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If State Farm drops AR, is it capitalism or cancel culture?

My biggest gripe with Rodgers is that he's trying to be the victim here.  He could have said he was allergic to MRNA and that he didn't feel comfortable with the JJ, I'd have still thought he was an idiot, but who cares what I think.  Being misleading was cowardly, I'd hope a leader could own up rather than blame.

Ultimately his teammates and ownership knew all along (and didn't say anything, which probably speaks to a good lockeroom culture) and now he will miss at least one game because he did his own research.

Aaron Rodgers commented on "those guys" in August. The "those guys" quote is as problematic as "Yeah, I'm immunized." He could have said I'm not going to judge anyone and no one would have questioned it, but he made sure he threw in "those guys" to suggest that he wasn't one of "those guys." Again, at least Cousins and Beasley were willing to take the flack for what they believed in. As EKB says, they aren't going to care what I think, but Rodgers' lying is probably going to cost the Packers some draft picks. Of course, what does he care, he's not going to be here when those later-round picks start playing anyway.

"I think it's a personal decision. I'm not going to judge those guys. There are guys that've been vaccinated that have contracted COVID. It's an interesting issue that I think we're going to see played out the entire season."

@Pakrz posted:

This is why star players shouldn't have special rules...  Yet, almost the entire off season was consumed with how mistreated AR was.  Best player on the planet.  Reigning MVP.  Seat at the table.  Clowns in the FO.  GB doesn't deserve him.  The list goes on and on and on.  

And here we are.

Yeah, that has absolutely fucking nothing to do with stupidity in the FO.

I'll be glad to open up this can of whoop ass again.

Rodgers being a moron now and sitting out a game does NOTHING to absolve multiple years of failure.  Nobody asked for Rodgers to make calls on personnel, it was input and input alone.  Getting Cobb back?  Yeah, strange but in this vaunted receiving corp just as welcomed.

So I suggest you guys start walking that shit back because one is not like the other.

If anything, it's more of a stain on the FO.  There is zero reason why they couldn't enforce protocol with Rodgers and others.  They had all offseason to trade him.  They could've done a myriad of things but didn't.  If they are rolling over for him on something every single player in the NFL has to deal with they are fucking morons.  It's just as likely the culture in the organization and I'm sure there's other players skirting that shit as well.  Has Lazard been wearing facemasks on the sideline?

This isn't about personnel or committing more resources for FA acquistions, lowball top tier coaches, being asleep at the wheel only to fucking wreck the organizational structure, ignoring whole positions on the team to the point a high schooler would be an upgrade.

Fucking ridiculous.  This FO still fucking sucks and Murphy needs the fucking boot, which will never happen.

Last edited by Henry

Packers need to flip gears and become the most hated team in sports ala the 70s raiders. Rodgers was already hated by most fans because of his greatness now can have the rest of the sportsworld against him. We can then sign everybodys favorite OBJ and get another group of haters and then  finish it off with the corner back released by the raiders for threatening someone. Rodgers is probably in an "eff all yall" mode right now and go off for the rest of the year.

Week before the jabbed and purebloods were in f*cci lockdown.
Arod the pureblood stepped up and delivered.

This week as the woke and big pharma debated Arods I did not have sex...err  I mean yes I have been previously jabbed...they failed to deliver without their pureblood. What next....does he have a 5yr old that also refuses to be f*ccied? 

@kildare51 posted:

Week before the jabbed and purebloods were in f*cci lockdown.
Arod the pureblood stepped up and delivered.

This week as the woke and big pharma debated Arods I did not have sex...err  I mean yes I have been previously jabbed...they failed to deliver without their pureblood. What next....does he have a 5yr old that also refuses to be f*ccied?

@Floridarob posted:

Rodgers is probably in an "eff all yall" mode right now

I don't know, according to this article, he is reportedly pretty upset with the blowback he is getting from people and is very unhappy because he feels like he is actually losing friends.  No one likes to be hated.

