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And let me ask you this - and try to answer it honestly: if Trump was still in office, and Trump issued a vaccine mandate, would many of the pro-mandate group lining up to take it? Of course not. They would be in the streets protesting. And why is that? Because the mandate came from Trump. Because its more about politics.

I can’t, shouldn’t, and won’t speak for others but I can honestly tell you that I would be getting the vaccine no matter who was President (Trump, Biden, Rogan, Mickey Mouse, or Blaire). The reason I got vaccinated and still wear a mask is because I have absolutely no desire to be the reason someone contracts COVID and gets serious complications or worse. I have an 85 year old mother and many friends with underlying conditions. If anything happens to them or anyone else, I want to know  that I did everything to try and prevent it.

For me, it is not political at all. It’s about doing everything I can to not hurt others. Not wanting to wear an uncomfortable mask, or being scared to get a shot, or deciding it’s more important to make a political statement are not acceptable excuses for putting others at risk.

JMO, I know others feel differently and also know that I have no control over that.

Last edited by justanotherpackerfan

Is Green M Gold a ball washer or just a dipshit of epic proportions?

First, no one cares what you think about the NFLPU and their stance on C19 protocols.  They negotiated their processes with their members and owners.  Maybe you should brush up and take a labor relations seminar.  Start with a basic course as it probably suits your IQ.

Second, if you have an opinion or thought on what your employer mandates no one cares.  It’s not relevant in this discussion.  But if it makes you feel you better, make a decision.  Quit or comply.  But I don’t give a fuck.  Sonic is always hiring.

Third, if you are so outraged about face diapers, then don’t wear one.  Deal with it.  But understand you might get fired or get sick.  What a deal!

Fourth, you have second thoughts about getting vaxxed?  Why?  Oh I get it.  You were forced or talked into it.  Thank them because it may have saved your life.

Finally, I do believe it’s not the role of the government to mandate vaxx but the solution is simple.  You don’t get the spike, you get sick from C19 and you go to the end of the line and pay full freight.  I shouldn’t have to pay to subsidize your dumbass decisions.  You want freedom? Liberty?  Cool.  The door swings both ways.

Last edited by Tschmack

And let me ask you this - and try to answer it honestly: if Trump was still in office, and Trump issued a vaccine mandate, would many of the pro-mandate group lining up to take it? Of course not. They would be in the streets protesting. And why is that? Because the mandate came from Trump. Because its more about politics.

"Local man cannot believe that everyone else isn't as much of a complete asshole as he is."

For the past twenty years, I have had to carry an epi pen with me any time I go out to eat. I’ve had severe anaphylactic reactions to sunflower seeds, and have to remain vigilant in everything I buy, making sure to check the ingredients. I’ve also had severe allergic reactions to the niacin family of drugs, so I have to be careful anytime I’m in the hospital to specify this.

Eight years ago, I shattered the femur in my left leg, and spent seven weeks in quarantine and ICU fighting a MRSA infection that nearly killed me. It has permanently damaged my lymphatic system, leaving me immune compromised.

If anybody should have been concerned about vaccine side effects, it’s me. But the vaccine side effects possible don’t even begin to approach the possible medical impact of contracting COVID.

I got the one shot JnJ vaccine, and had a severe reaction for 24 hours. I had a fever, cold sweats, and shook violently for the first 12 hours after I got home and went to bed. Then, I was fine.

Next week, I’m getting a booster shot. I’m waiting to hear from my primary care physician which to get, and it may be the Moderna or Pfizer. And I’ll not even hesitate to do so, because I trust science, and I trust the expertise of the medical doctors I have consulted with. It is not only a chance for me to protect myself, and my family, but by having the strongest immune response possible, I am protecting those I come in contact with. By not contracting COVID, I am not a carrier.  I am part of a community, and my decisions impact those around me.

Any last vestiges of respect I had for Aaron Rodgers are gone. The man is a liar, a narcissist, and that he’s playing the β€œpersecuted victim” card is utterly pathetic. Maybe we should have known something was up when he became engaged to a woman who posts on social media about the β€œhealth benefits of exposing her vagina to sunlight.” Thank you for that rousing testimonial, Dr. Woodley. I wonder if I would benefit from sunning my nuts on the patio deck?

I remember how thrilled I was by Aaron Rodgers’ behavior while Brett Favre was going into full diva mode. Rodgers took the high road, and I felt, β€œit’s so nice to move on from this head case that Brett Favre has become. Finally, we have a leader we can be proud of.” That seems almost funny now.

Joe Rogan? Are you fucking kidding me?

Aaron Rodgers has again shown that he thinks his shit doesn’t stink, that he’s bigger than the team, and he’s not subject to the rules. And his childish rant is the straw that broke the camel’s back.

