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Originally Posted by titmfatied:

Adrian Peterson’s lawyer Rusty Hardin tells me the latest accusations were made over a year ago. “No action was taken.” More coming.


Lawyer Rusty Hardin on recent charge: “There was an adult witness in the car & she flatly denied that Adrian caused any injury to the boy”



The Radisson hotel chain is suspending its sponsorship of the Vikings after Adrian Peterson was charged with child abuse in Texas.


Wow. Radisson suspends its corporate sponsorship of #Vikings. (Name appears on banner at press conferences.)…

Last edited by titmfatied

In reply to Rusty:


Probably because she was pregnant with another kid of his.  Since he apparently likes his lovin' "helmetless" maybe the NFL should also make him play helmetless. 


In reply to titm:


The only way the NFL is going to learn is to hit them in the checkbook. Good for Radisson. 

Last edited by ammo

Hardin is as soulless as they come.


So Peterson admits to the GJ that he whipped his 4 year old son with a switch earlier this year and Hardin expects everyone to believe that there is nothing to the new allegations?



I'm going to assume Speilman asked AP if there were any other incidents Speilman wasn't aware of before his presser today. 


If he did and AP said no. AP should be gone. 


If he didn't then AP should be gone along with Speilman. Even though I firmly believe this was 100% Wilfs call and he made Rick deliver the message. I say this because it's common knowledge Rick and his wife have adopted 6 children and I don't believe Speilman truly believes the organization views this as nothing more than discipline. 


Hard to believe the level of incompetence out of that organization. 

Adrian Peterson's lawyer says new allegation was "was shopped around to authorities in two states over a year ago and nothing came of it."


Looks like an upstanding guy

Last edited by titmfatied
Originally Posted by titmfatied:


Wow. Radisson suspends its corporate sponsorship of #Vikings. (Name appears on banner at press conferences.)…


Guess they can always use this backdrop:


Last edited by ilcuqui


However, the mere fact that Hardin is admitting there was another allegation against Peterson — in addition to the criminal charge he’s facing for allegedly abusing another son — could be enough to force the NFL to suspend Peterson.


In 2010, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell suspended Ben Roethlisberger for two allegations of sexual assault, even though Roethlisberger was never arrested or charged in either case. When Goodell made that decision, he said that multiple accusations constitute a pattern of behavior, and that when there’s been a pattern established, the NFL will act.


“The issue here is with respect to a pattern of behavior and bad judgments,” Goodell told Dan Patrick in 2010. “You do not have to be convicted or even charged of a crime to be able to demonstrate that you’ve violated a personal conduct policy.” -profootballtalk


Last edited by titmfatied

@wingoz: Re Radisson pulling sponsorship with Vikings: This is what the beginning of the end looks like.


@adbrandt: Not insignificant, but local (not national) sponsor and suspension (not cancellation). Key will be to see if there are more. #Radisson

Originally Posted by PackerRuss:

When sponsors start to run the other way, the NFL will take over for good or bad.  It's going to be crazy if Goody doesn't do anything. 

Goodell is neutered right now. If there is pushback from any of these owners like Wylf, York, Richardson, he can't do anything. Only if old heads like Rooney, Mara, Kraft put together a majority voting bloc and then tell Roger he has the latitude to move.

Considering Peterson created a room dedicated to whipping children, perhaps the better question is which of his children has he not beat?


I'm guessing it ain't many.


If he plays Sunday, the message that the NFL will send will be one they can't ever repair.





Originally Posted by titmfatied:


This story on Adrian Peterson being whipped repeatedly growing up is no excuse, but probably does explain a lot.…



Pellisero is a mn kid. He needs to heed the advice of crissy carter.

Vikings knew of other abuse accusation, reinstated Peterson anyway

Zygi Wilf, Adrian Peterson AP

The Minnesota Vikings were aware when they reinstated Adrian Peterson today that Peterson has been accused of abusing more than one of his children.


Hours after news broke this evening that Peterson has been accused of abusing another one of his sons — in a separate incident from the accusation that led to his indictment last week — the Vikings released a statement admitting that they knew of that accusation and decided to bring Peterson back to the team today anyway.


“As part of the information we have gathered throughout this process, we were made aware of an allegation from 2013 in which authorities took no action against Adrian. We will defer any further questions to Adrian’s attorney Rusty Hardin,”


In my post above I didn't consider the possibility they asked AP if the should be aware of anything else and AP told them there was another incident involving another 4 year old 1 year earlier. 


Thats ts almost impossible to believe. 

CoverGirl's slogan for the ad series -- "Get your game face on" -- was meant to encourage fans to make up their faces in the colors of their favorite team. But a version of the ad aimed at Ravens fans was unofficially edited and passed around on social media, tackling the issue of domestic violence and how the NFL has addressed it.


Original Ravens ad.







Florio at pft has a real good video of the AP story.  Basically he says the league has to take action.  AP or his lawyer aren't denying that he whipped the kid, or the facts of the case, and the charge is negligent/reckless abuse not intent abuse.  AP will go to the jury, hoping that they don't see it as abuse, but he won't be able to change the facts.  

