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Whatever. It's all I have to point to, because Dom Capers is such a pussy. I'd rather take lumps with potential over the same lumps with the same old "vets." What difference does it make? Rodgers can overcome a defensive miscue. When does our D do the same?

It's frustrating to give up 144 yards to a running back...and it has frustrated me that McCarthy has stuck with Capers through so much ineptitude...but in taking the good with the bad, some of his blitz's actually made a difference--again Mathews in the inside was the difference in the game.

1-0 is good...somehow we'll have to muster a run defense sometime this year. 

Didn't McC give up play calling to help out on defense? How about teaching tackling techniques? On most of Chi's runs our 1st, 2nd, and sometimes 3rd defenders were in position to make tackles and whiffed! (in addition to turd Shields' crappy day)

Originally Posted by Johnson:

It's frustrating to give up 144 yards to a running back...and it has frustrated me that McCarthy has stuck with Capers through so much ineptitude...but in taking the good with the bad, some of his blitz's actually made a difference--again Mathews in the inside was the difference in the game.

1-0 is good...somehow we'll have to muster a run defense sometime this year. 

I am sorry to admit I was Rong about Capers. even if he rebounds, it's obvious the problem is not the players but the prep, plan and scheme.  I'm pretty sure they have good players despite the video of Hyde trying to tie Bennet's shoelaces instead of knocking the **** out of him.

Originally Posted by Trophies:

Impressive: Nate Palmer

wholeheartedly disagree. He was late to the hole on a regular basis. Looked really  slow and tentative. Thankfully he made a few plays which make you think he might be able to improve.  Man our ILBs have been terrible for a long time. 


Still shocked at at how poorly Ha Ha played. He sucked today.  As mentioned, Sam was awful too. 


Great scheme by Dom on the pick by Clay. Sliding across the formation was not something Cutler expected , Bennett had beaten his man. Nice work. 

Last edited by Packdog
Originally Posted by Packdog:

Originally Posted by Trophies:

Impressive: Nate Palmer

wholeheartedly disagree. He was late to the hole on a regular basis. Looked really  slow and tentative. Thankfully he made a few plays which make you think he might be able to improve.  Man our ILBs have been terrible for a long time. 


Still shocked at at how poorly Ha Ha played. He sucked today.  As mentioned, Sam was awful too. 


Great scheme by Dom on the pick by Clay. Sliding across the formation was not something Cutler expected , Bennett had beaten his man. Nice work. 


Palmer stopped a sure TD that Barrington easily would have given up. Made some run stops. Broke up another pass. Hand fresh out of a cast. I thought he was impressive.



Rodgers is awsum.  Dude can take some old, slow guy off the street and make him a superstar.




That pass and catch from Rodgers to Cobb.  That is why you watch football.



Lacy is fun to watch.  That flip Rodgers put out there had no business being caught, and he brought it in like a boss.  



Peppers is the ****.  I hope he stays this young forever.  Clay was busy today.  Raji made a couple nice plays, which is encouraging.  Hoping the rust is still coming off, not that we are seeing his ceiling.  





Clearly Dom Capers requires an entire squad of all pro's to have an average day against a Jay Culter run offence.  I'm sure today was not his fault, just like every other week ass squad that has allowed lesser talent to shine.  I hope the boot is up his ass all week long.  



Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong

Dix and Shields really seemed to be losing their footing on the worst field in the NFL! Many times they stopped their cleats were sliding and they ended up losing their balance or falling.  I remember at least 8 times where packers footing cost them a tackle or extra yards on offense.

I was thinking the same thing about unscouted looks.  It's why I was mildly concerned about a trap game today.  But Fangio is a very good DC and that D will keep improving.  It has to because with the more tape that every other team gets on them, the fewer suprises they will have to beat people.


That said, for an OL that is supposed to be one of the top in the league, it sure seemed Lacy had to do a lot of creating today and AR had to bail the pocket a lot too.  Just considering how bad the CHI D was supposed to be.  Same issue with our DL getting blown out of holes by a what was supposed to be a flat out poor OL.  


