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Daniels was a beast and overall this defense can win games for the Pack, unlike two years ago.


Hate to see a powerful back like Lacy dance so much before hitting the hole.  Wish we could combine Starks' style with Lacy's body.

Rodgers.  What's happened to him is puzzling, but he has been a very ordinary QB going on two years now.  Look at tape from the playoff run in 2010 and compare it to now and it is like two different QB's.  They've abandoned the true, quick-hitting West Coast offense.  He has developed happy feet, and I could not understand when he spun and rotated left so often during his initial scrambles last night.  Probably a stretch to bring his family situation into this but I wonder if there has been some life-changing, or confidence shaking event in his life.  Maybe he needs to drop the beard (Olivia)  

Another play that was a bit of a head scratcher. On the long PI that Adams drew after Ty's punt block. Adams beat his man, then slowed up which drew the foul, then had to dive at a weird angle to try and make a tough catch. Why pull up then dive? Don't you just keep striding and make a fairly easy catch? Did he not pick up the ball well

I too noticed he slowed a bit, so not sure if he didn't pick it up or thought it was under thrown. Still, without the DPI he probably gets the TD.

Their apparent base offense of 3 WR, 1 TE, 1 RB does not work with long developing plays. That formation lets the defense bring an extra guy and often (at least last night) forced Rodgers to scramble, get sacked, or he fumbled. With their OL, they should be able to get someone open with the 4/5 Wide sets and deeper routes, make the defenders cover.

Seems they want to play up-tempo (at least that's what has been said with why all the no-huddle), yet they are running the play clock down or attempting these long developing plays.

The quick slants, outs, and stuff over the middle was mostly open and working last night. Time to KISS-face.

Utilize Rodger's quick release and ability to read the defense. The game is skewed to offense and they have a lot of offensive talent.

Clearly the meat and dairy that Rodgers was eating kept his brain functioning normal. I'm curious what this scheme would be categorized if you broke it down. They have a QB who fits best in a WCO, receivers who are vertical threats, a heavy downhill RB, and an athletic OL. When you watch them play though, it's not WCO despite the QB fit, it's not a vertical Air Coryell scheme despite the WR fit, it's not a Power Run scheme despite the RB fit, it's not a Zone Run scheme despite the OL fit. It's like McCarthy has taken elements from all these offenses and tried to create something new. It seems as though half of the offense is predicated and reliant on forcing penalties by the D. I applaud him for trying to bring something new and unique to the NFL, but there's a reason teams pick a scheme and commit to it. He's talked in the past about being "multiple", but perhaps they are trying to be too multiple and in turn lack an identity. He's not committing to anything, dabbling in some vertical plays, some WCO plays, some power runs and some zone runs, but never a consistent amount of anything. 

I haven't read through the entire thread but I suspect this has already been said. This is all on AR. He is not playing at the level he was at for a period of time that is now more of a trend than an anomaly.

Happy feet, not taking what the defense is giving them and plain ol' inaccuracy. Hopefully ball security doesn't get added to the list.

50k Club posted:



CB depth is not what we thought it was.  Injuries are decimating the CB's.  Gunter is a nice story, but he's just too slow.  Here's to hoping our young CB's, including Hawkins, heal up quick and grow up fast.  Cannot rely on Sam to come back soon (or ever).


TT is always getting credit for finding these UDFA's and people point to it as a sign of his genius.   Have we considered the possibility that it's a sign of a lack of talent at the bottom our roster instead?

If there is always room for UDFA's, couldn't it be because we don't have players capable of beating them out and not that they are so awesome and only TT recognized it?

How often does it really work out?  Sam Shields.... and.....   Basically our team is loaded with 7th round or later talent.  About 1/5th, not including specialist, are freaking UDFA's. 

Chris Banjo -  Easily replaced.
Don Barclay -  Easily replaced
Kentrail Brice - Too soon, not holding breath.
Joe Callahan - Too soon, not holding breath.
Jayrone Elliot - Preseason Champ of the word, regular season no show. 
Marwin Evans - Too soon, not holding breath.
Ladarius Guntner - Preseason Champ of the word, regular season no show. 
Josh Hawkins - Too soon, not holding breath.
Justin Perillo - Easily replaced
Lane Taylor - We found an actual contributor!  We shall see if he can play. 
Joe Thomas - If he keeps playing as is, we hit one. 
Sam Shields - We hit one!




Last edited by BrainDed
saguaro posted:

+ Defense played well enough to win the game

+ Special teams played well enough to win the game

- Rodgers sucked

- Starks sucked

-Randall sucked

-TT's Miracle Punter sucked

-TT's New and Improved OL sucked

-TT'a FA Miracle TE sucked

-Did I point out that Wonder Boy sucked (for about the 16th game in a row)? Rodgers has lost his mojo. And he knows it.  No doubt that is the reason for the Bad Shave Day.  Maybe next week Our Hero can feature a DeNiro look before he pulls a full Taxi Driver meltdown against Detroit. Fans will still find a way to frame it as an MVP effort as AR16 in the post-game repeatedly points the bloody finger at his temple.