The way forward?   How about:

"I thought I was doing what is best for myself and didn't adequately think it through.  More importantly, I didn't put the team first like I should have.  I'm sorry.  I shouldn't have lied and as soon as I am eligible, I will re-think doing the socially responsible thing and getting the vaccine."

Doubt it would happen, but it would work for me. 

The fact he lied indicates consciousness of guilt.  This all is what he was trying to avoid and more, but the easiest way to avoid it was to get the shot or tell the truth.  He did neither.

But I also think he's been living in a bubble, like many celebrities, so he's lost perspective on how people would react to something like this.  I would have thought hanging around with Hollywood actors would have grounded him more.

Last edited by Dr._Bob

Aaron Rodgers is an athlete and coupled with the current statistics, has a 99.999% survival rate in regards to covid..just like most people.

Those of you throwing down with the likes of Mike Florio and Terry Bradshaw, you’re just pissed he’s thrown a wrench into your narratives. Maybe Big Bird and Elmo should be your heroes.

Yes, there is an ivermectin equine versionâ€Ķthere is also a human version. Joe Rogan didn’t take that version. Rodgers did not as well..but again, run with the horse dewormer narrative.

And LOL, Terry Bradshaw..he thinks Sam Darnold was a great pick up for the Panthers..and we’ve got the guy who has had a chip on his shoulder to motivate him and he’s just been saddled with a giant Boulder to prove all you jokers wrong, again.

@Pakrz posted:

12 will get a resounding ovation on Sunday if he can go. Watch.

Oh, there's no doubt about that. The base of the Lambeau crowd is eating up what he's selling 100%.

All the Norway Steve's will be having a case of the vapors as soon as he appears.

Me? He will get the same applause that he normally gets from me. Not because of his opinion on vaccines but because he's the difference in this team going to the Super Bowl and being a one and done playoff team.

I'll save my boos for Russ Wilson.

@Pakrz posted:

12 will get a resounding ovation on Sunday if he can go. Watch.

I have no doubt he will. It's Central Wisconsin.

The weird thing with him is that he's a professional athlete that cares more about what the people that watch Jeopardy think about him than the average football fan does.

He's typically been the opposite of Favre. It's pretty likely Favre is Anti-vaxx too, but he'd have just said it, the academic types would have laughed at his stupidity consistent with the hillbilly image he cultivated, and everyone would have moved on.

Rodgers really wants to be thought of as a critical thinker, but that image is gone. It's not taking the ivermectin that's done it (if he's taking proper human doses he's not going to hurt himself). It's acting like he has some special genius insights into treating and preventing COVID because he found something after talking to Joe Rogan that says ivermectin might work while ignoring an enormous volume of extremely rigorously reviewed data in FDA monitored trials with millions of patients that clearly shows the risk/reward ratio of getting vaccinated is exponentially in favor of getting vaccinated. Prior to COVID, the most prevalent criticism of the FDA within the academic/biotech sector is that they are typically so risk-averse that new treatments are often approved in other countries before they are here because the FDA always errs on the side of caution.   I've sat through hours of discussions about how to design trials to meet these stringent criteria to even initiate a Phase 1 clinical trial with a few dozen patients.

Favre always wanted to appeal to "Joe-6-pack" demographic that loved hunting, fishing, NASCAR, hard partying, and hanging out in the local bar. It worked for him because it was genuine. It was obvious from the first day he arrived in Green Bay that Favre was prone to doing and saying idiotic things. The whole "dick pick" thing with the Jets was beyond embarrassing, but was anything really thinking, "Boy, that came out of left field. I never thought Favre would do that?" Of course not.

