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I generally don't watch O-line play much, but good God, Newhouse must hate Badgers or something.


I'm hoping for the best the rest of the year, but if not, my "real " life is pretty livable---It appears that some people here allow the Packers winning or losing to actually affect their mental state of happiness. That makes me sad because I kind of laugh at them and that's not really nice.

Said it before, the Giants saw Tolzien as the Packers QB, and with the Cowboys coming to town the next week, put this game in the win column and coasted. They did enough to win on offense, with several big plays.

My minus: If we were anything close to healthy, we would have a stranglehold on our division. The Lions lose today, the Bears barely won, and the Vikings... got what they always deserve. We can always say coulda, woulda shoulda, but my coulda is that we coulda been fighting for the No. 2 spot if Rodgers doesn't go down.


Yup, we probably get whipped in the playoffs when our crappy D fails to get off the field for the last quarter of the game (a little   there), but at least we make the playoffs. 


My plus: And let's not forget: we're not Vikings fans, nor are we Lions fans. The Vikings were just brutal, and thank goodness we don't have a coach who goes for it on the 10-yard line when a chip-shot kick puts you up by a TD in the fourth quarter. We may question MM's calls sometimes, but at least he's in the ballpark.

Originally Posted by Blair Kiel:

Do stupid people know they're stupid?


Rusty , you want to handle that one?

People who live in glass houses should never be naked under any circumstance.

NEWHOUSE IS HORRIBLE! Time after time, he was chasing FROM BEHIND THE GUY HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE BLOCKING! And on the Pick 6, his guy was right on Tolzien! No help from a tight end. McCarthy's predictable first down play calling was bad enough....

I amazed at what people expect from the Packers. They are starting a Free Agent QB who was pick up after the season started,  who has  only had one week of practice were he was the expect starter. The offence is down its top receiver, top tight end, top lineman, a Right Tackle who has been starting all year. The defiance is missing a bunch of players.

injuries have destroyed this team.  

I am amazed that the Packers did as well as they have the last 3 games, there is not much left of the team.

My big positive is that the team is still trying.

- this was 70's bad


+ this isn't the 70s...this team has players that will be back and will be solid for years to come

+ also the 49ers lose again with another less than stellar Kapernick performance--this is a greater surprise than the Packers @ 5-5;Lions Schwarts' bad decisions cost the lions a Win, enjoying the Shadenfraudenetic aspects of both 

"less than stellar CK performance" - translates to - "Please add the Saints to the mix of teams who were able to study film / implement a defensive plan to control the read-option and CK, without allowing 600 yards of offense, 200 yards rushing, 200+ yards to Boldin, etc..."


And that was PRIOR TO the injuries. Likely without "sending the coaches to college" as well.



Originally Posted by noiropus:

Did you seriously just ****ing quote yourself?!?

i wonder if the packers have become the team every offensive coordinator wants to face. without ar to chew clock, that defense would likely be in the bottom 5. also, likely the worst d in the division.

Last edited by Rusty

NEW YORK -- Cornerback Tramon Williams' diving interception late in the second quarter of Sunday's game against the New York Giants was supposed to be the play that galvanized the Green Bay Packers' defense.

It didn't.

The Packers managed to sack Giants quarterback Eli Manning four times, but did little else to pick up third-string quarterback Scott Tolzien and the team's anemic offense in a 27-13 loss at MetLife Stadium.

[+] EnlargeNew York's Victor Cruz
<cite>Robert Deutsch/USA TODAY Sports</cite>The Packers allowed Giants receiver Victor Cruz to collect eight catches for 110 yards.

Defensively, they gave up several big plays and allowed the Giants to convert twice on fourth down. Manning found slot man Victor Cruz eight times for 110 yards, while bruising back Andre Brown pounded his way to 66 yards on 18 carries. Overall, the Giants were able to roll up 334 yards of total offense.

“We didn't get it done,” Williams said. “We're facing adversity right now, but the only thing we can do is come back to work, keep fighting, stick together and that's what we're about. Adversity is hitting us right now, and no one's making any excuses. We just need to get back to work.”

The Packers came into the game significantly short-handed in the secondary due to hamstring injuries that kept cornerbacks Sam Shields and Casey Hayward out of action. Still, they felt like they could overcome it. But they couldn't.

“We're in place here to win, and when you don't win, it's a terrible feeling,” defensive end B.J. Raji said. “As men, only we can change that. So we have to move on and hopefully try to get a win next Sunday against the Minnesota Vikings.”

