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"I'm not sure I want the ball in my hands with 2 minutes left on the clock"??? That is cowardly and more of the first definition.


Another FACT: If we ignore him, he'll probably go away.

Oops. Now I'm in cowardly denial. Roll Eyes
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by Brak:
Originally posted by Change of Possession:
Prove it? LMAO.

Exactly. You can't go around going "FACT FACT FACT" when you simply cannot or will not prove what you say is true, and then not expect to hear about it.

Brak, be objective, man. Facts are facts. Deal with it. FACT! I have a 25 inch penis.

Is it one of those bull-whips you can get in those Mexico street markets?
Originally posted by El-Ka-Bong:
Originally posted by Change of Possession:
It wasn't journalism

no ****

I'm upset that you didn't acknowledge the clever Simpson's reference. Thank goodness for Chronic Hobbit.
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by Brak:
Originally posted by Change of Possession:
Prove it? LMAO.

Exactly. You can't go around going "FACT FACT FACT" when you simply cannot or will not prove what you say is true, and then not expect to hear about it.

Brak, be objective, man. Facts are facts. Deal with it. FACT! I have a 25 inch penis.

If my penis were that tiny, I wouldn't be posting about it on the internet.
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by Brak:
Originally posted by Change of Possession:
Prove it? LMAO.

Exactly. You can't go around going "FACT FACT FACT" when you simply cannot or will not prove what you say is true, and then not expect to hear about it.

Brak, be objective, man. Facts are facts. Deal with it. FACT! I have a 25 inch penis.

Where can I get one of those funhouse mirrors?
Originally posted by El-Ka-Bong:
I spent like 20 minutes trying to find a shot of Homer drooling at the waffle on the ceiling.

Don't be a hater.

It's time for my patented moon waffle. Just add a little liquid smoke. Pork Chops, Waffles, Football, Boobies...
Boys...boys...boys, can we respectfully agree to disagree here. I can see valid points to both sides of this argument. Brett wowed me with his play but had me cussing him out with his play also. Especially in the later yrs. Who knows what AR will give us...for all intent and purposes I have a good feeling about this young man because up to this point he has handled the transition admirably. And I might add more so than Brett handled it when AR was drafted. He as much said 'don't look to me for help'. There will be a closer bond between AR & the team than there was with Favre. Not only because of the age difference but because AR wants it that way. I give him one up on Brett in this regard. Go Packers
Originally posted by Fedya:
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by Brak:
Originally posted by Change of Possession:
Prove it? LMAO.

Exactly. You can't go around going "FACT FACT FACT" when you simply cannot or will not prove what you say is true, and then not expect to hear about it.

Brak, be objective, man. Facts are facts. Deal with it. FACT! I have a 25 inch penis.

If my penis were that tiny, I wouldn't be posting about it on the internet.

Prove it!
Originally posted by Change of Possession:
I had access to information that most people do not.

You know what's funny. You'd kill for some of the information I have. The difference between you & me? I don't feel the need to go out of my way & tell everyone "I'M AN INSIDER!!!" but if that's what you need to do to justify yourself or make yourself feel better, please be my guest.
Max, et al. Allow me to summarize this thread by plagiarizing a line from one of my favorite movie scenes:

You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well-known are these: never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line, and never discuss Favre or Mike McCarthy with CoP!
Originally posted by Boris:
Originally posted by Change of Possession:
I had access to information that most people do not.

You know what's funny. You'd kill for some of the information I have. The difference between you & me? I don't feel the need to go out of my way & tell everyone "I'M AN INSIDER!!!" but if that's what you need to do to justify yourself or make yourself feel better, please be my guest.

The key word was "had". I'm out of that scene and have been for over 5 years. When did I say I was an insider? If that is what you want to project onto me that is your call. I did have access to info that most would never get close to due to my line of work. I also built many relationships including those with agents and other insiders.

I would not kill for any information because I don't care that much about it. If it mattered that much to me I'd still be doing it.

The only curiosity I have is what type of information you're saying you have access to. There are many purported insiders out there. I know you think I'm one of them but I worked the business for nearly 8 years.

I look at a guy like Mike Florio from He was an attorney who wanted to be part of the media and he did just that. ANYONE can do it. ANYONE. It just takes time and hard work.

BTW, you just went out of your way to tell me about your glorious information stream. I speak as someone who worked in media.

If you do have access to Packers related information go ahead and verify what I said about Favre's sacred cow status. You ran to the defense of Ms. Pacman on a web board. You don't think that happens on a much bigger stage with much bigger fish? Check your contacts for the answer.
Originally posted by Wisconsin Johnson:
Max, et al. Allow me to summarize this thread by plagiarizing a line from one of my favorite movie scenes:

You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well-known are these: never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line, and never discuss Favre or Mike McCarthy with CoP!

Oh, I love discussing Mike "pad level" McCarthy. He's still an active member of our organization so he's more worthy of discussion.

On appears his 35 wonderlic didn't help him as he heaved a ball that was picked off that MM said shouldn't have been thrown in today's OTA Smiler
Originally posted by Change of Possession:
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by Brak:
Originally posted by Change of Possession:
Prove it? LMAO.

Exactly. You can't go around going "FACT FACT FACT" when you simply cannot or will not prove what you say is true, and then not expect to hear about it.

Brak, be objective, man. Facts are facts. Deal with it. FACT! I have a 25 inch penis.

Where can I get one of those funhouse mirrors?

Judging by the sheer tonnage of your oh so delicious, albeit incredibly self aborbed commentary, I figured you already had one.
Originally posted by Change of Possession:
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by Fedya:
After you.

Mine is a fact. I don't have to prove it. Just ask CoP.

I have the torn rectum to prove it.

LMAO! Good one.

I think I'm pretty easy, man.

