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Originally Posted by cuqui:

Yes, great player and got two rings with the Dallas title winners in the 1970's. Outside of Cowboys fandom he might be best known for that play in the Ice Bowl, it will be mentioned in most obits for sure. 

I also remember his stories of playing with frostbit toes in the icebowl.

Daniels, Hyde, Lacy, Heyward, Bakhtiari, Cobb, Datone, Perry, Barrington, Richardson, Boyd. That's a lot of roster that would hate to lose another playoff game. 


Aaron, Jordy, Sitton, Lang, Bulaga, Williams, Shields, Clay, Peppers, Kuhn, Burnett. Been there done that.


Ha Ha, Adams, Linsley, Rodgers. You aren't the answers. You're a nice part of the solution though. Don't piss off the guys that are counting on you. 


Dallas is getting their ass kicked. It's how football works. 

Last edited by ChilliJon

It's remarkable how some success in one year makes people forget about a multitude of failures in previous years.

Romo may indeed be improved, but he still has the same tendencies he's always had, and he will revert to them under pressure.

"It's remarkable how some success in one year makes people forget about a multitude of failures in previous years."


Isn't this exactly what we're hoping for the Packers? To get past their first game and then defeat the Seahawks? You have to start somewhere.

Freeman seems to have been pulled into the national meme.

Defense: Not a great defense but good enough. Yet admittedly, this is the biggest problem for Dallas. Rodgers can shred it.


But again, the Cowboys can hang, because they'll be able to keep up with Rodgers. Green Bay's defense isn't great either.



GBs defense wasn't great, but is vastly improved since playing more Barrington and Matthews in the middle.


Last edited by H5
Originally Posted by Hungry5:

GBs defense wasn't great, but is vastly improved since playing more Barrington and Matthews in the middle.



And after Guion got acclimated to the Packers defense

And Peppers learned how to play OLB for the first time in his life

HaHa learning the NFL game and playbook

Datone and Daniels got more comfortable as penetrators

Hayward returned to form

And all of them learned the nuances of the new stuff from Dom


It just takes time.... and now they are harvesting the results of their hard work in September/October/November


Go Packers

Originally Posted by grignon:

"It's remarkable how some success in one year makes people forget about a multitude of failures in previous years."


Isn't this exactly what we're hoping for the Packers? To get past their first game and then defeat the Seahawks? You have to start somewhere.

You have followed Green Bay Packer football for the past 6 years, yes?

here is an interesting stat about the progression of the running game for the Pack this year

 Avgs per game

Quarter    Attempts/Yards

1st Q    21/73 yards

2nd Q  28/122 yards

3rd Q  30/132 yards

4th Q 31/153 yards


"It's all part of the plan!"

Last edited by MaximusHess

per Wilde:


Meanwhile, House continued to work on a limited basis but expressed optimism for the first time since fracturing his right shoulder blade against Atlanta on Dec. 8 that he would be able to play.

“I’m feeling great. Glad to be back out there and looking forward to what Sunday brings,” House said. “I do [plan to play]. I’ve worked really hard to get back. I prayed a lot. I did a lot of rehab. So I plan on being out there.”

That doesn't make sense either.  That means that GB is averaging 370-some yards on the ground per game.


Point taken either way - Lacy/GB get stronger as the game goes on.


Seems to me their pattern lately has been to smash Lacy at them on their opening drive, throw it around for a while and then come back to Lacy at the end.  

Last edited by JJSD

I think the quarters might be the quarters of the season.







We averaged 73 yards per game in games 1-4 and 153 yards per game in games 13-16. Is that right?

Last edited by FreeSafety
Originally Posted by FreeSafety:

I think the quarters might be the quarters of the season.







We averaged 73 yards per game in games 1-4 and 153 yards per game in games 13-16. Is that right?

correct, those numbers are AVERAGES for the 1st Q (games 1-4), 2nd Q (games 5-8), 3rd Q (games 9-12), and 4th Q (games 13-16).


