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Originally Posted by Grave Digger:

My take away from his PC was that he didn't want to give up play calling (said it was the most fun part of gameday), but he that he needed to/would be more involved with defensive and ST play calling. 

I'm still trying to find the logic of a guy who has built a strong reputation on offense giving up responsibilities on offense so he can help the defense and special teams.


Wouldn't a simpler solution be to get better coaches on defense and special teams? You're basically gambling that:

1) Clements > McCarthy on play calling (although McC can overrule apparently)

2) McCarthy + Zook > any other competent ST coach in league

3) McCarthy + Capers > other DCs in league 


Personally, I would have much preferred them snatching up Vic Fangio as the DC, an actual ST coach with a record, and have MM stay on as primary play caller. He could still delegate some things to Clements and others if he wanted to.



It sounds like Montgomery is being groomed as Dom's replacement, Simmons will be the new Slocum as overseen by Zook, and MM is the head honcho with eyes everywhere. Some interesting moves. I like that MM will be more involved in other areas; the D improved once he got involved and I expect nothing less of STs. Interesting doings.

Originally Posted by packerboi:

 ·  8m 8 minutes ago

McCarthy just made it very clear these decisions are coming from him, and him only. No push from Ted Thompson or Mark Murphy.


Yes, you'll notice Tomsula (Niners new "Head Coach") made no such announcements regarding "his" staff. 


While I'm sure TT could have some input (Murphy will have none, ever, BTW) if he chooses....


The coaching staff is...and has always been....MM's responsibility solely. Just the way it should be. 


Moving right along....

I have no doubt MM will be involved in play calling during a game, he just won't be in the details.  Think of it like a CEO vs. a COO.  I think it opened his eyes when he found out after the game that CMIII was out in the 4th quarter and he didn't know about it.  Same with the failings of the special teams unit.  And I have no doubt he will not allow Dom to pull that stupid rush 2-3 drop everyone in coverage.  Give any QB 8 seconds, someone will get open.  


The top head coaches in the NFL right now don't call plays (Carroll, Belichick, Harbough).  They're too busy running the team to have their head buried in a laminated sheet.  

Originally Posted by CUPackFan:

The top head coaches in the NFL right now don't call plays (Carroll, Belichick, Harbough).  They're too busy running the team to have their head buried in a laminated sheet.  

It's also possible they don't call the offensive plays because all three of those guys were primarily defensive coaches.


Arians, Payton, Reid, Kelly; those guys all have a background in offense and all those guys call their own plays. 


While I'm sure there's precedent, this isn't a common move for an offensive-minded head coach who has been very successful to give up play calling duties.

I know this might shock some people but I don't really think MM was an amazing playcaller anyway.


IMO receivers were open because of AR's abilities and improve and his feel with Nelson and Cobb (backshoulder stuff etc..) more than they were from play design.


Lacy gets most of his yards from tough running after getting hit very early in the play, not because of the play's design.


In the redzone, playcalling has been awful. Other teams seem to have much easier times scoring with far less talent that GB. Heck, the Texans get JJ Watt wide open in the EZ multiple times.


The 2014 team should have run 10 times more screen plays than they did.



Last edited by FreeSafety

Sounds like the decision to give up play calling was brought on by Aaron Rodgers. I find that interesting & it ties in with what Rodgers said right after the game in his interview. (He was unhappy with the play calling)


The first series that comes to my mind is the INT that Burnett laid down on. Better play calling & we should've gotten into FG range AT LEAST.

Agree with Satori about Montgomery's role. Dom will be the eyes in the sky still but Monty on the sideline where the flow of the game can better be assessed.


Also think this is about Rodgers calling plays more than Clements getting that gig.




If anybody brought on this change it was Slocum.


