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@Tschmack posted:

I’m 49 and as a parent it’s amazing to me how politics turned simple shit like public health topics into an issue that divides us.  My generation (now parents) grew up with vaxx requirements.  You couldn’t attend grade school or HS or college without showing proof.  Where was the outrage 20 years ago?  30 years ago?  Now some of these same people are dead set against them.  All because some failed businessman turned politician brainwashed them into believing (or not) that C19 was fake or not dangerous and then spun the message into an us v them proposition.  Well played.

It's been trending this way for a while. The failed businessman turned politician just happened to be the cult of personality who could harness all the angst and frustration and rage and fear for his benefit. They can vicariously live through his words as part of some loftier struggle, even when they are the ones who will pay some price.

The people who got behind Bernie did so because they felt part of a bigger fight as well. Bernie just didn't have the will to take up that fight, and so many of his supporters backed down in kind. What they didn't understand, though, is that was their one chance.

The pandemic is emblematic of the same struggle. As a nation, we had one chance to get it right. Lock down, provide shelter and amenities for a finite amount of time and seek out a vaccine. The message should have been clear and universal. We need to do this to be able to be back to "normal" in 18 months, or 1 year, whatever.

The challenge should have been met with a comprehensive strategy. While we're here, maybe we should look at our HC system and provide for people in a way that matches the message we love to convey around the world of being the greatest thing since sliced bread. Maybe, with all our wealth and vast technological superiority, we can find a way to give the little guy a decent and quality life like we all expect to live. Maybe multi-billionaires and corporations don't really need to profit in such a gratuitous way while so many millions are suffering. And, giving AR some credit, maybe this is a great opportunity to guide people toward better health overall. That point alone could help to revamp the highly overburdened "healthcare" system in such a way that everyone can win.

But, like you say, Tschmack, the grubby little puppet masters pounced on the issue for a power grab. BOTH sides. And that one chance we had quickly shifted into even further division and now we sprinkled a deadly virus on top to be certain that we own your allegiance and will use it as we choose. We are all victims in this mess, and we all have the tools to fix it. But until we learn, or re-learn, how to speak to each other with some amount of mutual respect, here we are.

Our team is 7-1 in a last dance situation, with numerous incredible victories and a ton to look forward to enjoying, and we're being sucked into this stupid battle of wills that isn't going to change a thing. The hectoring and nastiness and mob beatdowns have gone way beyond "X4- not for pussies." It's brought out who we really are.

I’ll try to make my thoughts on this as coherent as I can.  I made the decision to get vaccinated after I saw for myself how many people it killed.  I worked in a nursing home when the virus first broke, and I saw body after body hauled out due to Covid deaths.  To be honest, I was afraid of getting it and dying myself working in that environment, and possibly taking it home and giving it to my wife who could possibly die.  It didn’t matter at the time what the politics were, when it was available, my wife and I both got the vaccine.  Not only that, but we believed it was the right thing to do to do our part in stopping the spread of the virus.

We grew up in the era, along with our parents, when vaccines for certain viruses and diseases were mandatory.  We didn’t think anything about it, it was just doing your part to make sure those illnesses would never read their ugly head again and cause the devastation they once did.

Maybe I’m old school, I’m 52 years old.  Things have changed with the advent of social media and political division.  Now we have a society in which a lot of people think they have all the answers and everybody who doesn’t agree is wrong.  And then come the personal attacks and all the other ugliness associated with being internet know-it-alls and tough guys who hide behind keyboards and spew vile things at each other.  All in an effort to prove they’re right and you’re wrong.

