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@Henry posted:

Because the flu isn't as deadly or have the potential for other long term health effects.

If he's going to argue this shit he better sound smarter than the dumb turds on this board.

Covid is slightly more dangerous than the flu to people in those demographics.   20 and 30 year olds in prime physical condition are not dying or having serious complications in significant numbers.

For fucks sake, we are not talking about a guy who works at the nursing home here.

@BrainDed posted:

There is that acceptance that your side of the isle preaches.

Neither side affects nor serious complications from Covid are guaranteed.   He stated that his doctor advised him that because of his exemplary health he believed there was more risk, even though it’s minimal, in taking the jab.   The risks are minimal for both scenarios.   He has a 99.9999 percent chance of being just fine from Covid.   He has a 99.999 percent chance of being just fine from the JnJ jab.

He has a 100% chance of sitting out 10 days from getting covid or being around someone who has tested positive.  He also has a 100% chance of being an asshole for lying about being vaccinated.

If all this means to much to him, just man up and admit it in the beginning of the year FFS.  Don't be a little bitch about it.

@BrainDed posted:

Covid is slightly more dangerous than the flu to people in those demographics.   20 and 30 year olds in prime physical condition are not dying or having serious complications in significant numbers.

For fucks sake, we are not talking about a guy who works at the nursing home here.

We could be if he passes it on to someone who works at a nursing home.  You act like this shit only affects him.  That's the entire problem.

Last edited by vitaflo

So I went into it with an open mind. Tried to anyway. I didn't agree with a lot of his rambling bullshit but here's the important stuff.

1. He didn't look or sound sick to me. Seemed like typical Rodgers aside from the Joe Rogan talk.

2. He says he was sick Tuesday night and again yesterday but felt good today. claims he had a negative test today. So he's going in the right direction health-wise.

3. Claims to be following all the protocols but admitted to not wearing a mask in the preseason when he still felt his status was "immunized". Not too clear though about press conferences and airplane travel but he's getting tested daily, not leaving the hotel on the road, yadda yadda.

4. He's allergic to a component of mRNA. Or he claims. Maybe he's making this up but you'll never know this for sure unless you are a Dr and he ends up your patient some day. The status of J&J vaccines was questionable for a period of time so he's got some plausibility there.

5. His wording during the press conference in August. He claims he would have provided more info if pressed on what that meant. Guess we will never know that - it's too late to go back.

6. (forgot to add this one) I agree partially with what he said about the NFL policies for unvaxed players. Some are in place for safety and some were to push players who were on the fence to get the vaccine. And I don't blame them at all for doing that.

If he's not lying about #4 then at least the strategy makes sense. If he is lying then the whole thing is bullshit. But we'll never know. A lot of his other ramblings were cringeworthy at best.

It will be interesting to see how people react to him in GB next week, playing or not. He has made himself a lightning rod for the whole vaccine debate.

Last edited by PackerHawk
@BrainDed posted:

Covid is slightly more dangerous than the flu to people in those demographics.   20 and 30 year olds in prime physical condition are not dying or having serious complications in significant numbers.

For fucks sake, we are not talking about a guy who works at the nursing home here.

And any healthy person can pass it along quite easily. 

It's a virus.  It's not politics.  It's not liberty.  A virus.

There is a incredibly standard fix for a global pandemic that's killed over 5 million people.  No one would bat an eye about a vaccine if they didn't bring their horseshit, ginned up politics into it. 


Last edited by Henry
@DH13 posted:

So he is on the horse paste.  Christ.


Thanks for making it clear that you are incapable of forming your own opinion and are spoon fed your thoughts from your news source.  

There are hundreds of drugs that both have vet and human uses.   You take them all the time.   I don’t know shit about it, but I do know his doctor prescribed it.   He didn’t go to the country market and pick up a bail of hey and his script dumbass.  

Next time you or your family take a Benadryl just know you are taking dog allergy relief medication.

Last edited by BrainDed

I would agree, only we know AR is going to say some more crazy/dumb shit based on his latest behavior.  It's almost like he can't help himself.  And everyone likes to watch a train wreck.

Yes. No matter what your thoughts are on any of this, he's dangerously close to Charlie Sheen meltdown territory. Invoking MLK. Getting medical advice from Joe Rogan?

And Charlie Sheen was clearly high out of his mind when he was doing this.

Last edited by MichiganPacker2
@vitaflo posted:

He has a 100% chance of sitting out 10 days from getting covid or being around someone who has tested positive.  He also has a 100% chance of being an asshole for lying about being vaccinated.

