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And let me ask you this - and try to answer it honestly: if Trump was still in office, and Trump issued a vaccine mandate, would many of the pro-mandate group lining up to take it? Of course not. They would be in the streets protesting. And why is that? Because the mandate came from Trump. Because its more about politics.

Who cares about Trump, Biden, Politics, etc?  This is the one thing I actually agree with Rodgers on, politics are a sham.

What isn't is that Rodgers lied to the media and fans, acts shocked and points fingers when we find out, and was pissed that the Packers weren't doing enough in the offseason to go all in when his own decisions are keeping him from playing during the actual season.  He's a straight up hypocrite.  Politics has nothing to do with that.

he is entering POS territory - I always kind of gave him a pass for the good he does.  this here, if I was exposed to him not giving me the courtesy of knowing if he was vaxxed or not, in an interview or whatever, I would be absolutely pissed.  The whole issue with this virus is that taking the vaccine is a personal choice, however, if you choose not to take it - that's fine, however there are consequences for doing so, you must accept cannot have it both ways.  I fear the nfl will suspend his ass for a while - and not unjustly - if I was a member of the media he spoke in front of, or interviewed by, I would also push for that result - he could have exposed your health without consideration...I would be incensed having at-risk family in my circle.  fucking doe-head.

@Music City posted:

What if science backs natural immunity? Is that science or not?

There is a rationale argument one can make that if an ELISA shows you have a certain level of antibodies to COVID19 that you should get consideration for having immunity. If Rodgers had said "I was already exposed to COVID and have immunity" and wanted an exemption for that, that's rationale.

In terms of natural immunity, yes that's science. But you also run the risk of dying, having long-term effects, or passing it along to someone else and helping fill up the ICUs.

One of the first concepts of immunization actually came from studies of milkmaids who because they were exposed to cowpox, had some immunity to smallpox. Is that "natural immunity"? By some definitions yes, but it was still immunity to a pathogen that was acquired by exposure to something that prepped the immune system to respond to something else without the risks of getting deathly ill. It was basically a vaccine.

The newer peer-reviews studies now show that exposure to COVID19 and vaccination give you the best combination of immunity. I haven't read through those papers in detail, but there are some potential explanations for this based on previous work and concepts in the field. There is a lot of new work on priming the immune system in the last decade because of the use of immune checkpoint inhibitors to treat cancer (basically getting your immune system to attack your cancer because it expresses neo-antigens due to the mutations in your tumor). When you get infected with COVID or any infections agent, one of the things a key cell in your immune system (antigen-presenting cell) does is to chop up the viral proteins and "display" them on the surface in combination with proteins called MHC Class 1 and MHC Class 2. The COVID virus itself generates a lot of proteins that aren't going to give you good blocking antibodies (it may be in a part of the virus that your immune system can't "see" when the virus is intact). The vaccine is designed to use a part of the virus (the spike) that if you generate antibodies to it, that were very likely to be very useful for preventing infections. Now, it could be that 3 exposures to COVID proteins (an infection and two vaccines) are what explains this, but that will likely be worked out as more data comes in.

The problem with society - including some people on this board - is that people are incapable of attempting to view things from another individual's point of view. They are so arrogant, so convinced that they know better than the "opposition" and that the other side is full of buffoons, that they can't acknowledge when the other side has a point. They refuse to see it.

I'm not anti-vax, but I certainly understand the reservations some people have. There's a number of reasons for people to have reservations, but I'll state the obvious: the entire pandemic became too political from the onset. Rather than taking an responsible, objective approach to it, the pandemic became a political argument.

The vaccine got the same treatment. The way politicians talked about it. The way the media portrayed it. People spoke about it in a certain way, and they did so because an election was on the horizon. Many of the same politicians who are pushing the mandates now were telling us just a year ago that we "shouldn't trust any vaccine" and that they "would never get the vaccine." Why was that? Because there was an election. And what changed? The election went their way.