To me, and this is just my opinion, the more people we have vaccinated, the quicker we get through this pandemic.  I believe the science from the experts who’ve been studying this from the beginning, like Dr. Fauci.  I think the conspiracies against the vaccine, many of them political, and the misinformation being shoveled around by the Internet experts is hindering our progress towards getting this virus under control.  I’ve gone through all sorts of emotions, including anger, against those who choose to be unvaccinated, like many of us have.  I continue to be angry that the hospitals are full of people who are unvaccinated, leaving less space for those who are vaccinated, or people who need other types of surgery.  For those who don’t have a medical issue preventing them from getting the vaccine, it seems selfish to me.  I feel sorry for people who are brainwashed into taking a political or misinformed stance against the virus, and darn it, despite being calloused about the people who are unvaccinated and get the virus, I feel sorry for them and their family as they recover…or die.

My dad, mom and sister’s family are antivaxxers.  It was politically driven as they are all Trumpers.  They all got Covid, and thankfully they all came out ok.  But they think they’re even better off now, because they’ve had it, despite the scientific evidence that says otherwise.  I’m disappointed in them, but we’ve agreed to disagree.

I think sometimes, as we have as a country in the past have done, certain vaccines should be mandatory when it affects the lives of so many people, not unlike polio, smallpox, etc.  750,000 by some counts.  That’s a lot of people, a lot of family tragedies..  And counting.  I do see this as a public emergency that only having most people vaccinated, can solve.  Is it 100% effective?  No, that was well publicized from the beginning.  Is everyone able to get the vaccine?  No, but we’re working on it.     Can most people get the vaccine?  Yes.  Does it mean you won’t get sick or die because you have the vaccine?  No, but it makes it much less likely, and less likely the virus will spread.  And the percentage of effectiveness is only going down because of the number of people who are unvaccinated.  

These are just my thoughts, and you can agree or disagree.  I’m not saying I’m right, these are my opinions from my perspective.  I’m always up for healthy debate, that’s what I think a forum’s for.  But let’s respect each other and other’s opinions and not use personal attacks or name calling.  None of us have all the answers, myself included.  I think we all have one thing in common, however - we want this virus under control.

The funny thing about all of this is I’m convinced a certain guy lost the election sorely because of how unresponsive and tone deaf he was toward C19.  Had he simply listened to the experts instead of getting bad advice from his minions, he’s halfway through his second term and we probably have the virus in our rear view mirror.  

Now, almost 18 months later, we are still dealing with this garbage and people are fed up and exhausted.  This is why the economy is a mess and there’s a massive labor shortage.   To some extent, we all have a COVID19 hangover.

I think the shame of the Rodgers situation is he had a chance to really flip this entire narrative on its head by doing two things:

1) telling the truth

2) promoting good health habits

Instead, he’s acting and sounding like the homeless guy at the bus stop ranting and talking to himself.  He’s doubling down and going into full bunker mode and he’s not winning this PR campaign.  Sure, he can go into McAfee and spout off because PM is playing him like a fiddle for all the ratings.  But in the end, he’s really in a corner by himself.  

"When I'm not feeling 100%, I don't trust just anyone with my body or my health.

I do the research. I talk to the experts - the podcasters, cab drivers, MMA announcers with a high school diploma.

I'm Throw Rogan, and when it comes your health in a global pandemic, there's only one brand that I recommend after doing my research, and that's The Original Ivermectin Paste, from Durvet. Weather you have worms, COVID, Malaria, parasites, gonorrhea, or a torn labrum, the delicious Apple flavored Ivermectin from Durvet is good.


@Music City posted:

OK- sure. You want to know that.

I like to know if anyone around me has had a bowel movement in the last 7.5 hours. The probability that you could have fecal matter on your outer skin increases by 76% if you have. So you should wear a bright yellow shit jacket and if you don’t, you get your medical insurance revoked because you’re knowingly endangering the public with potential bacteria infections.

I think that’s reasonable. We good?

@Henry posted:

So let me say this again with the pretext of familial and societal self defense.  Go fucking die.

There it is!!! Thatta boy! That’s the real β€œHenry” right there. Only thing left is to get that bottle pourin’ you bag of hypocritical horse shit. Let that hate flow!

