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@SteveLuke posted:

So the evidence now indisputably establishes that the Front Office knew Davante wanted out in early 2022 because he was not pleased that they "lowballed" him (in Davante's opinion) prior to 2021 season.

Trading Adams in March of 2022 given the circumstances was certainly understandable.

Not trading Rodgers in 2022 knowing Adams was long gone was far less understandable and among the reasons so many of us wanted Rodgers traded last offseason.

Giving Rodgers a huge new extension in March of 2022 knowing Adams was gone was (a) something Murph forced poor Gutey to do under threat of termination, (b) yet another brilliant move that only failed because who could have possibly foreseen that Rodgers might not mesh with a trio of rookie WRs, the corpse of Sammy Watkins, and perhaps the worst group of receiving TEs in the NFL, and/or (c) yet another brilliant move that has the Pack primed for another Super Bowl run in 2023?

I'm not sure your interpretation of the timeline in copacetic with the events as they unfolded. 17 said part of his decision process hinged on 12's commitment. The Packers secured 12's commitment in the form of a new extension and then approached 17 with a substantial contract offer.

When that was rebuffed they had to move on to plan B. That's the exact point in time where the focus shifted towards building to the future. Every decision after supports that viewpoint.

It's fun for us to sit on the sidelines and take pot shots without being in the crucible. To be fair Gute's roster with a half in QB drawing a massive salary was on the precipice of a playoff berth. Imo, Gute's managed transitioning from supporting the aging part of the roster to focusing on the ascending part of the roster quite well. He was ready to support a version of Rodgers that wanted to dedicate the end of his career to a Tom Brady like commitment. 12 demonstrated that wasn't his plan in 2022 or moving forward.

Gute knew exactly where 10's development was at last offseason.  He's going to make the best decisions with the roster he has. Under your hindsight perfect trade of 12 last year 10 gets none of the benefit of Tom Clements' coaching in 2023 and is learning to swim with a coaching staff undergoing the burden of a massive amount of turnover. Gutekunst might very well be unsuccessful with his measured process, but I can understand the decisions.

From the video though, Devante claiming the FO lowballed him the year before by refusing to make him the highest paid WR. He claims the offer was less that 20 per. That’s ridiculous! TT had great success paying his proven homegrown talent. The FO fucked this up, based on the fact that they then tried to then match the Raiders offer.

That would be classic Russ Ballz!! "Here's what we think you're worth" - 🖕🏼 Bean counter

Then when another team pays him like top 3 WR in the NFL that he IS.... Oh shit....start scrambling to "match" the Raiders. 🤦‍♂️

You stupid fuckers - Murphy can't turn 70 fast enough and get a better contract guy than Rusty Ballz!

This entire situation is ridiculous and handled poorly. I'm glad DA got paid - he deserved that & I think he wanted to get out from under the #12 shadow too & prove how good he is.

Thanks Davante. You're awesome.

@titmfatied posted:

I'm not sure your interpretation of the timeline in copacetic with the events as they unfolded. 17 said part of his decision process hinged on 12's commitment. The Packers secured 12's commitment in the form of a new extension and then approached 17 with a substantial contract offer.

When that was rebuffed they had to move on to plan B. That's the exact point in time where the focus shifted towards building to the future. Every decision after supports that viewpoint.

It's fun for us to sit on the sidelines and take pot shots without being in the crucible. To be fair Gute's roster with a half in QB drawing a massive salary was on the precipice of a playoff berth. Imo, Gute's managed transitioning from supporting the aging part of the roster to focusing on the ascending part of the roster quite well. He was ready to support a version of Rodgers that wanted to dedicate the end of his career to a Tom Brady like commitment. 12 demonstrated that wasn't his plan in 2022 or moving forward.

Gute knew exactly where 10's development was at last offseason.  He's going to make the best decisions with the roster he has. Under your hindsight perfect trade of 12 last year 10 gets none of the benefit of Tom Clements' coaching in 2023 and is learning to swim with a coaching staff undergoing the burden of a massive amount of turnover. Gutekunst might very well be unsuccessful with his measured process, but I can understand the decisions.

I also think Love is much better positioned for success having another year under his belt and tutelage from Clements.  Could you imagine the pressure if Love had to follow up Rodgers after back to back MVP seasons?  That is a recipe for disaster.  Gute saw promise in Love but there is no doubt that that extra year made him more comfortable moving on from 12.

@titmfatied posted:

Under your hindsight perfect trade of 12 last year ...

Gutekunst might very well be unsuccessful with his measured process, but I can understand the decisions.

First, I thought the company line was that Gutey was uber-anxious to trade Rodge during the 2022 offseason but big bad Murph forbade him from doing so? When did the narrative change to shrewd Gutey was always planning to keep Rodge in 2023 as part of his "measured process" master plan?

