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Tagged With "Chicago Bears"


Re: It's Bear Week!!!

bvan ·
LOL, don't hate the Bears or their fans. I hope they finish 2nd in the NFCN every season. I spent most of the 60's in Chi and loved everything about it except when the Bears happened to win a game. The food and fun and babes were great. Got to see Packer/Bear games at Wrigley! Regardless of being FIBS , they're a lot like us... Pride, Tradition, Championships.

Re: It's Bear Week!!!

Pikes Peak ·
Folk 'em

Re: It's Bear Week!!!

RatPack ·
Relative to their fan base even though they still suck I feel the Bears are a shining light in a festering pool human waste. Now it many be an empty can reflecting the sun from the midst of that waste but...... Build the Wall Caution to all, on top of Bear week we have company at Miller the next 3 days. By travelling here they try to build character but reality is they solidify their ignorance every time they escape and choose to return.

Re: It's Bear Week!!!

"We"-Ka-Bong ·
Re: It's Bear Week!!!

Re: It's Bear Week!!!

fightphoe93 ·
I don't hate the Bears like I did in the '80s, but I'm probably capable of that again if they ever get really good again. I expect them to be vastly improved, so I can feel the hate in me just waiting to be unleashed again. Even though I hated the '85 Bears at the time, I actually look back at that team sort of fondly. We will never see defense played that way ever again. Just pure fury and chaos thrown at the QB on every snap and then Walter Payton shoving the ball right down your throat...

Re: It's Bear Week!!!

PackLandVA ·
Bear / Vikings Vikings / Bears Hmmm....who to hate, or hate more?

Re: It's Bear Week!!!

MNPackman ·
viking fans are the kid brother in the corner of the room, stomping their feet and saying "What about me? What about me? What about me?" bear fans are the obnoxious drunk at the bar who talks too much and too loud and irritates the hell out of everyone.

Re: It's Bear Week!!!

ChilliJon ·
Its completely acceptable to have a deeply rooted dislike for the Bears, Lions, and Vikings. You may choose to respect them quietly. But never lose sight that their intent is to win the division and keep Green Bay out of the playoffs. This “soft spot, respect” banter for the Bears is purely driven by the fact they haven’t been very good in recent years. Would love to dig up the Bear Week thread leading up to the 2010 Title Game. Pretty sure those pages didn’t speak of an inability to dislike...

Re: It's Bear Week!!!

justanotherpackerfan ·
I grew up in western Wisconsin and have lived on this side of the state for most of my I haven’t had much of a chance to experience the Bear rivalry. The closest I came was during my years at Ripon College. Ripon had a huge number of Students from Illinois. Now, this was in 1979 and college students didn’t all have TVs in their rooms. In fact, the way to watch a Packer game was on the 24” tv in the dorm lounge. At least that was the plan. The first Sunday of the year I go down to...

Re: It's Bear Week!!!

PackLandVA ·
Why is there talk about the ****ing Vikings in a "It's Bear Week!!!" thread?!?!?!? **** the Vikings!!! There's an entire thread dedicated their sh!ttiness!!! IT'S BEARS WEEK PEOPLE!!!! F' the Bears! And F'em good! TBSS forever!!

Re: 2020 NFL Draft Viewing Thread DAY 2/Day 3

Maynard ·
Yep, glad JT is in Indy can root for him and he's not a damn Bear or Viking!

Re: Super Bowl 53.......

MichiganPacker2 ·
He bear hugged him.

Re: Super Bowl 53.......

artis ·
I'd like to see exactly what Suh grabbed on the previous play. Looked like helmet earhole from the crappy angle.


Boris ·
I know he feels great. Do you disagree with him? Might be the best Anti-Bear post in the history of the internet. Viking fans reading this have to be pissed.


bvan ·
Earlier I found a bear Gif on Twitter where you could try to hit Rodgers in the face with a piece of cheese. LOL Going back now I can't find the damn thing.


Boris ·
Viking fans vs. Vikings. That's the difference. I have good friends that are Bear fans & I would do almost anything for them. I have zero Viking fan friends. Maybe that will change in the future.


Packiderm ·
Exactly. I have a best friend living 20 miles from Shitcago. We're like brothers. I worked for years with Viking fan. Total pole smoker.

Re: Punt Return Unit

Grave Digger ·
He's not a defenseless player, that's not a penalty in this context. When you choose to return the ball and not FC, you're allowed space to catch the ball, but you have to be ready to be blasted. Tramon was low to the ground, not to defend a Chicago Bear (because fukk them), but I'm not sure what he's supposed to do in that instance? Patterson timed it right and Tramon fumbled, I'm more concerned about that.

Re: Positive Pollies/Negative Nancies Packers vs Bears

michiganjoe ·
_ Defensive laterals at the end of the first half was a disaster waiting to happen. Watched the end again and that last play was way too close for comfort to a Bear TD.

