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@BrainDed posted:

Any kid that took their own life because of the isolation that came with being required to stay at home, is a tragedy. I don’t deny that, and I feel terrible for their families. I understand that feeling, having spent virtually the entire last 13 years in bed, and the last two years confined to the house. I get how lonely that can be.

Maybe if the President, instead of dismissing the pandemic as a hoax, and berating people that wore masks as being β€œweak”, had done his job, and prepared the public for the potential severity of the virus, we could have gotten past the pandemic more quickly, achieving herd immunity faster. Then, maybe some of those kids would still be here.

But he didn’t. He choose, instead, to bolster his future political viability by politicizing a public health issue. And when he lost re-election, as thousands of Americans were dying every day, he went home to Mar-Lag-O, pouted and played golf for nearly the last two months of his Presidency.

Potentially how many kids could have been forced into quarantine in a hospital, intubated, away from their family because of COVID? How many kids could have died had the wrong call been made?

There are no perfect answers. All options come with inherent risk. But what do you think those same kids would have done if they became desperately ill with COVID, and developed long haul symptoms? What kind of crippling medical bills would their family have been saddled with? Think perpetually sick kids-who would have similarly been isolated from their friends-wouldn’t have still killed themselves?

I hope you and your wife get better soon.

Last edited by lambeausouth
@Music City posted:

OK- sure. You want to know that.

I like to know if anyone around me has had a bowel movement in the last 7.5 hours. The probability that you could have fecal matter on your outer skin increases by 76% if you have. So you should wear a bright yellow shit jacket and if you don’t, you get your medical insurance revoked because you’re knowingly endangering the public with potential bacteria infections.

I think that’s reasonable. We good?

Did this sound clever in your head?

I know Aaron doesn’t like Mike Florio much but he sure does like to give Mike plenty of material for his shows.  

As I listened to Florio’s show as I drove home, he played some clips from Rodgers’ appearance on McAfee’s show.  To me Aaron did not sound ill at all so hopefully he’s either asymptomatic or has a really mild case and can recover quickly.

I don’t share Aaron’s views on everything he talked about but I’m not mad at the guy.  I was probably more mad at him for skipping mini-camp to send the Pack a message than I am for what’s happened this week.  I feel almost more sadness than anger for people like him that just seem so afraid of these vaccines.

For me the 2nd Pfizer shot gave me one very rough bad day, but that was it.  I was happy 2 weeks later as I felt β€œfree”.  I wish somehow we could convince everyone that a potential day or 2 of misery is worth going through to protect yourself and others, but it just seems like that will never happen.

@BrainDed posted:

Here is another fun fact about me.

My wife and I both currently have Covid.  I’m not seeking Ivermectin.  I’m not scared of incubation.   We have minimal symptoms.  Our kid puked for a day and then slept for about 18 hours the next. I’m happy that we will all have natural immunity on top of our vaccinations, super immunity.    I have learned why jobless people have so many children.

My brother in law and his family are not vaccinated.   They have much harsher symptoms.  They probably have not learned why jobless people have so many children.  It’s another reason to get the jab.

Are  you looking for sympathy or an award? Obviously you didn't take any precautions from getting  infected and don't care if your children have life long  consequences from this. Chi

Last edited by GBFanForLife
@BrainDed posted:

I’m not arguing it is affective against Covid.  I’m just pointing out how fucking stupid you look calling it horse paste.  

He got it from his medical doctor.  The horse paste bullshit is an attempt to discredit it with propaganda and it’s no more helpful than anti vax propaganda.   Just say it hasn’t been approved by the authorities for use against Covid and move on.   Why he and his doctor feel differently is between them.

You can find a doctor to prescribe anything you want, if you have the resources or even just the desire to look for the quacks. Or do you think prescription opioid addiction isn't a thing?

Yeah, Aaron has the money to afford importing the anti-malarials too. but but doesn't make it less bullshit as a treatment. Their respective institutions kicked Doctors Marik and Kory to the curb with extreme prejudice for their Ivermectin garbage, and Zelenko was even basically run out of town for his Hydroxychloroquine nonsense. It wasn't because they were "truth tellers", it was because of their batshit nonsense and falsified "evidence" that endangered people.