He’s one of the truly elite quarterbacks in NFL history. And he’s a shit human being. The best thing that could happen to the Packers now is for Jordan Love to show he is ready, and send Rodgers packing for whatever we can get for him.

I have a good friend with an illness that forbids the use of the current vaccines. I am vaccinated and enjoy my time with her. We also have different political views but we want the same things for people. We both have our faults and strengths. Not having the same view on β€œHow” makes no difference because we have the same views on β€œWhy”.  I can’t speak to what others may think. In my case I am not responsible for what people think of me. But I am responsible for who I am.

Last edited by PackerPatrick

The problem with society - including some people on this board - is that people are incapable of attempting to view things from another individual's point of view. They are so arrogant, so convinced that they know better than the "opposition" and that the other side is full of buffoons, that they can't acknowledge when the other side has a point. They refuse to see it.

I'm not anti-vax, but I certainly understand the reservations some people have. There's a number of reasons for people to have reservations, but I'll state the obvious: the entire pandemic became too political from the onset. Rather than taking an responsible, objective approach to it, the pandemic became a political argument.

The vaccine got the same treatment. The way politicians talked about it. The way the media portrayed it. People spoke about it in a certain way, and they did so because an election was on the horizon. Many of the same politicians who are pushing the mandates now were telling us just a year ago that we "shouldn't trust any vaccine" and that they "would never get the vaccine." Why was that? Because there was an election. And what changed? The election went their way.

You don't understand that reasonable people may observe that - as well as other aspects - and have personal reservations? Really?

And let me ask you this - and try to answer it honestly: if Trump was still in office, and Trump issued a vaccine mandate, would many of the pro-mandate group lining up to take it? Of course not. They would be in the streets protesting. And why is that? Because the mandate came from Trump. Because its more about politics.

I'm glad to see that Rodgers finally spoke up about his position. Unfortunately, rather than start some potentially valuable dialogue on the topic, during which we could actually try to understand each other's position, this will just result in more personal attacks from those who are convinced that they know better.

We need to return to a world in which we adopt mutual respect and civility when discussing our differences. This current approach is toxic. It just doesn't work.

Aaron, is this you?

For the past twenty years, I have had to carry an epi pen with me any time I go out to eat. I’ve had severe anaphylactic reactions to sunflower seeds, and have to remain vigilant in everything I buy, making sure to check the ingredients. I’ve also had severe allergic reactions to the niacin family of drugs, so I have to be careful anytime I’m in the hospital to specify this.

Eight years ago, I shattered the femur in my left leg, and spent seven weeks in quarantine and ICU fighting a MRSA infection that nearly killed me. It has permanently damaged my lymphatic system, leaving me immune compromised.

If anybody should have been concerned about vaccine side effects, it’s me. But the vaccine side effects possible don’t even begin to approach the possible medical impact of contracting COVID.

I got the one shot JnJ vaccine, and had a severe reaction for 24 hours. I had a fever, cold sweats, and shook violently for the first 12 hours after I got home and went to bed. Then, I was fine.

Next week, I’m getting a booster shot. I’m waiting to hear from my primary care physician which to get, and it may be the Moderna or Pfizer. And I’ll not even hesitate to do so, because I trust science, and I trust the expertise of the medical doctors I have consulted with. It is not only a chance for me to protect myself, and my family, but by having the strongest immune response possible, I am protecting those I come in contact with. By not contracting COVID, I am not a carrier.  I am part of a community, and my decisions impact those around me.

Any last vestiges of respect I had for Aaron Rodgers are gone. The man is a liar, a narcissist, and that he’s playing the β€œpersecuted victim” card is utterly pathetic. Maybe we should have known something was up when he became engaged to a woman who posts on social media about the β€œhealth benefits of exposing her vagina to sunlight.” Thank you for that rousing testimonial, Dr. Woodley. I wonder if I would benefit from sunning my nuts on the patio deck?

I remember how thrilled I was by Aaron Rodgers’ behavior while Brett Favre was going into full diva mode. Rodgers took the high road, and I felt, β€œit’s so nice to move on from this head case that Brett Favre has become. Finally, we have a leader we can be proud of.” That seems almost funny now.

Joe Rogan? Are you fucking kidding me?

Aaron Rodgers has again shown that he thinks his shit doesn’t stink, that he’s bigger than the team, and he’s not subject to the rules. And his childish rant is the straw that broke the camel’s back.

He’s one of the truly elite quarterbacks in NFL history. And he’s a shit human being. The best thing that could happen to the Packers now is for Jordan Love to show he is ready, and send Rodgers packing for whatever we can get for him.

