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As time passes, I find myself not giving a rats ass if it happens or not. The only time I think about it is when someone dusts off the conversation.


It's almost like both sides have found it easier to not talk about it if at all possible. Like both sides are kind of sick of the whole discussion. Nothing wrong with that. 

♫ As time goes on, 

I realize
Just what you mean
To me
And now,
Now that you're near,
Promise your love
That I've waited to share
And dreams
Of our moments together
Color my world with hope of loving you ♫

Last edited by Shoeless Joe

I'm ready to get this crap over with! Retire the number already, let him go back to Mississippi and be done with the whole show. Who cares if 15,000 boo the guy during his jersey retiring, rip the band-aid off because waiting isn't going to make people feel better. Those 15,000 are still going to be booing in 2016, 2017, 2018. I don't know what Murphy is waiting for? Does he think people will hold a grudge against the GBP for retiring Favre's number? I guarantee at least 70% feel the same way I do, 15% will love Favre forever, and 15% will hate him forever. As long as the team is successful, the vast majority of fans don't fuking care about this crap. Do it and let him fade away.

Maybe the whole thing could be done via Go To Meeting hosted by Colin Cowherd and played in high def on a few of the screens at Stadium View?


Brett won't even have to leave the farm.

while I won't boo, I won't cheer either.  he's a void to me, not even there anymore.  don't care one bit what the suits do anymore.  just hope they do it before the game or at halftime so I can conveniently miss the goings on.  (well, I guess those would be the only times they'd be able to do it so whatever)

I don't hate Favre, but I wouldn't cheer for him either. He's really uninteresting to me at this point. He's just another former Packer who is the topic of discussion far more than I would like. Even for the people who hate him, giving him the retired #/HOF induction makes him go away faster. This can either drag out another 5 years and it will keep coming up the entire time or we can retire his name/number NOW, let him get into the NFL HOF in 2016, and then be done with the conversation forever. 

I like this take the best: 

Originally Posted by Cavetoad:
Originally Posted by LarseeBear:

"... The bitch was a smug traitor pervert..."

Instead of TOG, can we call him STP now?!


I really really like that!

NO!!  Don't relate him to STP and the great Richard Petty!!  AARRGGHH!!!

Originally Posted by kabeerme:
Originally Posted by YATittle:

If Hourning doesn't get his number retired due to off field activities, I don't think Favre should either. Consider how many Packer greats have not had their number retired, I favor the "unofficial" retirement option going forward.


Hornung gambled on NFL games as a player, and was suspended for a year.   That is quite egregious, and I think it warrants having an unofficial retirement of his number.

Personally, I think a married man sending a pic of his <whatever> to a woman is much more egregious then betting on games unless the person bet on a game involving his own team.

Originally Posted by oldschool:
If you really mean what you now say about Favre well then we have to tear Curly's name off the stadium and rename a Pub. Mr. Lambeau was well known to take personal liberties with the wives and girlfriends of Packer players and he didn't hide it at all.

Lambeau did a lot more than that. Padded his expense accounts. Had the team all but sold to outsiders and ready to move to LA. It took a Exec Board revolt and a re-vote to stop him. Then for 30 years, there was a pro-Lambeau faction that blamed the people who saved the team for Green Bay. Doc Kelly and Jerry Clifford (two of the Hungry Five) took forever to make the Packer HOF because they were the guys that got Curley fired. Even the recent book on Lambeau blamed others for stopping him from making the Packers the LA Packers.


Now, as some might know, I take this very personally. My great-grandmother knew Curley when he was a kid. Curley hired a couple cousins of mine - Claude (Doc) Taugher and  Sleepy Jim Crowley. Curley was a grade A ****bird. But the field deserves to be named after Lambeau. He was the team for several decades. Bert needs to have his number retired. #4 wasn't going to be worn by anyone again anyway, just like #5.

Hof, saying this to someone with the history of the team you have I'll ask this with respect. 


Are you really ok with Brett Favre being alongside Bart Starr's name inside Lambeau?


in my opinion gaining that honor is part being a great Packer and then appreciating the history of those that paved the way before you. 


I know Starr loves being a Packer. Reggie loved being a Packer. In time Paul Hornung understood the place Vince tried to instill in him meant something. 


I just want Brett to admit the Green Bay Packers and Ron Wolf rescued him from NFL purgatory and that he understands he didn't rescue the Packers. Just give us an apology Brett. You screwed up. 

Last edited by ChilliJon

In my opinion, 2016 is way toooo EAARLY to retire TOG's number 4.  The only good thing about it is that at my age, I may not be around to see that stupidity.   Bret was of course a HOF QB and deserves the Hall of Fame honor.   BUT not to have his name on the ring of honor at Lambeau.   Not just because he played for the queens but for all the crap that he did at the end.   I lost all respect for him with all those goings-on.

I hope they retire his number, then unretire it, then retire it again, then unretire it. Then make him hop on a crop duster and fly from his hillbilly habitat to Green Bay to beg for his number to be retired, only to be told to turn around and fly back to his trailer park.


That's what I hope.

Last edited by Shoeless Joe

What's the point of continuing the grudge?  I'm over it... It happened and I think less of him now than I once did.  I'm pretty sure #4 doesn't give a **** about what I think of him.


Retire the jersey and move on.  No need for the outrage.... unless of course he banged your mom, sister or wife.  Then I get it.   

My mom is dead, I don't have any sisters, and I'm divorced. My outrage stems from the fact the SOB broke MY heart, he screwed over MY favorite team and then played for MY most hated team, I may never be "over it". 


There, that's my "point" for continuing the grudge.




What is the reason for Hornungs number not being worn again but not Taylors?  What about all of the other Packer HOF players numbers that are still worn?  What was Curlys number and why isn't that retired?  Why not just let it alone?  Put number 4 on the shelf and forget about it. I see no good reason to elevate the status to retiring the number.   

The reason for elevating the status to retired number should be pretty obvious:  Separating rubes  from millionses and millionses of dollars with 'Retired Number 4' apparel that will be pushed on every visitor to Lambeau and every online visitor to GBP sites.


Look at Murphy's track record - he's a corporatist who looks to maximize revenue in every nook and cranny.  This step would be a cash flow bonanza.  Nothing more nothing less.

Last edited by JJSD



I didn't understand the 'rush' to get it done initially, although it fits in with current sports reporting. Most folks are Gruden-like; somebody has a good game and they fall all over themselves to anoint him the next great thing, Pro Bowler, HOF material, or whatever other accolades they can bestow.

Perhaps it's just my memory, but I don't recall an immediate clamor to retire a player's number when they retired in the good ol' days.

JJSD's comments on Murphy puts it in the correct perspective. It's all about the money.

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