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Tagged With "Game Day Thread"


Re: Positives and negatives

PackerBackerDPM ·
I thought he was the one washed out on the opening kickoff IIRC? I will defer to you H5 as you got a good head on your shoulders and remember things better than most on the board. your last two posts on the offense needing a fresh start thread agree a 100%.

Re: Sneaky Pete vs I Suck Feet game thread (Sea vs Buff)

Blair Kiel ·
Look. After the beat down I took in the game thread yesterday from Packwarrior, my heart is just not in these game threads anymore. I'm spending most of my time in Fedya's movie threads.

Re: Playoffs

ammo ·
Enough!!!!!!!!!!!! This thread is about the BADGERS making the College Football Playoffs and nothing else.

Re: Playoffs

Blair Kiel ·
PS. Great thread. When all is said and done, even with a Bucky win, I don't think we get in---and I can't complain. 2 losses is 2 losses. Michigan and Ohio St. were better than us this year. Period.

Re: Playoffs

FreeSafety ·
I find that impossible to believe. In all the SOS stuff that I looked at and posted earlier in this thread shows WASH miles behind everybody else in SOS. Looking at an average, MI's SOS was around 28th in the country and WASH's SOS was around 58th. That is out of 128 teams. WASH is bearly in the top half of the country in terms of SOS. And MI already pounded Colorado earlier this year. No way WASH SOS improves 30 spots on one game. MI already has 3 top 10 wins against WI, PS and Colorado.

Re: Hitler vs Stalin game thread (NE vs Seattle)

Fedya ·
Would you rather I post the Stars on 45 Medley?

Re: Since No One Else Has The Stomach For It....Pos/Neg

Grave Digger ·
I pointed this out in the game thread, the sad thing is that there are defensive players that are busting their butts. Martinez, Ryan, Thomas, Elliot, Fackrell, Gunter, Dix and other young guys are playing their butts off and are playing well. I would throw Daniels and Guion in there as vets who play hard, but unfortunately it seems like some of the other vets are hit or miss in terms of effort. It has to be deflating for a guy like Martinez to play like a wild man only to see a big play be...

Re: 2 years ago...

H5 ·
I was referring to situational RTFB. From the blueprint thread you linked, which was specific to the BUF game, where they lost.

Re: The Ugly, The Bad ...and the Good?

RochNyFan ·
(I originally posted this at the end of the game thread, but I think it fits better here This team clearly needs a rebuild, and since their window of opportunity with a franchise QB in place is closing fast, I am not in total favor of the patient approach through the draft. If TT is not willing to plug some gaps via free agency, dump him. To create some cap room, I'd let the following walk: Lacy (can't trust him to be available and stay in shape); Peppers (not much left - probably less next...

Re: The Ugly, The Bad ...and the Good?

Grave Digger ·
This is the weirdest logic, someone else said this in the game thread. Why would a fan ever want their team to lose? I don't care what it means in terms of draft position or personnel changes, win the fukking games. Period.

Re: The Ugly, The Bad ...and the Good?

BrainDed ·
It's like wanting your loved one who is a drug addict to hit rock bottom. It sucks watching it but you know it needs to happen for them to get better, Drink up, Mike.

Re: I am starting to get excited about our top 10 draft pick next spring

Blair Kiel ·
This is such a hateful thread. I hope they draft Tebow.

Re: Viking Clap vs Our Man Dak game thread

Blair Kiel ·
Please join me in leaving this thread if I read one more Goddam cat noise.

Re: Viking Clap vs Our Man Dak game thread

Blair Kiel ·
I believe since I started this thread---I have the ability to delete it, yes?

Re: Viking Clap vs Our Man Dak game thread

ChilliJon ·
Before this thread gets the political lockdown.... Vikings have lost six of seven and know who to blame: The officials.

Re: Are you "feeling it" NOW? +/- Seahawks WIN!

4 Favre ·
Just to piggyback off of this, when I checked the it listed us as getting the LA game here in San Diego. That's ok though, I do have the streaming Sunday Ticket, so I'd just watched it there. At some point before Sunday they switched the game on the local affiliate and I hadn't checked again. But, obliviously, I loaded up the game on Sunday Ticket and it worked fine until the fourth quarter even though it should have been blacked out. So I'm refreshing the game thread here, and...

Re: 2016 (Team 96) WK14 Seahags @ GB GDT

fightphoe93 ·
In fairness, I think Chili was actually mocking my previous post much earlier in the thread praising the greatness of Wilson. It deserved to be somewhat mocked after yesterday.

Re: 2016 (Team 96) WK14 Seahags @ GB GDT

DH13 ·
Maybe. But Wilson does have the ability to do the things you said he could do. We have unfortunately had front row seats to some of it. He made some throws yesterday that were easily as good as any of AR's. But then again we have also had front row seats to how bad he can be.

Re: 2016 (Team 96) WK14 Seahags @ GB GDT

MichiganPacker ·
He struggles if he keep him in the pocket and make him look over guys. He's 5'11" on a good day and becomes a completely different QB when he rolls out and gets sight lines.

Re: The Invisible Man known as Ted Thompson

ChilliJon ·
This thread is an extra special kind of enjoyable.

Re: Texan's Week

Henry ·
I think you should put that in the optimist thread.

Re: Nit laden Loins vs. Bucky - Big Ten Championship GDT

stiffler ·
I like your thinking. Then there might be another 25 page thread on if they should go for two.

Re: Nit laden Loins vs. Bucky - Big Ten Championship GDT

MichiganPacker ·
Actually, there is no question they should for 2 if it got to that. They haven't stopped them in their last 5 drives.

