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Man it is sad to see the state that this site is in. I have come to this site for several years to gather information from other fans. As you can see from my number of posts, I spend more time reading than writing.

This site used to be about the Packers and included open dialogue about the team. Over the past few years the site has been taken over by a few posters who have not grown out of there adolescent insecurities. Take a look at the list of topics and it is clear this site is dying-- this is happening the week before the season opener!

I anticipate criticism because I am not a big topic poster. The tone of the site has dissuaded me from posting much in the past year.

These days I take a look at the topics and move on within a few minutes.

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Originally posted by Chronic Hobbit:
Thank you, Mr. Yuck. At least somebody is listening here.

On a more serious note...I enjoy this site. I think Boris has improved it, particularly recently. I also hope my check is in the mail.

I agree.
Macdaddy....I challenge you to find a Packer site right now that isn't full of the same re-hashed threads.
Also.....generally the people who are treated poorly here are the posters who come in here, are arrogant or act as know-it-alls who only want to see their own opinions in type on the internet.

I'll take this site any day over the 40 year old virgin of Packer boards which is PackerChatters.
Originally posted by Mr.Yuck:
Originally posted by Chronic Hobbit:
Thank you, Mr. Yuck. At least somebody is listening here.

On a more serious note...I enjoy this site. I think Boris has improved it, particularly recently. I also hope my check is in the mail.

I agree.
Macdaddy....I challenge you to find a Packer site right now that isn't full of the same re-hashed threads.
Also.....generally the people who are treated poorly here are the posters who come in here, are arrogant or act as know-it-alls who only want to see their own opinions in type on the internet.

I'll take this site any day over the 40 year old virgin of Packer boards which is PackerChatters.

I used to really enjoy the site too Mr Yuck. I think now there are too many posters on the site who think they need to be the ultimate authorities and want to first squash the dialogue instead of letting it flow. The topics often just degenerate into nonsense and pissing matches. Its the know it alls who are ruining the site.
no problem with you being a Favre fan, I'm sure there are many here (yours truly included).

I am confused by the complaint? More people posting, higher post count, bandwidth through the roof? Are you just really complaining that this place is not for you or are you attempting to speak for the masses?

If you no longer love the place like when you registered 8 years ago, that is fine. Why the need to try and call out the guy who has worked pretty damn hard to make this an active (free) site? In fact, Boris has been very open to new ideas and constructive criticism in the design and operation of this place, but I don't get the feeling that was the purpose of your post.
Originally posted by JimBobDuggar:
Originally posted by Mr.Yuck:

....are arrogant or act as know-it-alls who only want to see their own opinions in type on the internet.

If you have over 10,000 forum posts there's a 66% chance this is you.

That picture could also be applied to posters who instead of silently slinking away, or PMing Boris decide to start a "Look at me, i'm unhappy here!" thread.
Boris, I wish you had not moved the post to this location. I had just finished a response to someone (don't remember who) and indicated that I think you have done a great job with the site. The site looks great and functions increadibly well.

The problems have to do more with the overall tone of the posters. I was asked was I posting my dissatisfaction for myself or for the masses. My answer was I am not sure-- I don't see many of the old school posters here anymore and I realize this will happen with time.

I am enjoye(d) about this site have changed over the last 8 years. It is quite possible that the change is more with me than the site.

My observation though is that the site has become aggressive prone to pissing matches versus dialogue.
Originally posted by macdaddy:
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by macdaddy:
You missed my point Goalline.

Evidently! You weren't very specific. Could you list some examples?

Yes I could list some examples but this thread is already going in the direction that most other threads go. Seems that would be counterproductive to my point.

Wait. You start a thread whining about the state of x4 but feel your examples would be counterproductive? Don't be upset, be smart.
Originally posted by macdaddy:
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by macdaddy:
You missed my point Goalline.

Evidently! You weren't very specific. Could you list some examples?

Yes I could list some examples but this thread is already going in the direction that most other threads go. Seems that would be counterproductive to my point.

In general, yes, but from the tone of this thread turning down the opportunity to show examples is more counterproductive. You have made a case here, but with examples you can make your point with some strength.
Actually Rubicon-Ka-Bong beat me to it (moving the thread)

Sure I've seen that (pissing matches). There have been plenty others that were squelched.

Sometimes it's ok to let people blow off some steam.

14 40783 0.42%

This thread reminded me we are nearing the end of the month so I decided to see if our news site has increased any. Well it has jumped up to 14th in the rankings of our top 100 referrers. It hasn't even been up the entire month.

Currently we are at 1.3 GB per day of bandwidth. Looks like we'll come close to the 40GB mark for the month of August.

I can't be here 100% of the time to handle every little squabble that this family of 1,700 registered users has. No single person can handle that which is why you see the mods help out. Thanks again mods! Smiler

I learned a long time ago you're never going to please 100% of the people 100% of the time. It's a fact of life in reality as well as on an internet message board. Wouldn't the world be a dull place if we all agreed on everything all the time? I (& the mods) try to do the very best we can, to have a great place for Packer fans to congregate and talk about their obsession. Fortunately, I've received more thanks than criticism's but I appreciate both because it lets me know where we are succeeding as a community as well as the places we need improvement.

Your criticism is noted and we will keep an eye on it, I assure you, to continue the enjoyment of everyone here.
Originally posted by Henry:
Originally posted by macdaddy:
Ah the arrival of Henry.

Ah, who the hell are you?

Oh yeah, you're the ballwasher who gets slapped around on chat. Be honest, you're all upset because most of the board doesn't share your view of how everything in Packerland is in chaos.

I love faux highroaders.

Ballwasher should be retired, not that that there is anything wrong with repeating "ballwasher"

Originally posted by Boris:
Actually Rubicon-Ka-Bong beat me to it (moving the thread)

Sure I've seen that (pissing matches). There have been plenty others that were squelched.

Sometimes it's ok to let people blow off some steam.

14 40783 0.42%

This thread reminded me we are nearing the end of the month so I decided to see if our news site has increased any. Well it has jumped up to 14th in the rankings of our top 100 referrers. It hasn't even been up the entire month.

Currently we are at 1.3 GB per day of bandwidth. Looks like we'll come close to the 40GB mark for the month of August.

I can't be here 100% of the time to handle every little squabble that this family of 1,700 registered users has. No single person can handle that which is why you see the mods help out. Thanks again mods! Smiler

I learned a long time ago you're never going to please 100% of the people 100% of the time. It's a fact of life in reality as well as on an internet message board. Wouldn't the world be a dull place if we all agreed on everything all the time? I (& the mods) try to do the very best we can, to have a great place for Packer fans to congregate and talk about their obsession. Fortunately, I've received more thanks than criticism's but I appreciate both because it lets me know where we are succeeding as a community as well as the places we need improvement.

Your criticism is noted and we will keep an eye on it, I assure you, to continue the enjoyment of everyone here.

Again Boris, my props to you for your work here. I come here briefly every day to try to gather more Packer info. I do not really pay much attention to all the important background work that is needed to keep this site running as I know many posters do. I honestly don't have a clue how long you have been running the site.

In my opinion the style of dialogue has morphed over the past several years. For me it would be more enjoyable to have an enthusiastic dialogue based on a love for the Packers than a dialogue which evolves into a match of either who is the most accomplished statistician, packers historian or a demonstration of who is the alpha poster here on the board.

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