Anyway, I continue to take exception to the "lacking balls" descriptor. There are folks at 60 who start thinking, "I just don't want to deal with the stress of the job anymore."

We're talking pro football here and a guy nearing 40. I don't want to believe getting older causes cowardice.

In football years, Favre is ancient.
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by Change of Possession:
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by Fedya:
After you.

Mine is a fact. I don't have to prove it. Just ask CoP.

I have the torn rectum to prove it.

LMAO! Good one.

And the desire to try a two fer.
Originally posted by Henry:
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by Change of Possession:
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by Fedya:
After you.

Mine is a fact. I don't have to prove it. Just ask CoP.

I have the torn rectum to prove it.

LMAO! Good one.

And the desire to try a two fer.

Well, G-line is already TWO footlongs and then some.
Originally posted by phaedrus:

I think I'm pretty easy, man.

Anyway, I continue to take exception to the "lacking balls" descriptor. There are folks at 60 who start thinking, "I just don't want to deal with the stress of the job anymore."

We're talking pro football here and a guy nearing 40. I don't want to believe getting older causes cowardice.

In football years, Favre is ancient.

Lacking balls to me means that he did not believe in himself enough to return for one more season. Given all we know, or thought we knew, about him it is very puzzling to see him walk after such a tremendous regular season. He was dynamite. Is the team getting dismantled? What was the reason he hung'em up? To me, it's clear he didn't have faith in himself. He fought like crazy to put up the numbers he did last year and pretty much said that he just didn't want to do what it took to repeat those. The previous years he debated it was supposedly about how good we were and would we go 4-12 again? It wasn't about that this time. We looked to be a prime challenger for it all in '08 but he quit. The man who everyone credits with being the fiercest of competitors and the greatest will to win of all-time bails and then says he still wants to play? I can't respect that. I'm glad he's finally "officially" retired. Just do the paperwork show up in September for your ceremony, don't open the yapper and enjoy life on the farm in Hattiesburg.

So, then... He says "maybe something will happen around training camp time"? He probably could just walk back onto the team because that's the only time he was ever in Green Bay when it wasn't the regular season. It was old hat for him to miss OTA's and minicamps.
Originally posted by Change of Possession:
Originally posted by phaedrus:

I think I'm pretty easy, man.

Anyway, I continue to take exception to the "lacking balls" descriptor. There are folks at 60 who start thinking, "I just don't want to deal with the stress of the job anymore."

We're talking pro football here and a guy nearing 40. I don't want to believe getting older causes cowardice.

In football years, Favre is ancient.

Lacking balls to me means that he did not believe in himself enough to return for one more season. Given all we know, or thought we knew, about him it is very puzzling to see him walk after such a tremendous regular season. He was dynamite. Is the team getting dismantled? What was the reason he hung'em up? To me, it's clear he didn't have faith in himself. He fought like crazy to put up the numbers he did last year and pretty much said that he just didn't want to do what it took to repeat those. The previous years he debated it was supposedly about how good we were and would we go 4-12 again? It wasn't about that this time. We looked to be a prime challenger for it all in '08 but he quit. The man who everyone credits with being the fiercest of competitors and the greatest will to win of all-time bails and then says he still wants to play? I can't respect that. I'm glad he's finally "officially" retired. Just do the paperwork show up in September for your ceremony, don't open the yapper and enjoy life on the farm in Hattiesburg.

So, then... He says "maybe something will happen around training camp time"? He probably could just walk back onto the team because that's the only time he was ever in Green Bay when it wasn't the regular season. It was old hat for him to miss OTA's and minicamps.

I am really curious what Favre did that was so bad off the field. A lot of us have heard the rumors, which probably had some validity to them. It's not really inside information COP. Favre was never a saint off the field but it's not breaking news. What Favre did was/is common for a lot of pro athletes. I have you targeted as J.P. at KFAN.
Originally posted by Change of Possession:

I would not kill for any information because I don't care that much about it. If it mattered that much to me I'd still be doing it.

I think this team wants to show it wasn't "all Brett Favre" last season. Most of the young guys really had no connection with Brett due to the age gap. I'm anxious to see what a bunch of young hungry guys with something to prove do this season without the old venerable #4 under center. I'm sure it got old always having to talk about him in every interview they did.

Aaron Rodgers is a very bright young man which is the biggest thing going for him. I think he does realize exactly what he's in the middle of and I get the sense he's fired up about proving the world wrong about him. A lot of guys who should've gone at the very top of the draft and fell have played with a chip that led them to magnificent careers.

This really is a unique season for Packers fans. 17 years of Favre. Shoot, I was a kid when the Favre era started. For the first time there's change. I think it'll be for the better.

Rodgers doesn't deserve any honeymoon period, IMO. He was potentially the overall #1 pick in the NFL draft in 2005. He's had the rare opportunity to sit and learn for 3 full seasons from the unorthodox Brett Favre. The kid is smart enough to take the good from Brett and leave the bad. Rodgers has had plenty of reps to develop chemistry with the WR's. Over the last 3 off-seasons Rodgers has gotten more time with the 1's than Brett. Rodgers has been here while Brett has tended to graduation parties and the like.

His scrambling ability should be put on display often this season which causes a ton of injury concern. Where Brett would run around and make a crazy play Rodgers will tuck and run. As long as Aaron can get out of bounds and not take it up the middle he should be fine.

I'm a little concerned about the first few weeks. It is said the offense is always behind the defense early on. We get Minnesota and last years LAST ranked pass defense in the opener. As long as Clifton can handle Jared Allen the way he did vs. KC last season, Rogders should get his career off to a great start.

I couldn't agree more with that last statement. Rodgers is smarter than what we used to have. It will be nice to see a 3rd and 6 run for a first down instead of turned into a pick 6, or great field position, for the other team.

The question is...Will Rodgers get hurt doing this?

Yes... It certainly is. BTW, I do like that video clip.

