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Originally Posted by Esox:



Originally Posted by DH13:

If AR stays upright it's a tough game to lose.  I wouldn't worry about DAL playing D the way BUF did.  They simply ain't got the horses to pull that off.  Only a few teams in the league do: SEA, BUF, DET is iffy.  BUF's secondary is head and shoulders above DAL.

IMHO I think too much credit went to Buffalo on that GB loss.   Our star players had a bad game, while our o-line played well.   I am not worried at all.      


It's like the Bills players used some brilliant defensive tactics to cause a wide open Jordy to drop the ball.

The Bills get very little credit IMO.


The Packers played like crap. That is what is so annoying about that loss. 


It was all on us and there was a lot at stake. The difference between playing the Seahawks at Lambeau vs Seattle is could be a SB trophy.

Originally Posted by Goalline:



It's like the Bills players used some brilliant defensive tactics to cause a wide open Jordy to drop the ball.

Or for Aaron not to see a wide open Jordy on the Pass to Cobb that was intercepted. 

@TyDunne: DE Josh Boyd and TE Brandon Bostick not practicing for Green Bay, in addition to Rodgers.


@TyDunne: Elsewhere, CB Davon House (shoulder) and CB Demetri Goodson (illness) both returned. Jordy Nelson, too. 


@TyDunne: GB opened doors to the Hutson Center today. Doors must've been open a long time, too. Very, very cold indoors for practice. Maybe 10-15.


@JeffAshPG: A chilly (for Dallas) 36 degrees when #Cowboys practiced. It's 1 below with wind chill of 23 below as #Packers practice with doors open.

Last edited by ilcuqui

Dude is doing a nice Robert Furgenson impression. Supposed "potential" masked by strain of vagina.


Making more and more sense why coaching staff has been frustrated with him since September.

MM presser today, from JSO blog:


QB Aaron Rodgers (calf) DNP

TE Brandon Bostick (illness) DNP

DE Josh Boyd (knee) DNP

G Josh Sitton (toe) limited 

CB Davon House (shoulder) limited


On Rodgers... I plan on Aaron playing Sunday. Today's schedule was for him to stay in the training room. See what tomorrow brings; if he'll be able to practice. It's day to day.

On what doctor said... Aaron's getting better. He's going through the rehab. There's a chance he might practice tomorrow. He's getting stronger. ... Mentally, he's on top of it.

On Dallas taking the ball away... We've definitely identified it. Dallas does a great job of pursuit, not just the first guy but also the second and third guy. Part of our drill work every day.

On the Hutson Center... It was 22 degrees inside. What it'll be Sunday. I'm told it's an all-time Green Bay record.

On how cold affects warm-weather teams... Never really analyzed it. Those are circumstances. We stay focused on things we're in touch with. It's a mind-set, part of your training. Not sure how dome teams go about it. Usually cold climates, so there's an opportunity to train. Football's football. I'm not counting on the weather.

On YAC... We have a system on offense. How the defense plays points us in the direction we go.

On Dez Bryant's YAC... Dez Bryant is a powerful man. Very physical in bump and run. His yards after the catch is definitely a strength of his.

On Murray... You have inside zone, outside zone, wide zone. Difficult scheme to prepare for. Fit together. Murray is an exceptional runner, has ability to run inside and outside. Long, angular tough runner. Breaks tackles. It's a big challenge.

On Rodgers' RELAX... I think it was a good message. We were all in touch with that. That's his personality. ...Break seasons down in quarters. There are things that happen. The beginning of the year is different and then you establish where you're going. Variables go on every year. They're always different.

On if anything has changed his confidence in Rodgers' health... I'm being honest. My conversations with Aaron, he plans on playing. He's making progress. It's never enough for Aaron. We feel confident with the direction we're going.

On Eddie Lacy's freshness... Last year totally different than this year. Path different. Eddie was injured at the end of last year; played 4, 5 games on a bad ankle. He feels better. He's a better football player this year than last year. A complete 3-down player. He's definitely in the right place this year.

On Dallas winning all road games... That's exceptional. That doesn't happen very often. We have a lot of respect for what they've accomplished and we're looking forward to Sunday. 

Last edited by ilcuqui

Unless he sucks because he hasn't seen the field for several weeks.


I've been thinking that Hayward would be a better matchup for that shifty little honky WR Dallass has inside anyway.  I'm wondering how much House would even play if he was healthy.  

Last edited by JJSD
Originally Posted by JJSD:

I've been thinking that Hayward would be a better matchup for that shifty little honky WR Dallass has inside anyway.  I'm wondering how much House would even play if he was healthy.  

They would want House to spend some time kicking Dez's ass on the outside

He's also one of the better ST guys on kick coverage

JJSD, House is the Packers biggest corner and if healthy could help against Dez should Sammy have another of his off-days. Heyward will in all likelihood be the slot corner on passing downs matched up against that midget Cole Beasley.

Cole Beasley = Shifty Honky


P.S. I'm starting Beasley in my daily games


Some sad news to report....



Last edited by Boris

Yes, great player and got two rings with the Dallas title winners in the 1970's. Outside of Cowboys fandom he might be best known for that play in the Ice Bowl, it will be mentioned in most obits for sure. 

"Davon House has been practicing for the better part of two weeks, but appears to have cleared all the necessary hurdles to return after missing the final three games of the regular season because of a fracture to his right scapula bone. " 

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