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Considering what they are now doing, Lance might have been smert to just keep his mouth closed: "At least one of his opponents, the London-based Sunday Times, has already filed a lawsuit to recover about $500,000 it paid him to settle a libel case, and Dallas-based SCA Promotions, which tried to deny Armstrong a promised bonus for a Tour de France win, has threatened to bring yet another lawsuit seeking to recover more than $7.5 million an arbitration panel awarded the cyclist in that dispute.
In addition, former teammate Floyd Landis, who was stripped of the 2006 Tour de France title for doping, has filed a federal whistle-blower lawsuit that accused Armstrong of defrauding the U.S. Postal Service. The Justice Department has yet to decide whether it will join the suit as a plaintiff."

From an SI article

He deserves to lose it all.
People want to see records broken and there's a tremendous amount of money to be had by doing anything you can to break them. All the sports are in a tough spot right now because the only way to go from the rampant cheating that goes on in all of them is backwards.

Has to really suck to be the athletes that never touched the stuff and would have had all the accolades without the others who did "whatever it takes" to reach the top of the sport.
I don't know how anyone believed he was clean. Cycling is widely known as the dirtiest sport in the world, yet somehow he managed to beat all these other cheaters 7 times in the world's biggest race.

The worst part was the way he attacked/sued/threatened people who accused him of cheating in the past. Other competitors, Floyd Landis, Greg Lemond, etc.

I'm sure this is nothing more than an angle by Lance to make more money. There's probably a book on the way or something.
I remember when I started this is August my motivation was that it pissed me off that Armstrong could benefit in anyway personally from his accomplishments IF he was lying and had been doping. 6 pages of opinions and thinking more rationally has softened my opinion somewhat as there is no way you can refute the good that has come from Livestrong and the inspiration, however misguided I may perceive it, that he has provided for others battling cancer. I still remain of the opinion that Armstrong took not only additional financial gains personally through his lies, but also gained power and stature through his Foundation which was predicated on lies. This is what eats at me. But because it is impossible to refute the money that was raised, put me officially on fence when it comes to LA.
No matter what you think about the guy, I still keep going back to this....

His sample from previous years gets tested with new techniques, yet other people on the tour are not held to the same standard.

My point is they're all doping. This isn't news. We all knew about it back in the 90's. Who gives a ****!
Atle KvÃĨlsvoll (and so many others) never doped...had a great career-he helped Lemond win a Tour. He coaches now....he lives a beautifully anonymous life- just a gem of a human---and this is what Lance could have/would have been without doping (well he may never have been a gem of a human)....Lance is definitely a win at all costs competitor--I personally don't care for it--It's a wall street philosophy that brings some positive will to others, but overall does more harm than good.

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