What the fuck do you know about war? You think this is war? A message board? War? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I think Rodgers' big challenge is that in the past when he has had a chip on his shoulder, it was about football and he could quiet his critics by playing great and winning on the football field.  But in this situation winning games won't make him more right and certainly won't quiet his critics.  Sure, there are many people who believe the same foolish stuff that he believes, but there's no way for him to truly "win."  So my guess is he will retire from football at the end of the season and enter politics.

Last edited by Dr._Bob
@Music City posted:

There it is!!! Thatta boy! That’s the real β€œHenry” right there. Only thing left is to get that bottle pourin’ you bag of hypocritical horse shit. Let that hate flow!

What the fuck do you know about war? You think this is war? A message board? War? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I was unaware I was hiding anything.

I know the rest of my post has literally exploded every blood vessel in your face as referenced by the multiple emotes denoting your hysterics. 

Please tell me all your war stories that amounted to you sitting around getting paid on my dime.

Did you get a purple heart for exploding rage face?

Last edited by Henry
@BrainDed posted:

Well lookie here now.  Guess you righteous assholes need to hate Adam’s now too.  He has the exact same take as me.

"I'm pro choice for whatever you want to do. It's bigger than just winning football games."

Hmm, that’s where it gets a little tricky.  I’m generally pro choice, but Covid’s a different animal.  It’s a public health issue and sometimes drastic times call for drastic measures to protect the public.  750,000 deaths and counting.  We will not overcome the virus until we have enough people vaccinated, that’s a fact.  That’s besides the economic devastation it’s still causing.  I see Covid the same as polio, smallpox, etc.  In my opinion, the vaccine should be mandatory in order to prevent as many deaths as possible.  That excludes, of course, people who are medically exempt or have religious exemptions, as bogus as many of those are.  I have a neighbor who’s a Trumper.  He would otherwise be required to get the vaccine because he works for the city, but he claimed religious exemption.  The guy has no religious beliefs whatsoever.  I know, because he’s been a friend of mine for many years and admitted he submitted for religious exemption because he just doesn’t want the vaccine.  So we’ll never get everyone on board, but if we can get enough people vaccinated, we’ll win this fight.  So yeah, it’s much bigger than just winning football games.

@BrainDed posted:

Well lookie here now.  Guess you righteous assholes need to hate Adam’s now too.  He has the exact same take as me.

"I'm pro choice for whatever you want to do. It's bigger than just winning football games."

You mean him making a declarative statement instead of being a fucking weaselly victim?   

I'd give him the same respect I give you.  You're wrong but at least you put up an argument that exists within reasonable context.  You also take all the shit without going full Rodgers victim mode.

Reality is this, in any other situation I would agree with you 100%.

Last edited by Henry

These are just my thoughts, and you can agree or disagree.  I’m not saying I’m right, these are my opinions from my perspective.  I’m always up for healthy debate, that’s what I think a forum’s for.  But let’s respect each other and other’s opinions and not use personal attacks or name calling.  None of us have all the answers, myself included.  I think we all have one thing in common, however - we want this virus under control.

No, we do have the answer.  A very clear, definitive answer.

As I've said multiple times, it's not an opinion it's a virus.

Respecting absurd conspiracies, lies and intellectual dishonesty is not how I roll.

If you want to have a debate on the budget, the DMV or if buttercups are better than daisies I'll listen to your opinion all day long.

I'm not going agree to disagree about the gun to society's proverbial head.

Unfortunately this country is rocketing past any kind of high minded solution.  That thought should be in the back of everyone's mind.  If there isn't ample evidence everywhere then take a recent example from the Facebook whistler blower who stated political candidates and entities just HAD to become more toxic to remain relevant.

Boy, that's some high minded shit right there.  They HAD to be toxic.  So instead of respecting non opinions how about putting efforts into smashing the fucking bile apparatus and that takes a lot more than good intentions.

The reality is a board like this in it's more controlled environment and self weeding process is probably one of the healthier spaces on the internet.  Yes x4, home of crazy not pussies.

Last edited by Henry
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