If all this means to much to him, just man up and admit it in the beginning of the year FFS.  Don't be a little bitch about it.

That’s not because of Covid, it’s because of NFL reaction to it. That’s like saying suicide in young men has increased because of Covid.  Wrong dipshit, it’s because Of the governments reaction to it.   Language is important  

People a lot smarter than you and I are starting to analyze the impacts on society of these policies and I imagine a lot of you will change your tune when that becomes mainstream.

@Timpranillo posted:

And Benadryl (grape is where it's at) is no less effective dealing with COVID than your horsepaste (I ride or die with apple flavored)

Another person spoon fed their opinions.  

The fact that you can’t comprehend that it’s a human drug prescribed by his doctor is very telling.  

I don’t know shit about the drug and am not claiming it works. But I do know that it has been used on humans for a long fucking time and is prescribed by actual medical doctors, not “news” anchors who have fed you your interpretation.

@BrainDed posted:
@DH13 posted:

So he is on the horse paste.  Christ.


Thanks for making it clear that you are incapable of forming your own opinion and are spoon fed your thoughts from your news source.  

There are hundreds of drugs that both have vet and human uses.   You take them all the time.   I don’t know shit about it, but I do know his doctor prescribed it.   He didn’t go to the country market and pick up a bail of hey and his script dumbass.  

Next time you or your family take a Benadryl just know you are taking dog allergy relief medication.

I am perfectly capable of reading the scientific literature myself and making informed judgements. The horse paste doesn't work for COVID.

The Benadryl example is a good one. There are a lot of drugs used in animals and humans because they work through the same mechanism. It's an allergy relief medication that targets the output of mast cells.  That's the same in dogs and humans.

If Rodgers has worms, he should use ivermectin. It's used in animals as a deworming agent and for some topical things.

I’m not arguing it is affective against Covid.  I’m just pointing out how fucking stupid you look calling it horse paste.  

He got it from his medical doctor.  The horse paste bullshit is an attempt to discredit it with propaganda and it’s no more helpful than anti vax propaganda.   Just say it hasn’t been approved by the authorities for use against Covid and move on.   Why he and his doctor feel differently is between them.

I am perfectly capable of reading the scientific literature myself and making informed judgements. The horse paste doesn't work for COVID.

If Rodgers has worms, he should use ivermectin. It's used in animals as a deworming agent and for some topical things.

Stay in your lane..  You’re exposing your lack of awareness and looking rather retarded.   If not retarded, then brainwashed by CNN who started the horse paste narrative.

Ivermectin is not recommended for use against Covid 19.   That does not mean it is not recommended for use in humans.

@Music City posted:

Joe Rogen’s doctor prescribed his treatment. He did not go rogue. You can disagree with it, but you’re grossly mischaracterizing what he did. And he is vaccinated.

Joe Rogan gets credit for being vaccinated. At the doses Rogan is taking/took invermectin at, he's probably not going to have any effects except for maybe diarrhea.

@vitaflo posted:

What do you get with a medical exemption? You are still unvaccinated and you still have to follow unvaccinated protocols. I would hope there are not unvaccinated players out there that get to skirt the rules because of that. You are just as vulnerable as those that refused the shot.

@BrainDed posted:

Another person spoon fed their opinions.  

The fact that you can’t comprehend that it’s a human drug prescribed by his doctor is very telling.  

I don’t know shit about the drug and am not claiming it works. But I do know that it has been used on humans for a long fucking time and is prescribed by actual medical doctors, not “news” anchors who have fed you your interpretation.

@BrainDed posted:

Stay in your lane..  You’re exposing your lack of awareness and looking rather retarded.   If not retarded, then brainwashed by CNN who started the horse paste narrative.

Ivermectin is not recommended for use against Covid 19.   That does not mean it is not recommended for use in humans.

My lack of awareness?

I have 30 years of experience working in biomedical research and have worked on mechanisms of viral replication. It's nice you know you know how to use Pubmed.

@BrainDed posted:

That’s not because of Covid, it’s because of NFL reaction to it. That’s like saying suicide in young men has increased because of Covid.  Wrong dipshit, it’s because Of the governments reaction to it.   Language is important  

People a lot smarter than you and I are starting to analyze the impacts on society of these policies and I imagine a lot of you will change your tune when that becomes mainstream.

So the virus that is the cause of the pandemic triggering a global health, economic, societal crisis is not to blame?

I just want to get this straight.  Doing nothing would've been preferable?  Then what cabal is to blame at that point? 

Last edited by Henry
@Music City posted:

This is the shit that really has no fucking place in the conversation.

