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Have to have a better Kicker available before you give up the one you have. If anyone knows of a better Kicker on the market please point him out. It's a slump, nothing more. I think it would be a good idea to bring in a UDFA in the offseason to give him some competition though. Find one of those hungry young Kickers like Greg Zeurlein and let him duel with Cros.
I believe the whole "Slocum is messing with Crosby's swing" stuff comes from a couple years ago. Last season Slocum supposedly backed off, and Crosby responded with an excellent season. Somehow I doubt Slocum arbitrarily decided to start tinkering with Crosby's swing again, especially after Crosby made his first five kicks of the season.

I guess my point is that the source Crosby's current struggles is Crosby, not Slocum.
Originally posted by titmfatied:
That sounds perfectly reasonable but Nate Kaeding is not the answer.

Kaeding may or may not be the answer, but I still think TT needs to bring in some competition this week to put the heat on Crosby. One thing I do know is that in Crosby's six years in the NFL, he's had only ONE season where his FG percentage was 80% or better, which just happened to be last year. Kaeding's worst FG percentage for a season was 80%, which happened his rookie year.

As far as conditions at Lambeau being a problem, Crosby's worst game came in perfect dome conditions. The fact that McCarthy didn't trust Crosby with a 48 yard attempt indoors speaks volumes.
I will say this. Seeing Greg Jennings joke with him and try to cheer him up on the sidelines was heart-warming. I think that kind of support from his teammates will go a LONG way!

In a similar vein, after reading the story about how much of a funk Finley has been in (and yes, I've been critical of his drops) and how much James Jones has been trying to cheer him up also made me feel good. And to see Finley have such a good game today could mean a big jump in both his confidence and his productivity.
The thing is, if Crosby's problems are mental, then how is bringing in another Kicker "for competition" supposed to help. He either can kick or he can't. I think we all know he has a strong leg and a history of being pretty good. He's not hurt and his leg strength hasn't weakened. So what is competition gonna do??

If they think it's mental and he can't or isn't gonna overcome it soon, then bring in Kickers for tryouts to see if there's one better than Mason. Otherwise, let him try to work through it.
Originally posted by mazrimiv:
Somehow I doubt Slocum arbitrarily decided to start tinkering with Crosby's swing again, especially after Crosby made his first five kicks of the season.

I guess my point is that the source Crosby's current struggles is Crosby, not Slocum.

"He has to make field goals. I think it’s important that he and I work together. It’s important that I teach and demand."

"I feel good about where we are. I feel bad about a couple of the missed kicks, and we’re going to do what we need to do to correct that.”"

"When asked if Crosby’s problem with the miss on Sunday was more technical in nature or psychological, Slocum said: “Technician, all the way. Mason’s strong-minded. He missed the 32-yard field goal (Sunday). It was a lack of good technique. He’s got to clean that up.” Slocum about Crosby on 11-3-12
There's all kinds of tinkering going on. I agree with your last point, though. Mason gets paid $3 million a year to figure out a way to get it done.
Packers won't give struggling Crosby the boot

By Tom Silverstein

Crosby had a chance to redeem himself in the fourth quarter with the Packers trailing, 17-14, and facing fourth-and-2 at the Detroit 20. Once again, he pulled the ball left.

As he made his death march to the bench, McCarthy stopped him along the sideline. Crosby said McCarthy did not chew him out, but rather told him to get ready for the next one.

"It was (like) just kind of with this team, knowing how we are, we're going to have another opportunity," Crosby said. "(He) just encouraged me in that sense. Everything I've been kind of telling myself. We're on the same page."
I will say this. Seeing Greg Jennings joke with him and try to cheer him up on the sidelines was heart-warming. I think that kind of support from his teammates will go a LONG way!

I'm friends with Crosby on Facebook and he posted a picture of that and thanked Greg for being such a supportive teammate. The haters be hatin' on Crosby's facebook page.
Originally posted by YATittle:
I will say this. Seeing Greg Jennings joke with him and try to cheer him up on the sidelines was heart-warming. I think that kind of support from his teammates will go a LONG way!

I'm friends with Crosby on Facebook and he posted a picture of that and thanked Greg for being such a supportive teammate. The haters be hatin' on Crosby's facebook page.

Ohhh, name dropper. I suppose your friends with Regis Philbin on facebook too.
As a life-long golfer I can fully understand the problem with Crosby. 95% of golf is mental, and the rest is mental. The analogy to golf is perfect. too bad kickers on't have a reset button. No one can predict how long Crosby will be in his slump. No one can say what can pull him out of it. No one can say what will make him worse. By next season he should be fine. Too bad this season has already started and there are no more time outs.

If GB can find someone who is reliable from 45 yds in, take him and figure out a way to IR Crosby so he can come back next year. The finding and the figuring, however, may be no easier than figuring how to fix Crosby in the first place.
Great post saguro.

If it's me you let Mason play the year out. He's played well enough as a whole to be given the opportunity to get out of it and if he doesn't you know definitively he's not the guy. If they finagle a way to keep him around it starts a whole new season of not knowing. Dropping him now costs his $3 million guarantee against the cap and there's no way of knowing if the replacement will be any better. As painful as it is to watch him struggle the prudent decision in all respects is to see how it plays out, imo. In Crosby's favor are his kickoffs and onside kicks. I'm not sure of the numbers but when they call the onside they seem to be pretty darn good at it.

I think MM (and TT) have a great respect for how tough the mental part can be on a kicker. They're also fairly loyal. Slocum, Bush, Driver, etc. They know how tough the business is and I think MM's two best moves were the encouragement he showed Crosby during the game and reaffirming his belief in him after the game.

By no means were his misses positive, but they were slightly outside the posts. He's close to dialing it in. I think the best course of action is to keep him to 45 yards and under (unless it's a game winner) to rebuild his confidence. It's a different swing when they ask him to hit the crazy long ones. I'd move in his outer limit (in practice, warm ups and the game) and have him focus on the shorter stuff until he regains his focus.
MM believes in dancing with who brung ya.
The only thing, but the biggest thing, not working in Crosby's game is FGs. As titm said, his value on KOs and onside kicks is tops for a kicker. I can't remember which game it was this weekend but a team was going for the onside kick late in the game and the kicker's first attempt was awful - just rolled along the ground and was covered - but the opposing coach had called a TO just before so he got another chance at it. Did the same f***ing thing and the game was over. Ball didn't pop up in the air at all.

I don't know where it came from but Crosby's ball has been moving a lot more on him this year than in the past. I'd be working with him on straightening that out and not even worrying about the goalposts during practice. The way it is he has to play his hook along with hitting it the distance. Get rid of the hook, hit a straight ball.

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