Lost his mojo?   Gosh two games ago he threw two hail-marys and almost beat the Cards.     Did he lose his mojo throwing that TD last week with a man hanging on him.... 


For what it's worth. Watching Starks gallop and buck around after the shovel pass like a crazed pony with someone holding a blowtorch to his testicles and then just falling down was high comedy. Not so much as it was happening. But when I saw it again this morning. Hoooo boy that was fun TV. 

BrainDed posted:
50k Club posted:



CB depth is not what we thought it was.  Injuries are decimating the CB's.  Gunter is a nice story, but he's just too slow.  Here's to hoping our young CB's, including Hawkins, heal up quick and grow up fast.  Cannot rely on Sam to come back soon (or ever).


TT is always getting credit for finding these UDFA's and people point to it as a sign of his genius.   Have we considered the possibility that it's a sign of a lack of talent at the bottom our roster instead?

If there is always room for UDFA's, couldn't it be because we don't have players capable of beating them out and not that they are so awesome and only TT recognized it?

How often does it really work out?  Sam Shields.... and.....   Basically our team is loaded with 7th round or later talent.  About 1/5th, not including specialist, are freaking UDFA's. 

Chris Banjo -  Easily replaced.
Don Barclay -  Easily replaced
Kentrail Brice - Too soon, not holding breath.
Joe Callahan - Too soon, not holding breath.
Jayrone Elliot - Preseason Champ of the word, regular season no show. 
Marwin Evans - Too soon, not holding breath.
Ladarius Guntner - Preseason Champ of the word, regular season no show. 
Josh Hawkins - Too soon, not holding breath.
Justin Perillo - Easily replaced
Lane Taylor - We found an actual contributor!  We shall see if he can play. 
Joe Thomas - If he keeps playing as is, we hit one. 
Sam Shields - We hit one!




From the Super Bowl team - TT guys

Tramon Williams  - street free agent

Desmond Bishop - 6th round

Jarrett Bush - UDFA (based on special teams purposes)

James Starks - 6th round


Zombo - UDFA also started in that game


From the Super Bowl Team - acquired prior to TT

Scott Wells - 7th round

Donald Driver - 7th round



BrainDed posted:
50k Club posted:



CB depth is not what we thought it was.  Injuries are decimating the CB's.  Gunter is a nice story, but he's just too slow.  Here's to hoping our young CB's, including Hawkins, heal up quick and grow up fast.  Cannot rely on Sam to come back soon (or ever).


TT is always getting credit for finding these UDFA's and people point to it as a sign of his genius.   Have we considered the possibility that it's a sign of a lack of talent at the bottom our roster instead?

If there is always room for UDFA's, couldn't it be because we don't have players capable of beating them out and not that they are so awesome and only TT recognized it?

How often does it really work out?  Sam Shields.... and.....   Basically our team is loaded with 7th round or later talent.  About 1/5th, not including specialist, are freaking UDFA's. 

Chris Banjo -  Easily replaced.
Don Barclay -  Easily replaced
Kentrail Brice - Too soon, not holding breath.
Joe Callahan - Too soon, not holding breath.
Jayrone Elliot - Preseason Champ of the word, regular season no show. 
Marwin Evans - Too soon, not holding breath.
Ladarius Guntner - Preseason Champ of the word, regular season no show. 
Josh Hawkins - Too soon, not holding breath.
Justin Perillo - Easily replaced
Lane Taylor - We found an actual contributor!  We shall see if he can play. 
Joe Thomas - If he keeps playing as is, we hit one. 
Sam Shields - We hit one!




Tramon Williams, who the Texans signed as an UDFA, cut, and TT picked  him up.

Last edited by excalibur

All teams do this.  Broncos have some very good late round/undrafted guys: Chris Harris, Brandon Marshall, Todd Davis, Virgil Green, Matt Paradis, CJ Anderson and Trevor Simien.  7 of 22 starters drafted in 6th round or later.  And this just happens to be the only team I know half as well as the Packers.  I bet you look at the top 10 teams in the NFL and you'll find plenty of these guys.  


Hey great! Everything can be corrected. WE'RE SAVED!

Boris posted:


Hey great! Everything can be corrected. WE'RE SAVED!

Did he mention what year it would be corrected by?

I think it's a combo of these things in this order:

1 - Rodgers ins't playing at a super human level since the beginning of last year.

2 - Defenses know our **** inside and out and we refuse to adjust.  We've all seen Cobb get covered by LB's and S's because they basically know his route presnap.

3 - Poor play calling and game mgt due to over emphasis on no huddle / tempo.

4 - Talent level at the skill positions.  Adams stinks, Cobb is good but would be better utilized like a true slot ala NE slot guys and Jordy doesn't look 100%.

Basically our team is loaded with 7th round tallant 


Rodgers - 1st rounder 

CMIII- 1st rounder 

Bulaga- 1st rounder 

Clinton Dix- 1st rounder 

Demarious Randall- 1st rounder 

Morgan Burnett- 2nd rounder 

Jordy Nelson - 2nd rounder 

Randall Cobb- 2nd rounder 

Eddie Lacy- 2nd rounder 

That's 9 of 22 starters taken in rounds 1 or 2.   13 of 22 if you include Rollins and Adams and Datone and Perry-  all who have gotten significant playing time and are practically starters as is. 

packmon posted:
Pakrz posted:
packmon posted:

Packers have 2 dependable WR's in an offense that demands 3.