IMO MM saw the benefits this past off-season/season of him getting more in Dom's grill. No question the Matthews' move to ILB was driven by McCarthy saying enough of this ****. McCarthy is more comfortable with getting personally involved with aspects outside of offense and the ST debacles convinced him that area, like the defense previously, would benefit from his time and involvement. Hell, from his comments today I'd almost venture the opinion that MM is taking over the special teams. His specifically citing veteran players' performance as needing attention tells me that he knows that vets who want regular O or D time will be more attentive and aggressive in STs with MM's involvement.


There are only 24 hours in a day and for him to sit in all the meeting rooms plus serve as playcaller was, to his mind, too much. As MM said, this is a good time to do this because of his absolute comfort and confidence with Rodgers, Clements, Edgar and AVP. MM is still going to be heavily involved in offensive game planning and play calling if need be.


As for Montgomery, no way he is being groomed now for Dom's job. I find the use of the parlance "defensive front coach" telling as it is not just DL (Montgomery's background) but also the linebacking corps. Hello, Winston. Again, nothing wrong with bringing more talent into the organization.


All in all I like these changes. MM can always fall back into the playcalling mode if need be. IMO Mike has developed enough confidence in himself and the rest of the staff that he believes his personal involvement in all phases as needed brings value added without pissing off the other coaches. As a former position coach and coordinator MM would be very sensitive to how his HC involvement could impede his coaches; now he believes he can adjust his role accordingly for the overall squad's benefit.

Last edited by ilcuqui
Originally Posted by FreeSafety:
Originally Posted by Boris:

Sounds like the decision to give up play calling was brought on by Aaron Rodgers.

Where do you get that?

From here.....


Originally Posted by cuqui:

JSO summary of MM press conference:

Green Bay - Here are comments from coach Mike McCarthy at his Thursday press conference:


  • (On giving up play-calling) It was hard. They had to drag me down here to admit it. But it's an adjustmentAaron's 


Rodgers has a lot of pull now. He could turn into Bert II but I hope he doesn't.

Last edited by Boris

I'm still suspicious of the Zook promotion (mostly because nobody here seems to like him), but for the most part these all seem like good changes that needed to happen. I'm still not convinced that McCarthy will get his in-game decision making right as I'm not sure it was all attention related to begin with. Mostly since in the post-game he doesn't intelligently defend his decision-making. Him blabbering about needing to get Lacy a certain number of carries is some Randy Ratio nonsense.

I still don't understand where you're getting that from Boris? I seriously doubt Rodgers pushed for this, I don't think McCarthy gets bullied by players regardless of their status. I'm guessing the fact that his team lost a good chance for a SB win on 2 simple ST execution failures hit him like a hammer and he realized he needed to be more involved with his team overall than he was. I think he took a hard look at all his failures this year and realized he had to suck it up and delegate more on offense than he was. He has a good group of offensive coaches and he had his face buried in a giant play sheet rather than use the resources he has available. I don't think anyone or anything other than a b*tch slap of reality drove this move. I think Rodgers involvement was limited to asking whether he felt comfortable with Clements calling plays and having Van Pelt spend more time with WRs than QBs. 


As for Jerry Montgomery, I don't necessarily think he's being groomed. I think they probably found a good, energetic, rising young coach and wanted to fill out their staff. Monty hasn't been a DC since 2005 when he was the DC at North Iowa Community College and he's only 4 years removed from being the DL coach at Wyoming. I think he's probably a rising star in the coaching world, but I doubt they're thinking he's in line to be Capers replacement. 

Last edited by Grave Digger

GBPG has posted their summary of MM presser. A few details there that weren't in the JSO stream of consciousness item I posted earlier. Among them:

... I think you know me well enough. Big changes aren't something I do in haste. This is something I feel is my responsibility each and every year. These changes I'm excited about. Enjoyed my time the last two days being with defensive staff meetings. I will split my time equally with offense, defense and special teams. With my past responsibilities, I didn't do that. 


