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1. How many interviews did 49er and Patriot assistants have? None to my knowledge.

2. It's not that common for position coaches to get interviewed, let alone hired to be head coaches. It happens, but not that often. And Capers is a 2 time failure as a HC and he's a little old to be starting over with a new team.

3. How do you know some of our assistants haven't been asked and declined the interview? It's unlikely that a position coach would decline a HC interview, but it's not unrealistic. Guys like Moss and Perry, right now, would get interviews only to satisfy the Rooney Rule. It's not unrealistic to think they declined interviews where they knew they weren't serious candidates.
Originally posted by Johnny Boy:
Green Bay assistants don't seem to be getting any love. One interview for Clements. We tend to think yes! we didn't lose anyone. Maybe, they aren't that good and no one wants them.

Maybe the Packers were asked and said no and we didn't hear about it. They can block anyone from interviewing except for a HC gig. Other than Clements is anyone on the Packers staff ready for a HC job? I'd say no... and Dom don't count since he has been there done that. Only Jerry Jones would hire an aging football guy as his HC.
Originally posted by ammo:
Seems like all the remaining teams were waiting for Chip Kelly to make up his mind. Once he did the rest fell into place rather quickly. I still can't help but think something will go down in Dallas yet. If JJ starts forcing assistants on Garrett he just may walk. JJ gets rid of him but doesn't have to fire him.

If Jones gets rid of Garrett, he gets rid of his YES man!

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