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National Football Post: Worthy isn't a typical five-technique for most teams. However, he's a perfect fit for the Packers. He possesses natural girth/strength in order to anchor. However, his first step will allow him to knife through the C-gap and make plays in the backfield. NFL ceiling: "Plus" penetrating type five-technique. NFL floor: Replaceable starter as five-technique.
Wes Bunting @ NFP gave Worthy a grade of 6.6, which when looking at his grading scale means this:

Clean player who is inconsistent in his play due to character, technique, alertness or competitiveness… Has all the physical tools needed to become a starter… If he overcomes his deficiencies he will be a star in the league… If he doesn’t he will be a complete failure β€” There is NO middle ground!

Shawn Zobel from Draft HQ listed Worthy as an under-achiever.

Now he is in the hands of Trgovac:


"He's quick for a big guy, he's got really good agility, he's one of the better players I've seen at finding the ball fast,” Trgovac said. "I think he'll add some juice to our front. He's got some quickness to him for a big guy. He anticipates the snap count very well. He's a kid that's got very good movement skills for a big guy. We added another big guy that can really play both (spots).

β€œThe thing that we liked about him, he played against some pretty good talent and had some good games against those guys. This kid will fit right in. He's a younger kid, but we did a lot of talking to his head coach. He has some growing up to do, but deep down, he's a good kid."
Originally posted by Henry:
Originally posted by Tschmack:
Seriously- for the Big Ten fans out there. Why should we be excited about this choice?

I've watched a lot of games with Worthy involved, and he doesn't always show up to play. In fact, he freaking took downs off - especially passing downs at times.

I have faith in our coaches, but this is the classic boom or bust type choice. If he really works hard and dedicates himself we'll go back and call Tschmack an idot, but I'd say there's a 50% chance he is out of the league in two or three years.

Can't disagree with this.


Watched Worthy in a bunch of games over the years and he definitely was a high potential to be a turd.
I remember him blowing up the Badger's line, realizing Wisconsin's line had to have been Top 5 in college and perhaps tops.

Like others have said, everyone is gonna have minuses. If a DL has no minuses, he is probably gone by mid first round.

The minuses recently were injury (Harrel, Neal). Now, it is taking plays off.

So, the obvious risk is a demonstrable willingness to take plays off and the obvious hope is an attitude adjustment takes place.

When you're talking attitude, you just can't know and so that is the roll of the dice. BUT, if the dice roll is a winner, it looks like the sky is the limit.

Hey, it's a roll of the dice anyway. Just a question of what the potential liability is. There HAS to be some liability, hence I see no reason to criticize TT here - or for the #1 selection as well.

If this and the top pick end up having attitude readjustments and barring injury? The impact on the D will be incredible, in my opinion
Originally posted by Hungry5:
Wes Bunting @ NFP gave Worthy a grade of 6.6, which when looking at his grading scale means this:

Clean player who is inconsistent in his play due to character, technique, alertness or competitiveness… Has all the physical tools needed to become a starter… If he overcomes his deficiencies he will be a star in the league… If he doesn’t he will be a complete failure β€” There is NO middle ground!

Shawn Zobel from Draft HQ listed Worthy as an under-achiever.

Now he is in the hands of Trgovac:


"He's quick for a big guy, he's got really good agility, he's one of the better players I've seen at finding the ball fast,” Trgovac said. "I think he'll add some juice to our front. He's got some quickness to him for a big guy. He anticipates the snap count very well. He's a kid that's got very good movement skills for a big guy. We added another big guy that can really play both (spots).

β€œThe thing that we liked about him, he played against some pretty good talent and had some good games against those guys. This kid will fit right in. He's a younger kid, but we did a lot of talking to his head coach. He has some growing up to do, but deep down, he's a good kid."

Bunting is an absolute clown on all fronts. Basically his qualification to do what he does is he paid some money to take a seminar.
Originally posted by bubbleboy789:
Originally posted by FreeSafety:
Originally posted by Pakrz:
Holy hell... This dude can penetrate big time.