Re: Big Ass $cam vs. Little Man Dan game thread (Carolina/Wash)

gbIdaho ·
Epic thread title, BK! Enjoy Apopka - Boise is a tundra.

Re: Why We Won/Why the Vikings can still go ****.q themselves

DH13 ·
Can't find the Geranimo Allison draft thread so I'll ado here. Very encouraging performance from him the last couple weeks. One of the press likened him to Boykin but I think Allison's height and length give him better match-up advantages. Starks was all elbows and knees when he ran and Geranimo is all arms and legs.

Re: Why We Won/Why the Vikings can still go ****.q themselves

H5 ·
UDFA I think.

Re: Why We Won/Why the Vikings can still go ****.q themselves

DH13 ·
I know he was but I thought he might have had his own thread. =rong. I don't think I've ever seen a lankier guy in the nfl. He stepped out of a spaghetti western. Or former giacometti model.

Re: Why We Won/Why the Vikings can still go ****.q themselves

SanDiegoPackFan ·
Agree. Thanks, Boris. Come on, Brainded, no politics in this thread.

Re: Giants coffee talk

Tavis Smiley ·
Cum again? (Sticking with theme of thread)

Re: Giants coffee talk

H5 ·
Regarding your disappointment with the pass rush, I post the below from Satori, 2 days ago in this thread. As for your shootout comment, the NYG have 3 games of 27 pts and 1 game of 28 pts. They score in the teens, a lot - they have games of 16, 10, 16, 17, 14, 10, 17, 19, & 19. The Packers have avg'd over 30 ppg over their 6 game Run the table™

Re: Pick your surprise heroes from the Giants game

The Grinder ·
Thanks, I just assumed he would be back. I do though wish it was Raji coming back but that's another thread.

Re: Pick your surprise heroes from the Giants game

Dr._Bob ·
And every sperm is sacred. Wait, that's for the Peterson thread.

Re: Pick your surprise heroes from the Giants game

YATittle ·
We ain't losing. Go read the optimist's thread

Re: Pick your surprise heroes from the Giants game

San Doggy ·
I fully agree, so no reason to read that thread.

Re: Giants coffee talk

Pistol GB ·
I'm not eating any crow in this thread. CAPACKFAN95's gratuitous hissy fit aside, the reason you don't pull a photo stunt like that is not only that you expose yourself as a "look-at-me" narcissist and all-around showboating POS, you empower your opponent and galvanize fans of the whole sport against you for no good reason, other than you wanted a picture of you and your friends acting like showboating gangster-ass twats with their shirts off. You put your desire to have that photo on social...

Re: Let's Talk Cowboys (Divisional Playoff Game 1/15/17)

YATittle ·
On another thread, they talked about why Dak fell to the fourth round--get him out of the pocket, throwing on the run, and his accuracy is horrible. I look for Haha to get a couple picks if we can do that.

Re: Let's Talk Cowboys (Divisional Playoff Game 1/15/17)

WolfPack ·
well, to do that weve got to get through their massive OL. We had little pressure on Manning and Stafford. I think Dom can gamble with extra blitzers with Dak. If we cant stop the run, there wont be as many opportunities to make him throw. It will be very interesting to see how Dom schemes for this one.

Re: Let's Talk Cowboys (Divisional Playoff Game 1/15/17)

DH13 ·
Disagree. We didn't have high sack numbers but his pocket was very rarely comfortable - it got pushed a lot. He started peeking at rushers later in the game. That is dead giveaway he was worried about the pressure.

Re: Let's Talk Cowboys (Divisional Playoff Game 1/15/17)

FreeSafety ·
I mentioned it in the game thread when multiple posters were posting that nobody was getting open early in the game. Flat out false. AR needed to adjust his play, which was not good.......and to his credit (with help from MM) he did.

Re: Aaron on the Dan Patrick Show

titmfatied ·
(didn't see this thread when I posted this on the other one. Moved it over)

Re: Let's Talk Cowboys (Divisional Playoff Game 1/15/17)

H5 ·
There were complaints, in the game thread, during the first 25 minutes of the game.

Re: Let's Talk Cowboys (Divisional Playoff Game 1/15/17)

FreeSafety ·
I am clearly on record as attributing a large percentage of the team's success in recent years to AR. More than MM's coaching abilities. More than TT's ability. During the past three seasons there have been periods, sometimes multiple weeks, when the offense has looked like something that even the Cleveland Browns would be embarrassed by. During these periods some people say receivers aren't getting open. I've often complained that MM fails to dial back the "scramble around and try to hit a...

Re: Let's Talk Cowboys (Divisional Playoff Game 1/15/17)

Cavetoad ·
This has to be a first. The day before the next game and last week's game thread is still rolling...

Re: Gruden's Grunts vs McCarthyism's Kids

Brak ·
I am. And I love you.

Re: Gruden's Grunts vs McCarthyism's Kids

Dr._Bob ·
The NFL channel has the game but it seems to be starting 30 minutes late.

Re: Gruden's Grunts vs McCarthyism's Kids

Cavetoad ·
Radio saying Burks went to the locker room during warmups with an arm injury. ILB getting very thin...

Re: Gruden's Grunts vs McCarthyism's Kids

ilcuqui ·
Bad news already. Oren Burks injured in pregame warmups. Might be a dislocated shoulder.

Re: Gruden's Grunts vs McCarthyism's Kids

Blair Kiel ·
I hate football.

Re: Gruden's Grunts vs McCarthyism's Kids

Dr._Bob ·

Re: Gruden's Grunts vs McCarthyism's Kids

Brak ·
is this where an idiot without cable would ask for a link?