I really respect the conversations about basketball and other sports. You are clearly a smart guy and I'd love to hang out with you and talk sports. However, you complaining about Packiderm's joke about the Trump bleach stuff when your avatar is a joking way of saying "Fuck Joe Biden" is then highly hypocritical.

@Timpranillo posted:

Cut to Mid December Green Bay, WI

"Aaron you have what appears to be a torn ACL, I recommend surgery as soon as possible"

"No thank you. I value my body autonomy. I'm going to consult with the shitty stand up comedian that hosted a show challenging contestant to do beer bongs filled with bull semen. I've heard that there are some zootropics made by Mike Cernovich that can help heal ligaments naturally"

A better example is a meniscus tear. You can trim  the torn cartilage and recover faster and return to play sooner, but the long term is potential issues in the future. Or you have it repaired, and the recovery is longer but with less potential long term issues.

The problem with society - including some people on this board - is that people are incapable of attempting to view things from another individual's point of view. They are so arrogant, so convinced that they know better than the "opposition" and that the other side is full of buffoons, that they can't acknowledge when the other side has a point. They refuse to see it.

I'm not anti-vax, but I certainly understand the reservations some people have. There's a number of reasons for people to have reservations, but I'll state the obvious: the entire pandemic became too political from the onset. Rather than taking an responsible, objective approach to it, the pandemic became a political argument.

The vaccine got the same treatment. The way politicians talked about it. The way the media portrayed it. People spoke about it in a certain way, and they did so because an election was on the horizon. Many of the same politicians who are pushing the mandates now were telling us just a year ago that we "shouldn't trust any vaccine" and that they "would never get the vaccine." Why was that? Because there was an election. And what changed? The election went their way.

You don't understand that reasonable people may observe that - as well as other aspects - and have personal reservations? Really?

And let me ask you this - and try to answer it honestly: if Trump was still in office, and Trump issued a vaccine mandate, would many of the pro-mandate group lining up to take it? Of course not. They would be in the streets protesting. And why is that? Because the mandate came from Trump. Because its more about politics.

I'm glad to see that Rodgers finally spoke up about his position. Unfortunately, rather than start some potentially valuable dialogue on the topic, during which we could actually try to understand each other's position, this will just result in more personal attacks from those who are convinced that they know better.

We need to return to a world in which we adopt mutual respect and civility when discussing our differences. This current approach is toxic. It just doesn't work.

I really respect the conversations about basketball and other sports. You are clearly a smart guy and I'd love to hang out with you and talk sports. However, you complaining about Packiderm's joke about the Trump bleach stuff when your avatar is a joking way of saying "Fuck Joe Biden" is then highly hypocritical.

Can we joke in 2021? Asking for a friendâ€Ķ

And let me ask you this - and try to answer it honestly: if Trump was still in office, and Trump issued a vaccine mandate, would many of the pro-mandate group lining up to take it? Of course not. They would be in the streets protesting. And why is that? Because the mandate came from Trump. Because its more about politics.

We need to return to a world in which we adopt mutual respect and civility when discussing our differences. This current approach is toxic. It just doesn't work.

Not if that mandate would have come from doctors and scientists, just like it has in the actual world we live in today.  If he issued a mandate without any of that behind him, that's a different set of circumstances.  Without science and medicine backing him up, why would you listen to anything someone said who suggested injecting disinfectant into your veins?

@Music City posted:

Can we joke in 2021? Asking for a friendâ€Ķ

Yes. I have no problem with your avatar, even if I disagree with the sentiment. I actually the whole thing about the announcers trying to convince people that was the actual chant was ridiculously funny whatever side of the political aisle you are on.

You seemed to take offense to Packiderm's post making fun of the former president for seeming to recommend drinking bleach.

@BrainDed posted:

Another person spoon fed their opinions.  

The fact that you can’t comprehend that it’s a human drug prescribed by his doctor is very telling.  

I don’t know shit about the drug and am not claiming it works. But I do know that it has been used on humans for a long fucking time and is prescribed by actual medical doctors, not “news” anchors who have fed you your interpretation.

The fact you don't get it's an obvious slam vs. mind control is what's silly.

What's even more silly is arguing its human uses that doesn't include COVID, which people claim it does.

So in a discussion of some asshole lying about conditions and treatments that help to diminish and eventually turn a deadly pandemic endemic, a pandemic which has massive effects on every aspect of society it's more important to understand doctors prescribe ivermectin for people even though it does nothing in regards to the pandemic? 

So exactly how much of an individualistic thinker do you have to be to take that kind of detour?

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