With Shields and Hayward on the sidelines, reserves Davon House and Micah Hyde lost Giants wide receiver Rueben Randle on a 26-yard touchdown pass that gave New York a 7-0 lead with 5:34 left in the first quarter. There were also coverage breakdowns on Manning's 35-yard pass to wide receiver Hakeem Nicks and his 30-yard pass to Cruz, who seemed to find holes in Green Bay's zone all game long.

Asked if the defense played well enough to give the team a chance to win, Packers coach Mike McCarthy responded, “I'm not going to sit here and give you an evaluation.”


Mike Mazzeo ESPN

I didn't get to watch the game today, but I think I could rewatch the previous week, or the one before, and have a pretty good idea of how the team played.
I sure don't understand why all of a sudden we can't block for the run any longer. Was Barclay that  important? Those of you that did watch, did EDS play?

Newhouse is Newhouse, but we had stopped run blocking before he started playing. I'm sure he's not helping matters...

I wish I had some insight to a fix for the defense, but I'm not sure there is one. I'm not so sure injuries to starters are 100% to blame; even if everyone were available/playing, I suspect the same deficincies would exist. Until we get can get them back, we'll never know.

Did Jolly play normal amount of snaps? Was his play affected from his injury?
Was Wilson active/did he play?

Originally Posted by Va. Packer:

Asked if the defense played well enough to give the team a chance to win, Packers coach Mike McCarthy responded, “I'm not going to sit here and give you an evaluation.”


Mike Mazzeo ESPN

Translated, it's one of two meanings: "We have been evaluating our second-, third- and fourth-stringers every week and I'm tired of it." or "I'm not going to evaluate because I've already made up my mind to get rid of Compers after the season ends."

MM might of well decided not to bring Dom back next year. I do not think MM will want to let anyone other then Ted and Murphy know what  he is thinking.  But I suspect their will be some tells that can be picked up on.

The offense struggled to put up points, but they also had to drive the length of the field for every possession. D and special teams did an awful job giving them short fields. Given what they are missing at QB, WR, TE, OL, I thought the offense was fine. Obviously the turnovers hurt big time. And I'll second the complaint that MM was awfully conservative on early downs. Tolzien has shown he can throw the ball down the field…if NY is going to put 8 guys in the box, then you have to throw.


The bigger disappointment IMO continues to be this defense. I'll give Williams credit for playing a solid game -- probably his best since 2010. But for all these debates on talent vs. coaching, there were some very telling quotes by the Giants post-game. Brandon Jacobs said he was stunned to see the defensive formation against 4th and 1. And Victor Cruz said they knew exactly what was coming in several sequences. Those are damning statements against Capers and how predictable he's become. Add in the continued ineptitude to defend the middle of the field (are you kidding me on some of those uncontested passes to the TE) and I've had it with Capers. 


They're actually not in awful position to make the playoffs as long as Rodgers can get back soon. Only a game back…beat MN and get Rodgers back for Detroit, division is still very winnable. But beating MN without Rodgers means coaches and players have to elevate their games. And making noise in the playoffs would require a defense that's capable of stopping elite teams, let alone teams that struggle on offense.


Also, what a kick by Crosby. Where's that been in situations where we could really use it?

Originally Posted by YATittle:

NEWHOUSE IS HORRIBLE! Time after time, he was chasing FROM BEHIND THE GUY HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE BLOCKING! And on the Pick 6, his guy was right on Tolzien! No help from a tight end. McCarthy's predictable first down play calling was bad enough....

I'm not really bothered by McCarthy's play calling, but I am astonished by how bad Newhouse has been over the last two games. I'm starting to wonder if I need to see a therapist about possible hallucinations, because I cannot for the life of me comprehend how the Pack managed to win 12 games with that guy last year. If they were to re-vote on the MVP race for last year, Rodgers should have gotten a hell of a lot more consideration than he did (if not won it outright).

Originally Posted by noiropus:

"less than stellar CK performance" - translates to - "Please add the Saints to the mix of teams who were able to study film / implement a defensive plan to control the read-option and CK, without allowing 600 yards of offense, 200 yards rushing, 200+ yards to Boldin, etc..."


And that was PRIOR TO the injuries. Likely without "sending the coaches to college" as well.



You aren't really being honest there. The 49ers had less than 500 yards of offense on opening day, and less than 100 yards of that came on the ground. I'm as pissed with Capers as the next guy, but at least get your facts straight.