By the next time they meet, GB will be much better prepared for scheme and hopefully further along in working out the holes we saw on D and O today.  Having LG and DJ back should help that happen.

Great post DH13. You are right on. Our OL should have blown their DL off the ball. Fangio really knows how to game us. Even with their star DL suspended.

Yeah, ChiliJon, Ha Ha first game without Burnett, I believe. Had to affect his play early, and neither Hyde not Richardson are known for their speed.
Last edited by Trophies
Originally Posted by Hungry5:

Entirely new staff in CHI, probably over 60% un-scouted looks from the CHI offense. 


Seems a lot of mental issues today.



Disagree.. Players were in position to make plays, most the time the didn't.   Too many missed tackles and we made Cutler look like Randall Cunningham.

Originally Posted by YooperPackfan:
I fear Ha Ha may be in a sophomore slump



He just can't play Morgan Burnett's position. If Dom's defense is predicated so much on a Safety, we need a new defense & a new DC

My sons, attendeth unto my wisdom.

1. Yea, though thou mayest lose the fattened calf, MacDonald's shall never run out of BigMac's.

2. Positive--4 of our next 5 weeks shalll be at home.  The next two shall also be on national television or Hovel Television, if thou so wishest.  Expect our players to whoopeth ass upon the unclean heathens and coffee bean addicts from Puget Sound and the rib eaters from the citadel of Kansas, yea. the same who  worship the red metal arch.

3.  Negatives.   Every year the bye seem to be on my birthday weekend.  Does  Baron Goodell not realize who much this doth pisseth me off?

Last edited by RoyalWulff

On our first drive we ran a trap play for good yardage. I'd love to see more of that.Bears played 6 guys in the box almost the entire game. We really should have been able to run the ball at will  vs. that look. I still think our zone blocking scheme requires too many reach blocks that are very difficult to execute, especially vs. quick / or slanting dlineman. 

Also, we are the only 1-0 team in our division right now!   That's a positive.


Considering how often we've had loses in the first few games in the last few nights (as I recall ... I didn't look it up ... it's nice to get off to a strong start.

Positives:  Rodgers was as good as ever.  


Negatives:  Rodgers supporting cast on offense had a fine day, but wow they look slow.  Hopefully a guy like Adams can emerge as a guy who can go deep because I don't think Jones or RichRod can.  Jones, for as great a day as he had does look like he's lost a step since he last played for the Pack.  He used to be able to get deep (then often drop the pass   �� ) but that deep speed looks like it has left him.


They didn't miss Jordy today, but these next couple weeks some guys will need to get more separation vs. some better defenses in the Seahags and Chiefs.

Last edited by fightphoe93
Originally Posted by BrainDed:
 Players were in position to make plays, most the time the didn't.   Too many missed tackles and we made Cutler look like Randall Cunningham.


Missed tackles are a result of mental lapses.


Cutler is an idiot, this is well documented, but he is a talented player.


Another positive:


Rodger's passere rating was 140.5.  Not too shabby.


On the other hand, one Matthew Stafford, whose girlfriend insists is just as talented as Rodgers had the spectacular rating of 34.3.  Wow.


And Megatron was targeted 4x, catching two of them.  As good as Megatron has been I keep more and more "experts" talking of other WR's as being among the top few WR's.  Is Megatron slipping?

Among many other examples as to why I'm not an NFL GM, I remember watching Cutler in 2006 and wishing the Packers had him instead of Rodgers (I was a little off in that assessment).  


Once in awhile you'd see great things in Cutler before 2011 but his physical ability was a tease as he's never mastered the mental side of playing QB and it's safe to say that in year 10 of his career he never will.

Originally Posted by fightphoe93:

Once in awhile you'd see great things in Cutler before 2011 but his physical ability was a tease as he's never mastered the mental side of playing QB and it's safe to say that in year 10 of his career he never will.


As long as Cutler has that big contract, he'll be sucking the life out of the Bears. And that's a good thing.

Last edited by pduck

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