Considering Peterson created a room dedicated to whipping children, perhaps the better question is which of his children has he not beat?


I'm pretty sure AP doesn't have dungeon with gag balls and mid evil torture instruments for abusing children in his Texas house.


More Likely, there is some room never used where the kid has been punished before and that's all he associates it with.  Could be a pool table room or a fancy dinning room, but if you take a 4 year old there to whoop him, its the "whoopin room."



Last edited by BrainDed

I get Radisson deciding to walk away from the Vikings. It's never good for business to have the corporate logo attached to a stream of presses regarding child abuse. 


University of Minnesota Children's Hospital is also a sponsor of the Vikings. Have to think that's the next move. 


Will McAvoy:

Other Vikings sponsors include: 



And if you're team has Cassel and Ponder how in the world do they not have a promotion with Tripsandpicks?!?!?!?!?!?  Every time one of them throws a pick a lucky fan wins a trip to Mall of America? Wins a trip to the Blue Ox in Brainerd to buy some pull tabs? That's a social media windfall going to waste. 



Last edited by ChilliJon
Peterson has faced heavy criticism for his use of a so-called switch to discipline the other son, but the running back said in the statement released Monday that he "never imagined being in a position where the world is judging my parenting skills or calling me a child abuser because of the discipline I administered to my son."

see, that's a serious case of denial.  in his mind, there is no punishment he can mete out to his kids that is overboard because he is raising them right by disciplining them.  he needs help. he needs it explained and pounded into his head that smacking your kids around is NOT going to make them better people.  it's a vicious circle of violence and he needs to be man enough to put an end to it. 
Completely agree Tdog. Someone has to end it. But like I stated before, you don't stop generations of influence like flipping off a light switch. Oh oops. I mean button or something.

Reports are that Peterson has/had at least seven kids with seven different women. One of his (multiple) four year olds refers to him as "Daddy Peterson" which suggests he's probably being raised mostly by another father. Peterson also knew he had the child that died from abuse last year for two months and didn't bother to visit him even though it was a 3 hour drive away. I have several problems with all the support Peterson is getting from people supporting his disciplining his kids.


1. He basically whipped a 4 year old like a master would whip a runaway slave. 4 year olds need discipline but it could be done effectively by spanking them once on their rear end if you wanted to do corporal punishment or putting them in time out if you disagree with spanking. It was complete overkill to whip a kid that age (and I would say to do that to any human being). It only teaches them that you control situations by being physically superior.


2. What was the kid being punished for? I'd like to know that. Did he do something that merited some discipline (punch another one of Peterson's kids, etc.) or was it something minor?


3. I like Charles Barkley in general but his defense that they discipline kids like that in the South and that it is almost a 'tradition" that goes back generations is as dumb a thing as I've heard. They had lynch mobs, KKK, etc. within the last 50 years also, but we thankfully don't retain those "traditions"


4. One of the most ridiculous defenses I've heard is that this type of discipline is what made AP the "man" he is today. He has at least 7 kids by 7 women. Everyone makes mistakes and many people have kids they didn't plan for, but come on he's done this at least 7 times. You hope your kids learn from their mistakes - that is the point of discipline. AP's behavior suggests that rules don't really apply to him.


5. I think it's one thing to discipline your kids when you regularly spend time with them and they know you. It's another thing to do this to kids who know you from a few visits a year. I was spanked occasionally growing up when I deserved it (but it was more like a light tap), but the disapproving words and looks I got when I did something wrong stuck with me more. My parents and grandparents didn't need to beat me to get their point across because I respected and admired them and wanted to make them proud. How many of AP's multiple kids actually respect him? I'm sure they are terrified of him.

Last edited by MichiganPacker

I keep going back to the number of hits.


I have two grown daughters.  I whacked one of them once or twice on the rear one time (one event) and never hit the other one.  (They were well behaved.)  The time I spanked the one, she was being REALLY naughty and I kept warning her.  I think my whacks may have been excessive in magnitude, by the way.


So the above is part of my personal parenting context and with that...


To actually think proper disciplining includes a single disciplining event having 70 or so "whacks?"


And Peterson doesn't get it?


To me that is akin to truly thinking up is down, left is right, white is black, and so on.


It is so unrelatable that it totally boggles the mind.

I believe the child that got whipped had pushed a sibling off some sort of toy that he wanted to play on.  And how come the media doesn't make much of AP shoving the kids mouth full of leaves from the switch? 

The one from a year ago was for cursing.

Last edited by Tdog

I thought I read the kid that got "whooped" had pushed another child off a video game. Something to do with motorcycles? If that's correct, I assumed it must've had something to sit on, hence the "pushed" off.

I haven't read through this whole thread but the Viking org is just getting toasted by every media outlet up here. A big sponsor has already bolted. Just a stunning bumbling of a situation again by the front office (and I guess the NFL in general).

Originally Posted by Timmy!:

I assumed it must've had something to sit on, hence the "pushed" off.

Rusty Hardin would like the public to know that pushing off is an NFL point of emphasis this year. 

Last edited by ChilliJon

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