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Jordy continues to step up, Jones, not so much. Nor basically anyone else.


Tolzien outplayed Geno Smith and Chad Henne today, which really isn't anything to brag about. He threw some good passes, the JPP play was a great play but killed their momentum and the second pick was brutal. #3 was a prayer anyway thanks to turnstyle Newhouse.

Originally Posted by Herschel:

Jordy continues to step up, Jones, not so much. Nor basically anyone else.


Tolzien outplayed Geno Smith and Chad Henne today, which really isn't anything to brag about. He threw some good passes, the JPP play was a great play but killed their momentum and the second pick was brutal. #3 was a prayer anyway thanks to turnstyle Newhouse.

Boykin played well


Defense looked better

Crosby hitting the long FG

Tolzien has an arm and should be a capable back up in the future and would be capable of a win here and there if gets help from everybody


Came out in pretty good shape injury wise, IIRC?




When needing a truely big play the Giants made them Packers didn't ( tip of the cap the JPP on the pick 6 that ended any chance right there)

The Defense only looked better needed to be great today

Offense line play today, I'll assume a Newhouse effect here

JJ, thought he had a chance to make some plays



Side notes: the field crew at Chicago has A LOT OF WORK to due, who am I kidding that was not a good field to begin with.

Positives: A Sunday with Packer football is still far better than one without Packer football even when the Pack loses.


The other positive is seeing how guys play without Rodgers around to clean up any messes.  That should help the coaches and personnel evaluators get a more true evaluation at how good/bad some of these guys really are on their own.




Any sort of playoff type tiebreakers are disappearing fast with 3 straight NFC losses.  They probably can't lose any more NFC games the rest of the year and still make it.  The playoff run has to start this week vs. the Vikes.

Defense looked better? Sorry. We must have been watching different games.


McMillian is horrible. That ridiculous attempt to tackle at the GL was an epic fail.


The Giants OL has been terrible and while Neal and other collected garbage sacks, in that 1st half Manning had plenty of time.


I said this in chat, but really there is one aside from Jolly and occasionally Daniels that brings nasty to this D. And certainly no one in the secondary. I've grown tired of the "bend but don't break" mantra as well. A lot of coordinators have figured out Dom's D. And I don't see any new wrinkles/changes/adjustments happening to change that.

Don't know what to think, all 3 of these winnable.


Kid of sucks that at the same time we lose the franchise QB, our franchise D-Player had been crippled a bit and not 100%. Couple in the fact the backup QB shows spurts of success but is not consistent enough to get the job done,


Is this what it is like to be a Vikings fan throughout history?

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