When nobody blocks him like in most of those highlights...sure.

Yep. TT traded up for a guy that only looked good because nobody blocked him.

Not what I was saying.

I was commenting on the highlight package that Pakrz posted. It reminded me a lot of the AJ Hawk highlights we all saw when he was drafted.

Bunch of clips of him penetrating and making a TFL after not being blocked. That don't translate to the NFL.
Didn't Peter Konz and Mike Brewster both say Worthy was the best DL they faced? That's pretty high praise if you ask me.

To me it's like the Jermichael Finley pick. Finley was very raw as a player and a bit immature as a person, but his upside and his ceiling were sky high and it made the pick worth it. It's the same kind of deal with Worthy. He has some maturing to do it seems, but we have some very strong leaders on the DLine (Pickett, Raji, Matthews), really strong coaches (Trgo, Capers, McCarthy), and a scheme that will allow Worthy to do what he does best. I think all of those factors will help mold this kid into a strong player and he will reach his potential.

And it's the same with Perry. The Packers have the right people in place to mold this kid into the player he's capable of being. Obviously Worthy and Perry could tell everyone to F off and keep their habits, but if they were that immature I think our scouts and coaches would have picked up on it and not drafted him.
This is the pick I'm most excited about. Yes, he's a risk. But talent like this is rarely available at pick 51 so of course he's going to have some question marks. We have plenty of hard workers on the DL but we lack high level talent. Wilson, Muir, Pickett and Wynn are all high effort guys that will rarely get pressure on the QB. The Packers needed a guy like Worthy, a DL that can shoot the gap and get into the backfield and be disruptive.

Unlike at MSU, he's not going to play the majority of defensive plays. He'll be part of rotation and he won't play unless he's effective. I'd assume that's motivation enough.
Originally posted by FreeSafety:
I was commenting on the highlight package that Pakrz posted. It reminded me a lot of the AJ Hawk highlights we all saw when he was drafted.

And the scouting report for Hawk was that he had a high motor, was fast and never took plays off. The entire draft is a crapshoot but at least this guy has shown flashes of brilliance. He may not be a "safe" pick but he's a 2nd rounder, he doesn't have to be. Hawk was supposed to be the "safest pick in the draft" at #5. I'm much happier to get someone like Worthy at #51.
Seriously- for the Big Ten fans out there. Why should we be excited about this choice?

Because Ted Thompson traded up for him. And he destroyed UW's offensive line. I know because I'd get pissed every time he threw monte ball into the ground.

Why do you not trust our general manager? He won a SB with 12 guys on IR.

This kid will be special, take Ted Thompson's word for it.
This kid will be special, take Ted Thompson's word for it.

If the above is correct, Harrel would have been special and we'd have taken TT's word for that.

It's a crapshoot, but there is a demographic (a population with statistical parameters).

TT hits more than he misses. You can't assess TT by ensuring success with any individual selection, you assess him by realizing the sum total is better.
jesus someone archive this bitch....when duh artist makes the most sense of anyone

I posted a couple weeks back that I liked him at #28. To get him at 51 is like stealing Jenny McCarthy from Urlacher.

That first play in the You Tube video sums up how he played against Wisco. Right after he stuffed Ball, the Badgers had a safety.

On passing downs, he's going to get inside push and make Perry and CMIII even more dangerous. Let's face it, if you can't push the pocket, those outside guys can get pushed out around the QB allowing him to step up.
If Worthy had Daniel's work ethic he would have been taken in the top 15-20 in the draft. The guy is really that talented.

The problem is that he didn't show up all the time, and while he'll jump out on the tape (see the first Wisconsin game, not the second one) there are a number of other games he's played in where he did virtually nothing.

TT is certainly banking on the coaches jacking him up a bit, but if he can be one of the 6-7 guys in the rotation he may not have to play every down so those work ethic concerns might be more limited.

