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This is a fairly comprehensive readout of what happened, including extensive quotes from Peterson.


Judge for yourself. A four year-old kid.


EDIT:  @getnickwright: It should be understood that the photographs that some have published & I have possession of were taken at least a week after incident.

Last edited by ilcuqui

From PFT:


"Nick Wright of 610-AM in Houston reports that Peterson told police he gave his son a “whooping” in a May incident in Spring, Texas. According to the report, Peterson said he did it to punish the child for pushing another one of Peterson’s children while they were playing a video game. The report says Peterson grabbed a tree branch, removed the leaves and struck the 4-year-old repeatedly.

The child’s injuries reportedly included cuts and bruises to the child’s back, buttocks, ankles, legs and scrotum, along with defensive wounds to the child’s hands. According to the report, Peterson texted the boy’s mother and acknowledged what he had done and that she would be “mad at me about his leg. I got kinda good wit the tail end of the switch.”




If true its really, I mean really, really sad. A bit of not too harsh corporal puunishment is one thing but to beat a poor innocent kid like this takes a special kind of evil.

Last edited by DurangoDoug

Repeatedly and deliberately whacking a 4 year old with a weapon will get you charged every time.  What a Dumas.


Jeebus, can the NFL go 1 week without a new scandal?



(p.s., someone should have taken my bet)

Jeepers cripes on a cracker AP, couple of whacks on the behind would of brought a slight tear to the eye which is the remembrance you want.
Someone want to tell AP he is a tad stronger than the kid ...

I'll bet most of us on this board (over the age of 30) have been "whooped" by our parents with belts &/or switches. But beaten to the point of abuse? No.


The problem is this is most likely how AP was brought up. Sad if 100% true.

Originally Posted by Floridarob:

in 30 years, "giving a time-out" will be looked as a horrible parenting. In 30 years, the new parenting skills for discipline will be to bring them to Chuck-E-Cheeze or its virtual entertainment equivalent and shower them with huggs and presents. Discipline of any kind will be subject to automatic six months in solitary confinment where the kids gets to walk by and say haha.

The Chuck E Cheeze in Waukesha has armed security guards in at in on weekend nights. Those who have been there will vouch for me. Just sayin..
Last edited by Tavis Smiley
Originally Posted by Boris:

I'll bet most of us on this board (over the age of 30) have been "whooped" by our parents with belts &/or switches. But beaten to the point of abuse? No.


The problem is this is most likely how AP was brought up. Sad if 100% true.

Never got whooped, just the worst psychological guilt trips you could imagine.  Not sure what's worse.


Actually, based on the photos, this is worse.  A 4 year old?  Really AP?  NFL has its work cut out for them.  AP is one of the most liked players in the NFL.  eesh

I got a few whoopings growing up, needed them.


I believe in spanking, although I believe that's a choice that I respect either way.  I have a 5 year old, currently a 'spanking' is a swat on the butt with a severe frown and an age appropriate explanation of why being naughty is wrong.


Anyone that thinks using a switch on a 4 year old child for any reason is a rational thing to do doesn't deserve the gift of being a father.

Originally Posted by Pakrz:

Didn't AP just lose a child not too long ago to child abuse?

A child he couldn't be bothered to ever even meet, yeah.  One of the most liked players in the NFL? not since that story sorry, gullible bunch 'fans'

Last edited by Snorton
Originally Posted by GBFanForLife:


This story says 4 year old. Earlier in the thread says 11 year old, which is it?

Maybe he beat all 11 of his 4 year olds. AP Is a scumbag
Originally Posted by Pakrz:
Originally Posted by BrainDed:

I hope this is just overzealous law enforcement.  

It's was a Grand Ju.... Nevermind.  Keep on dumdumming along. 


How does it get to the grand jury?  Oh that's right....  Keep chasing me though sweet thang.

Last edited by BrainDed
Originally Posted by cuqui: 

Adrian Peterson attorney is Rusty Hardin


Originally Posted by BrainDed:

I hope this is just overzealous law enforcement.  


Originally Posted by Floridarob:

whipping a kid with a switch? Good Lord! IF this is all there is my parents, grandparents, Aunts and Uncles  would have been sent to the firing squad. In fact, I remember hearing that parents used a switch instead of a belt because it did not leave marks. Of course just the term "I'm going to get my belt!" was enough to get kids to straighten up. Now kids just respond "I am going to call DCF" if you spank me. 


Has to be more to the story.....




Originally Posted by Floridarob:

in 30 years, "giving a time-out" will be looked as a horrible parenting. In 30 years, the new parenting skills for discipline will be to bring them to Chuck-E-Cheeze or its virtual entertainment equivalent and shower them with huggs and presents. Discipline of any kind will be subject to automatic six months in solitary confinment where the kids gets to walk by and say haha.


