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Mark Murphy: Packers will retire Favre’s number before 2016

File photo of Brett Favre in New Orleans Reuters

The Green Bay Packers expect to retire former quarterback Brett Favre’s number before 2016, when Favre will be eligible for the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

Answering a fan’s question on the Packers’ website, Packers President and CEO Mark Murphy said he thinks the time is coming for Favre to be honored by the team.

“I am often asked questions about Brett Favre, and specifically whether we will retire his number,” Murphy wrote. “We do want to bring Brett back into the fold, and plan on retiring his number. He deserves to have his number retired for what he accomplished, and meant to the Packers, during his time here. I thought Aaron Rodgers and Brett jointly presenting the Comeback Player of the Year Award at the NFL Honors program was a great first step. It is really just a question of timing in terms of retiring his jersey. The timing has to be right for both Brett and the organization. Brett will be a first ballot Hall of Famer in 2016, and we would like to retire his number prior to his induction.”

Murphy said the bad blood that existed between Favre and Packers fans when Favre played for the Vikings is beginning to dissipate.


“I know that many of our fans were upset that Brett played for the Vikings,” Murphy wrote. “As time goes by, though, I think wounds are healed and people focus more on the great things he did for the team during his 16 years here. As the recent signings by Greg Jennings and Desmond Bishop show, many players in the League go on to play for rivals later in their careers.”

And as time passes, most of those players are remembered mostly for their best years. Favre will be remembered as a great Packer.

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If Hourning doesn't get his number retired due to off field activities, I don't think Favre should either. Consider how many Packer greats have not had their number retired, I favor the "unofficial" retirement option going forward.

Who is this "Hourning" you speak of?


Personally I'm to the point of not caring about this issue anymore. It is going to happen eventually. My guess would be some time in 2015. Already many of the fans that were upset with Bert back then have softenened their stance since. By 2015 there will be even fewer of those still holding a grudge. But there will always be some who cant let go of their animosity towards him. I cant hold a grudge forever so have chosen to not care either way.



As long as that doesn't include the ball washer airing of grievances.


Mike Wahle!

Marco Rivera!

Taco Wallace!


Randy Moss!

Chad Jackson!

IMO Favre needs to make a public, unequivocal apology to the Packer organization and its fans.  Otherwise this will continue to fester and tarnish any honors he receives from the Packers, the PHOF, and the PFHOF.  Imagine the reception at Lambeau for any jersey retirement ceremony if he fails to do this.


Problem is that he probably thinks he's already apologized through his rambling statements of the past couple of months.


Come on, Brett.  Just do it.

First things first.  This is about money.  This is about more money in the coffers of the team I root for.  So, I completely get it.  It was always going to eventually come to this regardless of anyone's feelings - fans, Packer management, Favre.  Money is what this is all about and there is too much on the table to continue without a public mending of the fences.


Doesn't mean I like it.  Doesn't mean I'm going to support it.  The only thing I wish Murphy would understand and acknowledge to some extent that Favre playing for the Vikings is but one small aspect of many fans anger. 


The on again/off again retirement drama that frankly started about 2005. The whining about Thompson not caving to his every whim such as trading for Moss.  The absolute uninterested and pathetic showing in the playoffs for several years including a playoff game vs the Giants where he looked like all he cared about was getting home.  The retirement in March followed up less than 2 weeks later with a "umm he wants to come back" story he leaked.  Followed by Thompson and MM ready to fly to Cletusville the days before the draft to welcome him back.  Followed by yet another flip flop the night before they were gonna fly in.  The Sam Farmer trade leak.  The trotting out of his mom and Beautifully Unique Sparklepony brother to bash the Packers.  The Greta interview.  The ripping of Thompson, Rodgers, and MM in that stupid interview.  His entitled attitude that the Packers should just waive him and let him do whatever he wanted.  The "I'm not going to disrupt Family Night" lie which preceded his flight arrival - oh just as the damn Family Night scrimmage started.   The pathetic lies during the trade to the Jets.  The obsession with the Packers he had - so much so that his teammates were freaked out.  The way he called Matt Millen to try and help the Lions beat the Packers.  His attempt to out Thompson to a reporter.  His placing himself and his streak above his team in NY.  His retirement/unretirement again in NY.  His goal to "stick it" to the Packers. His chat with Peppers about beating the Packers. 


If he would have simply left graciously and with even a shred of class, it still would have been crappy that he wanted to play for the Vikings so bad, but it happens.  And, it would have been water under the bridge very quickly.


But, there is significantly way more to it than "just playing for the Vikings", and Murphy pretending that a faction of the fanbase is angry with Favre because of solely that is either him sticking his head in the sand, or trying to stay above the fray.  Maybe it is just trying to avoid that, it doesn't feel like that though.


I don't want an apology, I don't want Favre in the Ring of Honor.  If you must for the sake of money - retire his jersey, have a stupid ceremony for him and his redneck clan, sell jerseys and whatnot, and move on. 


