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Originally Posted by Snorton:

I got a few whoopings growing up, needed them.


I believe in spanking, although I believe that's a choice that I respect either way.  I have a 5 year old, currently a 'spanking' is a swat on the butt with a severe frown and an age appropriate explanation of why being naughty is wrong.


Anyone that thinks using a switch on a 4 year old child for any reason is a rational thing to do doesn't deserve the gift of being a father.

I got the switch and the belt, never made me bleed or left any lingering marks, though. AP really must have wailed on the kid.

Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:

I just want to point out everything (purposeful choice of words) I have ever read from rob has been at best ignorant, but really just incredibly ****ing stupid.  


I'm not saying rob is incredibly ****ing stupid, he may be Mensa for all I know.  But the words he shares with us in the sequence that he choses is always ****ing moronic.  

The sequence that he choses? LOL, and I am the stupid one. Don't know what your issue is Bong other than you have probably high on it. As usual. No **** off.

Originally Posted by Floridarob:
Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

Exactly why we should trade the south to Cuba for some cigars and rum. Everyone wins. 

There goes half the Packers fan base.

Not even close.


And when athletes tweet don't they ever think before they hit post?  My God Roddy White is incredibly stupid. 

Last edited by ammo
Originally Posted by Floridarob:

The sequence that he choses? LOL, and I am the stupid one. Don't know what your issue is Bong other than you have probably high on it. As usual. No **** off.


Case and point.


I also never said you were stupid.


Not disagreeing with your position that you are the stupid one, just saying I never said it. 

Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong

Jeebus what a mess.


Rog may not need to be fired. He may just cash in his chips and quit.


I'm in the over 30 crowd, my Dad never struck me. He just had this look he'd give me and I knew not to cross him. I do get the point Boris was making about the mentality of disciplining in the south, particularly with young african american males. But this is 2014. You just cannot do anything REMOTELY like this.


It's called breaking the cycle of abuse. And assuming these story is accurate, that is clearly abuse. My God, he hit this kid in his balls. At age 4. There is no justifying that. Ever.

Originally Posted by Henry:

Your sequencing is surely southern.

yea, I know. My grandmother beat it into me. Right after she busted my kneecaps and hung me from a tree till my wrist bled for asking for seconds at the dinner table. Or as we like to say in the south, The Supper Table. Dinner is the meal served after Sunday church service.

Last edited by Floridarob

I'm in the over 30 crowd. I'm 53. My dad used to whip my older brother and me with a belt. And a leather strap with brass eyelets in it used for holding milking machines on the cows. And anything else that was handy. And he made my brother shoot a box load of shotgun shells when he was 11 because my brother was afraid of the recoil. Shoulder was black and blue. I saw him die on his and my mother's living room floor of a heart attack 13 years ago. Never shed a tear. F*ck him.

I'd actually trade the south to Mexico for their rights to their food.  JimBob and Bily Ray can teach Osvaldo how to cook fried chicken, collared greens and grits and we get carne asada, chorizo and the ultimate food - the burrito.  


I'd also enjoy watching the southerners try to learn to spit out some Spanish.


The south for some Mexican meat and tortillas?  Done.

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