Originally Posted by Pistol GB:
Originally Posted by Floridarob:

whipping a kid with a switch? Good Lord! IF this is all there is my parents, grandparents, Aunts and Uncles  would have been sent to the firing squad. In fact, I remember hearing that parents used a switch instead of a belt because it did not leave marks. Of course just the term "I'm going to get my belt!" was enough to get kids to straighten up. Now kids just respond "I am going to call DCF" if you spank me. 


Has to be more to the story.....



I am willing to bet right now (without knowing anything) that there is not much more to the story.


And I'm sure the media will make it look like Hiroshima.

Yeah, I remember the time I forgot to say please when I wanted seconds for dinner. My parents broke my kneecaps, hung me from a tree by my wrists, and dragged me behind their car on a rope, and I turned out A-OK! These lazy parents who don't know how to leave a good bruise on a kid are just enabling wimps!

Pro athletes who do stuff like this deserve extra-special punishment. Really? Four years old? A pro athlete whipping a kid this small? Any kid, or woman, for that matter? I hope there's a special place in hell for guys like Ray Rice and AP.

Read the police report. Deleted my earlier post. 


AP being a daddy the way his daddy taught him. It's been mentioned. I'm sure more than a few of us took a whipping as kids. Maybe more than a few. I figured out you can have discipline without being physical. Seatbelts were optional when I was a kid too. We're a little better informed now. 


Regarding AP. That wasn't discipline. That was child abuse. The police report is sickening. AP texted he  wants his kids to know daddy don't play when it comes to acting right. 


4 year old knows daddy don't play alright. What a POS. 

You have to understand. This is the culture in the south. I'm not saying it's right (personally I disagree with this level of discipline & in my book it's abuse) but it's how (some) parents turn their children (boys specifically) into men. Has been this way for years and/or centuries. I have friends that are blowing up my phone with text messages right now trying to figure out "what's wrong"?!?!? Since this is AP's own son. 


Another part of the culture (in the south) is dog fighting (think Mike Vick). Again it's not right but it's ingrained in them & how they were brought up. I'm certain AP was brought up this way by his father &/or mother.


It's a different world we live in now with the internet & speed of information flow. We know what happens anywhere in the world within minutes if not seconds!


If this is the 1950's - 1980's, probably nothing is done about it. Today? It's dramatically different

Last edited by Boris

I just want to point out everything (purposeful choice of words) I have ever read from rob has been at best ignorant, but really just incredibly ****ing stupid.  


I'm not saying rob is incredibly ****ing stupid, he may be Mensa for all I know.  But the words he shares with us in the sequence that he choses is always ****ing moronic.  

More details via Minneapolis' WCCO:

Sports Radio 610 in Houston obtained a draft of the police report which says Peterson admitted that he did, in his words, “whoop” one of his children last May while the boy was visiting him in Houston.
When the 4-year-old boy returned to Minnesota, his mother took him to a doctor. The police report said the boy told the doctor Peterson had hit him with a branch from a tree.
The doctor told investigators that the boy had a number of lacerations on his thighs, along with bruise-like marks on his lower back and buttocks and cuts on his hand. The police report says the doctor described some of the marks as open wounds and termed it “child abuse.” Another examiner agreed, calling the cuts “extensive.”

According to Sports Radio 610: "Peterson's son had pushed another one of Peterson's children off of a motorbike video game. As punishment, Peterson grabbed a tree branch -- which he consistently referred to as a 'switch' -- removed the leaves and struck the child repeatedly."




According to police reports, the child, however, had a slightly different story, telling authorities that “Daddy Peterson hit me on my face.” The child also expressed worry that Peterson would punch him in the face if the child reported the incident to authorities. He also said that he had been hit by a belt and that “there are a lot of belts in Daddy's closet.” He added that Peterson put leaves in his mouth when he was being hit with the switch while his pants were down. The child told his mother that Peterson “likes belts and switches” and “has a whooping room.”


Big man.


Originally Posted by pduck:

According to police reports, the child, however, had a slightly different story, telling authorities that “Daddy Peterson hit me on my face.” The child also expressed worry that Peterson would punch him in the face if the child reported the incident to authorities. He also said that he had been hit by a belt and that “there are a lot of belts in Daddy's closet.” He added that Peterson put leaves in his mouth when he was being hit with the switch while his pants were down. The child told his mother that Peterson “likes belts and switches” and “has a whooping room.”

The fact that his son has to specify which Daddy he's referring to is despicable as it is.


Also, the fear of further punishment for speaking out is sadly quite common. Good for the kid for coming forward. Hopefully the CPS workers in Texas are somewhat competent and were qualified in getting answers from him.

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