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I'm not making excuses for the guy, but he's also getting absolutely pummeled and no one seems to be acknowledging that. 8 sacks in a half? How many QB's withstand that and come back out there? He's skittish in the pocket and his heretofore innate pocket presence and timing is off. That's why he either holds the ball too long or sprays it out there a millisecond too early and is inaccurate as a result.

Get his pocket confidence back and you'll see the old AR. Any QB taking the beating he is isn't going to put up 45 and 6. No QB in history put that up before last year regardless of protection.

It's the OL. Rodgers isn't gonna say that publicly, because that's the guy he appears to be. 99% of the QB's out there would've melted down by now.
Originally posted by DH13:
I never implied it was easy to disrupt their timing/routes on a regular basis but the current passing game does not resemble what it was. Rodgers is holding the ball a lot longer than in the past and often nobody is open. Add on the fact that he's missed several wide open guys downfield and the that they want to run timing routes at a particular pace and rhythm and it looks like what it is. Seeing too much pressure in his face can yield the same results: disruption of the timing and rhythm.

Yeah, I think those dropped/negated INT's have been huge.

...I'd like to see some bunch formations / pick plays to negate the DB's aggressive jamming of our receivers at the line of scrimmage. Easy way out is to just say that our receivers "need to be more physical", but how about some actual formation strategy to negate it?
Originally posted by Ghost of Lambeau:
And yet based on what he has done so far, he is on a pace to throw 605 passes and complete 416 of them for 69% completion rate and 4128 yards, 32 TDs, and 13 interceptions. I can name a few QBs who would love those stats - including one former Packer QB as far as INTs go.

As far as passer rating is concerned, he has two games ove 100 so far. Before last year, I believe Rodgers had five games with a PR over 100. So last year was really off the charts in that respect. It would be very difficult to do that again.

This is my point. Somewhere between the two years is perfect. A huge number of teams would kill for a QB with those stats. If Rodgers is guilty of something, it may be trying to top what he did last year, so he wants to be even more precise. Heck, I could live once in a while if he just winged it to one of his guys. I don't want him to become Beffin'F, just to let it go every now and then.
If Rodgers is guilty of something, it may be trying to top what he did last year, so he wants to be even more precise.
Big Head Syndrome is what I call it. MVP last year, voted #1 player by all NFL players = Big Head Syndrome. He just has to relax and hit his targets......JMHO. Big Grin
We've been here before with AR not playing up to the lofty standards he's set for himself and that'll work itself out, hopefully sooner rather than later. The OL struggles when there's no balance and the defense can just pin its ears back and go after AR.

They desperately need to find something resembling a running game without Benson and I just hope Starks can step up to the challenge and manage to stay on the field.
Originally posted by FLPACKER:
Originally posted by DH13:
I never implied it was easy to disrupt their timing/routes on a regular basis but the current passing game does not resemble what it was. Rodgers is holding the ball a lot longer than in the past and often nobody is open. Add on the fact that he's missed several wide open guys downfield and the that they want to run timing routes at a particular pace and rhythm and it looks like what it is. Seeing too much pressure in his face can yield the same results: disruption of the timing and rhythm.

Yeah, I think those dropped/negated INT's have been huge.

...I'd like to see some bunch formations / pick plays to negate the DB's aggressive jamming of our receivers at the line of scrimmage. Easy way out is to just say that our receivers "need to be more physical", but how about some actual formation strategy to negate it?

Yeah, I think both Coordinators will have to come down from their perch a little and get back to some fundamentals a bit ...
I don't think Rodgers got a "big head" or is trying to top what he did last year, he doesn't seem like that kind of person. He seems like very grounded team player who cares more about championships than he does personal records.

I think what we're seeing, at least with the deep passes, is a function of the offense and not Rodgers being a selfish glory hound. It's a vertical passing game that wants to score quickly and often.

We also got spoiled by his performance last year. A season rating of 122 is ridiculous and if you thought that would continue into this year then you deserve to be disappointed because it would be nearly impossible to duplicate that performance. His rating after week 5 in 2010 was 92 which is about where he's at now. QBs have good weeks and bad weeks, he looked great against New Orleans, the 2nd half at Seattle, the 1st half against Indy, and sporadically through the Chicago and San Fran games. He just needs to put together a consistent game and not get frustrated. I'm confident he will get it together, he's a great person and great athlete.
I can't believe anyone is surprised that he's not duplicating 2011. He was a FREAK last year: 45 TDs, 6 picks, 4,643 yards? Christ, those are Madden stats. His productivity in '11 covered up all kinds of flaws on both sides of the ball.

Rodgers coming down to earth means the whole team is a little more exposed.
Originally posted by FreeSafety:
The thing that bothers me are the drive killing sacks he takes after 5-6-7 seconds of not finding anybody open and not throwing the ball away.

