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Originally posted by Pistol GB:
He's had some misses. He's had them before. But overall, he finds the open guy. Keep watching into the second half: you telling me he's getting sacked because he likes it? Because he's suddenly stupid? Wants to lose? What?

I'm saying what the reporters are saying, what the people in the stands are saying, what the players on the freaking field themselves are now saying: opposing defenses play every down as if it is a pass because they know that MM absolutely positively will not consistently run the football. And statistically, it is the smartest thing for those defenses to do.

Teams don't play the run at all, it's pretty hard for anyone to get open. No one is open, and your QB gets sacked. Those are coverage sacks. Rodgers doesn't suddenly suck.

TJ Lang said it, because it is true. You think he wanted to come out and jack the playcalling that way?

Outstanding post.
Originally posted by titmfatied:
Here's a blog with a review using the all 22 film. Lot's of observations in here from every drive of the game. Can't recommend it enough.

TiVo Time: Packers vs. Colts

posted by Shawn on 10/10/2012 at 5:20 pm

without watching the "all 22" i'd have to say this is pretty darn accurate from what i saw live action.

As bad as ARod was on a few plays, those missed INTs from Williams were big. Strange that guy caught everything a few years ago. Shoulder still a little gimpy? Back to ARod...checking out of that screen on the INT to Jones, man that really was a bad read IMHO. We all can see what Cobb can do with the ball in his hands, have to get him more touches.
Originally posted by Shoeless Joe:
Originally posted by El-Ka-Bong:
can we get you, noripous and kworst in a room together?

kworipous? noriworst?

Tekwonsterpus in a room together.

"This room will never amount to anything"
"We should trade this room"
"Is anyone strong enough to open this door?"
"That door is probably sealed shut, why try?"
"We should paint these walls. What color is despair?"
Originally posted by titmfatied:
TiVo Time: Packers vs. Colts

posted by Shawn on 10/10/2012 at 5:20 pm

That was a great run down. I picked this off the end:

Let me just say that the film shows the Colts made the biggest adjustment in the game by going away from the press coverage to a lot more zone coverage in the second half. This clearly confused Rodgers, at times.

Rodgers is not the same QB as this time last year and the fact that his top receiver is out is probably the biggest reason why. Defensive coordinators also appear to know better how to attack him. He and McCarthy need to adjust and roll with the changes.

I just read an article where JJ emphatically denies the WRs aren't getting separation or getting open, it's just that "the offense as a whole isn't executing". The 22 review points out several/many instances where receivers are actually open but they simply don't get the ball.
Originally posted by Pikes Peak:
Originally posted by Badgeman:
[QUOTE]And thus, on this day, Monday, 15 October, let it be proclaimed that proper world order is restored.

Much as one loss is just that, one win is also just that.

The Pack is now back .500 since the KC game. That is .500 in the last 10 games.

While I agree with the skepticism...for cripes sake dude. A lot of people were down about the Packers after the loss to IND. Let them enjoy this win as much. The unique thing about this game: it's not like we haven't seen the Packers look this good before. It wasn't an anomoly. They looked like they did in 15 out of their 16 games last year and now the task is to maintain that level of execution.
Originally posted by DH13:
[While I agree with the skepticism...for cripes sake dude. A lot of people were down about the Packers after the loss to IND. Let them enjoy this win as much. The unique thing about this game: it's not like we haven't seen the Packers look this good before. It wasn't an anomoly. They looked like they did in 15 out of their 16 games last year and now the task is to maintain that level of execution.

No one is enjoying it more than point is this dude, the Pack has won won then lost one. I am very interested to see where this latest win leads them. Recent history does not assure them a win, even against a team they should dominate.

Last yr does not matter any more.

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