Who do you think is smarter? I'm not talking experience. You take these two and put them through the exact same things which one would you surmise would learn the most and, in effect, be smarter? Just purely from an overall intelligence standpoint who do you think is brighter?

NFL teams use the Wonderlic as a barometer to measure intelligence especially at the QB position. Rodgers scored higher. He's a bright guy who I think will have no problem playing within himself which is needed in the WCO. I expect less turnovers from our offense with his smarter decision making. Even as a first time starter I expect it to be better than what we've witnessed the last few years.

As pointed out already... he'll run for a first down instead of wildly heaving it into triple coverage. That is a plus right there. He'll also take to coaching much easier than someone who is a legend and has been doing it for a long time. I see all those as pluses for Mr. Rodgers' neighborhood.

James Jones certainly seems fired up about the switch. I love the comment he made about Rodgers knowing the offense better than Brett and throwing a harder ball. Both shocking statements.

It has nothing to do with an agenda. If you want to call my honest assessment of the situation an "agenda" then I'm fine with it. Rodgers is a bright guy. Is that debatable? Was Favre ever thought of in that regard? No.

James Jones said Rodgers knew the WCO offense better than Favre. There we have an actual player backing up my "agenda". It is odd that a man who ran the offense for 17 years vs. a guy who only practiced for 3 years has a better understanding. It has to do with intelligence and preparation. Obviously, Rodgers is a studier. Favre said he really hit the tapes last year to play at a high level which is something he'd never done before. Brett was magnificently naturally gifted and relied on that. Rodgers is far less talented but a brighter individual thus I expect less mistakes and far less exciting plays. I'll take a consistent QB vs. what we used to have. I hated the crazy ints more than I liked the "wow" plays.

If Rodgers truly understands this offense the way we've heard, I don't expect him to make "rookie" mistakes. He possesses a maturity already just in apparently mastering the inner workings of the WCO. That is a humongous plus. To know what you're doing when you hit the field will only pay dividends.

I never said Brett wasn't smart enough to pick up the offense. I said Rodgers is smarter and I doubt anyone who is honest would debate that. Will that mean "better" I don't know.

Obviously, Favre's experience was incredibly helpful for all the reasons others with his agenda on their minds have stated.

I will never say Favre was stupid, or not bright. He was never praised for his intelligence...ever. He is going to the Hall based on his ungodly natural ability. You think he's going because he was mechanically sound. It was said many times that you would not pull out a tape of Brett Favre when trying to show a young QB how to play the game. Brett had his own street ball style that somehow meshed with the WCO. I think he would've failed in any other offense. He certainly isn't going into the Hall as a guy who came to every OTA and training camp because he cared that much about learning and improving. As far as I'm concerned, he's in Allen Iverson's league. Practice? We're talking about practice? He is going on his natural tools.

Saying Brett forced balls to Koren Robinson leaves me speechless. How many times did Brett throw to him? I probably could count that on both my hands.

So, now James Jones has an anti-Favre bent? I'm amazed by such statements.

We shall see how much of our success was from the QB position last season. Undoubtedly, Brett had one of his very best seasons, well, regular seasons anyway. I'm curious to see how much drop off, if any, we see with Rodgers.

That's a good analysis. It's spot on like my analysis of Favre's intelligence vs. Rodgers.

I love how posts are popping up about guys with natural ability who failed. Really? Guys with natural ability don't always make it? Thank you.

Favre was not mechanically sound. He was unorthodox in almost everything he did. Who wants to debate that? Favre lived off the broke down play where he himself created it. Am I wrong? Did Brett earn his rep from being a consistent WCO QB? No.

Favre was a "gun slinger". I don't see any hint of intelligence in a gun slinger. A gun slinger lives on the edge, throws caution to the wind and has to be naturally gifted or he dies/fails.

I, for one, am thrilled that mentality is gone from our QB. That's all I'm saying. I'm glad Rodgers is there. I think he's better mentally equipped to handle the position and make better decisions.

We'll see in September. I know in the one really good comparison we had he outplayed Favre in Dallas. Had he been in there from the get go we may have actually won that game. The other games he was in relief he was equally as terrible as Brett.

I do like Rodgers and was tired of Favre about 5 years ago. Why is that wrong? Did you enjoy the 4-12 season and his 30+ ints? I didn't.

Dan McGwire, Kyle Boller, David Klingler, Todd Blackledge, Mike Vick, Tim Couch, Ryan Leaf, Heath Shuler, Rick Mirer, Andre Ware, Steve Walsh, Kelly Stouffer, Marc Wilson, Jack Thompson, and RICH CAMPBELL! Daunte Culpepper.

I'm placing a call to Good Will Hunting... Perhaps, he can solve your "proof".

Favre was a "gun slinger". I don't see any hint of intelligence in a gun slinger. A gun slinger lives on the edge, throws caution to the wind and has to be naturally gifted or he dies/fails.

Ok, Maximillion....

Was Favre referred to as a "gun slinger" throughout his career? I used quotes to show that this is what he was known as...not my words but others. I never called him a gunslinger...I called him a "gun slinger" meaning that is what others attributed to him. The statement is accurate...Favre was a "gun slinger". Any issues with that?

I said I would never call Brett dumb or not bright and I won't. You can look at his decision making on the field and come to your own conclusions on that one. Even his biggest supporter, John Madden, questioned his poor decision making on national tv during the end of his career.

I don't see Rodgers in that regard. I don't think he'll do such things purposely as Brett did. Brett was a "always be the hero" type of QB. In his younger days it usually worked but as he got older it worked less and less. I give you two QB ratings in the 70's in his last 3 seasons.

Here's what is unique. If/When Rodgers sucks, I will be the first to say so. I love the guy, but if you suck and do something stupid, you suck and did something stupid. There will be no sycophantic excuse making. If only the reverse were true.

