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Funny.  Can you post Don Jackson's statistics?

Our RB situation has been a complete disaster this year.  Some of it has been due to bad luck (e.g., injuries), but some has been due to mismanagement of the roster.  Don Jackson just hasn't cut it, and we've been relying on WRs to run the ball too often.  That's fine as a temporary solution, but we've been relying over the course of multiple games.  

Michael has averaged 4 ypc, scored 7 TDs, and is a decent receiving back.  In addition, he would bring some info on the Seahawks with him.  We need to give him a look.

GBFanForLife posted:
CAPackFan95 posted:
GBFanForLife posted:

Why, because you heard of him?

Why wouldn't you look at him?  Because TT didn't draft him?  Nice job cherry picking his stats though.  

Don't see where it would be an improvement. Funny that those stats were the first thing that popped up when I googled him.

Well, I apologize then.  Clearly you did a ton of research - what with taking the massive effort of looking at the google search results page that showed 3 games - before making your mocking claims to someone for dare suggesting to take a look at him and deciding that he clearly would not be an improvement.  

GBFanForLife posted:
CAPackFan95 posted:
GBFanForLife posted:

Why, because you heard of him?

Why wouldn't you look at him?  Because TT didn't draft him?  Nice job cherry picking his stats though.  

Don't see where it would be an improvement. Funny that those stats were the first thing that popped up when I googled him.

You can't honestly believe that.  We don't have anyone behind Starks, who is just returning from an injury.  Aaron Rodgers has been our best threat in the running game the past few weeks.  And we are still relying on Monty to run the ball some.  

A rushing attack can't get any worse.  And you don't think a guy that started multiple games for the Seahawks and had some success would be an improvement?  C'mon, man.  At least try to be objective.  

CAPackFan95 posted:
GBFanForLife posted:

How long will it take him to adapt to the Packers offense?

Probably less time than it took you to find his stats on Google 


That's right.

You are so brilliant now.  Gebbins.

Finally after years of bitching and whining over nothing, you are bolstered that things finally haven't gone as planned.  Now you feel emboldened to attempt to point out flaws in someone else's logic, when yours has been horse**** for years.

Congratulations Nostradumbass.  You got your day, But your continuous whining, belligerence, and incompetence does not suddenly make you an expert.

So many douchebags scream, holler, whine and bitch year in and year out, all they do is


Now, we lose a couple of games, and you feel you are some kinda omniscient god  with all the answers on what it; would have taken, might have took, should have done, what we need to do now, answers.

Guess what.   **** you.   Your tired **** grew old a few years ago.  Good for you for feeling emboldened. But it gets down to the same ol' same ol' "I knew better than you, so ha ha now listen to what I say" crap.

Been there, done that... boring.

Yeah, there's flaws, yeah we have a bunch of guys.  But it's the guys we have, and they best step up and play better.   No street FA is going to change anything right now.  All your speculation that it would is utter crap. Supreme crap.

Get off your ****ing high horse thinking you know best. You know nothing.  I am surprised you've gotten away with your blathering this long.

No. Wait.  It's stupid.

New coach?  Yeah, so easy to find.  New RB, yeah so easy to find mid season.  New TE, new WR?  New scheme?

So easy to find and implement mid season.  A few draft picks?

This team is what it is, it has a history of winning.  It can again.  I am full of disdain as much as anyone, but damn dude, you're an idot.



Hungry5 posted:
GBFanForLife posted:

How long will it take him to adapt to the Packers offense?

To run the ball? About an afternoon.

Starks goes back to 3rd down (blitz pick up/QB trusts) and change of pace. 

You really thik all they have to do is handoff and he will know the play? Rodgers is having a hard enough time figuring out what to do pre-snap and then they need an RB that doesn't know the playbook?

Yes. RB is the easiest position in the NFL for a guy to step in and go. 4th year in the league, mostly with SEA, whose OFF is not that different than the GBP, scheme wise.

They took Monty and made him their primary RB and he handled the assignments. RB, is ALL about instinct.

Also, simplifying things on offense right about now would not be a bad move.

Last edited by H5

Question is, how fast can he learn the 21 personnel groupings McCarthy likes to run. Rodgers barely gets the snap off on most plays. Having a running back that doesn't know his plays certainly isn't going to help things.


