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Brainwashed Boris posted:
PackerBackerDPM posted:
Pakrz posted:
PackerBackerDPM posted:

Apparently a bad ending to the Seattle Titans game


MY bad I guess the schuffle was earlier in game I misread the article.  Sound like Herman though should have been tossed

They threw 3 flags on 1 play on Sherman. 

He should've been ejected. NBC guys said Sherman is usually smarter than that.


There was a great Wilde retweet from someone who posted an ani gif of Rodgers looking to the sideline and mouthing "Bad f'n play!"
Can't find it now and don't know how to snag ani gifs from Twitter.

ChilliJon posted:
phaedrus posted:
ChilliJon posted:
catts posted:
Tschmack posted:

You put the a-s-s in class catts

well done 

now get the **** outta here and let us enjoy the win 

You put the a-s-s in classless.

You got you're ass handed to you last week. In a horrible manner. That has nothing to do with this game. At all. So **** off. You have an entire bag of issues you and fellow Cowboy fans gotta get get together on and sort out. You don't have time to worry about Green Bay. Unless you actually like Green Bay. 

The intent of her post has absolutely nothing to do with the performance of any team, Dallas and Green Bay included

Just so's you can get a handle on relevance.

I don't know why catts likes to post here, but she has always done so with a consistently decent demeanor.

I wouldn't stoop below her bar.

A consistently decent demeanor?

If you want to hit up Catts try Farmers Only. Sounds like you two should grab a cup of moonshine and chat. 

Phaedrus has class.

catts posted:
ChilliJon posted:
phaedrus posted:
ChilliJon posted:
catts posted:
Tschmack posted:

You put the a-s-s in class catts

well done 

now get the **** outta here and let us enjoy the win 

You put the a-s-s in classless.

You got you're ass handed to you last week. In a horrible manner. That has nothing to do with this game. At all. So **** off. You have an entire bag of issues you and fellow Cowboy fans gotta get get together on and sort out. You don't have time to worry about Green Bay. Unless you actually like Green Bay. 

The intent of her post has absolutely nothing to do with the performance of any team, Dallas and Green Bay included

Just so's you can get a handle on relevance.

I don't know why catts likes to post here, but she has always done so with a consistently decent demeanor.

I wouldn't stoop below her bar.

A consistently decent demeanor?

If you want to hit up Catts try Farmers Only. Sounds like you two should grab a cup of moonshine and chat. 

Phaedrus has class.

You would figure to judge class with the poster who starts their scathing review with 'well I didn't watch the game but'


Cavetoad posted:
catts posted:
ChilliJon posted:
phaedrus posted:
ChilliJon posted:
catts posted:
Tschmack posted:

You put the a-s-s in class catts

well done 

now get the **** outta here and let us enjoy the win 

You put the a-s-s in classless.

You got you're ass handed to you last week. In a horrible manner. That has nothing to do with this game. At all. So **** off. You have an entire bag of issues you and fellow Cowboy fans gotta get get together on and sort out. You don't have time to worry about Green Bay. Unless you actually like Green Bay. 

The intent of her post has absolutely nothing to do with the performance of any team, Dallas and Green Bay included

Just so's you can get a handle on relevance.

I don't know why catts likes to post here, but she has always done so with a consistently decent demeanor.

I wouldn't stoop below her bar.

A consistently decent demeanor?

If you want to hit up Catts try Farmers Only. Sounds like you two should grab a cup of moonshine and chat. 

Phaedrus has class.

You would figure to judge class with the poster who starts their scathing review with 'well I didn't watch the game but'


A person does not have to watch an NFL game to have class or to give their opinion on it.

CAPackFan95 posted:
Pakrz posted:
Cavetoad posted:

FU CBS, tied with a thousand other QBs who have never won in OT.  


True... but it is a bit remarkable that somebody with the talent of AR is 0-7 in OT. 

In 4 of the 7, he never touched the ball in OT

In another, a blatant facemask penalty stands 3 plays in to OT

In only 2 of those OT games did he actually get a drive to try to win the game and didn't.  

Total of six passes thrown by Rodgers in OT in those previous seven losses.

catts posted:
Cavetoad posted:
catts posted:
ChilliJon posted:
phaedrus posted:
ChilliJon posted:
catts posted:
Tschmack posted:

You put the a-s-s in class catts

well done 

now get the **** outta here and let us enjoy the win 

You put the a-s-s in classless.

You got you're ass handed to you last week. In a horrible manner. That has nothing to do with this game. At all. So **** off. You have an entire bag of issues you and fellow Cowboy fans gotta get get together on and sort out. You don't have time to worry about Green Bay. Unless you actually like Green Bay. 

The intent of her post has absolutely nothing to do with the performance of any team, Dallas and Green Bay included

Just so's you can get a handle on relevance.

I don't know why catts likes to post here, but she has always done so with a consistently decent demeanor.

I wouldn't stoop below her bar.

A consistently decent demeanor?