Last edited by Herschel

That is a part of the problem ...AR scored 1350 on his SATs which makes him a comparative genius in an NFL locker room and with the crowd he has been spending time with in his personal life. What he fails to grasp is that top scientists in the fields that study viruses and develop vaccines scored 1500+ and have dedicated their lives to the field ....  

@FLPACKER posted:

That is a part of the problem ...AR scored 1350 on his SATs which makes him a comparative genius in an NFL locker room and with the crowd he has been spending time with in his personal life. What he fails to grasp is that top scientists in the fields that study viruses and develop vaccines scored 1500+ and have dedicated their lives to the field ....  

I took the test twice. 800 the first time and 725 the second so that adds up to me having a 1600 bitches.

@michiganjoe posted:

Interesting speculation from Brandt.

Was thinking that yesterday. Was this some part of his reluctance to come back? "I don't agree with the NFL's covid rules so I am just going to quit"?

I’m paraphrasing, but as my best friend told me yesterday, this topic is a journey into the abyss.

I will leave you with this last exact quote from another good friend who is a family practitioner in SE WI and has been dealing with COVID on the front lines for the past year plus. It is people like him who’s opinions I value most as they are some of those most directly involved with this pandemic. His direct response when I asked him of his thoughts on AR’s appearance on Thursday as a physician:

β€œMy opinion as a physician is he’s full of shit….. I’ve been dealing w this every day for 19 months ….. he sounds & acts just like all my wing nut antivaxxers…. Doing everything except taking vaccine which all normal MDs recommend…. All the shit he talks about is not data proven ….. AR always thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room….. it’s getting old”

@FLPACKER posted:

Would love to know more about Rodgers life growing up with his parents. His estrangement has a lot of similarities to a certain high profile golfer that I have intimate knowledge of ( was good friends with his father growing up and into early 20s).

It must be Patrick Reed. He has the same type of "the rules don't apply to me" attitude and uses the criticism to fuel his competitiveness. Despite seemingly loving to get screamed at and jeered on the golf course (Ryder Cup, etc.), he's really thin-skinned in interviews.

I've read the stories about him not having talked to his family in 11 years and when they do show up to watch him at golf tournaments (as paying customers) he's tried to have them thrown off the golf course.

In Rodgers case, there were clearly some issues both ways. The younger brother who tried to leverage Aaron Rodgers' fame when he appeared on The Bachelor, for instance.

I’m paraphrasing, but as my best friend told me yesterday, this topic is a journey into the abyss.

I will leave you with this last exact quote from another good friend who is a family practitioner in SE WI and has been dealing with COVID on the front lines for the past year plus. It is people like him who’s opinions I value most as they are some of those most directly involved with this pandemic. His direct response when I asked him of his thoughts on AR’s appearance on Thursday as a physician:

β€œMy opinion as a physician is he’s full of shit….. I’ve been dealing w this every day for 19 months ….. he sounds & acts just like all my wing nut antivaxxers…. Doing everything except taking vaccine which all normal MDs recommend…. All the shit he talks about is not data proven ….. AR always thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room….. it’s getting old”

He is full of shit.  When you weave together the plausible with the implausible while sprinkling in victimhood and absurd bastardizations of other people's real struggle the result is one thing, bullshit.

It's a full blown industry to exploit research and spin myths while avoiding the real impact of the pandemic and the very simple solution to end it.

I'm not angry over WTF Rodgers wants to stuff into his piehole.  I'm fucking mad about disingenuous psuedo-intellectual bullshit that perpetuates the literal mob delusion and insanity while being a hindrance to the team I root for.

Fuck 'em.  People sit there and wonder why I "wish" for dumb fucks to die.  The blunt answer is they are an impediment to global health and overall well being in every facet of human existence.