I don't think Favre was stupid. I don't think he was particularly bright by educational standards, either. He was football smart enough. He understood the game very well. His dad was a coach.

I question his overall intelligence in the grand scheme of things. The moonball in Philly and the forced out that forced us out of the NFC Championship last years are prime examples. I don't think Aaron Rodgers is going to be trying to do such things. As nerdmann pointed out he will play the offense the way it's set up to work. He will not play street ball and do his own thing. I'm sure every once in awhile he will tuck and run it when maybe he should just throw it out of bounds. It will be nice to see a first down by QB legs and also to see a ball flung out of bounds instead of into triple coverage.

That is all I'm trying to say.

I've answered your questions but you never seem to answer mine. Is a person with a gunslinger mentality smart in your mind? If you're down by 6 with time running down then it's great you think that way. It is not so great when you're acting like you're down by 6 and time is running out ALL THE TIME.

I watched Rodgers on NFL Network today in an interview with Eisen and Baldinger. He came across great. If you get a chance it's running at 40 after the hour until the new Total Access comes on this evening.

The biggest thing I took from him was his answer to the question about what he wanted fans to know about him that we may not know. He said he's..."laid back". Interesting. He said he will not get too high when he's praised because QB's get too much credit when it goes well, nor will he get too low when he's criticized because the QB takes too much blame. He said he understands the gig. I think he does and we'll see a consistent level headed guy who after he throws a pick will not press to make up for it leading to more mistakes. That is encouraging.

He strikes me as a guy who is just itching to prove to all the doubters that he can carry this team on his back should he need to and knows that he will.

Where on earth did you ever get that from? Very wrong assessment of what I've written. It is Rodgers own contention that many expect him to fail "outside his own locker room". He knows he is following a fan and league favorite. He wants to prove all the people who will not give him a chance because he's not Brett Favre that he's a pretty good QB in his own right.

Getting closer to indignation

It's tough to pull out a single play and use that as validation of a point. For every play in Denver, there was the moonball in Philly. The argument can go converse just as easily as the way you're stating it. If he was so smart, then why did he heave the moonball in Philly and force an out to Driver when Ryan Grant was wide open? It's about consistency. The WCO is set up for rhythm and timing passes. If you do it right you will be successful. Favre did it right quite a bit especially under the tyrant Holmgren. He also made his own play several times a game. It's the NBA equivalent of being able to create your own shot. Rodgers will rely more on the structure of the offense than his own natural ability. Favre had more of that than Rodgers. I think overall we'll get better performance if Rodgers has the ability I think he does. He was a Tedford system guy at Cal. Now, he is a WCO system guy. He's bright and has done it on a high level in college. Plus, he played at a very high level in difficult circumstances in Big D even though they have a miserable Pass D.

Rodgers appears to have no Hall of Famers around him either. There's not even a Reggie White. I'm betting we have a tremendous year next season. Ducking.

Agreed. AND...If Rodgers hadn't been touted as a potential #1 overall pick in the '05 draft I wouldn't expect greatness. He was so therefore I expect it. He was drafted higher than Favre. There should be expectations for him. We saw our offense work well when throws were not forced. I think Rodgers will make less mistakes. Will he make more plays? We'll see.

Jamal Reynolds was not ever thought of as a potential 1st overall. Ever.

Rodgers obviously has tools and tallant. You aren't bandied about as the top overall pick if you don't.

If we had Gus Frerotte, or Tarvaris Jackson taking over I would expect disaster. If we had Garcia I would think we'd be pretty good. The WCO has produced some pretty good QB's. Hasselbeck, Young, Montana, Favre, ... MM apparently can develop QB's. As can Clements. Holmgren could, too. I'm sure much of a person's success is tied to coaching especially at the QB position.

Yes... I do think he made as many "moonball" plays as he did "Denver" plays. He had 288 interceptions + 147 fumbles= 435 He had 442 TD passes. Before I get hammered, he only lost 64 of those fumbles. Still, 435 bad plays to 442 good ones seems pretty even to me. Plus, as Tony Dungy used to say...He'll give you 4-5 plays a game to make turnovers off of. There were many ints that were dropped by dbacks due to the velocity for which he got on the ball.

His career completion rate was 61.4. That means he had a 38.6 incompletion ratio.

Now, focusing on what I said... The Denver play was a "wow" play. The play in Philly was an "oh no" play. I think throughout his career those types of plays balanced out.

Anytime you are part of a dynasty you're going to have players thought of highly. Ken Ruettgers was far better than Harris Barton or Randy Cross as far as Olinemen go. The only one who was truly outstanding on that list is Haley. I liked Keena Turner.

I'm shaking my head (indignation). What aren't you understanding, here? Yes, yes, yes, he had more than 442 "good" plays in his career...MANY, MANY more. He also had MANY, MANY more bad plays that don't show up as INT's or fumbles. The ratio of complete to incomplete is a shade better than 60/40.

Yip cabbage.

As much as you've got. I worked the draft in media that year. I talked to Jamal Reynolds and when I was done prayed we wouldn't take him.

I lobbed the softball and you smacked it. I was going to put a coffee reference in there but was curious to see how quickly one would appear.

No...Jamal Reynolds struck me like the look on Sleepy Sam Perkins face. That is honestly how I equated it at the time. He came across as lazy/sleepy to me like he really couldn't care less about football or where he was drafted. Not a good trait in a DE that is supposed to get the QB. His play lived up to my conversation with him. I was horrified when we took him due to that and the fact he didn't drink coffee.

How is saying "Yip Cabbage" offensive? I thought I was on your bad side already. It's pretty hard for you to say that not knowing what I know about football. I guess my posts here relegate me to idiot status because I don't, well, you already know.

If she's credible to you and others how would I know? And...better yet...why would I care? Seriously? Someone with credibility can be wrong.