Re: Positive Pollies/Negative Nancies Packers vs Bears

Boris ·
- so close to Allen Robinson getting a pitch & scoring on that final play. I have NFI why that Bear didn't pitch it. Thank Christ! 🙏 Packers deserved to win. 11-3!!

Re: Positive Pollies/Negative Nancies Packers vs Bears

Timpranillo ·
Preston Smith completely half assed and gave up on Trubisky while he still had the ball.

Re: It's Chargers Week

Boris ·
Is he playing vs. the Chargers? I'm guessing he's inactive. Someone has to be inactive.... Signed, Sugar Bear

Re: Amazing Article on Ted Thompson's Success

Packdog ·
Originally Posted by YATittle: Why does TT covet draft picks when the Packers seem to have more success with undrafted free agents , than with draft picks? Or to phrase it another way, why does a draft and develop team like the Packers draft so poorly, given that that is their principle approach to player personnel? How about covet draft picks and un-drafted free agents. Thompson and company use both with great success. Draft so poorly ? I'd say that when compared to the rest of the league...

Re: Ditka finally a Packer

ilcuqui ·
Papa Bear would understand. http://articles.chicagotribune...en-bay-press-gazette

Re: Ditka finally a Packer

fightphoe93 ·
I remember listening to the SCORE in Chicago maybe early 1996 or so just before Packers/Cowboys played in the NFC Championship. I could swear that I remember both Doug Buffone and Ditka (who was on as a guest) said they were rooting for the Packers over the Cowboys. It's been so long ago that I might not remember that correctly, but that's how I remember it. I think Ditka said during that segment that he thought the Packers were doing things the right way, and I got the feeling he felt the...

Re: Last call for Niner game predictions

DurangoDoug ·
Some teams play much better at home, and the 9ers may be one of them. They handled the queens pretty well opening weekend at home. They got creamed in the 2 away games after. They also have a pretty good running back who got lots of yards at home vs the queens. And, after getting embarrassed the last 2 weeks I'm sure they will be lathered up to at least be respectable. Pack on the road with stadium noise and several players nicked up, Burnet, Adams etc. We did struggle on road some against a...

Re: 2018 Packers Training Camp Master Thread

"We"-Ka-Bong ·
A brown bear

Re: 300 Game winners

"We"-Ka-Bong ·
Kershaw and Verlander might pitch different (effort) if they knew they were pitching every 3rd day, they would also likely train different. Velocity was way down, more junk was thrown that was easier on the arm. If it was 1940, you are not to worried about the second baseman going yard, so you could really go soft on him (and a good part of the line up) and only bear down when guys are in scoring position. You also likely didn't have a LOOGY or a closer throwing 98 for the manager to use to...

Re: 2016 (Team 96) WK02 GB@MIN Gameday Thread

The GBP Rules ·
16 out of 17 games. His longest streak before this was 4 games in injury plagued 2010 season. Something happened starting with that Denver game. Last year, I'm the KC game we saw someone playing the position as good as anyone in history. What was it, 5 or 6 TD passes? Bear in mind that was without Jordy and with Clements.

Re: Is Bortles and Luck not football?/Sunday games thread

Timmy! ·
NHRA drag racing, NASCAR, and football on all at once. Did some world-class clicking today! Luck/Colts can suck overseas just as much as they do in 'Murica. This year, Cam doesn't appear to be the big ol' teddy bear that everybody loved last year. Even the media is shunning him. Typical fans or just over-hyped? Can the Falcons be for real? They're taking control of the NFCS, and may not get challenged for it. Chitcago's win actually helps the Packers. Now need the Giants to throttle Minny...

Re: We won/but.....(+/-) Jacksonville

CUPackFan ·
Missed the game b/c the Bear-Texans were on instead.........but had a few questions for those that saw the game: -How did Cook look? 1 catch for 7 yards looks awful, was it really that bad? -Did the front 7 play as well as it seems? Box score shows a great rush defense and solid pressure, is that accurate? -Was the pass defense as bad as the box score made it seem? The pick was great but outside of that, looks like Bortles carved them up. -How did the youngsters look - Martinez and Ryan in...

Re: Josh Sitton Released - signs w/CHI 3yrs

pkr_north ·
stupid move, don't care how they want to spin it. very bear/viking like on TT's part. at least you keep the guy for the year, wtf are you going to do with cap $ week 1...stupid move really stupid.

Re: Josh Sitton Released - signs w/CHI 3yrs

PackerRuss ·
Bear and Viking like??? Where has that gotten them. Everyone needs to keep their panties out of a bunch. If TT thought he was part of the plan for this year and the future he would've kept him. A bit shocking, but everyone needs to calm down, the sky is still yellow.

Re: Josh Sitton Released - signs w/CHI 3yrs

I see the move as "Patriot-like", rather than Bear or Viking-like.