Go have a fucking mommy COVID party so you can all get sick and show us how big and tough you are.  I don't give a fuck who lives or dies, at least there will be some natural immunity at that point.

Go ahead and make your point.  Go and hang out with all your shitheel buddies and stay there until your fucking dead or over COVID, then rejoin society.  You don't get to make the choice for other people.  Isn't that the so called tyranny you fucking bitch about?  Someone making a decision you don't like?

So in short, Rodgers can fuck off and not for whatever goop he wants to cram up his asshole.  I abhor the intellectually dishonest.

Last edited by Henry
@H5 posted:

Wonder what Munn and Patrick would say about all this?

"Calm Seas May Bring You Peace, But Storms Are Where You’ll Find Your Power,"

Olivia Munn might just be glad it bumps her story down the scroll on the gossip sites. She started dating John Mulaney after he got out of rehab, while he was still married. Mulaney dumped his wife for Olivia, and then when Olivia Munn got pregnant, he dumped her too.

Overall though, theirs probably some really weird crap about him that they know and are being discreet about.

@Henry posted:

He is full of shit.  When you weave together the plausible with the implausible while sprinkling in victimhood and absurd bastardizations of other people's real struggle the result is one thing, bullshit.

It's a full blown industry to exploit research and spin myths while avoiding the real impact of the pandemic and the very simple solution to end it.

I'm not angry over WTF Rodgers wants to stuff into his piehole.  I'm fucking mad about disingenuous psuedo-intellectual bullshit that perpetuates the literal mob delusion and insanity while being a hindrance to the team I root for.

Fuck 'em.  People sit there and wonder why I "wish" for dumb fucks to die.  The blunt answer is they are an impediment to global health and overall well being in every facet of human existence.

Go have a fucking mommy COVID party so you can all get sick and show us how big and tough you are.  I don't give a fuck who lives or dies, at least there will be some natural immunity at that point.

Go ahead and make your point.  Go and hang out with all your shitheel buddies and stay there until your fucking dead or over COVID, then rejoin society.  You don't get to make the choice for other people.  Isn't that the so called tyranny you fucking bitch about?  Someone making a decision you don't like?

So in short, Rodgers can fuck off and not for whatever goop he wants to cram up his asshole.  I abhor the intellectually dishonest.

I remain confused about where you stand on shit……

Fence rider

@Henry posted:

It's a full blown industry to exploit research and spin myths while avoiding the real impact of the pandemic and the very simple solution to end it.

Fuck 'em.  People sit there and wonder why I "wish" for dumb fucks to die.  The blunt answer is they are an impediment to global health and overall well being in every facet of human existence.

You don't get to make the choice for other people.  Isn't that the so called tyranny you fucking bitch about?  Someone making a decision you don't like?

I abhor the intellectually dishonest.

I absolutely love this post. Not because it is a demonstration of anything that resembles humanity or righteousness- no, no, definitely not demonstrating anything like that. But because it’s honest and it gets to the core of what this has become about- political ideology turning into hate.

Intellectually dishonest? Really? Has Dr. Fauci and his enforcement arm the CDC and now OSHA been intellectually honest? Mandating a vaccine for children??? You couldn’t say yes with a straight face.

Wishing for β€œdumb fucks to die” reveals the core of the human saying it. And it’s shared by millions of β€œpseudo-intellectuals”. It’s fucking disgusting. But it’s also naive because you don’t see the forest for the trees. Every time you empower the government to enforce what you want, you open the door for the government to enforce what you don’t want. Just need the next β€œit’s for your own good” cause to come down the pipeline.

@BrainDed posted:

Then he should know it’s been prescribed to humans for a long time.  Calling it horse paste is disingenuous and just signals how he formed his opinion.  

As I’ve said about 10 times now.  It’s not recommended for use against Covid but that does not make it horse paste when a actual medical doctor, not a r&d scientists, prescribed it to his / her patient.

It's pretty simple.  If you're using it to treat head lice, you're taking Ivermectin.  If you're using it to treat Covid, you're taking Horse Paste...because you're an idiot.

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