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LOL, Collie is wearing his headphones again at his press conference. A spoiled, egomaniacal man-child who refuses to study film or attempt to improve his passing abilities because he thinks he's already the greatest. The saddest (funniest?) thing about the guy is that he actually did get a high score on the Wonderlic test, so his problems reading defenses cannot be attributed to a lack of intelligence. It's entirely due to the fact that he's about as mature as an 11 year old.

Originally Posted by cuqui:

@corryjoel: Colin Kaepernick can now count on the '15 base salary de-escalator of his contract kicking in ($10.4M instead of $12.4M).

He's a game manager with fantastic athletic ability. But a game manager nonetheless. A lot different now that the 49'ers aren't controlling things with their running game and defense.

Last edited by Va. Packer
Originally Posted by Pack-Man:

LOL, Collie is wearing his headphones again at his press conference. A spoiled, egomaniacal man-child who refuses to study film or attempt to improve his passing abilities because he thinks he's already the greatest.

Sounds familiar.


Originally Posted by Pack-Man:

. The saddest (funniest?) thing about the guy is that he actually did get a high score on the Wonderlic test, so his problems reading defenses cannot be attributed to a lack of intelligence. It's entirely due to the fact that he's about as mature as an 11 year old.

He must have cheated.

Originally Posted by Pack-Man:

LOL, Collie is wearing his headphones again at his press conference. A spoiled, egomaniacal man-child who refuses to study film or attempt to improve his passing abilities because he thinks he's already the greatest. The saddest (funniest?) thing about the guy is that he actually did get a high score on the Wonderlic test, so his problems reading defenses cannot be attributed to a lack of intelligence. It's entirely due to the fact that he's about as mature as an 11 year old.

Wearing headphones is meaningless. It's as relevant as people that ripped on Romo for wearing a baseball hat backwards. If we're gonna rip on someone let's bring more than "err he wears headphones". 


I find it hard to believe that the guy "refuses to study film".  Do you have links to this or are you just wishing it so?  I refuse to believe that Jim Harbaugh would allow his QB to do this. 


Look I'm not defending his play.  I don't care for him, or any 49er for that matter. He is at best an average thrower with above average running ability that occasionally has moments - both good and bad. As of late more bad. (Unless he plays a Dom Capers defense when he becomes great at everything.) But let's be better than bitching about headphones and claiming he doesnt study game film. Whining about headphones is something Cowherd would say. Can't we just say he has struggled a lot and doesn't seem to be comfortable throwing in the pocket?  Can't we just comment of his inability to put the ball where he needs to consistently?  Can't we just say he's shown little improvement, and some regression possibly this?  Headphone is as silly as people saying that Olivia Mann was the reason why Rodgers lost 2 of 3 to start the season. 


We're better than this. 

OK, forget about the headphones. He has a rocket arm, gazelle legs and is fairly intelligent (at least speaking in terms of raw brainpower). It's pretty well known the guy doesn't like to put in the time with film and in the classroom honing his ability as a passer. It's not due to laziness, he has a massive ego and is completely convinced he's already great. Harbaugh doesn't have any plan B if Collie doesn't want to study film or accept he's presently deeply flawed as a passer. What is he going to do, start Blaine Gabbert over his $120 million wunderQB?

The league figured out the gimmick offense they were running for his first 20+ games (well, maybe Dom Capers is still a bit confused), and now his lack film study and inability to self-criticize has come back to bite him. The 49ers have a ton of talent on that offense, and he looks like Brian Hoyer out there.

Originally Posted by Responsibleadultbehavior-Ka-Bong:
Originally Posted by Goalline:

Who the hell referred to Alex Smith as a game manager? The man is an insult to game managers.

At this point in the season, how many touchdowns has this particular QB thrown to a wide receiver?



That's legal?

Originally Posted by Pack-Man:
Originally Posted by Goalline:
Originally Posted by Pack-Man:

Smith is still a decent QB. Their WRs and TEs are the worst group in the league. Their OL doesn't block particularly well for him, either.

Smith is a terrible QB.

