Thunderbird posted:Holy Crap, LambeauSouth!!
Hope all is well with you now.
Funny you referenced Mr. Glass in Unbreakable, because I have the same thing that character had. I was born with the mildest form of Osteogenesis Imperfecta. I went from age 16 up until 36 without breaking anything, but the issue started up again ten years ago helping my then girlfriend move.
I forgot that I actually broke my knee bone when I wiped out during my walk one morning this last February. Had to spend 5 weeks in bed because the patella was split down the middle 90%. Had that last bit cracked, they'd have had to go in. Luckily, though, I healed incredibly fast. I'm a mutant. That's how I got the disease, because nobody in my family has had it. It was a mutation before birth.
No, I don't know any of the X-Men.