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Admittedly my mancrush dream first four rounds were Watt, Awuzie, Godwin and Hill but seeing all the good players still here in the 4th I'm warming hard to the trade back, though still very Leary of Montravious.

No team picks a player in round 4 because they're a "feel good story". It wasn't a reach, he got picked where he should have. This is the stupidest conversation that occurs every year, dramatic reaches don't happen. The media is the one that is wrong, not teams.

Last edited by Grave Digger
RatPack posted:
justanotherpackerfan posted:

Packers are going to take Vince Biegel and everyone will be happy


Except the part about people being happy. He's not TJ Watt so they will never be happy.

Grave Digger posted:
RatPack posted:
justanotherpackerfan posted:

Packers are going to take Vince Biegel and everyone will be happy


Except the part about people being happy. He's not TJ Watt so they will never be happy.

And his first name isn't Shea.

I hope Biegel has a great career with Green Bay.  I just wonder if they could have taken him with the 2nd pick in the 4th or later? Who knows.  Maybe not.  I also hope his injury issue is a thing of the past.  Foot injury with surgery I think?

Last edited by Packy

Can't stop laughing here in Philly.

That was probably the worst fight song singing ever. 

Back in VIP enjoying a crisp cooL adult beverage. Enjoy the draft everyone. 

Herschel posted:

I'm really sick of rando schlubs announcing picks and getting further behind.

You know how in school they would always put the kid in your class who couldn't read on the morning announcements?

Yeah, it's kind of like that.

Last edited by Rusty

Christine Michael part 2. Not impressed. No wiggle, just slams in to wherever the hole is supposed to be regardless of intervening blockers.

Much rather Brian Hill or Wayne Gallman.

Last edited by Herschel

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