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Here’s what I keep coming back to in my own small brainâ€Ķâ€ĶHow the hell does Rodgers vax status really effect me? It mainly effects me because I follow the Packers and I want them to win. If he comes back and helps them win am I still going to obsess about this? Maybe I’m a douche, but the answer is no.

He can't help the team win if he's not playing.  That's why his decision literally affects the team.  The protocol for missing time is totally different between vaxxed and unvaxxed players.

There's a reason the Bucs and Cardinals have a competitive advantage, because both teams are 100% vaccinated.

This ain't just about Rodgers being vaccinated.  It has potential playoff seeding implications as well.  That's half the reason I'm so pissed off about it (the other half that he lied about it all).

@BrainDed posted:

Stay in your lane..  You’re exposing your lack of awareness and looking rather retarded.   If not retarded, then brainwashed by CNN who started the horse paste narrative.

Ivermectin is not recommended for use against Covid 19.   That does not mean it is not recommended for use in humans.

FYI, MP2 IS in his lane. He's an R&D Scientist. Instead of playing Dr. Google why don't stop hitting the post reply button and read.

Also quit using the word retarded. It's bad form & I know you're better than that

@Henry posted:

Here's the itinerary for our date!

You tell me where you're at and I'll send you a waiver.  I'll fill you in on the details later.  I'll call you so you know it's me out there.  I'll even send a sexy pic for proof.

I'll be sitting in a lawn chair waiting with bated breath.

You'll maybe work up the courage to come out but I understand that years of drinking wood grain alcohol could cause some social anxiety.  But don't worry!  I won't leave.  I'll just be sitting there in that chair waiting for you to come out.

You may take a belt or two of the good turpentine and then come out and caterwaul a bit, maybe even wave a gun around and try to be all rootin' tootin'.

I'll let you rant, foam at the mouth, do fake tough guy stuff, whatever your druthers.  I'll just sit there in my chair.  I'll bring coffee because it'll probably be kind of chilly.

When you're done with your little "show" and you haven't done anything but piss down your leg I'll confirm you are indeed done.

Now, this is where the waiver comes in.

1) You confirm you invited me to your address.

2) You take personal responsibility for your own well being

3) You confirm you will listen to my response under financial penalty.

4) You have contacted all neighbors as to the event.

I will then progress with a historical lecture with full visual aids, research materials and even handouts if you need them.  I'm a giving person.  The lecture will be a MINIMUM of 4 hours.  If you decide to go inside I will continue on a bull horn.

In that time I will meticulously go over not only the history but social conditions of this country since 1980.  I like to go historical benders so that may add a couple of hours.  As this lecture continues you will start to see fragments of yourself seeping up from your subconscious in how this whole history plays out.  You will become enraged as I endlessly and expertly dissect the false gods you praise.  I will show you just how small you are.

Then if you're stupid enough to attack me I'll do what I've done hundreds of times before and pick you up, slam you to the ground and choke you out.  Doesn't matter if you have a weapon.

Then I'll go grab a ham sammich and complain my back hurts all the way home.

Oral?'s something for you to consider

1. You're a pompous, arrogant, POS human being.

2. You're too much of a chicken shit to say any of that to my face, I can promise you that.

Hank is a nobody. He's a fucking liberal stain on this country. Period. He talks such a big game, but i can guarantee you he wears a mask in his vehicle all alone. He's more then welcome to come at me in person if he so chooses. I'd welcome it. It'd be game over for sure, but not for me.

@Henry posted:

Here's the itinerary for our date!

You tell me where you're at and I'll send you a waiver.  I'll fill you in on the details later.  I'll call you so you know it's me out there.  I'll even send a sexy pic for proof.

I'll be sitting in a lawn chair waiting with bated breath.

You'll maybe work up the courage to come out but I understand that years of drinking wood grain alcohol could cause some social anxiety.  But don't worry!  I won't leave.  I'll just be sitting there in that chair waiting for you to come out.

You may take a belt or two of the good turpentine and then come out and caterwaul a bit, maybe even wave a gun around and try to be all rootin' tootin'.

I'll let you rant, foam at the mouth, do fake tough guy stuff, whatever your druthers.  I'll just sit there in my chair.  I'll bring coffee because it'll probably be kind of chilly.

When you're done with your little "show" and you haven't done anything but piss down your leg I'll confirm you are indeed done.

Now, this is where the waiver comes in.

1) You confirm you invited me to your address.