You don't understand that reasonable people may observe that - as well as other aspects - and have personal reservations? Really?

You seemed to have forgotten some very important information so I would step off your soapbox.

What exactly were the conditions beside the elections of these so called scoundrels saying they wouldn't take the vaccine?  Well let me tell you.

A tyrant who would later attempt to overthrow an legitimate election actively stating there would be a vaccine before the elections even though no health agency said it would happen.  The POTUS combative with health agencies from the very beginning of the pandemic.  The lies, the denials, the incitements to violence.  Why?  Because it affected his election chances!

Golly Gee Fucking Willikers!  How could it EVER become political?  Would you really take a vaccine that was endorsed ONLY by the original COVID denier?  The good thing is he wasn't able to force it.  The comments made about not taking it was exactly due to what I just described.

I would be glad to lay out a god damn quilt of lies, callous indifference and outright hostility from THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES over the course of this pandemic to scrap your bullshit apple pie "objectivity".

And let me ask you this - and try to answer it honestly: if Trump was still in office, and Trump issued a vaccine mandate, would many of the pro-mandate group lining up to take it? Of course not. They would be in the streets protesting. And why is that? Because the mandate came from Trump. Because its more about politics.

I'm absolutely fucking amazed at this simpleton response.  You know why I would get the vaccine?  Well let me list them for you.

1)  I don't want to die
2)  I don't want to have life long complications
3)  I don't like wearing masks
4)  I like a working economy where millions of people aren't out of work and desperately hanging on.
5)   I had my ticket in hand to go to Japan to teach and study.
6)   I enjoy activities like oh, buying food, that don't require me to wonder if I may pass on a virus to a loved one.
7)   I think hospitals that don't have to choose who gets to live or die are kind of neat
8)   I fucking hate seeing "relief packages" that benefit the people who need it the least.

I could go on and on.  Please let me know.  I would love to explain to you how an authoritarian turned a pandemic political in the most horrible, open society smashing way possible.

I'm glad to see that Rodgers finally spoke up about his position. Unfortunately, rather than start some potentially valuable dialogue on the topic, during which we could actually try to understand each other's position, this will just result in more personal attacks from those who are convinced that they know better.

We need to return to a world in which we adopt mutual respect and civility when discussing our differences. This current approach is toxic. It just doesn't work.

You know how that starts?  Knowing what you don't know.

Last edited by Henry
@Henry posted:

They actually did, I just didn't copy that part.

Vaccine ingredients vary by manufacturer. None of the vaccines contain eggs, gelatin, latex, or preservatives. All COVID-19 vaccines are free from metals such as iron, nickel, cobalt, lithium, and rare earth alloys. They are also free from manufactured products such as microelectronics, electrodes, carbon nanotubes, or nanowire semiconductors.

Did you leave out the part about chemtrails too?

I am disappointed at how soft and mentally weak Rodgers appears to be. The slightest amount of blowback on Twitter and he freaks out on mcafee’s show and basically regurgitates all the lame anti-vax and cancel culture tropes. He’s worked so hard to convince everyone he’s this high minded chill bro genius and in reality he’s a huge weenie who gets his feelings hurt whenever someone is mean.

I grew up in the '60 and remember getting the oral polio vaccine.  We went to our local armory and got a little paper cup with liquid in it.  I think we went 2 or 3 times maybe?  I might have been to young but I fail to remember anybody protesting or not getting the dose.   Maybe some of the older posters on here can shed some light on oppisition to polo vaccines.  What was more important was stopping polio from spreading.  If more people had just gotten vaccinated when they should have, without all the political bullshit and fear mongering that goes along with it Covid very well be talked about in the past tense today. In stead here we are.

All today did was make AR, the smartest guy in the room sound like the dumbest guy in the room.

@PackerHawk posted:

One of the things from the interview that I'd like to know if it's true or not is the literature that was provided that said it's impossible to contract or spread COVID if you are vaccinated. Did it really say impossible or is someone exaggerating?