With all due respect LS, and I do mean this with all due respect, let me play devil's advocate here for one second. Let me start by saying, you are more than entitled to do whatever you can to keep yourself and others around you safe. As are all others. That being said, you can wear a mask constantly, be vaccinated and do everything possible to try to minimize the risk. yet, there's no guarantee you or others around you still won't get it. On the other hand, you could not do those things(mask, be vaccinated etc) and we end up back in the same place...there's still no guarantee they WOULD get it. That's where I come down on this, and why at some point(frankly it's gone on way too long IMO) all the protocols etc HAVE to end. Those who want to get vaccinated, by all means do so, those that don't, I respect that as well. If you want to wear a mask, by all means do so, that's your prerogative. However, if I don't want to wear a mask, that too should be my prerogative.

Those things should NOT be mandated, ever. I also look at it like this, if I get covid(or any of us get it), then we get it, and the reality is, there's nothing we can do about it. Vaxxed, unvaxxed, masked, unmasked, it can and has happened.

I know a lot of people hate thinking about it, but again, I can absolutely make this guarantee(and there's no way it's wrong), we are all going to die eventually. Way i see it, if it's my time to go tomorrow for whatever reason, then it is, what am I going to do about it?? I(or any of us) could die crossing the street tomorrow, that's just the reality of it.

I will say this, and it’s not a defense of Aaron Rodgers: I don’t think players owe an explanation as to their vaccine status. I wish he and Lazard were vaccinated, but ultimately if I hadn’t known their status it wouldn’t have made a difference. I wish everyone were vaccinated, but that’s not realistic. I don’t blame people for making a choice I dont agree with, but it IS a pandemic and there are precautions I hope people are taking if they aren’t vaccinated…mask, distancing, washing hands, covering your fucking mouth when you cough, easy easy stuff. If Rodgers is doing all those things then fine he can do whatever he wants, he’s not being a nuisance to society. No beef with him. In this context, as long as he and Lazard aren’t infecting other players and we lose games from preventable COVID absences then again, no beef. All he had to say, when asked about his status, was nothing…deflect, decline, say anything other than being entirely misleading about his status. And then after this was all revealed, all he had to say was nothing. Go on McAfee and say you’re a little sick and you’re not getting into all the other specifics.

He chooses a very different tactic and comes off looking a lying, petulant, arrogant douchebag who can’t handle the fact that people think he’s wrong. Oh well, hope he likes being booed in Lambeau because the β€œwoke mob” of drunk Packer fans aren’t going to be soft on him.

That being said, you can wear a mask constantly, be vaccinated and do everything possible to try to minimize the risk. yet, there's no guarantee you or others around you still won't get it. On the other hand, you could not do those things(mask, be vaccinated etc) and we end up back in the same place...there's still no guarantee they WOULD get it.

There's no guarantee that if I wear a seatbelt or have airbags in the car that I won't die in a car accident either.  But I'm gonna make sure I have both and my kids have their seatbelts on too and my little one is in the child seat properly, cuz I care about my family.

Difference with Covid is my actions don't only affect who's in my car, they affect anyone I come in contact with.

The goal isn't eliminating the risks, it never was, it's reducing them.  Not just for you but for anyone you're in contact with.  You want to roll the dice on your life go ahead.  Just be aware you're also rolling the dice with everyone else's too.  If you're not vaccinated the odds are more stacked against you and others.  It's not a hard concept to grasp.

@Henry posted:

Rodgers may have completely broken pro sports for me.

I argued he was absolutely the best chance of winning a Super Bowl and that's 100% true.  Fact is I just don't give a fuck anymore.  If it was possible I'd ship him out tomorrow.

That’s pretty much where I am, too, Henry. Rodgers is the living embodiment of β€œrich, white privilege”, and his playing the victim card, and quoting MLK in doing so, just feels like the straw that broke the camel’s back. His defiance, his arrogant selfishness….it’s just too much.

Not all, but way too many of these guys have inflated sense of self worth, and think they’re above the rules. I can’t stomach that level of narcissism. I just can’t. Added in to the women beaters, the Aaron Hernandez types, then this idiot Raiders receiver that had a BAL twice the legal limit when he rear ended a woman driving 125 mph, causing her and her dog to burn to death inside her mangled car…I have reached my breaking point. Athletes feeling β€œdisrespected” because their team won’t increase their pay after a great season, asking them to honor the contest they signed.

I guess I’m watching hockey full time. It doesn’t seem to be as bad there.

@Henry posted:

Charter member.  What a fucking pusscake.  It's literally revolting reading that crap he spewed.

So no different than coming here and reading the crap you spew, right?? That's all it and utter BS. I mean for you to call him out is really rich, since you're such an arrogant, pompous POS yourself, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Why don't you just admit that you didn't like what he said because it doesn't fit your fucking whack job, radical political views?? That's all it is, that's why you're butt hurt. Period. Wah wah wah. Too fucking bad. I for one am glad he spoke up, it's about time the American people start pushing back on the tyranny they are trying to push onto us.