... Special teams needs to improve. It's an area of concern in the past. We have to continue to develop our young players and get more out of our veterans. The standard of play on special teams, our consistency of veteran players wasn't what it needed to be. That will be a focus of mine.


... [Energized by new role?] Absolutely. In the defensive cut-ups the whole day. You're usually in and out. I'm excited about it. I don't know excited they are. Meetings will be a lot longer. It's going to make us better. I'm very confident.

Last edited by ilcuqui

I think MM just concluded that had he not been involved intimately in the play calling that the catastrophic choke job in Seattle may well have turned out differently. It appears to be simply related to game management and don't see AR's hand in the move at all.

Shermy was the guy who allowed bert free reign to become the runaway ego he turned in to.


Rodgers is a lot smarter than SwampScum was/is.

He understands the overall big picture as far as legacy and it's benefits.


Based on the WTF looks he gives Mc at times, I think it's pretty clear Aaron would have liked to call a different play.


This statement from Wade Phillips may be just as appropriate for Zook with regards to ST.



"I was a lousy head coach, but I'm a pretty good defensive coordinator."




Originally Posted by Rockin' Robin:
Originally Posted by Grave Digger:

My take away from his PC was that he didn't want to give up play calling (said it was the most fun part of gameday), but he that he needed to/would be more involved with defensive and ST play calling. 

I'm still trying to find the logic of a guy who has built a strong reputation on offense giving up responsibilities on offense so he can help the defense and special teams.


Wouldn't a simpler solution be to get better coaches on defense and special teams? You're basically gambling that:

1) Clements > McCarthy on play calling (although McC can overrule apparently)

2) McCarthy + Zook > any other competent ST coach in league

3) McCarthy + Capers > other DCs in league 


Personally, I would have much preferred them snatching up Vic Fangio as the DC, an actual ST coach with a record, and have MM stay on as primary play caller. He could still delegate some things to Clements and others if he wanted to.



Why is is this so hard to comprehend?  If the DC/OC were so completely autonomous why even have a HC?  They were essentially running under the premise of MM as OC, Dom as DC and it keeps coming up short.  MM is simply assuming the HC mantle in full.  


You're proposing bringing more coaches that would be autonomous of the system as a whole?  It failed, move on.

Originally Posted by Boris:
Originally Posted by packerboi:

 ·  8m 8 minutes ago

McCarthy just made it very clear these decisions are coming from him, and him only. No push from Ted Thompson or Mark Murphy.


Yes, you'll notice Tomsula (Niners new "Head Coach") made no such announcements regarding "his" staff. 


While I'm sure TT could have some input (Murphy will have none, ever, BTW) if he chooses....


The coaching staff is...and has always been....MM's responsibility solely. Just the way it should be. 


Moving right along....

Good to know there is no disputing that it is MM and only MM who was responsible for hiring, promoting, and maintaining the coach of the worst Special Teams in football in 2014 - Shawn Slocum.


I would hate for someone to claim someone other than MM was at fault for putting his incompetent buddy in charge of the STs unit that cost the team a trip to the Super Bowl.


The Slocum hire is 100% on MM.

Last edited by SteveLuke
Originally Posted by Henry:

You're proposing bringing more coaches that would be autonomous of the system as a whole?  It failed, move on.

That's not what I'm proposing. Yes, I agree with you that a coach does more than just coordinator responsibilities -- obviously oversight of the whole team is involved. 

What I'm proposing is that if ST and Def are having issues, wouldn't it make a lot more sense to hire better guys there than to have MM start to give up responsibility in an area where he's very capable and had excellent results?

Aren't there ST coaches that wouldn't require the same hand holding that Ron Zook apparently needs, and if so, why didn't we hire them instead of Ron Zook? That's what has be scratching my head. There are plenty of scenarios where STs can improve without MM abdicating one of his biggest strengths. I would much prefer MM expand his rolodex beyond his inner circle and find a ST coach who is proven than have him turn the keys over to Clement and become the 3rd ST coach.