2) You take personal responsibility for your own well being

3) You confirm you will listen to my response under financial penalty.

4) You have contacted all neighbors as to the event.

I will then progress with a historical lecture with full visual aids, research materials and even handouts if you need them.  I'm a giving person.  The lecture will be a MINIMUM of 4 hours.  If you decide to go inside I will continue on a bull horn.

In that time I will meticulously go over not only the history but social conditions of this country since 1980.  I like to go historical benders so that may add a couple of hours.  As this lecture continues you will start to see fragments of yourself seeping up from your subconscious in how this whole history plays out.  You will become enraged as I endlessly and expertly dissect the false gods you praise.  I will show you just how small you are.

Then if you're stupid enough to attack me I'll do what I've done hundreds of times before and pick you up, slam you to the ground and choke you out.  Doesn't matter if you have a weapon.

Then I'll go grab a ham sammich and complain my back hurts all the way home.

I just wanted to update everyone after a PM exchange.  Sad news.  He said he doesn't want to go out with me because of something called "weeping man vagina"?  I guess I need to look that up in my "science" books.

But he did tell me he's sooper dooper important and I'd be really impressed by what he does.  I wonder how much weeping man vagina test subjects make?


Well everyone, I'm not giving up!  Fingers crossed!


Last edited by Henry

Oh more straight up hotness!  It's like completely tropical in my banana hammock right now!

BTW, the ONLY way you could know where I am is if you got the info from a mod or some other nefarious means. Be assured, there will be a lawsuit filed for that. Count on it.

Profile accessible to anyone.

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Last edited by Henry
@Henry posted:

BTW, the ONLY way you could know where I am is if you got the info from a mod or some other nefarious means. Be assured, there will be a lawsuit filed for that. Count on it.

Profile accessible to anyone.

Jesus H Tapdancing Christ on a Cracker!  He's an internet tough guy AND an Internet lawyer that will start filing lawsuits!

Is there a stereotype of an undereducated underemployed soft as tissue paper weakling that this guy can't nail?

(Oh shit, is he gonna sue me for slander?) YES I KNOW

Last edited by Timpranillo

Aren't the most vulnerable taking every precaution?? Meaning, being vaxxed and wearing a mask?? If so, what's the problem?? Doesn't the "science" say they should be protected?? If You're wearing a mask, and I'm not and masks are effective, aren't you protected from me and I'm protected from you?? After all one of us is wearing a mask, right??

Here's the solution that SHOULD have happened from the very beginning...the most vulnerable and the biggest scared pussies(two diff things), could have/should have been locked down and stayed home while the rest of us lived our lives. That would have essentially solved the problem from the get go.

Please tell me you haven’t reproduced. Your progeny further polluting the global gene pool would be an utter tragedy.

@Henry posted:

So the virus that is the cause of the pandemic triggering a global health, economic, societal crisis is not to blame?

I just want to get this straight.  Doing nothing would've been preferable?  Then what cabal is to blame at that point?

Not isolating youth would have been my preference.  We knew very early that they were not impacted by the virus like elderly are.  We still chose to isolate them and it’s caused irreparable damage in too many kids.

It's not "my science." It's evidence-based medicine big guy.

Yep.  And I believe in it.  Hell, I'm currently sitting in a recliner with chills, body aches and a sore armpit on the injection side from the Moderna booster yesterday.  

Not everybody believes in it though... or they choose to take a different path for whatever reason.  I'm okay with that.  

7 pages of crucifying a guy who the vast majority of you idolized for the past 17 or so years is ridiculous.  

@Tschmack posted:

Brain Ded living up to their moniker.  Calling out out or challenging MP2?  Either you don’t know his background or you are drunk on the same goat piss as Rodgers.

Read the link dipshit.  It’s been prescribed for human use for a long fucking time.  As I said, not approved for Covid, but that’s not the argument when you regurgitate the propaganda of calling it horse paste.

@Boris posted:

FYI, MP2 IS in his lane. He's an R&D Scientist. Instead of playing Dr. Google why don't stop hitting the post reply button and read.

Also quit using the word retarded. It's bad form & I know you're better than that

Then he should know it’s been prescribed to humans for a long time.  Calling it horse paste is disingenuous and just signals how he formed his opinion.  

As I’ve said about 10 times now.  It’s not recommended for use against Covid but that does not make it horse paste when a actual medical doctor, not a r&d scientists, prescribed it to his / her patient.

