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I really like the Josh Jones pick. A lot. I like King, Biegel, and Amichia picks. I like all three RBs. Specifically because it's three different skill sets. All three are as fast as Ty Montgomery. Mays is built like a ****ing tank. I think Williams is the best pure RB.

I'm not sure what to think of Yancey. On one hand Ted had him in for a visit and apparently really likes him. He's a mid 4.4 guy. We'll see. Dupre could be really good. He's not ready to contribute yet though. 

Which brings us to Montravius Adams. I'm leaning towards disappointment. He was an all world HS recruit and slacked off at Auburn until 2016. Just screams like a guy that's going through the motions until he's up for a new contract. 

Overall I love the fact they added speed in every round. The difference in team speed in the NFC title game was impossible to ignore. 

I agree with everything you say here except on Adams. You're correct that he has a bust factor and has been inconsistent, but I think the upside you're getting was worth the risk. When he's good he's VERY good, like Pro Bowl interior DL potential. College teams often lack that strong leadership that holds guys accountable, but he's coming to a D with some strong, vocal leaders in Daniels, Guion, Dix, etc. We all have memories of Khyri Thornton, but Thornton didn't show half the ability that Adams did. We will either look at this guy as the best pick from this draft or a complete bust, he won't be JAG. 

MichiganPacker2 posted:
Pakrz posted:

Perhaps my memory is crap... but didn't LeRoy Butler "invent" the Lambeau Leap after Reggie tossed him the ball for a defensive TD?

Yes. I was at the game against the LA Raiders. 4 degrees below 0 and a 28-0 win. I sat about 6 rows behind the Raiders bench. I've never seen guys that wanted to be there less than those guys in the 4th quarter. 

I was at that game too.  Not exaggerating when I say that is the coldest I've ever been.  Could not feel my feet by the end of the game.  I didn't get frostbite, got to see the Pack clinch a playoff berth, and got to see the birth of the Lambeau Leap.  All in all, a very cold, but very good day.

Goalline posted:
PackerPatrick posted:

Little  or no Packers coverage from "NFL Network". Eagles fans singing badly, and orangutan zoo shots

Yeah, I'm done wasting my time watching draft coverage on tv.

Maybe because I was running on 4 hours sleep, but they've made it a chore to watch these past few years, and this was with the "superior" NFL Network coverage. If the Packers' mobile app was a little more timely, I would just use that to update the individual player threads.

Uninspiring coverage of an uninspiring draft. The new format really kills the excitement when a team trades down in the first, especially if they trade out. In the Packers case, not only did they pass on the popular Watt but then had jack **** to show for it until Friday Night, leaving a day of feeling "wtf?!?!" By the time King was drafted it was already buzz killed. 

Then the coverage was all off by day 3 with filler announcers , Joe Mixon interviews and rambling garbage they lost focus on the picks. As if the first round wasn't overemphasized already.

You can see what the NFL is trying to do. They are trying to "Super Bowl Halftime Show" the draft. Which is a terrible idea. The fringe fan is never watching the draft even if you try turning it into a circus. 

Huge props to Mayock and Eisen (I watched entire draft on NFLN) who finally gave the NFL the middle finger on air yesterday. Mayock damn near went home when they had an orangutan "announce" the Colts pick. He very correctly pointed out this was a huge moment in the life of a kid and maybe they should exercise a little more respect. 

Eisen straight vetoed going to Las Vegas so the mayor could announce the Raiders pick while fans in Oakland watched the pick of a team that's still playing in Oakland. 

Yesterday was really hard to watch. 

Last edited by ChilliJon

Ted loves his picks, so for grins let's say all ten make the team. Throw in 5 FA additions, and he's overturned 1/3 of the roster that made the NFCC run.

Swapping Lang for Evans is probably a drop, but hopefully a manageable one. TE has clearly been upgraded. WR and RB will be no worse than the groups we saw, and it's reasonable to expect both to be stronger with development and new bodies.

Obviously a lot of questions with the additions on D, but there's really nowhere to go but up. Even if they're still as confused as they were in ATL, they'll at least be running to the wrong spot a heck of a lot faster.

The league loves selling hope to 32 fanbases this time of year, and I'm going to allow myself to eat it up.

Last edited by IL_Pack_Fan
packaddict posted:

I didn't even watch the draft.  X4 did an excellent job keeping me up to date.  Can't wait to root for the next group of rookies.  

Me neither Packaddict. I haven't watched it on TV for at least the last 10 years. Can't stand all of the mindless blathering by the talking heads. X4 and the internet work fine for me.

Last edited by Maxi54

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