Agree. He's trying to make a play. It's his version of "Favre" except Favre would throw the mind-numbing INT. Instead Rodgers takes the mind-numbing sack. If you ask me to pick between the 2 I'll take the sack
Originally posted by Boris:
Originally posted by FreeSafety:
The thing that bothers me are the drive killing sacks he takes after 5-6-7 seconds of not finding anybody open and not throwing the ball away.

Agree. He's trying to make a play. It's his version of "Favre" except Favre would throw the mind-numbing INT. Instead Rodgers takes the mind-numbing sack. If you ask me to pick between the 2 I'll take the sack

Both good points. If Rodgers could just throw it away, that's the one we would all prefer.

Favre and Cutler (especially when playing the Packers) both do the same thing. They'll both wing it down field and just hope someone in their jersey colors catches it. And while both did get lucky with some, it was those INT's that drove us nuts and no doubt bears fans as well.

That's not the QB I want. But Rodgers can't stand there for 7 seconds and then fall in a heap with a sack. He's gotta find a way to throw it OOB.
I think Rodgers is having some mechanical issues. Far to often he is throwing from awkward positions when he doesn't have to and it's affecting his accuracy. Either he is rushing because he fears the pressure or he is just being lazy when it happens.

I'm guessing option 2 because he also is reverting to holding the ball at times and taking unneeded sacks.

He will get it cleaned up.
Originally posted by Hungry5:
Accuracy? He's completing 68.8% of his passes... that's pretty damn good/accurate.

I was talking about holding on to the ball too long. He did it too much earlier in his career as well.
I was responding to brainded...

Check out ARs game splits:

Pass Thrown Behind Line of Scrimmage	27	30	158	90	5.27	17	0	0	0	88.6
Pass Thrown 1-10 yds	                60	82	504	73.2	6.15	20	2	0	0	96.8
Pass Thrown 11-20 yds	                18	33	268	54.5	8.12	26	4	3	0	83.1
Pass Thrown 21-30 yds	                3	8	103	37.5	12.88	49	1	0	0	125
Pass Thrown 31-40 yds	                1	1	31	100	31	31	0	0	0	118.8
Pass Thrown 41+ yds	                0	2	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	39.6

** edit ** somethings not right with those stats on
what is wrong with those stats (or are other ESPN stats being refered to than the ones H5 linked to)?

402 yards on 42 attempts = 9.57 yards per attempt on passes over 10 yards.

I'm surprised it was that high (success rate, not yards), and it is probably why they stick to those long passes.

73% chance at 6 yards or a 50% chance at 9 yards. I just wish they would chose the first option more often on third down, less than 5 yards to go.
Originally posted by Hungry5:
Accuracy? He's completing 68.8% of his passes... that's pretty damn good/accurate.

Wow.. That really surprises me.. Seems to me like he is missing easy throws compared to last year and not hitting guys in stride. I guess I was wrong.
Originally posted by Hungry5:
I was responding to brainded...

Check out ARs game splits:

Pass Thrown Behind Line of Scrimmage	27	30	158	90	5.27	17	0	0	0	88.6
Pass Thrown 1-10 yds	                60	82	504	73.2	6.15	20	2	0	0	96.8
Pass Thrown 11-20 yds	                18	33	268	54.5	8.12	26	4	3	0	83.1
Pass Thrown 21-30 yds	                3	8	103	37.5	12.88	49	1	0	0	125
Pass Thrown 31-40 yds	                1	1	31	100	31	31	0	0	0	118.8
Pass Thrown 41+ yds	                0	2	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	39.6

** edit ** somethings not right with those stats on

Maybe I wasn't wrong.. Accuracy on passes over 10 yards ..LOL
It isn't Rodgers. Your defense misses Nick Collins... A WHOLE lot! Now, you take away Desmond Bishop and now Raji... Its tough. Finley is playing like crap. Your team does bot run enough or emphasize it enough. The quick score offense also leaves the defense out there longer and they probably wear down at game end/fourth quarter. It is inexcuseable to let Colts with a rookie QB beat you with less than 2 minutes on the clock. I would be interested to see TOP in each of your games.

Jennings/Nelson need each other an they need Finley to step up to make them more productive.

Plus, refs stole one from you.

It is not Rodgers.
I would be interested to see TOP in each of your games.

vs colts was roughly 25 for the Pack and 35 for the Colts.

I don't at all say this to mean the Packers don't need Jennings. He's not just a #1 receiver, he's a top 10 #1 receiver. IMO, I think the Packers have more than enough talent at the WR position to adjust to the loss of Jennings and still be successful. I think the biggest problem is the adjustment. Jennings is the guy that makes the offense run smooth and is Mr reliable. When 1 guy is that big a part of your offense it's going to take more than 1 week of practice to adjust. Cobb has started his ascension. This team is more than capable of ripping off win after win.

I've never seen 1 receiver take over a game the way Reggie Wayne did on Sunday. He was in the zone and playing at a level above any other athlete on the field. It's a kick in the nuts but it happens. Mathis was lifting the level of play of the defense too. The Packers are in the midst of adversity. Will be fun to see if they can overcome.

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