Rodgers wanted to be the next host of Jeopardy. Other than Cliff Claven, the stereotypical Jeopardy fanatic doesn't fit the Favre demographic. Rodgers tried to cultivate the pointy-headed intellectual, smartest-guy-in-the room persona. He had it working to the point where he was a legitimate contender to host the most academically-oriented game show in TV history. He may get a standing ovation on Sunday, but he really wants it from the Alex Trebek fan club and the wine drinkers at the faculty club at Berkeley, not the same type of people who protested in front of Lambeau Field when the Packers wouldn't take Favre back in 2008.

In the end, it's a football game. Don't take your medical advice from football players or MMA stars and don't take football advice from the humanities professors at a liberal arts college.

In the end, it's a football game. Don't take your medical advice from football players or MMA stars and don't take football advice from the humanities professors at a liberal arts college.

Didn't he take his advice from his doctors?

People may not like his decision, but from what I understand, he did consult his doctor(s)/medical team. I know there's been speculation his "doctor" is not an MD, but I haven't heard this reported as fact. Maybe I missed it. Not really paying attention to this "drama" other than reading this thread.  I'm pretty much Covided out.

Aaron Rodgers is an athlete and coupled with the current statistics, has a 99.999% survival rate in regards to covid..just like most people.

You ever notice that all these fucking imbeciles can think about is "me"?

I don't wear a mask for me, I do it for my fellow humans that need me to.

I didn't get the vaccination for me, I did it for my fellow humans that need me to.

I served my country.  My son is currently serving this country.  I have two daughters in Nursing.  Fuck you and all the limp-dicked, chicken shit conspiracy spreading losers like you.  I, and my children, made that choice to be stabbed for something greater than you will ever understand.  You're just a  scared, small-minded coward hiding behind bullshit because you don't want to look in the mirror and face what you really are. 

@PackLandVA posted:

Didn't he take his advice from his doctors?

People may not like his decision, but from what I understand, he did consult his doctor(s)/medical team. I know there's been speculation his "doctor" is not an MD, but I haven't heard this reported as fact. Maybe I missed it. Not really paying attention to this "drama" other than reading this thread.  I'm pretty much Covided out.

Pretty sure if Joe Rogan was a MD he would want to be called Joe Rogan, MD.

@KonKrete posted:

You ever notice that all these fucking imbeciles can think about is "me"

I served my country.  My son is currently serving this country.  I have two daughters in Nursing.  Fuck you and all the limp-dicked, chicken shit conspiracy spreading losers like you.  I, and my children, made that choice to be stabbed for something greater than you will ever understand.  You're just a  scared, small-minded coward hiding behind bullshit because you don't want to look in the mirror and face what you really are.

You servedâ€Ķgreat, my son is joining the marines next spring..but am I supposed to bow down to you now and because you spew out some invective in order to shut me down, that makes you better than everyone?

And I had covidâ€Ķit was like having the flu..and ask your daughters about Gavin Newsom’s condition.

Be well and calm down..

And I had covidâ€Ķit was like having the flu..

Your narrow minded, solo experience with Covid is in no way reflective of the reality of this pandemic.

It's not the flu.

It's not a cold.

In WI alone, over 8000 are dead from this and tens of thousands have been hospitalized. Rodgers impact and his words matter. He is woefully uninformed and his "concerns" have been debunked by dozens of studies and data since the Pandemic began.

I have been in healthcare over 20 years and work for 2 Level 1 trauma centers reviewing literally 100's of patients who have had Covid.  When I review Case Manager and Social worker notes along with physician progress notes, one common theme plays over and over and over.

Nearly every single patient wishes they had gotten vaccinated.     

@KonKrete posted

I served my country.  My son is currently serving this country.  I have two daughters in Nursing.  Fuck you and all the limp-dicked, chicken shit conspiracy spreading losers like you.  I, and my children, made that choice to be stabbed for something greater than you will ever understand.  You're just a  scared, small-minded coward hiding behind bullshit because you don't want to look in the mirror and face what you really are.

Once you clear the spittle from your mouth, ask your daughters:

How well does regeneron work?

Why did the pharmaceutical companies get immunity if anything happened to people?

