAY THESE JABRONI'S are COMING INTO LAMBEAU & WINNING THIS GAME!


Just so the people in the cheap seats can see/hear it.

From MM Friday...On Seattle vs. Carolina on Saturday:
Not sure what time it starts. We have a team meeting at 9, chapel at 8:30. Personally, I'm going to go right to bed. I don't really have an interest.

Gold Jerry...Gold!

Feel the Power


Via Drew Davison of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Garrett is going to swing the team bus by Lambeau Saturday afternoon to let his players take a look around before Sunday’s divisional round playoff game against the Packers.

seems kinda ridiculous to me but enjoy the wind chill

Green Bay Packers coach Mike McCarthy spoke with the media for about 10 minutes Friday. Naturally, there were several questions about quarterback Aaron Rodgers and his calf.


Here's the quick injury report:

Rodgers (calf) probable

DT Josh Boyd (knee) probable

CB Davon House (shoulder) probable

S Sean Richardson (knee) questionable


McCarthy on how Rodgers' calf felt Friday:

Aaron Rodgers came through the practice everything OK. We're not practicing today, but he's coming through and will be ready for the game.


On whether Rodgers would play if not for playoffs:

That's a hypothetical. We go through the same process. If medical staff thought he could go, he would go. No different than Detroit Lions game. When I left the halftime locker room, I didn't think he was playing. Then he was playing.


On how pistol scheme helps Rodgers:

The shotgun definitely helps. You don't have to put as much pressure on your footwork and things like that.


On weather report:

I haven't seen it today. Hopefully it's going to get better than today. Only thing I ever look at is the wind. I think it's supposed to be between 6 and 8 mph.


On Rodgers' injury affecting game plan:

He looks fine right now. We're not going to change anything in our approach against the Dallas defense.


On working relationship with Ted Thompson:

Very consistent. I think Ted is so consistent in everything he does. That really helps all of us from a leadership standpoint because everyone knows what the expectations are. There aren't highs and lows. I appreciate Ted more each and every day.


On time of possession:

Since you got on us for scoring too fast, we just figured we'd slow it down a little bit. No, I think running the football has helped. We've been running the football more later in the season.


On Seattle vs. Carolina on Saturday:

Not sure what time it starts. We have a team meeting at 9, chapel at 8:30. Personally, I'm going to go right to bed. I don't really have an interest.



On Ron Wolf and Kevin Greene being a hall of fame finalist:


We're all excited about Ron Wolf's opportunity and Kevin Green's. In my mind, and everyone here, Ron Wolf is a hall of famer.

Frankly, I don't expect the Packers to go into Seattle and win the NFCCG. It'll be a pleasant (extremely pleasant) surprise for me if they can. All it's going to take for this year to feel like a success in my book is a win on Sunday (yes, I'm one of those fans who thinks that the Packers can have a good season without winning it all). I'm so ****ing sick of seeing the Packers lose home playoff games. I want a win in this game, badly.

I can't be a fan of a team if I expect them to lose but will be pleasantly surprised by a win.  Being a fan is about having hope.  Especially when it's a championship caliber team.  Otherwise you are a loser before they even take the field. 

I've tried to convince myself ARs calf could be enough to swing this game. I can't do it. If AR plays the entire game this is a Packer win by double digits. 


This Packer team knows it's good and going to Seattle wouldnt effect them at all. 


Ive said it for a while now. This was always coming down to GB and Seattle. Yet another year when the NFC Championship and Super Bowl are played on the same day. 

enough talk.


Packers need to win this game. I don't give a **** who is coming in there. You win playoff games at home. Period. Getting pretty ****ing tired of hearing about this Cowboys team. **** them. Win the damn game. 


" the Cowboys are a four headed attack with Romo, and Murray and the Offensive line and Dez Bryant. And Rodgers has a bruise on his calf and the Cowboys are good and wwaaaaaaaaahaahahahaah" STFU. Win the goddamn game. Sick of watching teams come into Lambeau in January and make the Packers look like a punch of pansies. 


"A bruise on the leg is a hell of a long way from the heart you candy-ass."

- Herb Brooks 


Hope i've made clear how I feel. 

Last edited by bubbleboy789

Cowboys have a lot of offensive weapons and questions remain about the Packer defense so apprehension about the game is to be expected. A loss would put the team at 1-4 since the SB win with three home losses and the scrutiny on the team would rightfully be extreme.


All that said, the Packers are due for a complete playoff performance and I see it coming tomorrow. 

If not for a bad non-call the Cowboys don't win last week.  I think people need to keep that in mind when worrying about the Cowboys game tomorrow.

It really just comes down to execution.  If the Packers play their game and play well this should be a laugher.   They are the better team. They are playing at home.  Can Dallas win?  Sure they can.  But I also think they will have an emotional letdown from their "big win" last week and they will soon realize the Packers aren't the Lions.  Those missed throws and bad decisions by Stafford?  They won't get those breaks unless it's Flynn throwing and not Rodgers.  The Packers D is also playing a lot better and the GB secondary in particular is light years better than Detroit.    Finally, it does not seem like Demarco Murray is the same back he was a month or two ago.  Maybe he's wearing down or maybe he's just not healthy.   Either way it's not the same guy.
Originally Posted by michiganjoe:

Cowboys have a lot of offensive weapons and questions remain about the Packer defense so apprehension about the game is to be expected. A loss would put the team at 1-4 since the SB win with three home losses and the scrutiny on the team would rightfully be extreme.


All that said, the Packers are due for a complete playoff performance and I see it coming tomorrow. 

The last 8 games say otherwise.  From a guy that blasted the **** out of this piss poor defense from the start of the season people need to pay attention to what's happening.  Dline has gelled, Dix, Burnett and Hyde have tightened up the middle of the secondary and the rotational masking of Jones and Hawk has been effective enough to limit a total free for all down the middle.  


This defense IS good enough to compliment a superior offense compared to Dallas.  ****, it amazes me that people believe the Cowboys offense is in the same league as the Packers.  


And another thing about the calf.  I'm sure it hurts but it's a calf injury, not a hammy or knee.  You can run through a calf injury, you can plant with a calf injury.  It's not a like Rodgers looses stability when throwing like when he tweaked the hammy.  Two weeks rest, toradol shots, it's very workable and I think there is a **** ton of smoke and mirrors from MM and AR right now, which is excellent.

Last edited by Henry
Originally Posted by Tschmack:
If not for a bad non-call the Cowboys don't win last week.  I think people need to keep that in mind when worrying about the Cowboys game tomorrow.

Wrong. I'm not arguing your points that Dallas is overrated but this whole one call determining the game is bull****. Detroit could've held them the next drive but instead penaltied themselves and Dallas to 7 points. Detroit lost because they are chippy children.

Oh, and if I hear one more "any other qb would hit that pass" then said remark maker better be looking at the pressure applied that caused a good chunk of those duck passes from a variety of QBs over the past 2 months.

NFL admitting it was defensive holding, maybe PI, could have flagged Dez, missed holding on 4th and 6 was great. 


I kept waiting for the NFL to release a statement that they were fully prepared to give Detroit a favorable spot if the went for the 4th and 1. 



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