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This is what a two game suspension looks like -- Ray Rice delivering a vicious punch to his fiancee's face, knocking her out cold ... and TMZ Sports has the shocking video. 

We've already shown you the aftermath outside the elevator ... Rice dragging the unconscious woman on the floor.  But we've now obtained video of the punch that put her down, raising the question ... What was the NFL thinking when it wrist-slapped Rice with such feeble punishment?

The incident took place Feb. 15th at the Revel Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City -- after Ray and then-fiancee (now wife) Janay Palmer got into a heated argument on their way into the elevator. 

Inside the elevator it's apparent he strikes first ... she hits back ... and then Rice delivers the knockout blow.

The punch knocks Janay off her feet -- and she smashes her head on the elevator hand rail ... knocking her out cold. Ray doesn't seem phased ... and when the door opens, he drags her out into the hotel.

An employee of the hotel  -- which just shut down for good -- tells TMZ Sports he was working there at the time and says the NFL saw the elevator footage before imposing the 2-game suspension.

We reached out to the NFL for comment several times -- so far, radio silence. 


FYI -- Ray and Janay got married one month after the attack. 

This video is a cleaned up version of the raw surveillance elevator video -- the raw is jerky ... so we smoothed it out.



The NFL supposedly saw that video before suspending Rice for two games. Harsher penalties and "I didn't get it right" somehow don't suffice.



And yeah, this tweet is still up. RT @Ravens: Janay Rice says she deeply regrets the role that she played the night of the incident.




Ummm did you see her come at him?!?! She could have scratched him!!! Just because he shoved her with a closed fist to the face doesn't mean he punched her. That was definitely a flop, it's her own fault she fell into that railing and on to the floor. 

The NFL should be ashamed with a two game suspension, but there is nothing to keep the Ravens from increasing the suspension (or at least making a clear statement). Even if they aren't able to fine him, they can bench him or keep him as a game day inactive for as long as they want.

NFL saying it did not see Ray Rice video before today. This opens up window for further punishment.
NFL (1 of 2): “We requested from law enforcement any and all information about the incident, including video from inside the elevator."


NFL (2 of 2): “That video was not made available to us and no one in our office has seen it until today.” - end of statement -
Last edited by H5
Originally Posted by Boris:
Please be wise about using the quote feature.  Quoting the post above you did nothing to improve your post.

NFL better hope that no one in their office had seen it prior to the using.  IF it ever comes out that the did see it ol Rodger and gang will have to hit the mattress.

Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong

How about this scenario:


You get into an argument with a girl and she walking towards you in an elevator.  She loses her balance and falls face first into your fist.  You get arrested for domestic violence.  Should you lose 40% of your salary as well?


Or how about this scenario:


You get into an argument with a girl and she walking towards you in an elevator.  She has it out for you, so decides to hit your fist with her face.  You get arrested for domestic violence.  Should you lose 40% of your salary as well?



Originally Posted by MichiganPacker:

The NFL should be ashamed with a two game suspension, but there is nothing to keep the Ravens from increasing the suspension (or at least making a clear statement). Even if they aren't able to fine him, they can bench him or keep him as a game day inactive for as long as they want.

John Harbaugh has been Rice's biggest cheerleader in all this. Meanwhile his big brother spouts off about cutting anyone who puts a hand to a woman yet plays Ray McDonald the entire game yesterday. Their mother must be very proud.

Last edited by ilcuqui
Ray Rice better watch himself on the field.  Somewhere out there there's a LB who's sister deals with a piece of **** like him and wouldn't mind taking it out on Rice's knee.
Last edited by titmfatied

Their mother must be very proud.


She has to be or else they're going to slap her around a little and then put her in a "home", just like daddy used to threaten to do after he got all liquored up.

Last edited by Shoeless Joe

I think the prosecutor was a chick.  Unbelievable, that wasn't prosecuted.  Furthermore, it just goes to show that there are 2 different types of justice systems in this country.  One, for the wealthy, and one for the rest of us.    


The fact that the NFL is trying to say they never saw this is ludicrous.  I'm glad TMZ put this out after the first week, you know the NFL wants to talk about the big hits in the games this past weekend, not the players big hits on women.  



She should be filled with regret.  After all, this is her fault - if she would have just ****ing listened to her man and not made him so upset, this may not have happened.  


This is going to be a real mess for Rog, and that's fine with me.

Originally Posted by Grave Digger:

Ummm did you see her come at him?!?! She could have scratched him!!! Just because he shoved her with a closed fist to the face doesn't mean he punched her. That was definitely a flop, it's her own fault she fell into that railing and on to the floor. 

Well, he did apologize.  

Originally Posted by packerboi:

Here's the video just released of Ray Rice popping his wife:


That's what a 2 game suspension looks like.

After this Goodell should be FIRED! This is the greatest black eye for the league in its history.

In July Peter King reported that NFL and Ravens officials had seen video from inside the elevator.


Today NFL and Ravens deny, and presto chango, sack hugging King changes his tune. (h/t Deadspin)

On July 29,'s Peter King, who covers the league from the centermost pleat on Roger Goodell's khakis, reported that "NFL and some Ravens officials" had seen unreleased security-cam footage of the Ray Rice altercation from within the elevator. At the time, it was important for the NFL to establish that it was taking great pains to investigate the incident. Here's how King wrote it up:


There is one other thing I did not write or refer to, and that is the other videotape the NFL and some Ravens officials have seen, from the security camera inside the elevator at the time of the physical altercation between Rice and his fiancée.


Today, the videotape in question was leaked, and there was nothing exculpatory in it to be found. Peter King writes:


If league officials saw this video before issuing the two-game ban for Rice, all the scorn that's been heaped on Roger Goodell and his colleagues will be deserved.


Doubt has crept in, just when doubt has become useful for the NFL. It's a long way to travel to get from "have seen" to "if ... saw," but Peter King got there, somehow.

Last edited by ilcuqui


Handled a domestic once where the guy spit on, pissed on - at three times and tried to light his girlfriend on fire.  This torture - beating went on for several hours.  


Threw her into a railing WWF style - broken foot, ribs and multiple contusions, concussion.  


Talking to her in the hospital after we had arrested him and her first question - "when can I see him"   $o for the $tupid comments about this being about money - her sticking with him.   It is a much deeper issue. 


The pisser, pyro spitter guy did not have a job or pot to piss in.   All about control.  


I at least was able to show him some police control tactics.   



I wonder if Rog's 'mea culpa' from last week had anything to do with the fact that the league found out that this video was going to be released?  Just speculation, but I can't imagine TMZ, as good as they are at what they do, could get a hold of this without the NFL at least knowing it was out there somewhere.  


As cuqui posted above, I don't believe Rog didn't see this before his decision.  

Originally Posted by Hungry5:

Check out the twitter timeline from LeCharles Bentley (former NFL center - 6 years)



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