Likewise, if MM is the guy who has to tell Capers, maybe we sit AJ and see what Clay can do in the middle, won't the team be better off with someone (i.e, Fangio) who doens't require that level of oversight and MM can keep his offensive responsibilities?

Last edited by Rockin' Robin
Originally Posted by SteveLuke:

Good to know there is no disputing that it is MM and only MM who was responsible for hiring, promoting, and maintaining the coach of the worst Special Teams in football in 2014 - Shawn Slocum.


I would hate for someone to claim someone other than MM was at fault for putting his incompetent buddy in charge of the STs unit that cost the team a trip to the Super Bowl.


The Slocum hire is 100% on MM.

WTF. Who ever said differently?

Originally Posted by SteveLuke:

Good to know there is no disputing that it is MM and only MM who was responsible for hiring, promoting, and maintaining the coach of the worst Special Teams in football in 2014 - Shawn Slocum.


I would hate for someone to claim someone other than MM was at fault for putting his incompetent buddy in charge of the STs unit that cost the team a trip to the Super Bowl.


The Slocum hire is 100% on MM.


Your Minnesota passive aggressive it showing.  Would you really "hate" for someone to make that claim?  Was that claim made?  


Last edited by Henry

Glad to see some are assuming MM could just snap his fingers and hire any goddamn coach he wants. And that said coach(es) will readily implement MM's vision plus fit in well with the coaches already there. If that's the case then just hire Belichick to run the defense and be done with it.


In case any have forgotten, the entire positional coaching staff on the defensive side of the ball are Dom's guys, except for Moss. He brought them in. Want to lose Trgo, or Whitt, or Perry? Fine, fire Dom. Just don't be posting on the board how great any of those guys are then. 


Look, Slocum was a mistake and MM admitted as much by firing his associate/protege of over 20 years. That's not easy. I had to fire a former protege and co-worker whom I'd later became supervisor to. Not pleasant, but necessary. Why the hell do you think Zook was brought on the staff? Clearer than ever now that MM was planning ahead and that Slocum knew things had to improve or else.


There are a lot of dynamics that go into managing a staff, not the least of which is how all the pieces mesh together and whether they complement each other. I for one think McCarthy has done a good job and he's getting better each year. He's not resting on his laurels. If he did he wouldn't give up what is probably his most satisfying job, playcalling.

Originally Posted by Rockin' Robin:
Originally Posted by Henry:

You're proposing bringing more coaches that would be autonomous of the system as a whole?  It failed, move on.

That's not what I'm proposing. Yes, I agree with you that a coach does more than just coordinator responsibilities -- obviously oversight of the whole team is involved. 

What I'm proposing is that if ST and Def are having issues, wouldn't it make a lot more sense to hire better guys there than to have MM start to give up responsibility in an area where he's very capable and had excellent results?

Aren't there ST coaches that wouldn't require the same hand holding that Ron Zook apparently needs, and if so, why didn't we hire them instead of Ron Zook? That's what has be scratching my head. There are plenty of scenarios where STs can improve without MM abdicating one of his biggest strengths. I would much prefer MM expand his rolodex beyond his inner circle and find a ST coach who is proven than have him turn the keys over to Clement and become the 3rd ST coach.


Likewise, if MM is the guy who has to tell Capers, maybe we sit AJ and see what Clay can do in the middle, won't the team be better off with someone (i.e, Fangio) who doens't require that level of oversight and MM can keep his offensive responsibilities?


I don't disagree but at the same time I think a lot of coaching staffs really start to get insular at some point and you work with what you have.  I agree about Zook, he's a putz but if that clown show can't see this is final hurrah then he's a complete idiot.  Hell, Capers was secondary coach or some **** in New England when MM came calling.  


Point being, there is an element of you work with what you have and it's better to build a system that can be successful across the board rather than relying on what one individual may or may not to the equation.  


