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my sources suggest Greene just wanted to spend more time with his family after giving most of his adult  life to the NFL. Greene's name hasn't even been mentioned during the annual coaching carousel...

Whoa. Very interesting.

Green Bay – Dave Aranda, the defensive coordinator at the University of Wisconsin, was interviewed last week by the Green Bay Packers.

A source told the Journal Sentinel that Aranda met with coach Mike McCarthy, defensive coordinator Dom Capers and general manager Ted Thompson, among others, during his day-long interview on Friday.

The assumption is Aranda was being considered for the position on McCarthy's staff that the University of Oklahoma announced Tuesday was accepted by Sooners assistant Jerry Montgomery.

McCarthy has made no announcements regarding staff additions, deletions or changes since special-teams coach Shawn Slocum was fired 12 days ago.

The Packers interviewed candidates last week without a defined job description, according to a source. The most logical position would be as an assistant coach on the defensive front seven or general defensive assistant... MORE

Last edited by ilcuqui

Wisconsin loves it when Green Bay drafts Badgers.


Hiring Badger coaches still under contract might not go over as well.


It may have been a favor to Alvarez though, just to help Aranda see that being a Badger opens more doors than, say, being an OSU Beaver would get you.  

I remember Dan Compers had Aranda in last year to talk about the 3-4 and IIRC Compers spoke quite highly of Aranda then.  I can see a college DL coach going to the NFL to be an assistant position coach, but I can't see a B1G coordinator taking such a step.  

Originally Posted by Fedya:
Should I have included the tag?  I keep forgetting that a lot of you have difficulty getting my urbane wit.

Is this where we start posting things funnier than your posts? i.e. St. Jude's Hospital footage?

Last edited by Rusty
Oh, I lauhged at the St. Jude's hospital comment.  Now, I know you're all going to take that out of context and twist to mean that I think pediatric cancer is funny, but of course, that's not what I mean at all.  The idea that my presence here would cause somebody to post something so absurd is what made me laugh.

I would guess that had a big part in MM waking up to the fact he was spreading himself too thin on game day.  A HC who is keeping tabs on all critical situations during a game would make sure you line up to prevent a fake in that situation.


Coaching changes detailed


The Green Bay Packers have named Tom Clements associate head coach/offense, Edgar Bennett offensive coordinator, Alex Van Pelt quarterbacks/wide receivers coach, Mike Solari assistant offensive line coach, Jerry Montgomery defensive front assistant, Ron Zook special teams coordinator and Jason Simmons assistant special teams coach. Head Coach Mike McCarthy made the announcement Thursday.


QB and WR coach? That's odd. I'm assuming it's because 1) Rodgers doesn't necessarily need a QB and 2) Clements was already acting as OC/co-QB coach? I figured Van Pelt would take over as WR coach, he's getting the same kind of training that Bennett got, moving around and  coaching multiple positions. This is definitely a unique staff alignment.

 ·  13m 13 minutes ago

McCarthy: "I will spend a lot of time with the special teams."


 ·  12m 12 minutes ago

McCarthy on giving up playcalling: "I know I'll miss it."


 ·  12m 12 minutes ago

General takeaway here: McCarthy is comfortable with his offensive staff, his QB, his offensive line and his receivers. He's needed less now.


 ·  8m 8 minutes ago

McCarthy just made it very clear these decisions are coming from him, and him only. No push from Ted Thompson or Mark Murphy.

JSO summary of MM press conference:

Green Bay - Here are comments from coach Mike McCarthy at his Thursday press conference:


  • (Starts out announcing the changes) This is a process we go through each and every year. Change and adjust. Big changes are not things I do in haste. My responsibility to look at each and every year. These changes I'm excited about. Been excited about being in defensive meetings. It's a change for myself, change for other guys on the staff.
  • (On play-calling) Tom Clements will be the play caller. Biggest change personally, I felt play-calling was something I could do, but the commitment Monday through Saturday won't work as well. Edgar has role to be in Joe Philbin and Tom Clements' role. Alex Van Pelt has a unique opportunity.
  • (On change) I have a lot more to offer, the assistants, the staff. There's a vision you give to your team and will be more directly involved in defense schemes. And I will spend a lot of time with specialt teams. Area of concern. Have to develop our young players and we need to get more out of our veterans.
  • (On giving up play-calling) It was hard. They had to drag me down here to admit it. But it's an adjustment. Aaron's 
  • (On Seattle game) Winning championships is reason. This is not the first time I've thought of it. I think our staff is ready. It's an opportunity for them to make an impact. I have a lot more to offer to the football [team]. This is decision made on overall picture.
  • (On Clements) Tom has called plays as a player, he's called them in the NFL. [He] has an excellent relationship with Aaron Rodgers. The fit with Aaron is the highest priority. I thought that's why it was so important.
  • (On Van Pelt's combined duties) We'll be creative in practice. But the players won't see a big difference in how they're coached.
  • (On making the change) Where I was prior years is irrelevant. Something I felt very strongly about. When I told Ted about the decision, he was like, 'Woah, are you sure you want to give up play calling?"
  • (On firing Slocum) Change is constant. You have to be able to make change. We're about improvement and growth. I have history with Ron Zook. Jason Simmons is an excellent contributor. I'm going to be the third guy in the room now. I'm comfortable with that.
  • (On Jerry Montgomery) Part of having another assistant was with me being third guy in the special teams room. Place we could have another assistant. Dom wanted a guy he could work with side by side. Talked to Bob Stoops and he was very gracious. Jerry will be a great fit for us.
  • (On Ron Zook) Ron and I will sit down and start with first page of playbook. Culture, the energy, the mechanics will be different. Important to be very creative. I feel we are creative in this program. How do you improve the sports staff. All about growth and about culture.
  • (On energy) Just being in defensive cutups and all that was excited. I don't know how excited they are, there's a lot more talking going on. It's fun to call plays. Something I enjoy more than anything. To go out and compete against the coordinator on the other side was something I liked to do.
  •  (On game management aspects) In long term was, but not short term. Our management has been excellent. We have thorough evaluation. There was a point I thought I didn't need to give up play-calling. 
  • (On differences with Seattle game) I answered the medical question on Clay Matthews. I don't think the reaction to that was equal to what happened. The fact what happened to him early, he was still in the game. Our process and procedure medically I'm very confident in.

And that's it for McCarthy. We'll have more from the assistant coaches shortly.

Last edited by ilcuqui

He said game management didn't have anything to do with the decision. He seemed kind of surprised at how his comment about Matthews in the Seattle game blew up like it did, he said he was aware that he was injured just not the specific injury or the extent of the injury. 


My take away from his PC was that he didn't want to give up play calling (said it was the most fun part of gameday), but he that he needed to/would be more involved with defensive and ST play calling. I'm assuming he's probably going to try and spread himself more evenly across all 3 phases rather than be more heavily involved with the O compared to D and ST. 

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