The vaccine doesn't create a forcefield. Once you've generated immunity (either by a prior infection or by vaccination), the virus still gets into your body, it's just that your immune system is primed to respond to it and prevent it from replicating out of control.

The nuanced thing that scientists are now looking at is what thresholds of viral exposure are necessary for inducing disease and how these particles travel through the air. It gets into areas that aren't well studied in virology (fluid dynamics, etc.). Some estimates are that for every sneeze from a patient that has an active COVID infection, 200 hundred million viral particles are expelled.

If someone with COVID directly sneezed into your face, the odds are you are going to get a mild case of COVID (or at least test positive for the presence of the virus) even if you are vaccinated. Your immune system is usually good once it has developed memory, but that kind of dose can still overwhelm it at least transiently. One can't prove it, but that's what likely happens in cases like D. Adams' positive test.

If you are breathing in a room where a person with an active COVID infection is breathing and get exposed to a few hundred viral particles, you'll probably never notice you were exposed because your immune system has enough memory cells to quickly eliminate the few cells that take up the viral particles. The dose matters, but we don't know all the details yet.

I am disappointed at how soft and mentally weak Rodgers appears to be. The slightest amount of blowback on Twitter and he freaks out on mcafee’s show and basically regurgitates all the lame anti-vax and cancel culture tropes. He’s worked so hard to convince everyone he’s this high minded chill bro genius and in reality he’s a huge weenie who gets his feelings hurt whenever someone is mean.

Can we all agree on this ?

He would have lasted about 10 minutes on X4.

#notforpussys #butthurt

“When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.”

― Jiddu Krishnamurti

Spot on Henry! And let me add, I retired partially to being exposed to Covid in schools. With my compromised health it just wasn't worth it. My wife spent hours on the computer trying to get me vaccination Appts. as soon as the vaccine was available. I was chomping at the bit no matter who was in charge. Those press conferences where a joke but I was determined to get vaccinated and try to get this country back to normal.

Thanks, Henry. I appreciate the confirmation and illustration. Very helpful.

And this response makes you complicit in the very thing you supposedly railed against.  Why? Because everyone of those points I made is easily provable.

Maybe you just didn't remember?

Know what you don't know.  It's apparent you were not aware of those details.  So maybe I was harsh because I assumed anyone who had such a strong stance would actually have those facts at hand.

But you didn't.

So now you can take this exchange and use it to fill in all those other holes that may allow unwanted information to come in.

See, this is the reality.  I don't give two fucks about your politics, your lifestyle, if you live or fucking die.  I care about getting out of this pandemic and back to some new normal.  That's it.  There's a solution right in front of everyone.

So ask yourself and see if you can answer truthfully.  Are you purposefully or unintentionally informationally challenged?

Last edited by Henry

Rodgers was lucky he was tested eveyday.  He stated he is getting the monoclonal treatment.  I know from personal experience that if you are more than 5 days into Covid they will not give you the monoclonal treatment.   A co-worker also had this experience.   If he was not an NFL player required to be tested daily he may well of thought it was just a cold or the flu and the treatment would have  been too late.   As for the zinc and the Ivomec, well that is just bullshit.

Rodgers keeping a diverse cast of associations that last year or soâ€Ķpolymath genius Joe Rogan, noted sex pest Dave Portnoy, world class punchable face owner Miles Teller, and a COVID curing Canadian homeopath. His mental state seems great. Oh and his 26 year old clay eating, taint sunning fiancÃĐ. And he drives around in an Aston Martin golf cartâ€Ķworking overtime to be relatable! 😂

Last edited by Grave Digger
@ammo posted:

Rodgers was lucky he was tested eveyday.  He stated he is getting the monoclonal treatment.  I know from personal experience that if you are more than 5 days into Covid they will not give you the monoclonal treatment.   A co-worker also had this experience.   If he was not an NFL player required to be tested daily he may well of thought it was just a cold or the flu and the treatment would have  been too late.   As for the zinc and the Ivomec, well that is just bullshit.

