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artis posted:
CAPackFan95 posted:
artis posted:
ShebPackFan posted:

Onside kick?

Too early

Good thing they didn't go with the onsides kick!  Why, Atlanta might have scored!

Every bounce has gone Atlanta's way. You expect to recover 4 onside kicks in a row? Kicking away was the right call.

Do I expect to recover 4 onsides kicks?  No.

Do I think the odds of recovering an onsides is better than a Dom Capers defense stopping anyone?  Yes.  Without a doubt. 

So, no.  it wasn't the right call. 

The GBP Rules posted:

2009 Warner has more touchdowns than incompletions. 

2011 statistically the worst defense in NFL history. 

2012 and 2013 destroyed by Colin Kaepernick. 

2014 one of the biggest chokes in NFL history.

2015 80 yards for a TD in about a minute of overtime.

2016 almost 300 yards of offense in one half.  37 points and counting. 

We should not be surprised. At all. Just another in the long line of epic McCarthy and Capers fails. Capers will be back again next year and we will be talking about the same stuff after yet another playoff collapse.

Seriously if Capers is back next year then I will stop watching after more than 50 years. I swear I will. 

Grave Digger posted:

Why would you give up watching a team if there's a coach you don't like. That's childish. Be a fan or don't, fair weather fan sh*t is garbage. I support whoever is part of the organization, period. I'm a Packer fan, not some loser bandwagon fan.

Agreed. It was a reactionary thought. However, I really hope they move forward with someone else. 

The whole Capers thing...

Haven't the Packers almost every year fielded some lousy defenses (and yes, often at least partly due to injuries)?

So there always seems that tension between 1)well, the defense sucks and 2)but a DC HAS to be able to get it to play better than THAT!

I don't know the answer - is it 1 or 2 or 1 and 2?

Last edited by phaedrus

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