Terrible OL, and his receivers are garbage. You can win with him, he's not a Colin Kaepernick or Brian Hoyer (guys who do less with more). The 49ers would still be in contention for the NFC West right now if they had kept him.

Alex Smith is like an incumbent congressman. He doesn't do ****, because he might offend someone if he did. Being better than Kaeperdick doesn't make him a good QB.

Originally Posted by Pack-Man:

LOL, Collie is wearing his headphones again at his press conference. A spoiled, egomaniacal man-child who refuses to study film or attempt to improve his passing abilities because he thinks he's already the greatest. The saddest (funniest?) thing about the guy is that he actually did get a high score on the Wonderlic test, so his problems reading defenses cannot be attributed to a lack of intelligence. It's entirely due to the fact that he's about as mature as an 11 year old.

You nailed it.He is pathetic. I love it.

I watched his post game interview, the headphones didn't bug me. Some guys where suits, some guys wear gym shirts, some guys wear headphones. They were around his neck, it's just a style. What bugged me is how unprofessional he comes off. Even at his most frustrated, Aaron Rodgers still stands there like a man and answers questions. Kaep gave snippy, passive aggressive answers to reasonable questions almost as if someone was forcing him to be there and told him to behave. Maybe I'm nitpicking, but he needs to grow up and handle his obligations like an adult. No one will ever take him seriously as a franchise QB when he plays like crap and then acts like a spoiled child in a press conference.

As a player, he needs to show some kind of improvement. He plays like a rookie. And yeah maybe he got a high Wonderlic score, but so did Ryan Fitzpatrick and he still plays like crap. The Wonderlic doesn't measure football intelligence. We don't know for sure he refuses to watch film or practice like crap, but based on the way he plays in the games he either isn't preparing adequately or he just doesn't know what he's looking at on the field.
Originally Posted by Grave Digger:
As a player, he needs to show some kind of improvement. He plays like a rookie. And yeah maybe he got a high Wonderlic score, but so did Ryan Fitzpatrick and he still plays like crap. The Wonderlic doesn't measure football intelligence.

Fitzpatrick lacks the athletic ability of Kaepernick. Kaepernick has rare physical gifts, and the cognitive ability to play the position correctly. His problem is based in a reluctance to change because he already thinks he's great, it's really that simple. If he had even a fraction of the humility of guys like Russell Wilson and Steve Young (athletic QBs who have/had no reluctance to be critical of their own flaws and work diligently to fix them), he'd be a great player in this league. Thankfully, he's probably going to flame out and be another Daunte Culpepper by the time his career is over.

Last edited by Pack-Man

The headphone thing is in reference to the NFL. Beats by Dre' are not allowed because the NFL has a deal with Bose. So Colin can expect his letter from the league office this week.


Back to football....


Steve Young mentioned the Niners were having "issues" in the front office. It's definitely trickling down to the field & we all saw it on Thanksgiving night. I'm not shocked the Raiders beat them. Another nail will hit the Niner coffin next week when Seattle takes them out.


Are you enjoying the season?

personally, there's no way I'd want harblow's shtick around my organization.  he belongs in college.  pros will grow weary of a rahrah performance clown as their HC every time.

Kaep may have had a good Wonderlic score, but paper and pencil does not translate to seeing and then recognizing what's happening/going to happen on the field. I think K has little recognition of who is going to be open before the snap, who is actually open immediately after the snap, and who he can throw open. If the guy he looks at isn't wide open, he lacks the mental/visual recognition to adjust his mind and eyes to the next guy, and the imagination of how to get it to him.


Then he runs -- within 1 second of not having his guy open.

The headphone thing is in reference to the NFL. Beats by Dre' are not allowed because the NFL has a deal with Bose. So Colin can expect his letter from the league office this week.
If I were a player endorsing Mr. Dre's headphones, I'd be tempted to wear a T-shirt to a press conference reading something like, "I'm only wearing these Bose headphones because Roger Goodell will fine me if I wear others."

It hasn't been all that many years since Mike Nolan wanted to wear a suit on the sidelines and the league wouldn't let him. 

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