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I found that link on one of the "listed" forums


If x4 were on that list I  would assume there would be new posters like this guy who claims to be a packers fan.

Let's not be naive or foolish, the Pack have a monumental task ahead of them. If they go into Seattle and win this game it will be a huge upset. Let's be honest, this Seattle defense is being talked about as one of the best ever. We can say what we want and look at stats but they dominate in a QB friendly era. Make no mistake, this is the beginning of a dynasty the Packers are trying to stop. If you're an honest football fan you'll acknowledge that. This is a very scary team; young, athletic, brash, experienced, skilled/fundamental, fast, and hungry. And they play for each other...with incredible confidence that some consider arrogance. And they're playing at home where let's face it, they have a tremendous home field advantage. I know I sound negative but I'm just being real. Let's deal with reality. 

I don't think I've heard anyone ever love an opposing team as much as this dude does in fact  I don't think that the media even loves the seahawks as much as this guy. 


let's deal with reality and not be naรฏve or foolish... 

That dude really pissed me off man.


That Seahawks board read more like a Vikings board.  Typical bravado and smack talk but little to no real football analysis. 

The part I found hilarious is that they actually think Carolina provided a tougher task than the Packers.  How?  Why?  A gimpy Rodgers is still 3x the QB that Cam Newton will ever be and I doubt you will see the breakdowns in the Packers secondary like you saw with the Panthers on the long pass plays.  Statistically, the Carolina and Packers D are close and we all know the Packers offense is light years better than Carolina.

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