Basically, what I'm hoping for is MM has matured to the point where he is building a system that will work with any relatively competent coach, aka Billy B.  I think MM's comment about assistants not getting a look is more telling than one would think.  I think he took that as a message for himself that it was time to push the next step of coaching evolution or slide into Norvitude.  

Just food for thought:


What if the Packers get the ball first in overtime and AR hits Nelson deep vs a one armed Sherman for the winning TD?


Are the same changes made?

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by SteveLuke:

Your Minnesota passive aggressive it showing.  Would you really "hate" for someone to make that claim?  Was that claim made?  


Passive aggressive, maybe?


Minnesota, ugh that really wounds.

Originally Posted by FreeSafety:

Just food for thought:


What if the Packers get the ball first in overtime and AR hits Nelson deep vs a one armed Sherman for the winning TD?


Are the same changes made?


Nobody likes you right now.


But to answer the question you still have a hell of a meltdown to get you to OT in the first place.  I would think it would still be on the radar.

Originally Posted by FreeSafety:

I know this might shock some people but I don't really think MM was an amazing playcaller anyway.


IMO receivers were open because of AR's abilities and improve and his feel with Nelson and Cobb (backshoulder stuff etc..) more than they were from play design.


Lacy gets most of his yards from tough running after getting hit very early in the play, not because of the play's design.


In the redzone, playcalling has been awful. Other teams seem to have much easier times scoring with far less talent that GB. Heck, the Texans get JJ Watt wide open in the EZ multiple times.


The 2014 team should have run 10 times more screen plays than they did.




* MM gets plenty of kudos from other NFL coaches, players, media, scouts etc for his playcalling acumen. That you don't see it or appreciate says much about how little you know about playcalling... Its ok, none of us do. But we don't piss and moan about it either


* Play design is why they are able to get open and Grantland, SI, PFF and other outlets have done in-depth reviews of those play designs for anybody willing to invest some time to learn. Former Packer Safety Matt Bowen did a couple too


* Lacy gets hit early because there are only a few running plays in everybody's playbook - you win in the run game by executing, not by trickery. The Packers draft OL for pass-pro and are willing to accept some liabilities/inabilities in the run game in exchange for keeping Rodgers upright. Seems reasonable


* Red Zone:

Packers are # 5 in the league in opportunities


Packers are # 5 in Red Zone TD's per game


Packers are # 11 in Red Zone % ( TDs only) Clearly room for improvement !


Packers are # 4 in TDs per game, a stark reminder that not all of the Packers TDs come from the Red Zone. ( see Nelson, Jordy et al)


Packers are # 2 in points/game in 2014. Not bad for such a horrible red zone team


As far as screen passes go - tell me why they should run more screens ?


Here's why they don't:


*Screen passes are best when the defense has their crew aligned close to the LOS and only 1 safety deep. Most teams play GB with 2 safeties deep.


*Screen passes work best when teams blitz and commit extra guys to the LOS.

  But Rodgers kills the blitz so most teams blitz Rodgers sparingly.


That's why even when MM calls a screen, Rodgers has the ability to make a change.

The OL and RB still run the screen, but Rodgers has another target on the backside for the throw.

OR he changes the play at the LOS and dumps the screen pass altogether. Packers use packaged plays that include (2) different plays and Rodgers makes the decision after the ball is snapped depending on how the defenders move. He'll screen when it makes sense


* Teams rush Rodgers to contain him, not unlike how they handle Russell Wilson. Even your beloved Pats used the rush-to-contain method to eliminate Rodgers ability to scramble (which is why he had all day to throw) Some teams even used a spy vs Rodgers

That means if the DL/LBs aren't screaming forward at the snap, its exceedingly difficult to have a successful screen pass.



Amazingly enough, both the dum dum HC and the QB are aware of this and adjust accordingly. At some point, you're simply going to have to accept the fact that these guys are pretty good at what they do. Or not.