If you want to hit up Catts try Farmers Only. Sounds like you two should grab a cup of moonshine and chat. 

Phaedrus has class.

You would figure to judge class with the poster who starts their scathing review with 'well I didn't watch the game but'


A person does not have to watch an NFL game to have class or to give their opinion on it.

Your Honor, I present the evidence numbered 8576309 for said case.

Please dismiss with haste.  Many are bored.

Not to pile on the Bengals too much, but thank God we played a team that couldn't take complete advantage of the awful first half that really put the Pack in the hole.  

I thought the key play towards the end that game was the slip by Mixon on a key 3rd down that forced Dalton to improvise and he couldn't get the 1st.  I think if Mixon stays upright he gets that 1st down easily, they run more time off, maybe end the drive with a TD to make it a 2 score game with little time left.

Thank God it happened or I think the Pack would quite possibly be looking at 1-2 with 7 starters out due to injury.  2-1 takes some of the sting out of a bad injury situation the Pack finds themselves in so far.

"well I didn't watch the game but"

Don't know when I wrote the above, but I hit on some hard financial times and had to let go of cable and dish.  It's been three years.

Big bummer.

Just ordered a RVEAL streaming device and am looking forward to being able to watch the Pack consistently again.


phaedrus posted:

"well I didn't watch the game but"

Don't know when I wrote the above, but I hit on some hard financial times and had to let go of cable and dish.  It's been three years.

Big bummer.

Just ordered a RVEAL streaming device and am looking forward to being able to watch the Pack consistently again.


Damn man......*group hug*.  


Goldie posted:

Talking heads on NFL Network......both say Packers are on the arm of A-12.....and won't go far into the playoffs.  No Defense.  D. Sanders, and ah, some running back.  

I can't disagree with them the way they look....right now.  But by game's end, there were 7 starters out plus some key backups.  If they get those 7 guys healthy (ok a big IF considering some of these guys' health history), then let's re-evaluate again.  They get those guys healthy, they'll be back among the strong, but geez, let's have a little bit better injury luck than they've had so far this year.

Certainly have to think that things will improve once they get back some of their horses especially Bak and Daniels.  Tough to replace those guys. 

Good news is some of the new additions like Brooks and Jones and King and Kendricks had their moments.  

I'm viewing Thursday's game a lot like this game - just survive and advance.  They can worry about style points later once guys return.  Beat the Bears and you have a nice break before having to play Dallas and Minnesota. 

The Packers won a game yesterday in which 5 of their 9 highest paid players were sitting out by the end of the game with injuries. There is a pretty short list of teams that would win an NFL game with that going on.

Cobb 12.5 million

Daniels 10.4 million

Bulaga 7.8 million

Bakhtiari 6.1 million

Perry 6 million


Pakrz posted:
Grave Digger posted:
Pakrz posted:
MichiganPacker2 posted:

Who knew losing almost your entire offensive line would cause you to struggle on offense? 


If rationalizing makes you feel better about this crap hole of a team makes you feel better, knock yourself out.  There's far more wrong here than David Bak. 

I’m sure there’s a Vikings forum you could go commiserate with. Troll.

There isn't a single thing I can think of where your opinion matters.  I mean... just nothing.  So go **** yourself.

This is why I come here.

bandit posted:
Sufferinginmn posted:
ChilliJon posted:
bandit posted:

Call in the dogs, and put out the fire, this game is over. This team has no guts and no heart. Pure and simple

Eat. ****. 

Arguably the guttiest performance I've seen from a packer team. Playing with marginal talent at ot, 2 best defensive players out, no Cobb, and playing 2 rookies on d. 

I am passionate fan, And will never aploshed for being wrong, And thanks for being wrong!!!

Spell check and alcohol �� is hell on posting, and watching the Packers!!!

bvan posted:

There was a great Wilde retweet from someone who posted an ani gif of Rodgers looking to the sideline and mouthing "Bad f'n play!"
Can't find it now and don't know how to snag ani gifs from Twitter.


Last edited by Timpranillo

That would be "stupid effin call. stupid effin call"  

Given the time shown on screen, 1:50 left in 3rd, down 24-17, 2nd down, the play right before his comment here was:

1st and 10 at CIN 49
(1:55 - 3rd) (Shotgun) A.Rodgers pass incomplete short right to T.Montgomery [C.Dunlap].

The play following that this comment was the 9 yard completion to Allison that was tipped at line but went to him anyway...

2nd and 10 at CIN 49
(1:50 - 3rd) (Shotgun) A.Rodgers pass short right to G.Allison to CIN 40 for 9 yards (W.Jackson). Balled tipped at the line of scrimmage by 96-C. Dunlap. Play still resulted in completion.

Last edited by Timpranillo

McCarthy and Rodgers squabble like siblings I think it's pretty funny.  "Why did you change it?"  "Because it was ****ing stupid." "You're stupid." "You are." 

And exactly Boris if they lose, that clip becomes the headline.

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