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I think it's less about that than a lack of talent.  AR's accuracy has been off this year, but I'm sure some of it has to do with frustration.  Aside from a promising Doubs (who's still a rookie and learning), who does he have to throw to?

What happened to splitting Aaron Jones out wide? He only had  3 receptions yesterday on 4 targets.  Except for Doubs he was the fastest guy out there yesterday. Hell, Dillion had more catches, 4 and more targets, 6.  I thought we were going to use the best 11 players?   Jones shopuld be out there a minimum of 75% of the offensive snaps.   Jones was used on 20 of 64 plays. that is just dumb.

@ammo posted:

What happened to splitting Aaron Jones out wide? He only had  3 receptions yesterday on 4 targets.  Except for Doubs he was the fastest guy out there yesterday. Hell, Dillion had more catches, 4 and more targets, 6.  I thought we were going to use the best 11 players?   Jones shopuld be out there a minimum of 75% of the offensive snaps.   Jones was used on 20 of 64 plays. that is just dumb.

Last week after AR’s boneheaded fourth down pass attempt fail, Jones said he or Dillon would have gotten the first down had 12 handed the ball off to either of them.

Jones needs to learn not to question genius so 12 rationed his touches against the Jets to teach him a lesson.

Are you sure about that?  Saint Rodgers is QB, GM, head coach, medical expert, PR expert, and owner all wrapped up into one guy.

In other words, he continues to operate and exist in his own reality show.

MLF responded today to Rodgers β€œwe need to simplify things” comments with a resounding WTF is he talking about moment.

Rodgers can get away with his nonsense when he’s playing at a high level but in the last 3 weeks he’s been outplayed by Daniel Jones, Zach Wilson, and something named Zappe in New England.  

Why they didn’t trade his ass in the offseason for a kings ransom is beyond me.  He’s done.  Or half the player he was eating up 20% of the salary cap.  Russ Ball and Mark Murphy can go fuck themselves for taking the bait from the snake oil salesman from Chico.

He’s gone from being a compelling player to travelling the podcast circuit and taking that more seriously than his fucking day job.  And he wonders why this team isn’t bought in and is dysfunctional?  Look in the mirror 12.

Last edited by Tschmack
@bdplant posted:

Last week after AR’s boneheaded fourth down pass attempt fail, Jones said he or Dillon would have gotten the first down had 12 handed the ball off to either of them.

Jones needs to learn not to question genius so 12 rationed his touches against the Jets to teach him a lesson.

Sad but true.

that chip is always on AR’s shoulder.
different people put it there. Media. Family. Teammates.

My hope is that MLF's relationship with his brother & the Jets staff will benefit us. I was thinking back to my college days. We were an NAIA team (basketball) and played vs a NCAA D1 school, which our coach had a good relationship with their coach. After the game they exchanged scouting reports. Their scouting report of us was not flattering to our back up PG, who was playing 12-14 minutes a game.....he never played another minute from that point forward and transferred. The Jets staff should be completely honest with MLF about his team since our success would have no negative effects to them. Would that help to get MLF to pull the trigger on making some moves (Newman to the bench, what to fo about rush defense, offensive scheme tweaks, etc.)?

After a couple days of letting the stench clear the air, I still think we have major problems.

  1. Time is catching up with Rodgers.    His accuracy is off and he isn't willing to grab 5 yards with his feet. 
  2. The shine has worn off of MLF.   I see nothing creative or innovative happening in the offense.   He seems to favor Dillon in the rush game over Jones and that is huge mistake.
  3. MLF play calling under pressure is abysmal.   Not this just game, his entire tenure.

Unless Rodgers pulls a miracle and reverts back to MVP form, the run is over.  This is what a mediocre to low level talent offense looks like without an MVP QB.

I think the shuffling at WR and OL has had a significant impact on AR's game.  He could have overcome this better when he was young and more agile, maybe less stubborn.  But half the balls he throws beyond 15yards that miss often show receivers either getting interrupted off their route or just reading the D wrong.  Our WR's having serious issues with man coverage is a whole other story that we've unfortunately read the prequel to 10 years ago.

The OL has been so unreliable, he's not sure where pressure is coming from anymore on a play to play basis.  I'm sure this makes him pucker up a lot more now that he's older too.  Unpredictable pressure and man coverage has put a really bright light on AR's reluctance to play within MLF's system.

I don't think there is anything wrong with MLF's offense if a HOF QB will run it properly.  But yeah, coach's crunch time playcalling has always been rough.  But his first order of business is getting AR back into running the O properly.

The admittedly few comments that have leaked out from Jaire, AR12, AJ33 and MLF are showing an alarming tendency of blaming one’s teammates and coaches. Not a good sign. Can they come together and sing Kumbaya?

Also have to remind you guys that I warned that our biggest handicap this season could be not losing Davante, but losing 3 experienced coaches! I think I have been vindicated in that assessment, so I will now start the campaign to bring back Mo Drayton!!!!

I lived in Minneapolis during the entire Denny Green era with the Queens. He was entertaining as hell.

In reference to weather related to an upcoming game versus the Bills, Denny said:

”I understand the weather patterns picking up the Calcutta clipper, swings down, swings up, lakefront influence, then out”

Pure gold

Last edited by Tschmack
@DH13 posted:

After a promising start, Quay is looking...not so good.  He really struggles reading run plays, just like at UG.

Starting to see that too.  He's got the tools, but being a rookie, he has a lot to learn.  Offenses are smart enough...well, most offenses are smart enough to hammer on the defense's weaknesses.  Hopefully he responds positively.

@BrainDed posted:

After a couple days of letting the stench clear the air, I still think we have major problems.

  1. Time is catching up with Rodgers.    His accuracy is off and he isn't willing to grab 5 yards with his feet.
  2. The shine has worn off of MLF.   I see nothing creative or innovative happening in the offense.   He seems to favor Dillon in the rush game over Jones and that is huge mistake.
  3. MLF play calling under pressure is abysmal.   Not this just game, his entire tenure.

Unless Rodgers pulls a miracle and reverts back to MVP form, the run is over.  This is what a mediocre to low level talent offense looks like without an MVP QB.

And a coach without an MVP QB.

@Tschmack posted:

I lived in Minneapolis during the entire Denny Green era with the Queens. He was entertaining as hell.

In reference to weather related to an upcoming game versus the Bills, Denny said:

”I understand the weather patterns picking up the Calcutta clipper, swings down, swings up, lakefront influence, then out”

Pure gold

Who can forget his Sunset Band

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