To you it's me it's true. Sal Palantonio wrote a book about Favre. He was torched here because of it. I would say he has, or had, a fair amount of credibility but he was mercilessly blasted because his view clashed with the views of Packers fans. He knew it was coming out of Wisconsin. Was there a backlash against his statements anywhere else but from Packer fans? No.

Yes, your credibleness. Intelligence is an asset vs. mistakes. Would you not agree?

I was amazed in my research today to see John Elway and Dan Marino's completion percentage...both under 60%. Elway was in the 56's! That is not good. Favre was over 61% but he played in the WCO and the others did not.

To me, a great measure is TD's vs. INT's. Young, Montana, Brady and Manning have very good TD to INT ratios. Elway, Favre and Marino do not.

I think Rodgers can really improve on the TD vs. INT numbers. He will not be as "sexy" as Brett while getting it done but I don't care. I think when a play needs to be made Aaron Rodgers will do smarter things with the pigskin...I just hope that means better results.

No. If I was trying to do that I would've never posted Marino or Elway's completion percentage. I doubt anyone was conjuring that quickly to mind.

What have I been saying over and over about Favre? He made horrific mistakes at critical times. The mistakes I'm speaking of are interceptions. It was interesting to see which QB's had the best TD/INT ratio. Favre wasn't even close in that category. Did he end up setting the all time INT record? I've honestly forgotten what happened there.

Smart QB's don't throw a lot of picks. that a bad assumption? If Brady started chucking into triple coverage and losing big games due to bad throws would you change your current opinion of him?

Absurd? It depends on the type of risk, correct? Russian Roulette is not a game for the wise is it?

Tell me what type of risks you think are wise.

It must be nice to have fans.

I'll keep this thread in mind next time I see a Packers QB, no matter who he is, make some incredibly stupid risk taking interception. I'll be sure to remind you of this quote comparing science and life to NFL football. Wow.

BTW, I love how you snuck in the word "calculated" and "educated" prior to risk. BF never used education or calculated anything he just reacted and did stupid things. Sometimes they worked and sometimes they didn't...worked less and less as time went on.

Are you going to sit there and type with a straight face that Favre took calculated risks and therefore should be excused from criticism for what I, and a few others, think were idiotic risks?

I'll also ask about the backlash vs. Sal Palantonio... Was there one outside of Favre and Packer fans? Was there? No. It was right on the money.

So...what were you referring to, hun. I see you prefer to ask questions instead of answering them. That is fine. I edit them BEFORE people respond. I guess they could be in the process of responding while I edit...Don't know. Please, don't allege I'm changing posts after they've been responded to...I don't do that.

No. Untrue. Palantonio's words would've have been roundly criticized on the national level had they been inflammatory or inaccurate. Sadly, his words were neither. He made excellent points that only Packer fans/Favre fans took issue with. I know what he went through because it happens right here.

Great work. I agree. What about Sal Palantonio and the lack of a national backlash. Would love your thoughts on the excerpts of his book that made it into the national media.

First, let me comment without editing my previous post on Wonderlic scores...just want to clarify Brett didn't have a Wonderlic score in the MID 20's... He scored a 22...Rodgers a 35. Brian Brohm scored a 32.

Coach...When you name a bigger issue than Favre at the end of his career we'll talk. That was the excerpt floated on ESPN TV. It wasn't about Randy Moss being was about Favre. You tell me ONE other chapter that was quoted and we'll start there.

nerdmann...Thank GOD you're on this board. I think you're one of the few along with phaedrus who actually gets this debate. None of us think Favre wasn't great early in his career. He was as good as I've seen for a few year stretch. Holmgren built this kid and he fell apart a little when he left. He redeemed himself with a great regular season last year. That game vs. NYG at NY was the best game I've seen him play.

To be able to look at things and be objective even when you bleed for the green and gold is a gift that not many possess. Glad to see you have that gift.

I'm sure that was based on his academic abilities. No institution would lower it's standards to ever accommodate an athlete.

BTW...John Elway's Wonderlic was 29. Maybe, that explains his terrible TD/INT ratio?

PS... Just for grins... Ever wonder about Jeff George's Wonderlic score? I did...He scored...a...10! That explains why a guy with his tools failed so miserably in the NFL. Marino, Kelly, Bradshaw and Randall Cunningham all posted 15's. Most of those guys are HOF'ers.

An interesting old read about how our organization regards the Wonderlic. Not long ago we were the "dumbest" team in the league.

For the record, I don't post during the season...Never have. I enjoy posting in the off-season. I stated that when I left last year. My silence had zero to do with Favre's season.

It is nice when fans can admit things about the team and player(s) they love. I feel very strongly that nerdmann and phaedrus and some others are able to be more objective than the rest of you.

My point was Rodgers is more intelligent than Favre and hope that reduces the amount of stupid turnover plays we endured under Brett. If you dispute that which I think is indisputable call the NFL and tell them to stop administering the Wonderlic which is the measure they use to determine intelligence.

I enjoyed Favre's last great season just as much than any of you. I assure you of that. Still, our season ended on a typical poor decision that haunts our legendary QB and always will. It tarnishes all he's done IMO. Not the one stupid career ending play but plays of those types that he seemed to make over and over and over.

Oh, and yes...Favre sure did prove EVERY ONE OF MY CLAIMS WRONG. Did you happen to catch the NFC Championship game? You know the one where he flung a ball to Driver when he could've dumped the ball to a wide open Ryan Grant? Yes, I'm way off base here. This is exactly what I'm talking about when it comes to objectivity. You say I'm delusional, stupid, a blowhard yet the actual proof of what I say exists. Pull the tape, disc, or just catch that play on NFL Network some day. Watch for the moonball in Philly, the underhand lob over the line of scrimmage that helped us lose to Minnesota in the playoffs. See his multiple pick game vs. the Rams in the playoffs...yup he was the epitome of greatness all the time.