There are any number of places to educate oneself about football if one so chooses

But that's just like my opinion, man.


I'm sure I've said this before. But I sure hope you are is sales.


My main beef is inside the 10 yard line. It is like the coaches have no idea how to get into the EZ.

Last edited by FreeSafety

The problems inside the 10 yard line are due to personnel, not play calls. Nelson and Cobb are both great, but they excel in space. Nelson needs space to set up his double moves and drive guys off the ball to get the back shoulder stuff. Cobb excels in quickly changing direction. Neither are as effective when defenders don't have to honor a deep ball or when the defenders are tightly bunched. They tend to score on slant passes on the goal line (which can be risky - see Russell Wilson) or more often when Rodgers extends plays with his legs and they find holes in the coverage. That was one of the problems in Seattle - Rodgers' injury confined him the pocket which eliminates a huge portion of the red zone offense. New England also schemed to keep a healthy Rodgers in the pocket and they had to keep settling for FGs as well.


They don't have a TE that can consistently win 1x1 matchups and they don't have a Dez Bryant/Megatron/Brandon Marshall type to win jump balls. MM is a bright guy and could see that, which is probably why he tried Peppers in that situation. It didn't work the one time they tried it, but it made sense from an athleticism standpoint.

Last edited by MichiganPacker
Originally Posted by FreeSafety:
Originally Posted by Boris:

Sounds like the decision to give up play calling was brought on by Aaron Rodgers.

Where do you get that?

The fact that AR went all FreeSafety on MM's play calling after the Seattle game.

Originally Posted by Boris:
Originally Posted by FreeSafety:
Originally Posted by Boris:

Sounds like the decision to give up play calling was brought on by Aaron Rodgers.

Where do you get that?

From here.....


Originally Posted by cuqui:

JSO summary of MM press conference:

Green Bay - Here are comments from coach Mike McCarthy at his Thursday press conference:


  • (On giving up play-calling) It was hard. They had to drag me down here to admit it. But it's an adjustmentAaron's 


Rodgers has a lot of pull now. He could turn into Bert II but I hope he doesn't.

I'm sure he has a large ego, but I don't think Rodgers will ever have moments like the 6 INT playoff game, the Philadelphia playoff chuck and duck interception, the NYG playoff game pick, or the Minnesota version of Bert throwing across his body across the field while in FG range against the Saints. Bert that being a gunslinger meant that he could make stupid decisions and there would be no accountability. Rodgers is most careful QB in history (and being too cautious in some situations may be his only real minor weakness). I'm sure Brady, Peyton, Brees, Luck, etc. have a lot of pull too. You don't see them pulling the stuff Bert did.



Originally Posted by Goalline:

The fact that AR went all FreeSafety on MM's play calling after the Seattle game.

Packers need a red zone TE who can act like a TE - that is to say he's a threat to block or go out for a pass

Neither DickRod nor Quarless are up to the task on the blocking side and that's another part of why GB struggles running in close. Not enough road graders on the OL, and anemic TEs


Watch the opening drives vs Seattle and Detroit and you'll see the TE getting blown up - that was the penetration MM referred to in his post-game presser. That's why MM chose the FG


Its also why GB will occasionally run Kuhn in a quick hitter- because then the TE getting "all blowed up" doesn't matter. DickRod has an immense base ( read: Big Ass) and hopefully he'll get better at run blocking as he progresses in his development. He already has the hands


Originally Posted by cuqui:
Originally Posted by SteveLuke:

Good to know there is no disputing that it is MM and only MM who was responsible for hiring, promoting, and maintaining the coach of the worst Special Teams in football in 2014 - Shawn Slocum.


I would hate for someone to claim someone other than MM was at fault for putting his incompetent buddy in charge of the STs unit that cost the team a trip to the Super Bowl.


The Slocum hire is 100% on MM.

WTF. Who ever said differently?

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