Second, I realize the Gutey fanclub wants to pretend that no one was calling for Rodge to be traded right after the playoff loss to SF in order to deflect and distract from the compelling reasons #12 ought to have been traded then, but, unfortunately for the club, the facts belie their oft-repeated misrepresentations on this subject. Indeed, many were presciently calling for moving on from Rodge to Jordan Love right after the latest playoff loss. That the FRONT OFFICE signed Rodge to a huge extension knowing Davante was likely departing just makes the decision that much worse.

Third, regarding the notion that "Gutekunst might very well be unsuccessful," the question arises as to how "success" is measured in Green Bay these days.

Is it even possible for Gutey to be unsuccessful (as that word is defined within the confines of 1265 Lombardi) during the final two years of the Murph retirement celebration?

@Goalline posted:

From the video though, Devante claiming the FO lowballed him the year before by refusing to make him the highest paid WR. He claims the offer was less that 20 per. That’s ridiculous!

Their first offer. It's a negotiation, no one opens with their best offer. 

@SteveLuke posted:

First, I thought the company line was that Gutey was uber-anxious to trade Rodge during the 2022 offseason but big bad Murph forbade him from doing so? When did the narrative change to shrewd Gutey was always planning to keep Rodge in 2023 as part of his "measured process" master plan?

Second, I realize the Gutey fanclub

If someone is making decisions for the future of the franchise variables arise from having a flakey QB, to having a goofy, possibly meddling CEO.

The GM plans for all the scenarios and makes the call with the cards he's dealt.

I'm not part of any fan club. The development of the next version of the Green Bay Packers will reveal whether Gutekunst's plan was successful or not. If it all blows up I'll be more than happy to agree with your position that he's a terrible GM.  I don't see the evidence for that yet.

I'm certain things would be different if Gutey was able to execute "Master Plan A". Problem is you're dealing with humans, not machines. You have to be flexible and dynamic in your approach, making the best decision you can with the information you have at the time. It doesn't always work out perfect but learn from your mistakes and move forward without making the same mistake twice.

It's a tough job and tough situation but so far I like the path.

What determines success?? A competitive team approaching or entering the playoffs in 2023 and 2024 seasons. We'll reevaluate after the next 2 seasons.

To me, that's successful especially after moving on from a HoF QB. Better than the Patriots have done it they can pull it off.

@Boris posted:

That would be classic Russ Ballz!! "Here's what we think you're worth" - 🖕🏼 Bean counter

Then when another team pays him like top 3 WR in the NFL that he IS.... Oh shit....start scrambling to "match" the Raiders. 🤦‍♂️

You stupid fuckers - Murphy can't turn 70 fast enough and get a better contract guy than Rusty Ballz!

This entire situation is ridiculous and handled poorly. I'm glad DA got paid - he deserved that & I think he wanted to get out from under the #12 shadow too & prove how good he is.

Thanks Davante. You're awesome.

BTW, I still don’t think any receiver is worth that kind of money, but clearly they did and based on the offense last year, I am willing to consider I might be wrong. Perhaps, Devante was responsible for the last 2 MVP years of 12.

Last edited by Goalline
@titmfatied posted:

If someone is making decisions for the future of the franchise variables arise from having a flakey QB, to having a goofy, possibly meddling CEO.

The GM plans for all the scenarios and makes the call with the cards he's dealt.

I'm not part of any fan club. The development of the next version of the Green Bay Packers will reveal whether Gutekunst's plan was successful or not. If it all blows up I'll be more than happy to agree with your position that he's a terrible GM.  I don't see the evidence for that yet.

Your approach is always the common sense one.

@Goalline posted:

BTW, I still don’t think any receiver is worth that kind of money, but clearly they did and based on the offense last year, I am willing to consider I might be wrong. Perhaps, Devante was responsible for the last 2 MVP years of 12.

It is the same in any and all sports. The salary cap goes up so the top players are going to always be at the top of the food chain and get the most money. Salary cap goes up,  Bachtiartia got top of the market money for offensive tackles. Salary Cap goes up, AR got most money for QB. Davante wanted and deserved top of the market money for a WR. I remember Gutey stating that they were looking at different statistical data for WR money that what Adams agent was saying.  Apparently Gutey was looking at the wrong data. If he makes DA the top paid WR the year before then DA is still in Green Bay. If the salary cap went up 50 million tomorrow, the same group of players would demand more money. 

@H5 posted:

What the hell @Blair Kiel, TNF?

Adams getting held a lot.

14-0, Oakland leading San Diego.


I picked a good day to stop creating game threads…and sniffing glue.

This game is a horse that should be shot to make glue.

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