Just because you keep saying it doesn't mean it's true.  Monty and Abby are very talented.

then why can't they get open?

They are open.  AR is flat out missing them.  

Fandame posted:

Good point on why we have seven WRs on the roster if we're going to use only three of them. I'm betting Abby can catch a ball a whole lot better than can Adams. I'm flashing back to some of the drills we saw in TC and AR remarking on how good Abby is... And Monty was pretty darn good last year before the injury, too.

Look, I not a Badger fan so there is no bias going on with my next comment.  Abby is a player.  He runs very good routes, is quick, and has good hands.  That kid needs to play and get several touches a game.  If he is used correctly, I think he could be in the mold of Wes Welker, Danny Amendola, or Julian Edelman.  

Receivers aren't the problem. It's Aaron. He's kind of a mess right now.

He's one of the worst QBs in football after two weeks. He just is. He's completing 57% of his passes. I mean. That's ****. 

Something is wrong with the guy and it ain't injury related. 

Aaron seems like he's playing with ptsd every time he faces a good defense.  Yeah, I agree AR was the bigger factor   for the loss, but damn, Adams just freakin suck!  

Also, why the fk was Lacy not used more?  I am getting sick of the Cobb in the backfield experiment. 

As of right now, I am just not too excited about this offense.

Last edited by Esox

Minnesota was using the mugging theory for covering WRs last night...and many DPIs were called.  If the WRs would have been put into motion, even more DPIs may have been called, but more likely, separation would have been started from the beginning of the play due to the inability to jam the WRs in the first five yards (it's easier to jam a stationary target).  Motion should be used at times to kick start an offense that is struggling to create separation and rhythm...not to mention, motion could expose the coverage scheme, which should help AR12 decide pre-snap what his hot WRs should be.  I agree with those that have stated this - time to get Abby and Monty involved - Davante isn't consistent enough to rely on.

Bradford played the best game of his career.  So be it.  It's only week 2.

 Its time to get Abby more involved. Why not ? Hasn't he showed a pretty good camp and made some nice plays in pre season ? He would be a good fit for the short passing game.Keep moving the chains. Cobb,Abby, Monty,and Cook could own that. Monty was showing promise there before the injury. Get him in the game plan ! I can see at this point that Davis to be more of a spec teams guy , but that speed could sure help if we are looking at the deep ball play cause right now Jordy seems like he is not quite going full bore to do deep slants and go routes and Adams just doesn't seem reliable. When Janis gets the club off he could also be used with Davis as the speedsters to stretch the field. Utilize our weapons to the fullest extent.

Last edited by San Doggy

I re watched the game last night, looking at different parts of the field on each play

+'  the D line particularly in the first half was incredible. Daniels was the best player for the packers yesterday

+ the offensive tackles played well

+the special teams besides the punter played as well as possible. 

+Lacy played well when they called plays that don't require him to cut or sweep outside the tackles

+Cobb played well. He's a heads up player. Very selfless. Smart


-Rodgers. I watched every pass play, and his footwork in the pocket. He extends plays better than anyone, but his footwork on the throws is horrible. He's depending on his arm alone. Not squaring up, not stepping into throws, no pump fakes, no look offs, barely any check downs. Just plain arrogant and bad. 

- Taking points off the board. You tie the game in the third period. Momentum in this sport is a real thing. 

- Tretter and Taylor can't pick up a stunt to save their lives. 

- The play calling. I can't tell you all the routes, or what plays they call, I'm not familiar. But based on down and distance, I was able to predict what they'd do and where Rodgers would look. 

- The coverage of Diggs. They were very thin at corner by the 4th, but diggs was able to abuse them badly. It was not just Randall, they offered no help. 

Receivers aren't the problem?  I beg to differ sir. 

Go back to the Rams game last year.  6-0 and rolling.  Then Monty gets hurt.  The offense wasn't the same the rest of the way until AZ in the playoffs when Janis and Abby got in the game and made plays. 

Adams was historically bad last year in terms of targets and catches.  He hasn't gotten better and he's taking say reps from guys like Monty and Abby. 

Worse yet, it's like Rodgers is trying too hard to get him the ball and as we've seen Adams rarely makes the money play at critical moments. 

I do think MMs playcalling isn't helping matters either so it's not all on Adams.   Too often they are calling downfield plays and defenses have figured this out.  

Cobb and Monty and Abby make their money on the short to intermediate plays; somehow they need to get back to doing so. 

Also agree on the Cobb in the backfield BS.  What big plays have they ever generated out of that formation?   Again, taking touches away from Eddie is stupid.  He was running well and MM gets all cute and we saw what happened. 

If Adams sucks as bad as some think, and yet he continues to play a significant number of snaps ahead of Abby, Monty, and Davis, then this offensive coaching staff and the front office to an extent are complete idiots. The goal is to win games and SB titles. If they don't do that they are looking for another gig.

Last edited by H5

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