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The best part was that Rodgers let the ball go, even if his guy wasn't totally open. He counted on his receivers doing their part, and they did it. Jones was masterful at bringing in those two TDs. On the second one, I'm not sure Rodgers even throws that earlier this year and possibly the same on the one to Crabtree (I think he would have tried to use his feet to escape).

Finley let him down again and uncharacteristically, so did Jordy on that short pass across the middle where he could have walked into the end zone. But Rodgers stuck with them and threw the ball.

It's funny what a better performance by the Oline will do for a passing game!
I came upon First Take this morning and was intent on watching as I wanted to see the Stephen Smith versus Skip Bayless when they would talk Rodgers.

Bayless was unreal. He said Tom Brady is the best. Smith retorted and Bayless said the Packers were only 3-3.

Gee, einstein, what is New England?

No judgment here, but when Bayless said that, I screamed at the TV, "Bayless, shove it up your gay a$$!"
Originally posted by Fandame:...Finley let him down again and uncharacteristically, so did Jordy on that short pass across the middle where he could have walked into the end zone. But Rodgers stuck with them and threw the ball...

Keep in mind we can say the same thing about ARod overthrowing a wide-open Nelson going down the sideline for a sure TD as well.
These things have a way of evening out.
Yet Rodgers does his weekly radio show with the ESPN affiliate in Milwaukee.

From today's Tuesdays with Aaron

"I wanted to set the tone in practice last week.. the urgency level that was needed. We needed to kick it up a tad."

"There wasn't a major freakout or panic. The objectives were very clear."

"We're human. We hear different things. All of us are motivated in different ways."

"Doesn't hurt when everybody and anybody is voicing a negative opinion, waiting for us to falter."

On last week's "Scout team controversy" -- "Absolutely ridiculous."

On Shhhh! "100 percent impromptu.. I was so proud of our guys. Guys made some big-time plays. I wanted to focus on the team."

"It was a good game. Not quite the Atlanta feeling. You get a good comfort level. Middle of pocket was very clean."
Last edited by H5
"I could tell (TD would be called back) because there weren't a lot of guys celebrating with me... It was embarrassing."

"Hurt myself on that run a little bit..... I'll be OK." Will you be on the injury report? "Probably."

On Jones success "mindset and opportunity... he looks at himself as a top receiver... very good practice habits... Confidence kind of oozing out of him..... Guys expect him to make big plays."

A.Green "Like his attitude, energy and preparation... Downhill runner.. Athletic guy.. Has made some big runs for us... understands protection schemes"

Cobb "Probably going to go down as one of the better picks of Ted Thompson's career, if not the best." "Very intelligent and deliberate in his preparation... very similar to Greg (Jennings). Greg's first day of practice he ran a very crisp precise route... could see the respect and professionalism. Randall is the same. Came in last year very respectful and classy, but with that edge that "I belong here.""
Crabtree false-started on play that led to his TD... got a bone from the officials... Says Crabtree looked "kind of fast."

"6 TDs is a lot..... It wasn't like Butte College playing Shasta College."

Lot of bigfoot sightings in No. Cal., are you a believer? chuckling "Yes. My brother Luke is a huge believer." "probably a hippee."

MIN is playing in London next year, would you be willing to travel there for that game? "as long as it is a Vikings home game"
Originally posted by GBFanForLife:
Originally posted by CALBuccaneer:
Yep, that Rodgers sure ain't getting it done. Roll Eyes

You do realize that Rodgers is the one who said that he wasn't getting it done?


Sure buddy, I know. He's not Jay Cutler...that's all it says to me. He started by taking some blame on himself but if there is a better QB in the game today, please show him to me. Would you trade this guy for ANY other QB in the game today? I would hope not.

He is saying the right things by not throwing teammates under the listening FINLEY??
Keep in mind we can say the same thing about ARod overthrowing a wide-open Nelson going down the sideline for a sure TD as well.
These things have a way of evening out.

I think it also applies to the tough and sometimes rediculous catches our receivers make. Sometimes the guy is covered or the ball isn't perfectly placed such that a pick or incompletion would result with a lesser caliber receiver. But some of those catches Sunday night and last year, and even in the SB were catches that in a way bailed out the throw. I'm not bashing Rodgers at all - he does plenty with his accuracy. I'm just saying sometimes our WRs are making him look even better. And sometimes there are drops.
Originally posted by Floridarob:
The better Jones performs, I just don't see Jennings back next year.Jordy, Jones and Cobb are exceptional receivers and there is not enough money for everyone. Got to save some money for Rodgers, Raji, and Matthews.....

Not sure why, but I believe the Jennings situation will work itself out over time. I think Ted already knows what they want to go down, and whether it includes Jennings, and for that matter Finley, will be played out as this season rolls on. I don't believe much actual "doing" will even be necessary.
I would prefer it if CBS would make Sharpe write down his thoughts and hold it up to the camera. He talks like a guy that just shoved his tongue in a bee hive.

"It's always someone elses fault other than his own, I'm not so sure, I'm not so sure" is what we heard.

For all we know he said "This nonsense has to halt whether it's sewn. I have no shoes, I have no shoes".

We really don't know.
Originally posted by Hungry5:
From 2/23/12 talking 'bout his buddy Braun

...let the people hear the truth. Should get interesting. #exonerated #shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

MLB seeks to suspend A-Rod, Braun

Major League Baseball will seek to suspend about 20 players connected to the Miami-area clinic at the heart of an ongoing performance-enhancing drug scandal, including Alex Rodriguez and Ryan Braun, possibly within the next few weeks, "Outside the Lines" has learned. If the suspensions are upheld, the performance-enhancing drug scandal would be the largest in American sports history.

Tony Bosch, founder of the now-shuttered Biogenesis of America, reached an agreement this week to cooperate with MLB's investigation, two sources told "Outside the Lines," giving MLB the ammunition officials believe they need to suspend the players.

One source familiar with the case said the commissioner's office might seek 100-game suspensions for Rodriguez, Braun and other players, the penalty for a second doping offense. continue

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