Originally Posted by Pack-Man:
You aren't really being honest there. The 49ers had less than 500 yards of offense on opening day, and less than 100 yards of that came on the ground. I'm as pissed with Capers as the next guy, but at least get your facts straight.

ok point well taken.


but let's examine boldin. 208 receiving yards in the season opener (1 game). The remainder 9 games - 422 yards combined for a total of 630. He looked like a HOF player against the pack. like so many others...

Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong

The bottom line yesterday was that VERY seldom does an NFL team lose the turn over battle & win the game ....and rarer yet is for the visiting team to do so. Even without AR, all the injuries, etc. we win if we don't turn the ball over 3 times. 

I thought Tolzien played better than I expected. He needs an offseason with the offense.  But you can do a whole lot worse than him as you're backup. Two bad mistakes that happen with young QB's.


I don't agree with the comments on the play calling. You're not stringing together 80 yard 14 play drives with Tolzien at QB and Newhouse at RT without Cobb or Finley. No matter how well you're dialing up the calls. Packers best chance to grease a win out yesterday was to roll the dice and go downfield. They did that as best they could.


Also don't agree with the comments about the D yesterday. The comments posted about Giants players knowing what was coming are great and all. But GB had 400 yards of total offense against 330 total yards for NY. Giants 4 game winning streak has come against 4 QB's with a combined total of 8 NFL starts. The Giants can STFU.



Last edited by ChilliJon
Originally Posted by Blair Kiel:

I generally don't watch O-line play much, but good God, Newhouse must hate Badgers or something.


I'm hoping for the best the rest of the year, but if not, my "real " life is pretty livable---It appears that some people here allow the Packers winning or losing to actually affect their mental state of happiness. That makes me sad because I kind of laugh at them and that's not really nice.

I don't really want to get into a pissing match with you Blair Kiel, but that last paragraph is pure BS and you know it. You lurk in the game threads and POUNCE whenever someone even suggests something that isn't all butterflies and kisses. I understand getting pissed off at the people who only show up when the Packers are losing, but I would bet they aren't even Packer fans to begin with.

But you like to lump everyone into the same pile and start with the "whiner", "piss pants", etc. sophomoric name calling if someone even questions a play call. To be honest, you're the worst kind of fan. You seem to want to accept anything that is in front of you and expect others to do as well, almost like Cubs fans. I prefer fans that demand the best. Fans of a team are like family...we can denounce them, but don't let fans of other teams do it.  


So now you're now proclaiming that the games really don't matter, that you have a happy life, and question other people's "mental state of happiness"? Jesus Christ, BK, you started a goddamned THREAD on it! 


Your obsession isn't with the Packers...your obsessed with being right. I would rather question a call/play and be proven wrong because my team came back and won the game. You, on the other hand, really don't care if the Packers win. You just want to be able to say, "I told you so!" That's what you're obsessed with.


But now since we're on a 3 game losing streak, you want to take on this "it really doesn't matter that much to me since I have a life and none of you do" persona? Really? Sorry, you don't get to do that. Just because you haven't gotten an "I told you so" moment in a month doesn't allow you to all of a sudden pretend you don't give a schit.


I, like other Packer fans on this board, watch the Packers because it's 3 1/2 hours of watching your team play and to have some bragging rights with co-workers, family, and friends. Most of us, if not all, have "lives" outside of the Green Bay Packers. The difference is we're upset that our team isn't winning. YOU'RE upset because YOU aren't winning.


BTW, you're right about Newhouse. He sucks. Have a good day.

I don't believe the Packers have stopped run blocking. The opposing teams are basically daring them to throw the ball. And its paying off.


I honestly believe the Packers can and will beat Minnesota at home Sunday. What I do not believe is that A Rodge is going to return in the month of November. A fast healer typically takes 5-6 weeks for a fractured collarbone. And then add in a medical staff which makes the Federal Reserve seem spontaneous in comparison.



Normally the defense giving up 20 points is a win. At the point of the pick 6 it looked like the offense was gaining momentum and seemed to be hitting its stride. I think that Tolzien looks like he can be a better than adequate back-up with a little more work. He is not seasoned quite yet.


The next two weeks are going to make or break the season for us. Margin for error is small from this point on. No reason to hold anything back. Playoffs start now.


Go Pack!

Tolzien looks ok to me, but I just don't trust him not to turn the ball over or get seasoned in the next six days.  With the way the Packers do things they'll most likely leave him out there to develop instead of doing the right thing and giving Flynn the ball.  We're desperate for a win and the Vikes have the kind of secondary that I think Flynn can exploit without turning the ball over. 



