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This is actually pretty funny.  Applies Rodgers' decision model to quarterbacking.

Some Quarterbacking advice

Dear Aaron Rodgers,

I am writing to you to express my concern over your deep passing. While you seem to be doing fine on short-to-intermediate routes, your struggle with deep routes is troubling. Fortunately, I think I have a solution.

You see, I, a 43-year-old white male who has never before played organized football at any level, but could sling it around the ol’ playground, have discovered several important flaws with your current strategy within the pocket, and your processes while at the line of scrimmage waiting to snap the ball.

While I haven’t ever “played the game” I have read many books on the subject, and discussed football with several high-profile analysts and database experts. What I lack in on-field acumen I more than make up for in knowledge of EPA, DVOA, CPOE, and other impressive-sounding initialisms that related to football and quarterbacking in some way or another.

I think my advice may be exactly what you are looking for. You see, I’m not weighed down by pre-existing notions of proper quarterback footwork or pocket presence, I’m more of a critical thinker, willing to consider ideas from outside of the typical quarterback development and coaching regime. With NFL quarterback coaches making hundreds of thousands of dollars, and even high school quarterback camps raking in huge money, can we really trust that their motives are in the right place? Do their old-school, draconian training techniques really pay off?

I, on the other hand, make a modest freelance writing fee plus some Patreon money, which is only paid by people who really believe in me. Who are you going to trust? Someone with the support of his dedicated fanbase or “big football?”

My style of analysis and advice has me firmly in the crosshairs of the innumerate, who would rather “watch film” than explore actual data on the subject. The “All-22 Mob” is formidable, but I haven’t let myself become intimidated, and have continued to consult with various football professionals, and my friends at Pro Football Talk, a large, well-regarded website with a devoted following.

Last edited by RochNyFan
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