Just wondering if its by design by MM to keep Eddie fresh for the playoff push, where you need your Defense to play stellar and have a solid running game.

MM talks about "quarters" all the time. He divides the season into 4 quarters. He also does the same thing for the playoffs, although We would potentially play 3 games only so I don't know how he is doing it this year

Last year Lacy finished the season injured. Rarely practiced the last few weeks and was wearing a boot up until the games. Nice to have a rested and ready Eddie.



Article on the Ice Bowl with comments from Lee Roy Jordan, Dan Reeves, and Donny Anderson. Anderson saying, "The Ice Bowl, it was miserable".



For those who don't know, Anderson is from Texas and went to TX Tech before getting drafted by Lombardi - Rd 1, #7 overall.




Good on ya, MM

@SiriusXMNFL: Mike McCarthy on Rodgers/Calf Injury: 1st part of practice today he will be in rehab mode & will practice in team periods. 


@RobDemovsky: Means we may not see 12 during open part

Meanwhile, for the bad guys

@toddarcher: Tony Romo back to practice but no Rolando McClain, Anthony Hitchens, Doug Free, Terrell McClain.


@toddarcher: Jeremy Mincey also not practicing.


@toddarcher: Anthony Hitchens, Rolando McClain, Jeremy Mincey just came out on field for  rehab work.


Last edited by ilcuqui

Thursday practice begins. 

@RobDemovsky: As expected after what Mike McCarthy said on @SiriusXMNFL, no sign of Aaron Rodgers during early portion of practice. Expected to do team.


@ByRyanWood: #Packers TE Brandon Bostick back at practice Thursday after an illness held him out Wednesday. So did DT Josh Boyd. 


@TyDunne: CB Davon House also got the full padded practice.

Last edited by ilcuqui

Adam Schefter just posted this on FB about Rodgers' injury:

Packers QB Aaron Rodgers’ calf muscle has a slight tear in it in addition to be significantly strained, per sources, via @mortreport and I.

The injury is not expected to prevent Rodgers from playing in Sunday’s Divisional Playoff against the Dallas Cowboys, but it could impact how mobile and effective he is.

“There’s no question he will play, but there’s also no question he will not be 100 percent,” said one doctor familiar with the injury. “The question is whether he’ll be 95 percent or 50 percent.”

The Packers are aggressively treating the injury, with the hope he can be as well as possible. Each person responds differently to calf injuries.

Green Bay held Rodgers out of practice on Wednesday and how active he is the rest of the week still is uncertain. He is scheduled to go through team drills today.

What’s not uncertain is that Rodgers’ calf is not right heading into Sunday’s game, and now he will try to overcome it, just as he did in the regular-season finale to help beat Detroit.

Last edited by ilcuqui

Did anyone actually believe it would be 100% going into this game? I sure didn't.


Btw, a strain is the same thing as a tear. So the BSPN report makes it look like he's got 2 different injuries. Notice they use the term "slight tear". That exactly what a strain is. From Web MD:


A sprain is a stretch or tear in a ligament (the bands of fibrous tissue that connect our bones at the joints).


A strain is also a stretch or tear, this time affecting the muscle itself or a tendon (the tissue that connect the muscles to the bones). 

LOL, that's not really new. Love how they release that today as if it is some breaking info. Dr. Chao (Nat'l Football Post) said it was likely a small tear based on what he saw and his experience as a NFL Dr.

The only new bit of info in that is they say it's a "significant" strain which means it's most likely a Grade II or Grade III strain


not really that surprising, since he had a minor strain going into the Lions game and re-aggravated it which made it worse.


Still, it sucks that in a year the team is about as healthy as it's ever been this late in the year, it's their QB who will be nursing a bum calf throughout this playoff run. Won't be seeing too many broken plays with Rodgers scrambling around and buying time and using his mobility to burn teams. More reason Lacy and the run game need to have a huge impact throughout this run

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