If you honestly believe I'm trying to "make you choose" then you countered your own argument against me. I already know how you feel about Favre. I don't expect that to ever change. Ever.

What amazes me is that you think I intentionally bring in Favre to cause issues. Uh, Aaron Rodgers is replacing Favre. I'm sure you've heard that. It is more than fair and expected to have Favre brought into ANY conversation about Rodgers and what he might bring to the table. THE ORIGINAL STORY was about Rodgers realizing he was REPLACING A LEGEND. Was the writer who penned that story trying to make you choose to by bringing Favre into his article?

I'm one of the few Packers fans who has wanted a change at QB for many years. I wanted it the second he gave that interview to Peter King about retirement. As you know, I think he disgraced himself and the game and our organization with his attitude the last few years. Staying away from practices and the like because he's Brett Favre is sad and not becoming of a leader. In his farewell presser he then claims he watched film after practice and went home late FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HIS CAREER. So, the previous years he didn't do all he could to lead this team and be a better QB. He was embarrassed by the 2 seasons prior to his last and put the work in to have a great last season...then he quits because it was "too hard" on him. I don't understand why he's beloved for the shenanigans he's pulled in the latter stages of his career. I really don't.

My honest belief is he knew TT wanted Rodgers to be the starter... This pissed Brett off an he went out and played and studied his a$$ off so Rodgers wouldn't step right in and show him up. Now, he's set the bar high. 14-4 vs. the 8-8 and 4-12 was quite the improvement. Brett lacked the balls to comeback and do it again because I don't think he wanted to pay the price anymore.

I consider you to be a smart poster, Max.

Tell me what you make of his statements in his retirement press conference about watching tape and going home late for the first time ever? What does that say to you?

Yes... I will say it. Brett Favre was my favorite athlete of all-time in the 90's. He was superhuman and put it all out there, or so I thought. I don't want to rehash something I said earlier about some things I heard about him while I was a member of the media. It just "makes people choose". I went from being his biggest supporter to one of his most vocal insignificant critics. All the respect I had for him over the first 10-12 years, I lost in the last ones. Some of his supporters continue assessing him the same way they did when he was winning MVP's.

I'll even say one more "inflammatory" thing about him. I think they should put an asterisk next to his streak. He played many of those first seasons on dope. If he didn't have Vicodin only God knows how many games he would've missed.

We all have different ways we assess people. Obviously, my assessments are way out there compared to the average Packer fan. I don't really mind that either. I do find it funny that so many think I'm trying to cause divides. These are my honest beliefs about him.

I just wish he had an opportunity to be subjected to the NY media or Philly media. He would've been skewered the last few years for his behavior. Good thing for him he was in little old Green Bay where they were so afraid to say something against him because they might be censored by Packers PR. I know this for a FACT. No speculation whatsoever. I used to talk to the Packers media guys. You guys haven't a clue about what goes on behind the scenes with your heroes. That isn't said's the God's honest truth.

It wasn't journalism...not that it matters. It makes for some humorous material though.

What do I have to do to be #1? And...Who is it?

Prove it? LMAO. Ok, I'm sure some of the guys I know who cover the Pack will let you call them so they can tell you that it's true.

You don't understand the media at all, Brak. I worked for KFAN in MPLS in the beginning of my career. We were the "Vikings" station. I also worked in "DENVER" for the non-Broncos station. ANY time a negative thing was said against the team a call came in from PR. If you said too many wrong things they'd stop allowing players to come on your shows.

I'll give you an example of media like the above that has nothing to do with Green Bay. I spoke with Ricky Watters while he was a member of the Seahawks about doing an interview. He told me that "nothing negative" could be discussed. An innocuous question was asked about his time in Philly and he hung up. I got a call from that moron who runs Seahawks PR and he cut our network off from all access to Seahawks players.

I called Jerry Jones at home one time and Rich Dalrymple who heads Cowboys PR tried to get me fired. He actually called my boss and insisted I get the axe.

You have no idea what control is put on the media. That is why I respect those who say unpopular things.

If you honestly believe Brett Favre wasn't a protected sacred cow in Green Bay you are sadly mistaken. You know how much could've been said about this guy that never was? Email all the guys and ask if there were things about Favre they would've liked to report but knew they couldn't.

I'm sorry you of all people find my words in poor taste.

You don't have to realize this, but it is different for me given my former line of work. I had access to information that most people do not. I'd be curious how you'd deal with such information. Would you just pretend you didn't know it and write words inconsistent with your true perception of the situation?

I feel I've been similar to Simon Cowell in how I've judged Brett Favre. I've only told the truth and I guess sometimes it's been a little too harsh, but it's still true nonetheless.

For the record, I've always criticized Brett for his character on this board. I've always contended it was pathetic to miss OTA's because of grad parties and for all the other reasons he missed them.

It is my true opinion he didn't have the balls to comeback. It was too much for him to put the hard work needed to have a season like last year. He said as much in his press conference. Re-listen to it. You say I do backflips in this thread...listen to that press conference and square it with the things he's been saying to Al Jones and David Letterman, etc.

Now, now, Shoeless Joe... You posted that I was on your "Ignore List". Was that not the truth? Poor character.

I didn't fetch coffee...Well, not totally true...I did that as an intern before my career started. If you knew anything about media, you wouldn't be castigating my intelligence. I did quite well, actually. Ask Henry...He'll tell you about all those contact numbers in my garage.

To be fair... I meant both of those definitions. Do you recall his infamous quote... "I'm not sure I want the ball in my hands with 2 minutes left on the clock"??? That is cowardly and more of the first definition.

I'm just glad he's gone and tried saying that. If others would leave it alone then I would. Let me say what I say and just ignore the things that ignite the passion for Brett Favre.