I know that they will, but he doesn't deserve to be placed in as high of an honor as guys like Starr and Hutson and Nitschke, and I would be disappointed if they included him in that list. 

Last edited by Timpranillo

As long as they do it in the off-season during the NBA Finals or Summerfest when nobody is around and use 12 point Arial font I'm ok with it.


But of course they will have to do it during a game.  Do they make it against the Vikings?


I say no, the retire jersey games always seem to go bad for the home team.   Pick a loser team. (which could be the Vikes)

Originally Posted by CAPackFan95:

First things first.  This is about money.   



As a result of it being about money, it is assuredly going to happen.  The only say that fans may have in this is when.  They may try to ram it in during 2013, which seems a bit early.  I am for a reconciliation, but my view was that it was going to take a year or two.


Zuf, I like your timing, but I think it is going to happen during the regular season.



That was a great summary. I'd like to copy and paste your post on every forum I visit. And I'd also like to send it to Mark Murphy -- I don't think he understands (or cares) how the real Packer fans feel.


OTOH, I'd like to see favre give an apology. Not one of his wishy-washy statements, but a real apology where he acknowledges how he spat on the franchise and on us fans. We won't get one, of course.  We'll just continue to be told to "get over it."

Originally Posted by YATittle:

If Hourning doesn't get his number retired due to off field activities, I don't think Favre should either. Consider how many Packer greats have not had their number retired, I favor the "unofficial" retirement option going forward.


Hornung gambled on NFL games as a player, and was suspended for a year.   That is quite egregious, and I think it warrants having an unofficial retirement of his number.

Originally Posted by pduck:



That was a great summary. I'd like to copy and paste your post on every forum I visit. And I'd also like to send it to Mark Murphy -- I don't think he understands (or cares) how the real Packer fans feel.


OTOH, I'd like to see favre give an apology. Not one of his wishy-washy statements, but a real apology where he acknowledges how he spat on the franchise and on us fans. We won't get one, of course.  We'll just continue to be told to "get over it."

CAPackFan95's feelings mirror mine 100%, but I don't think they match those of most Packers fans. There were certainly a good number of fans who felt this way from the start, but the anger only reached fever pitch once he signed the dotted line with the Minnesota Vikings. Let's not forget how many #4 NYJ jerseys there were at Lambeau in 2008. I even saw goofballs wearing them at Candlestick during a preseason game, only a week after he was traded. They must have ordered them the minute he was traded.

Originally Posted by kabeerme:
Originally Posted by YATittle:

If Hourning doesn't get his number retired due to off field activities, I don't think Favre should either. Consider how many Packer greats have not had their number retired, I favor the "unofficial" retirement option going forward.


Hornung gambled on NFL games as a player, and was suspended for a year.   That is quite egregious, and I think it warrants having an unofficial retirement of his number.

Vince Ferragamo wore #5 in 1986, Majkowski wore it during his rookie year in '87, and then a kicker named Curtis Burrow wore it in '88. No one has worn it since. Someone in the organization at the time must have not liked Hornung much.

good job CAPackFan 95....well written....


I think it would be a good idea to make a list of the grievances that CAPackFan95 wrote.  Instead of paragraph-prose form...make a list #1-10 or Murphy can digest it all one by one ....maybe call it:  Fans' Grievances... or whatever...


maybe Boris can make it into it's own Thread for others to edit...then, make a final copy and save it as a READ ONLY thread...


just a thought....

The on again/off again retirement drama that frankly started about 2005.

That is where it began for me and I couldn't believe how long he played that game.  After all the years of will he/won't he I half expected everything that came afterward.  I hate wafflers.  But I love waffles!!

Some "Fire Murphy" signs in the crowd would be welcome this season. This guy seems totally disconnected from anything outside his office.

I long for the days of Bob Harlan who actually worked at his job. If Bob said it was OK to retire the number I would know it was because he had read several thousand letters and talked to as many or more fans. With Murphy, I think we are the last thing on his mind.

I agree with CAPackFan95. I hate it but I think it's still gotta happen. I'm hoping over the next couple years Favre keeps inching his way closer to a real apology that will take some of the bitter taste away. I guess this is what happens when immature morons are continually glorified, put on pedestals, and deemed a saint. They actually start to believe it.  

Originally Posted by liveskunk:

Some "Fire Murphy" signs in the crowd would be welcome this season. This guy seems totally disconnected from anything outside his office.


Skip the signs and just get rid of Murphy. Would anyone even notice if he was gone?

Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong
Originally Posted by Herschel:

useless quote


How exactly is it a good business move when the majority of your LOYAL fans are against it and the guy is considered a joke around the league?


Just who is going to be spending any additional money on the Packers because of this?  

Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong

If that were the case, Murphy wouldn't be pushing it. Murphy is motivated by data and business decisions, not whether or not a few internet hotheads care nor any love or animosity for Favre.


Murphy's had researchers working on this just like any other business leader would. He's also trying to bring as many of the remaining dislikers on board as possible. It's just good business.

Last edited by Herschel

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