What’s the current survival rate for everyone? What about kids 5-15?

Why does the CDC recommend ivermectin for those coming into this country?

Are there lots of drugs that were made for one thing and were discovered they could be used effectively for something else?

If you got the shot, why wear a mask?

Once you clear the spittle from your mouth, ask your daughters:

How well does regeneron work?

It seems to work well.  But what if you could avoid the need to take it?  Why trust the science behind regeneron but not vaccines? 

Why did the pharmaceutical companies get immunity if anything happened to people?

There was a pandemic

What’s the current survival rate for everyone? What about kids 5-15?

The current survival rate of amputations' is high also, why so do we avoid amputations so much?  Is it possible survival isn't the only success metric? 

Why does the CDC recommend ivermectin for those coming into this country?

The don't.  Perhaps when there is more evidence they will.  Seems to be how this has worked from the beginning. 

Are there lots of drugs that were made for one thing and were discovered they could be used effectively for something else?


If you got the shot, why wear a mask?

Risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection, severe disease, and death is reduced for fully vaccinated people. However, since vaccines are not 100% effective at preventing infection, some people who are fully vaccinated will still get COVID-19 infection. Fully vaccinated people who do become infected can transmit it to others. Therefore, fully vaccinated people can further reduce their risk of becoming infected with SARS-CoV-2 and transmitting it to others by wearing a mask indoors in public in areas of substantial or high community transmission. Wearing a mask in public is most important for people who are immunocompromised due to their risk of becoming infected. Fully vaccinated people might choose to mask regardless of the level of community transmission, particularly if they or someone in their household is immunocompromised or at increased risk for severe disease, or if someone in their household is not fully vaccinated. People at increased risk for severe disease include older adults and those who have certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, overweight or obesity, and heart conditions. Fully vaccinated people should also continue to wear a mask where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance, and in correctional facilities and homeless shelters. Prevention measures are still recommended in indoor public spaces for unvaccinated people.  Link

@packerboi posted:

Your narrow minded, solo experience with Covid is in no way reflective of the reality of this pandemic.

It's not the flu.

It's not a cold.

In WI alone, over 8000 are dead from this and tens of thousands have been hospitalized. Rodgers impact and his words matter. He is woefully uninformed and his "concerns" have been debunked by dozens of studies and data since the Pandemic began.

I have been in healthcare over 20 years and work for 2 Level 1 trauma centers reviewing literally 100's of patients who have had Covid.  When I review Case Manager and Social worker notes along with physician progress notes, one common theme plays over and over and over.

Nearly every single patient wishes they had gotten vaccinated.     

Well comorbidities and Covid have confused a lot of you. It’s made your brains sink. For example They’ve been counting people who had cardiovascular disease and Covid as just Covid. They’ve even counted cases that way. They were doing that last year.

Kids aren’t being killed by the tens of thousands by Covid. A majority of people who are dying have COMORBIDITIES. After a year of trying to scare the shit out of people, lots of people aren’t listening. Saint Fauci himself admitted masks don’t prevent transmission.

If Aaron Rodgers takes care of his treatment the way he feels is best for him, who the hell are any of you to tell him otherwise?

Just want to point out that in all of Steve’s replies on this page he hasn’t addressed the issue of wearing a mask to protect others (I know he commented that if the vaccine is effective why wear a mask - but he could still be talking about only protecting yourself).

if there is a .1% chance of me spreading COVID to someone else, I am still wearing a mask. 1 out if 1000 seems small but that 1 is probably someone’s grandma or best friend or spouse.

Its not about being right or wrong, it is about respecting and protecting people.

edit- While I was typing, Steve posted that he believes (and referenced Faucci - though I haven’t checked his reference’s credibility). My point still stands, if there’s a chance it helps, I will continue to fight for my right to wear a mask without be ridiculed or called names.....I get that enough fir my looks and personality. 😉

Last edited by justanotherpackerfan
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