It's a new day with Aaron Rodgers and I hope under his different leadership style we see better on field results. I guess he needs to take us to the SuperBowl to do that.

Where can I get one of those funhouse mirrors?

It's time for my patented moon waffle. Just add a little liquid smoke. Pork Chops, Waffles, Football, Boobies...

The key word was "had". I'm out of that scene and have been for over 5 years. When did I say I was an insider? If that is what you want to project onto me that is your call. I did have access to info that most would never get close to due to my line of work. I also built many relationships including those with agents and other insiders.

I would not kill for any information because I don't care that much about it. If it mattered that much to me I'd still be doing it.

The only curiosity I have is what type of information you're saying you have access to. There are many purported insiders out there. I know you think I'm one of them but I worked the business for nearly 8 years.

I look at a guy like Mike Florio from He was an attorney who wanted to be part of the media and he did just that. ANYONE can do it. ANYONE. It just takes time and hard work.

BTW, you just went out of your way to tell me about your glorious information stream. I speak as someone who worked in media.

If you do have access to Packers related information go ahead and verify what I said about Favre's sacred cow status. You ran to the defense of Ms. Pacman on a web board. You don't think that happens on a much bigger stage with much bigger fish? Check your contacts for the answer.

Oh, I love discussing Mike "pad level" McCarthy. He's still an active member of our organization so he's more worthy of discussion.

On appears his 35 wonderlic didn't help him as he heaved a ball that was picked off that MM said shouldn't have been thrown in today's OTA

I have the torn rectum to prove it.

Well, G-line is already TWO footlongs and then some.

Lacking balls to me means that he did not believe in himself enough to return for one more season. Given all we know, or thought we knew, about him it is very puzzling to see him walk after such a tremendous regular season. He was dynamite. Is the team getting dismantled? What was the reason he hung'em up? To me, it's clear he didn't have faith in himself. He fought like crazy to put up the numbers he did last year and pretty much said that he just didn't want to do what it took to repeat those. The previous years he debated it was supposedly about how good we were and would we go 4-12 again? It wasn't about that this time. We looked to be a prime challenger for it all in '08 but he quit. The man who everyone credits with being the fiercest of competitors and the greatest will to win of all-time bails and then says he still wants to play? I can't respect that. I'm glad he's finally "officially" retired. Just do the paperwork show up in September for your ceremony, don't open the yapper and enjoy life on the farm in Hattiesburg.

So, then... He says "maybe something will happen around training camp time"? He probably could just walk back onto the team because that's the only time he was ever in Green Bay when it wasn't the regular season. It was old hat for him to miss OTA's and minicamps.

For those keeping score that's 6,254 words from someone who doesn't "care much about it".

What can I say, I was bored.
Originally posted by Orlando Wolf:
Originally posted by Change of Possession:
Originally posted by phaedrus:

I think I'm pretty easy, man.

Anyway, I continue to take exception to the "lacking balls" descriptor. There are folks at 60 who start thinking, "I just don't want to deal with the stress of the job anymore."

We're talking pro football here and a guy nearing 40. I don't want to believe getting older causes cowardice.

In football years, Favre is ancient.

Lacking balls to me means that he did not believe in himself enough to return for one more season. Given all we know, or thought we knew, about him it is very puzzling to see him walk after such a tremendous regular season. He was dynamite. Is the team getting dismantled? What was the reason he hung'em up? To me, it's clear he didn't have faith in himself. He fought like crazy to put up the numbers he did last year and pretty much said that he just didn't want to do what it took to repeat those. The previous years he debated it was supposedly about how good we were and would we go 4-12 again? It wasn't about that this time. We looked to be a prime challenger for it all in '08 but he quit. The man who everyone credits with being the fiercest of competitors and the greatest will to win of all-time bails and then says he still wants to play? I can't respect that. I'm glad he's finally "officially" retired. Just do the paperwork show up in September for your ceremony, don't open the yapper and enjoy life on the farm in Hattiesburg.

So, then... He says "maybe something will happen around training camp time"? He probably could just walk back onto the team because that's the only time he was ever in Green Bay when it wasn't the regular season. It was old hat for him to miss OTA's and minicamps.

I am really curious what Favre did that was so bad off the field. A lot of us have heard the rumors, which probably had some validity to them. It's not really inside information COP. Favre was never a saint off the field but it's not breaking news. What Favre did was/is common for a lot of pro athletes. I have you targeted as J.P. at KFAN.

It is funny to hear people tell me that I'm not an insider when I never claimed to be. It is equally funny for someone who wasn't in the business to tell me that "everyone" heard this or that and it wasn't inside info without knowing what I might know. I think I know the difference between rumors ordinary folks hear and stuff that is said by people in the business. Sometimes, they can be the same thing. Oftentimes they are not.

Rumors are one thing. I have never ever in my life claimed to be an insider and it would be a crime to say that I am or ever was. I was privy by my association with the media to all kinds of things that weren't in the public domain. If that's inside info then that's what it is.

JP? I worked at KFAN in '95/'96... Worked side by side with Jeff Dubay. Dial him up someday and ask him about the Packer fan who used to work with him.
6254 words of opinion. Wow. Just wow. Are you saying I've posted 6254 words of inside information? That is what I said I don't care about anymore. That is what Boris said he had access I would kill for.

I've been a Pack fan for 28 years. Just because I don't care about the media anymore doesn't mean I don't follow the Packers anymore. I was a fan long before I worked in media.

You amaze me Shoeless...I'm on your ignore list yet you've counted all my words. I enjoyed reading them all in chronological order like that. Thank you.

Sadly, your point, isn't really a point. Well, except in the mind of those "enjoying every sandwich" from the SpaceGhost planet.
Originally posted by Change of Possession:
Originally posted by Orlando Wolf:
Originally posted by Change of Possession:
Originally posted by phaedrus:

I think I'm pretty easy, man.