I'm just glad we have a number of more defensive guys in the mix this offseason. It's going to be fun to see who makes the team and who does not. If I were a guy like Mike Neal or Brad Jones or Frank Zombo or some of the other LBs or DL I'd be worried. I also wouldn't guarantee Hawk stays around.

About the only sure things are Bishop, CMIII, Raji, and probably Pickett. Every other position is probably up for grabs.
Because Ted Thompson traded up for him. And he destroyed UW's offensive line. I know because I'd get pissed every time he threw monte ball into the ground. Why do you not trust our general manager? He won a SB with 12 guys on IR.This kid will be special, take Ted Thompson's word for it.

Give it a rest man

Go back and find a post from me (ever) where I mentioned TT is an idot or he doesn't know what he's doing? PS- save your time because you won't.

That being said, I don't have blind faith in everything he does and contrary to popular belief if Worthy was such a great prospect why'd he last to 51? Oh yeah, he took plays off. Can that be fixed? Sure. But the draft is littered with character or work ethic concerns of guys that were ultra talented that end up being out of the league before you knew it.

My only point is this isn't a slam dunk pick like some think it is. If he can come in and pressure the QB and contribute it'll be a good choice. If he goes the route of James Lee or Donnell Washington we'll talk about that as well I suppose.
Originally posted by phaedrus:
This kid will be special, take Ted Thompson's word for it.

If the above is correct, Harrel would have been special and we'd have taken TT's word for that.

It's a crapshoot, but there is a demographic (a population with statistical parameters).

TT hits more than he misses. You can't assess TT by ensuring success with any individual selection, you assess him by realizing the sum total is better.

Disagree. The Harrell pick absolutely sucked. He had a big injury history in college and even when he was healthy he never dominated. TT is right most of the time but he blew the Harrell pick. Worthy isn't perfect, but he displayed the ability to dominate against top competition. I think he can be special.
Originally posted by FreeSafety:
Originally posted by Pakrz:
Holy hell... This dude can penetrate big time.

When nobody blocks him like in most of those highlights...sure.

You must have watched a different highlight reel than I did. He uses his strength and quickness to play off the blocks. He either blows up the block, or humps, swims, or rips right through it. Dude makes some pretty good o linemen(Georgia, Wisconsin, Ohio State, Notre Dame, etc...) look like weak sisters.

Can't wait to see what Trgo can do with this guy.
Originally posted by Tschmack:

Give it a rest man

Go back and find a post from me (ever) where I mentioned TT is an idot or he doesn't know what he's doing? PS- save your time because you won't.

That being said, I don't have blind faith in everything he does and contrary to popular belief if Worthy was such a great prospect why'd he last to 51? Oh yeah, he took plays off. Can that be fixed? Sure. But the draft is littered with character or work ethic concerns of guys that were ultra talented that end up being out of the league before you knew it.

My only point is this isn't a slam dunk pick like some think it is. If he can come in and pressure the QB and contribute it'll be a good choice. If he goes the route of James Lee or Donnell Washington we'll talk about that as well I suppose.

Sorry to be all up in your case. I just really like this pick, that's all. Only time will tell. I apologize for my occasional absurdness.
Originally posted by Tdog:
rotation rotation rotation = fresh DLine = QB pressure

Exactly. MSU had to keep him on the field as much as possible. He anchored that entire defense. That defense got them to the B10 Title Game. I watch a lot of B10 football and he always drove me nuts. MSU has no chance to win the Legends Div. next year.

Now that Worthy is in the NFL, we will be rotating him and keeping him and Raji rested. That should increase the pass rush from the D-Line.
The fact that it's Trgovac and Greene working with the two first picks does make one feel better about it.

Both guys, absolutely have the talent. Just need to cash in on it.

This sums it all up.. If we were talking about Campen and Bennett, I would be less confident..

These guys CAN be Raji/Clay part 2 but at 28/51.. If they didn't have the concerns they would have went 9/26.

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