You mention the previous President lied, yet left out the part that he's vaccinated. Wonder why?? Also, you want lies?? How about this?? Joe Biden Dec 2020 "No, I don't think the vaccine should be mandated and I won't mandate it". Talk about a fucking lie. No wonder you run in the same liberal psycho circle. It definitely fits you.

That’s pretty much where I am, too, Henry. Rodgers is the living embodiment of β€œrich, white privilege”, and his playing the victim card, and quoting MLK in doing so,

He didn't even quote MLK accurately.  Here's MLK's actual quote:

"One who breaks an unjust law must do so openly, lovingly, and with a willingness to accept the penalty."

AR forgot a few parts of that one...

So no different than coming here and reading the crap you spew, right?? That's all it and utter BS. I mean for you to call him out is really rich, since you're such an arrogant, pompous POS yourself, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Why don't you just admit that you didn't like what he said because it doesn't fit your fucking whack job, radical political views?? That's all it is, that's why you're butt hurt. Period. Wah wah wah. Too fucking bad. I for one am glad he spoke up, it's about time the American people start pushing back on the tyranny they are trying to push onto us.

You mention the previous President lied, yet left out the part that he's vaccinated. Wonder why?? Also, you want lies?? How about this?? Joe Biden Dec 2020 "No, I don't think the vaccine should be mandated and I won't mandate it". Talk about a fucking lie. No wonder you run in the same liberal psycho circle. It definitely fits you.

He has to mandate it because selfish morons are too stupid to take a jab.

I'll let Henry handle the rest.

So no different than coming here and reading the crap you spew, right?? That's all it and utter BS. I mean for you to call him out is really rich, since you're such an arrogant, pompous POS yourself, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Why don't you just admit that you didn't like what he said because it doesn't fit your fucking whack job, radical political views?? That's all it is, that's why you're butt hurt. Period. Wah wah wah. Too fucking bad. I for one am glad he spoke up, it's about time the American people start pushing back on the tyranny they are trying to push onto us.

You mention the previous President lied, yet left out the part that he's vaccinated. Wonder why?? Also, you want lies?? How about this?? Joe Biden Dec 2020 "No, I don't think the vaccine should be mandated and I won't mandate it". Talk about a fucking lie. No wonder you run in the same liberal psycho circle. It definitely fits you.

Who said you could speak to me? 

So no different than coming here and reading the crap you spew, right?? That's all it and utter BS. I mean for you to call him out is really rich, since you're such an arrogant, pompous POS yourself, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Why don't you just admit that you didn't like what he said because it doesn't fit your fucking whack job, radical political views?? That's all it is, that's why you're butt hurt. Period. Wah wah wah. Too fucking bad. I for one am glad he spoke up, it's about time the American people start pushing back on the tyranny they are trying to push onto us.

You mention the previous President lied, yet left out the part that he's vaccinated. Wonder why?? Also, you want lies?? How about this?? Joe Biden Dec 2020 "No, I don't think the vaccine should be mandated and I won't mandate it". Talk about a fucking lie. No wonder you run in the same liberal psycho circle. It definitely fits you.

Aaron, is this you?

@FinnLander posted:

He has to mandate it because selfish morons are too stupid to take a jab.

I'll let Henry handle the rest.

Okay if you say so. The point is, he lied when he said "no, I don't think it should be mandated, and I won't mandate it". Selfish morons are the one's that belittle and deride those that haven't been vaxxed or don't wear a mask 24/7. If you're vaxxed and masked, what difference does it make to you?? Frankly, if i was unvaxxed, and even now that I am, I couldn't care less what other people do around me in regards to that. If they don't want to wear a mask around me, go for it. If they do, go for it. I don't care, it's THEIR decision. It's not mine to make for them.

If I got covid, I got it. I'd have no way of knowing if they gave it to me, or where exactly I got it from. That's a fact. It's one of those things that just happens. If I died from it, it is what it is. I wouldn't know it even if i did.

it's about time the American people start pushing back on the tyranny they are trying to push onto us.

Get vaccinated in a global pandemic! TYRANNY!

Wear a mask to protect others! TYRANNY!

If you were forced to deal with 1/10000th the tyranny you imagine you're fighting against, you'd shit your diapers in milliseconds and start crying for your mommy.  You think you're fooling people with your tough guy bullshit. Trust me bitch, we all know you're softer than tissue paper.

How you see yourself

How everyone else sees you

@vitaflo posted:

The only disease we've successfully eradicated is smallpox.  Of course Covid isn't going away. That doesn't mean you shouldn't get vaccinated for it, just like measles, mumps, rubella, etc.  I'm not scared of those, but I got vaccinated for them.

The U S A has not had a polio case since 1979.  Why>?  Because in the 1950's-60's  people believed in the government and just did the right thing and got the shot or the oral vaccine.  So why is this not true today?

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