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Look, I can see why people don't like the guy, but man there were some good memories there, and think what you want, but I think the guy is good person. Flawed for sure, but who isn't?

I don’t doubt that he’s a good guy and I’ll probably watch it at some point, but right now I’m just ready for him to go away for awhile.  WAY too much media coverage for AR, especially for a QB who’s best days are clearly behind him.

I do still enjoy the shadenfruede aspect of it all though. Karma.

Not really sure what I can learn from this.  He has been a part of our lives for almost 20 years, not in the shadows either. Is there is any “celebrity” that we need to know more of?  He hasn’t been shy or reticent to comment on the minutiae of his life.

I’ll watch him play til he is gone, that’s enough for me.

that his rift with his family began in high skool...    young feller, a very key aspect of enlightenment is forgiveness and forgetting the past.  there is only now.

of course, AR's about as enlightened as a whale oil lamp

If you read his book there isn't a very good chance of ever getting back on his good side once he's sent you to "the island".

Only one person (allegedly) has returned after being sent to the island. And that was his best friend from high school. Or what he called his "best friend".

Guys like Rodgers can never have real friends. It's just people he allows around him and everyone else can fuck off.

@Boris posted:

I totally get it with him.  It just feels like he’s a tremendous talent that gets underutilized there due to the dysfunction.

I think he’d have a ton of suitors if he was on the trading block.

@fightphoe93 posted:

I totally get it with him.  It just feels like he’s a tremendous talent that gets underutilized there due to the dysfunction.

I think he’d have a ton of suitors if he was on the trading block.

Willis for Wilson!

@Boris posted:

Something good for a change. Nice to see him doing good stuff for the kids. I find it amusing the kid doesn't know who he is. I think Rodgers actually likes that too.

What they don't tell you in the xtweet is that AR intentionally bought a pair for the kid two sizes too small but told him that's how great football players wear them.  Totally AR.....what a prick!

Last edited by PackLandVA

Woody seems like a guy who's got the people that manage the money, managing him. Has to be fun for the people that have that kind of influence to make decisions without consequence. Just keep the numbers right and everything else is like fantasy football for rich folk.

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