@Pakrz posted:

Yep.  And I believe in it.  Hell, I'm currently sitting in a recliner with chills, body aches and a sore armpit on the injection side from the Moderna booster yesterday.  

Not everybody believes in it though... or they choose to take a different path for whatever reason.  I'm okay with that.  

7 pages of crucifying a guy who the vast majority of you idolized for the past 17 or so years is ridiculous.  

I'm glad you are vaxxed. Sorry for the snarky response.

I'm OK with people taking their own path if it doesn't put others at risk. If Rodgers wanted to take a different path that was his right as negotiated by the NFLPA. But then reporters, stadium workers, etc. had the right to know that he wasn't vaccinated to make choices about how to interact with him.

I loved watching Rodgers play football, but I never idolized him. I figured he was an entitled ego-centric guy. Almost all these guys are since they are told they are the best thing since sliced bread from the time they are 12-year olds.

My favorite Wisconsin athletes? Bart Starr and Giannis.

@NumberThree posted:

So ignoring Silverstein's diatribe of insufferable tweets, here's what AR actually said.

Rodgers said he has an allergy to an ingredient in the mRNA vaccines and was told by his medical team that he was at higher risk of more serious adverse effects of the J&J shot as opposed to getting COVID and recovering.

Whether any of that is actually true, who knows.

Hes a fucking liar. I don’t believe him.

@Pakrz posted:

Yep.  And I believe in it.  Hell, I'm currently sitting in a recliner with chills, body aches and a sore armpit on the injection side from the Moderna booster yesterday.  

Not everybody believes in it though... or they choose to take a different path for whatever reason.  I'm okay with that.  

7 pages of crucifying a guy who the vast majority of you idolized for the past 17 or so years is ridiculous.  

You do realize the incredible overarching irony here I'm assuming.

When someone's beliefs can kill me over a made up reason, I'm not overly sympathetic.

Get better.

@BrainDed posted:

Then he should know it’s been prescribed to humans for a long time.  Calling it horse paste is disingenuous and just signals how he formed his opinion.  

As I’ve said about 10 times now.  It’s not recommended for use against Covid but that does not make it horse paste when a actual medical doctor, not a r&d scientists, prescribed it to his / her patient.

Horse paste

Are they being prescribed horse paste?  Of course not, just the main ingredient in the same horse paste.  Why?  Because horses aren't very good at taking pills.

It's a pejorative for the exact same medication that is used in a horse deworming paste that has no affect on COVID.  You know why it's prescribed for humans?  For deworming and external parasites.

Last edited by Henry
@FinnLander posted:

Wrong.  I had no reaction to 3 jabs of Pfizer which likely means that the vaccine isn't helping me much because I'm immune compromised.  So I like to know who is & who isn't vaccinated.

OK- sure. You want to know that.

I like to know if anyone around me has had a bowel movement in the last 7.5 hours. The probability that you could have fecal matter on your outer skin increases by 76% if you have. So you should wear a bright yellow shit jacket and if you don’t, you get your medical insurance revoked because you’re knowingly endangering the public with potential bacteria infections.

I think that’s reasonable. We good?

I wonder who Rodgers' medical team is? Do they consult with the Packers team physicians? Recovering from an illness/injury that prevents you from being available would typically involve at least consultation with team doctors.

He'll claim medical privacy to not name them, but if he was having a surgery for an injury they usually name the surgeon. It's very possible he's not using MDs or DOs to direct his treatments. He could get ivermectin from a farm supply store (I will call it dewormer in deference to BrainDed's comment about horse paste being a pejorative).

The one thing that suggests he has a physician is that he said he's on monoclonal therapy. If that's true, that needs to be given as an infusion, usually in a clinical setting.

We will see whether he retains all these endorsements. I can't imagine an insurance company or a health system wanting to be associated with this.

I also don't think he'll ever be a guest host on Jeopardy again.

2021 Endorsements

One of the earliest and most lucrative endorsements came in the form of an Adidas deal that allowed for a more prominent presence in advertisements through all media in an NFL market dominated by Nike because it makes all the league's official jerseys. Rodgers' best-known national endorsement came in as the State-Farm 'Discount Double Check' commercials.

He earned $9 million off the field through memorabilia, royalties, and endorsement deals with Adidas, State-Farm, Prevea healthcare, Bergstrom Automotive, Sharpie, and IZOD. Additionally, State Farm is one of the richest endorsement deals in the NFL.

Yup! Bye Jeopardy. Dumb asses not welcome.

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