I will never understand why someone who won't get the COVID vaccine would get the monoclonal treatment (unless they were deathly ill). Talk about not being consistent in your beliefs. The monoclonal are still under emergency use authorization from the FDA (the vaccines are fully approved) as they await more data on the long-term health ramifications (they are likely going to be safe).

JFC, the amount of moronic takes in this thread is something. As a packer fan, i always wondered why some people blast packer fans, etc. Unfortunately, after reading this thread, I can see why they feel that way.

First of all, Arodg owes the media or fans NOTHING. Absolutely zilch. But the entitlement of the media especially now want to paint him as some sort of villain. He didn't fucking kill anybody(like Henry Ruggs did, and shamefully that story is getting less attention than this).

Secondly, the players union is a fucking disgrace. As many people in this country that LOVE unions is appalling enough, but when you have a union that doesn't have the back of one of it's own, not to mention the reigning MVP, should just show how pathetic unions really are.

Third, so fucking what, he wasn't wearing a mask in the media room. He's right, where's the science behind being more than 6 feet away from totally vaccinated, mask wearing sheep, saying they are at risk if said person is NOT wearing a mask?? Don't even start with "rules are rules" shit. When they are moronic rules, they deserve to be mocked, and broken. Good for him.

Fourth, I wish all the players that are  and even those that are would just say "fuck this"I'm not doing this or that. What's the league going to do, suspend them all?? Being vaccinated or not is someone's choice, if you're vaxxed and wear your mask by your choosing(even in your car all alone, which it seems most of you do, especially Henry) and both things are SO safe, what's the fucking problem?? You're safe, right?? isn't that what the "science" is telling you?? Or??

Finally, Yes, I'm vaccinated, but I wish I wouldn't be. I only did it because i figured my employer would then allow vaccinated ppl to stop wearing a face diaper. That lasted all of two weeks. But, of course they went right back to masks. What a crock of shit. It's like people don't realize covid is NEVER going away and we are all going to just have to learn to live with it. You want science, there's your science for ya. That's at least factual, and not agenda driven "science". But hey, by all means, if you want to be a scared little pussy for the rest of your lives because "I don't want the big bad very scary virus" to get you, then by all means, keep wearing your mask, alone in your car, at home, when you're all alone, or even around your family, and to bed at night. Have at it.

It's like people don't realize covid is NEVER going away and we are all going to just have to learn to live with it. You want science, there's your science for ya. That's at least factual, and not agenda driven "science". But hey, by all means, if you want to be a scared little pussy for the rest of your lives because "I don't want the big bad very scary virus" to get you, then by all means, keep wearing your mask, alone in your car, at home, when you're all alone, or even around your family, and to bed at night. Have at it.

The only disease we've successfully eradicated is smallpox.  Of course Covid isn't going away. That doesn't mean you shouldn't get vaccinated for it, just like measles, mumps, rubella, etc.  I'm not scared of those, but I got vaccinated for them.

Last edited by vitaflo

Finally, Yes, I'm vaccinated, but I wish I wouldn't be. I only did it because i figured my employer would then allow vaccinated ppl to stop wearing a face diaper. That lasted all of two weeks. But, of course they went right back to masks. What a crock of shit. It's like people don't realize covid is NEVER going away and we are all going to just have to learn to live with it. You want science, there's your science for ya. That's at least factual, and not agenda driven "science". But hey, by all means, if you want to be a scared little pussy for the rest of your lives because "I don't want the big bad very scary virus" to get you, then by all means, keep wearing your mask, alone in your car, at home, when you're all alone, or even around your family, and to bed at night. Have at it.

This little bitch whining about face diapers calling anyone else a scared little pussy is perfection

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