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Need to be honest, especially since Week 1 is @Chicago followed by Minnesota:


This sounds like a giant cluster-f*** waiting to happen. I suspect it won’t be until week 4 or 5 until this entirely new system has some sort of collective recognizable rhythm. I don’t see this being an easy adjustment, or one the entire offense will simply execute. I also wonder what it does to AR’s 12-man opportunities.  

Regardless, this certainly isn’t to say the last few years have been smooth: poor play calling, injuries, and general malaise hit the entire team hard. But at least we’ll find out right away if this new system is the real deal or not. 

Viks win the off-season Superb Owl year after year, while Packers fan grips over out-of-context comments in click-bait articles.

Each year the H5 household plans their summer trip north to God's country between this Viks off-season triumph, Packers fan angst, and the time shit gets real in mid August.

Silverstein has flipped and flopped on the front office and will on the Rosgers/Lafleur relationship. 

Woulda coulda shoulda, but Guy LaFleur needs to work on stamina and finishing games with this team. Teams that finish games are 12-4, teams that can’t seal the deal are 6-9-1. Lots of youth in 2018 that hopefully will learn from this. If they do then there’s reason for optimism.

Last edited by Grave Digger


Grave Digger posted:

Woulda coulda shoulda, but Guy LaFleur needs to work on stamina and finishing games with this team. Teams that finish games are 12-4, teams that can’t seal the deal are 6-9-1. Lots of youth in 2018 that hopefully will learn from this. If they do then there’s reason for optimism.


Meaningless tweet. Any fan of a losing team can say something similar. In fact, this is what every Jets fan I know has been telling me for 20 years. Not finishing games is the MO of all bad teams.

Last edited by heyward

Having a bright, talented HC who is motivated to excel ought to help. The additional talent that Gutekunst has replaced bummers with over past 2 years is stellar.

This new staff will rock, as will this team. I'm fully confident in that. Starting week 1. Look out Bears, look out Queens... ditto Broncos, Eagles, Cowboys, Detroilet, Raiders, Chiefs, Chargers, Panthers, Niners, Giants, Skins...

MLF and his team will be a nice wake up call to the rest of the NFL this year. Seriously, we have not seen this level of talent assembled here in GB in nearly a decade.

(I can't believe I didn't say anything bad about Mike McPizzabox in that, but, just imply the inverse of my first sentence for my feelings on that blind squirrel who found a nut. Oh, yeah, and Ron Zook can kiss my a$$). 

Last edited by Trophies
heyward posted:


Grave Digger posted:

Woulda coulda shoulda, but Guy LaFleur needs to work on stamina and finishing games with this team. Teams that finish games are 12-4, teams that can’t seal the deal are 6-9-1. Lots of youth in 2018 that hopefully will learn from this. If they do then there’s reason for optimism.


Meaningless tweet. Any fan of a losing team can say something similar. In fact, this is what every Jets fan I know has been telling me for 20 years. Not finishing games is the MO of all bad teams.

Yeah that’s true, that’s what I said as well. Thanks.

heyward posted:


Grave Digger posted:

Woulda coulda shoulda, but Guy LaFleur needs to work on stamina and finishing games with this team. Teams that finish games are 12-4, teams that can’t seal the deal are 6-9-1. Lots of youth in 2018 that hopefully will learn from this. If they do then there’s reason for optimism.


Meaningless tweet. Any fan of a losing team can say something similar. In fact, this is what every Jets fan I know has been telling me for 20 years. Not finishing games is the MO of all bad teams.

Disagree tho I would throw out the last 2 games.  By then the wheels came off.

At Rams, at Pats, at Seattle?  Most teams with losing records are not competitive by the 4th quarter.  Rams made the SB.  Barring the infamous kickoff return, fumble, the game is winnable in LA with a couple minutes left.

The point is the Packers were competitive with both SB teams away into the 4th quarter.  Most losing teams absolutely would not be,

It's a valid point.

AtTheMurph posted:
michiganjoe posted:

Any analysis of the team's repeated failure to finish under MM has to include the playoff choke in Seattle. 

I actually do not think that loss was on McCarthy at all. There were repeated clusterfuks by the players on the field that combined to lose that game.

The Packers have simply had too many dumb players. 


Running Lacey into the line three times while trying to take time off the clock instead of abusing a one-armed Richard Sherman was MM's main contribution.

If I saw this correctly, just exactly 3 weeks from today rookies report into GB Training Camp.  I honestly didn't realize training camp was that close until I saw that on the NFL Network scroll last night.

For me personally, these are the lowest expectations I've had for a Packers' team in a long long time.  The last time I felt this way was 2006.  Now 2006 itself wasn't a particularly good year, but holy cow did things get better after that for the next 10 seasons.  Here's to hoping that whatever transpires this year can lead to a 10 season span as great or greater than 2007-2016 was. 

michiganjoe posted:

The coach is ultimately responsible for the product on the field.  Think a coach that took special teams more seriously likely may have ended up with a different result.  Game really did alter my view of MM as a head coach.


MM was also chiefly responsible for the environment and accountability level he fostered and allowed in the locker room as well. Later in his regime, players from guys like DaTone Jones, Nick Perry, Jason Spriggs, Quinten Rollins, HHCD  etc were allowed to grossly underperform or be chronically hurt, and have no worries about losing their spots on the team or even their starting roles despite contributing next to nothing in games. 

And prior to Gutey, rogue players like Ty Montgomery and Damarius Randall were allowed to flat out disregard coaches orders and calls and nothing would happen (recall Randall's hissy fit at half time that didn't result in reduction in playing time the following game). Not to mention Bak's stories of guys being late to the plane, late to practices, and again, nothing happened to them. 

Yes, individual players certainly have responsibility for their performance on the field. But when you know your HC ain't going to do shit to you if you do screw up or do what you want, that's a huge problem and you begin to understand why there was a lack of accountability. It starts and ends with the coach. 

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