Re: Josh Sitton Released - signs w/CHI 3yrs

pkr_north ·
you don't let a pro-bowler go while hes still got a year left, we are not in cap hell by any stretch, its stupid, there is no spin you can put on it...stupid. the only way its not is if GB announces he has resigned to a cap friendly contract, but cutting him when you are pushing for a sb is stupid, no other way to say it...

Re: Josh Sitton Released - signs w/CHI 3yrs

BrainDed ·
Still a strawman. At no point did anyone suggest he "gave up" on the season. I suggested he is placing more value on the future than he is this season. By cutting a Pro Bowl player 1 week before the start of the season leaving most people to speculate that it was about cap space. Player interviews suggest they were not given a reason, so they too are probably speculating cap space. Maybe MM addresses it with the team this week and we get different responses from them come Bear week. But...

Re: Josh Sitton Released - signs w/CHI 3yrs

Grave Digger ·
Thats nonsense. The message this sends is that this year isn't that important. We're not 100% committed to winning this year. You got me, you didn't use the phrase "give up". Let me walk that back and say this instead: Your theory that Ted isn't 100% to winning the current season or any season is truly what is nonsense. It's a ridiculous idea to think anyone involved with the organization isn't committed 100% to winning every season. Ted plays the long game, he's 100% committed every year...

Re: Josh Sitton Released - signs w/CHI 3yrs

artis ·
I'm gonna go ahead and agree. The article re Lombardi, the comparisons to decisions belichick has been known to make... At first glance they have the look of tyrannical to an extent. But track record and history tends to bear them out as decisions made with some amount of foresight and reason. It's a bold move, and one that may backfire if they haven't done due diligence. I'm still perplexed by the timing of it, but none of us are privy to the weeks and months that led to this. Sitton got as...

Re: Flipping the birds (Hawks/Cards) double-barrel game thread

Boris ·
....And you guys thought the Packer / Bear game was boring....

Re: It's Rams Week

GBFanForLife ·
Does a bear **** in the woods?

Re: It's Rams Week

Fedya ·
We all know a bear throws interceptions!

Re: Updated Packer cuts

Timmy! ·
If Crawford is the real deal, good on him! You go boy! Now go STICK a Bear!

Re: Updated Packer cuts

PackerPatrick · And played for ILL!

Re: +/- Bears/Pack

Fandame ·
+ A slightly injured Rodgers is a dangerous Rodgers. Henry, as I said, Rodgers needs to take what the D gives him and stop playing playground in hopes of the big play. The sore knee made him stay in the pocket and stay within the offense and look what happened! + Cobb, Williams, D shows up Cobb -- the Bear killer! and thanks to the blockers who helped scrape guys off to help Cobb enter the EZ. -- Bulaga (injury), OL up and down, opening half, Kizer

Re: +/- Bears/Pack

Brak ·
Has anybody outside of QB been this much of a bear killer? He's a ****ing bear sniper. Unreal.

Re: +/- Bears/Pack

GBP1 ·
Neg gosh, how could he not have this team ready to play? 100th anniversary; Rodgers back; New O and D coordinators...and the Packers came out flatter than pancakes and the game plan was even worse. In the post-game presser, MM looked old and unhealthy. Hate to say it. But he looked worn out and spaced out. Pos Rodgers took this game over from MM. It looked like Rodgers was calling some of his own plays too. G-MO!! Cobb = Bear Killer...aka 2014 TD PASS

Re: +/- Bears/Pack

Fandame ·
I don't know, Henry. It sounds like you want the whole passing game to be long passes that go for TDs and nothing less. I blame MM for the slow start, and yes, he needs either to get his QB room into shape or get a vet. But, look at the key plays: On Kizer's first trip into the red zone, he decides to run up and right into Mack/Bulaga as Mack was just starting to engage Bulaga. If Kizer steps backward and then cuts to the sideline instead of running up and right, he most likely throws it...

Re: +/- Bears/Pack

Henry ·
Nope, I want people to constantly quit absolving McVince. He has a **** ton to answer for. I actually said this a while back that people would be ready to heap blame on Rodgers before McVince and I was right. McVince does absolutely no wrong.

Re: It’s Vikings Week

YATittle ·
I'd like to see more of that pass play that went for about 40+ yards before being called back for a holding penalty in the Bear game.

Re: Jeff Saturday in GB. ENDS his FA tour w/Packers.

kworst ·
Easy Answer - Bought my house in 2008 3 months before Lehman and Bear imploded. Down 30%. Do the math and now you will know why I grumpy. However, it is a beautiful town. Classic historic CT setting, 2 acre lots, top 5 school system in state. Jeff Saturday would love it. Its where 35 - 40 year old New yorkers go to settle down. He is the perfect age. Come to think of it, trying to figure out who made a worse financial decision. Me for buying a house in 2008 or Rom Wolf signing Joe Johnson to...