4.3 is a good average. Hasn't done much for a 2nd round pick. Can you imagine if the Packers had drafted him and they got this type of production? This place would blow up.


Images (1)
  • blobid0

Running Game:

See this football?  Take it from Rodgers and run between the really big white guys.  Don't fumble it.  If you are so inclined, feel free to make a couple defenders miss and score a touchdown.

Passing Game:

See this football? Catch it when Rodgers throws it to you.  If you are so inclined, feel free to make a couple defenders miss and score a touchdown.

Protecting the QB:

See Number 12?  That's Aaron Rodgers.  If he tells you to stay in and block someone, do it.  Don't miss.  Do not let him get hit.


I'm an offensive jeenious.

El-Ka-Bong posted:
GBFanForLife posted:

Ty knows the playbook. Christine doesn't.

that is the criteria for looking at players now? 

"Andre Rison?  Nah, doesn't know the playbook."

I thought we all agreed MM's offense was stale and predictable?  How hard can it be to really learn?  And there's really only one grouping of offensive personnel--the infamous "11"!

Cavetoad posted:


Finally after years of bitching and whining over nothing, you are bolstered that things finally haven't gone as planned.  Now you feel emboldened to attempt to point out flaws in someone else's logic, when yours has been horse**** for years.

I'm really confused on who you think I am.  Forgetting that you aren't the board police, and I couldn't care less if you agree with my posting habits, I've not "bitched and whined over nothing for years."  In fact, far from it.  

But, hey, I get it.  It's a bummer that the only way you can feel important is by telling others how to post, but I'll be pleased that I can help! 

Congratulations Nostradumbass.  You got your day, But your continuous whining, belligerence, and incompetence does not suddenly make you an expert.

Who said I was an expert?  

So many douchebags scream, holler, whine and bitch year in and year out, all they do is

Again, I'm thoroughly confused about this.  Hell, I've spent many years being accused of a member in the sewing circle that blindly defends Thompson and McCarthy too much.  

Well, either way, all I know is, I don't post like you, so that makes me bad and I should feel bad!   And, instead of actually addressing my posts, its' easier to just attack a perception you have.  


Now, we lose a couple of games, and you feel you are some kinda omniscient god  with all the answers on what it; would have taken, might have took, should have done, what we need to do now, answers.

Projection is really something you should bring up at your next session with your therapist. 

Guess what.   **** you.   Your tired **** grew old a few years ago.  Good for you for feeling emboldened. But it gets down to the same ol' same ol' "I knew better than you, so ha ha now listen to what I say" crap.

Oh lookee here.  Using your big boy words!  Who's the big boy?  Who's the big boy?  Cavetoad is.  Yes you are, yes you are!

*pats Cavetoad on the head*

Been there, done that... boring.

Yeah, there's flaws, yeah we have a bunch of guys.  But it's the guys we have, and they best step up and play better.   No street FA is going to change anything right now.  All your speculation that it would is utter crap. Supreme crap.

Can you please point out where I said a street FA is going to change anything right now. I was pointing out that he had better stats than the lazy ass 3 games he linked to.  

Get off your ****ing high horse thinking you know best. You know nothing.  I am surprised you've gotten away with your blathering this long.

Pointing out that Christine Michael has stats beyond 3 games is my high horse! 

And, I shouldn't get away with it!  AND CAVETOAD IS HERE TO ENSURE I DON'T 


No. Wait.  It's stupid.

Well, duh

New coach?  Yeah, so easy to find.  

Who said it was easy to find?

New RB, yeah so easy to find mid season.  

Who said it was easy to find?

New TE, new WR?  New scheme?

So easy to find and implement mid season.

Who said it was easy to find?  

I'm not sure what you're arguing against, but damn you're kicking ass!

A few draft picks?

This team is what it is, it has a history of winning.  It can again.  I am full of disdain as much as anyone, but damn dude, you're an idot.

You must have a super boner right now!

I think you've totally earned this badge!  Maybe have your mom print it out for you and see if she can glue it on to a toy badge from Toys 'R Us?

Last edited by Timpranillo

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