Anyway, I continue to take exception to the "lacking balls" descriptor. There are folks at 60 who start thinking, "I just don't want to deal with the stress of the job anymore."

We're talking pro football here and a guy nearing 40. I don't want to believe getting older causes cowardice.

In football years, Favre is ancient.

Lacking balls to me means that he did not believe in himself enough to return for one more season. Given all we know, or thought we knew, about him it is very puzzling to see him walk after such a tremendous regular season. He was dynamite. Is the team getting dismantled? What was the reason he hung'em up? To me, it's clear he didn't have faith in himself. He fought like crazy to put up the numbers he did last year and pretty much said that he just didn't want to do what it took to repeat those. The previous years he debated it was supposedly about how good we were and would we go 4-12 again? It wasn't about that this time. We looked to be a prime challenger for it all in '08 but he quit. The man who everyone credits with being the fiercest of competitors and the greatest will to win of all-time bails and then says he still wants to play? I can't respect that. I'm glad he's finally "officially" retired. Just do the paperwork show up in September for your ceremony, don't open the yapper and enjoy life on the farm in Hattiesburg.

So, then... He says "maybe something will happen around training camp time"? He probably could just walk back onto the team because that's the only time he was ever in Green Bay when it wasn't the regular season. It was old hat for him to miss OTA's and minicamps.

I am really curious what Favre did that was so bad off the field. A lot of us have heard the rumors, which probably had some validity to them. It's not really inside information COP. Favre was never a saint off the field but it's not breaking news. What Favre did was/is common for a lot of pro athletes. I have you targeted as J.P. at KFAN.

It is funny to hear people tell me that I'm not an insider when I never claimed to be. It is equally funny for someone who wasn't in the business to tell me that "everyone" heard this or that and it wasn't inside info without knowing what I might know. I think I know the difference between rumors ordinary folks hear and stuff that is said by people in the business. Sometimes, they can be the same thing. Oftentimes they are not.

Rumors are one thing. I have never ever in my life claimed to be an insider and it would be a crime to say that I am or ever was. I was privy by my association with the media to all kinds of things that weren't in the public domain. If that's inside info then that's what it is.

JP? I worked at KFAN in '95/'96... Worked side by side with Jeff Dubay. Dial him up someday and ask him about the Packer fan who used to work with him.

The funny thing is that I interned at KFAN during the same time. Like I said in the past, being an intern at KFAN means absolutley nothing. Working at a radio station means zero if you ask me. The industry moves people in and out like a herd of cattle.
Originally posted by Orlando Wolf:
Originally posted by Change of Possession:
Originally posted by Orlando Wolf:
Originally posted by Change of Possession:
Originally posted by phaedrus:

I think I'm pretty easy, man.

Anyway, I continue to take exception to the "lacking balls" descriptor. There are folks at 60 who start thinking, "I just don't want to deal with the stress of the job anymore."

We're talking pro football here and a guy nearing 40. I don't want to believe getting older causes cowardice.

In football years, Favre is ancient.

Lacking balls to me means that he did not believe in himself enough to return for one more season. Given all we know, or thought we knew, about him it is very puzzling to see him walk after such a tremendous regular season. He was dynamite. Is the team getting dismantled? What was the reason he hung'em up? To me, it's clear he didn't have faith in himself. He fought like crazy to put up the numbers he did last year and pretty much said that he just didn't want to do what it took to repeat those. The previous years he debated it was supposedly about how good we were and would we go 4-12 again? It wasn't about that this time. We looked to be a prime challenger for it all in '08 but he quit. The man who everyone credits with being the fiercest of competitors and the greatest will to win of all-time bails and then says he still wants to play? I can't respect that. I'm glad he's finally "officially" retired. Just do the paperwork show up in September for your ceremony, don't open the yapper and enjoy life on the farm in Hattiesburg.

So, then... He says "maybe something will happen around training camp time"? He probably could just walk back onto the team because that's the only time he was ever in Green Bay when it wasn't the regular season. It was old hat for him to miss OTA's and minicamps.

I am really curious what Favre did that was so bad off the field. A lot of us have heard the rumors, which probably had some validity to them. It's not really inside information COP. Favre was never a saint off the field but it's not breaking news. What Favre did was/is common for a lot of pro athletes. I have you targeted as J.P. at KFAN.

It is funny to hear people tell me that I'm not an insider when I never claimed to be. It is equally funny for someone who wasn't in the business to tell me that "everyone" heard this or that and it wasn't inside info without knowing what I might know. I think I know the difference between rumors ordinary folks hear and stuff that is said by people in the business. Sometimes, they can be the same thing. Oftentimes they are not.

Rumors are one thing. I have never ever in my life claimed to be an insider and it would be a crime to say that I am or ever was. I was privy by my association with the media to all kinds of things that weren't in the public domain. If that's inside info then that's what it is.

JP? I worked at KFAN in '95/'96... Worked side by side with Jeff Dubay. Dial him up someday and ask him about the Packer fan who used to work with him.

The funny thing is that I interned at KFAN during the same time. Like I said in the past, being an intern at KFAN means absolutley nothing. Working at a radio station means zero if you ask me. The industry moves people in and out like a herd of cattle.

Give me a first name... I remember Chad Abbott, Dave Simser, Larry Letofsky, Todd Blackwood, Dave Ryerson, etc. I was only an intern for a short time...then I went part time, then full-time as a producer. I loved my time there it was the best of times for me. You're fortunate to have been a part of it. As Eric Webster used to say of the Fan..."This place runs on interns" and he was absolutely right. I see one of my fellow interns now is the program director. Chad Abbott. He deserves it..great great guy. It is like cattle there as far as interns go. Sorry, if they did you wrong. Happens to a lot of people.
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