Jordy Nelson

Tramon Williams

Brad Jones





Tolzien's 3 INTs

Running up the gut for no gain every first down

Nobody defending the middle of the field

Packers 3rd down defense


James Jones's drops


Apparently Aaron Rodgers truly is the MVP.  Younger Packer fans finally get a glimpse into what the teams from the 70s and 80s used to be, and a reminder of how fortunate the Packers have been at quarterback for the past 20 years.

Originally Posted by noiropus:

"less than stellar CK performance" - translates to - "Please add the Saints to the mix of teams who were able to study film / implement a defensive plan to control the read-option and CK

I do agree--the 49er game was the most damning for Capers, but..the 49ers have had the typical injuries and player drama, plus-I think Harbaugh has limited the pistol without Smith to back up Kaepernick---no player is more averse to contact than Kaepernick, so he has limited his running...and without that part of the game---he is the 21st best QB in the league...I  dislike the 49ers, Harbaugh and I am enjoying their limited success-I think they are the  most talented  squad in football....6-4 is a reflection of Harbaugh and Kaepernick.

Pawsitive - According to Mcginn's prediction, we are going undefeated for the rest of the year.

Negative - Apparently AR was our best safety.

How good is number 12, BTW? This team looks like a 3 and 13 team without him.

Agree with most people's assessment of Tolzien. He's looks to have pretty decent ability and should develop into a respectable back-up. I do wonder if Flynn might be at a better point from a development standpoint in the Packers system and might be able to avoid some of the turnovers that Tolzien is going through. Either way this defense is just a shadow of what a playoff defense should look like. The first quarter 4th and 1 attempt by the Giants/Jacobs pretty much tells it all. And this by an offensive line that has had the same kind of  problems that the Packers have been dealing with. 

Hey antiworst...



Meanwhile, I am upset that the woman in your avatar does not consider me to be an essential part of her life.


BK has some kind of neuroses, so be kind.  When the Packers are not going so well, he needs to crap on complainers.


Originally posted by Antiworst


"Face it, the Lions have more healthy talent BY FAR in the division. The Packers would have to run the table. Can you imagine our secondary against Megatron? That's gonna be ugly."


"Steelers are old. Lions are healthy and talented".


Yet the talented and healthy lose by 10 to a 3-6 team.


Its not the complaining. It's the completely irrational complaining supercharged with emotion lacking facts to support the complaint. Complaints about Ted, MM, Dom, players, scheme.... All 100% fair game. 


99% of the complaint posts that piss people off lack a common component. Facts or suggestions to support or correct the complaint. It simply comes off as pointless bitching. And while I get losing SUCKS and none of us have enjoyed the last 3 weeks. The contingency thats going WAY overboard on the SS Negative is tough to take. 


"Draft better players. Fire "blank", sign more FA's, and run different plays" That are "suggestions" to correct the losing streak just piss people off more. 

Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

If GB is a 3-13 team without Rodgers. Then Ted is a better GM than Polian because Indy went 2-14 without Manning!!!

If I am not mistaken they were trying to lose......the name Andrew Luck comes to mind.

Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

Also don't agree with the comments about the D yesterday. The comments posted about Giants players knowing what was coming are great and all. But GB had 400 yards of total offense against 330 total yards for NY. Giants 4 game winning streak has come against 4 QB's with a combined total of 8 NFL starts. The Giants can STFU.



The final stats are deceiving and tell a better story for the D than reality. The Giants have struggled on offense all year -- their o-line has been awful and Manning decision making has been just as bad.


Yet against GB, they really dominated this defense for three quarters.


In first half, Giants had the ball for 20 minutes. Williams redzone INT was the only saving grace. Third quarter was just as shaky, as Giants drove for FG and TD the two times they touched the ball.


The Pack had basically one good defensive sequence -- when they got within 7 and had the big sacks and 3 and out to start the 4th. After that, Tolzien threw the pick-6 and the Giants just ran the clock out.


You get the feeling that McCarthy is fed up with Capers. He's too loyal to say it in the press, but it has to be killing him to see his offense battling despite missing Rodgers, Cobb, Finley, Bulaga, and Barclay. Meanwhile the defense isn't stepping up at all. And while we can talk about injuries on that side of the ball (certainly Shields was a big blow), guys like Perry or Worthy really don't have the track record to suggest the defense can't manage without them.

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