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Thunderbird posted:

Holy Crap, LambeauSouth!!


Hope all is well with you now.

Funny you referenced Mr. Glass in Unbreakable, because I have the same thing that character had. I was born with the mildest form of Osteogenesis Imperfecta. I went from age 16 up until 36 without breaking anything, but the issue started up again ten years ago helping my then girlfriend move.

I forgot that I actually broke my knee bone when I wiped out during my walk one morning this last February. Had to spend 5 weeks in bed because the patella was split down the middle 90%. Had that last bit cracked, they'd have had to go in. Luckily, though, I healed incredibly fast. I'm a mutant. That's how I got the disease, because nobody in my family has had it. It was a mutation before birth. 

No, I don't know any of the X-Men. 

I don't know about the significant slant, or badly displaced. Lots of comments about having the surgery meant he could be back sooner than without surgery. From what I've read, mid-shaft fractures historically had been treated without surgery. Now studies strongly indicate shorter recovery time with surgery.

Of course, many of these studies likely do not include all world QB's in the sampling. 

I'm not a doctor but I'll play one in this thread.  On Dec 17th or whatever the date, I would expect the metal will be removed.  I would then guess that he'll have 4-8 more weeks for the screw holes to heal.   I don't think we see him again this season unless the metal comes out earlier than Dec.

Last edited by Tdog
SanDiegoPackFan posted:

Oh ye of little faith.  I believe AR will be back.

heck, Sir Reggie came back to play 3 days after a major injury that might have sidelined him for the season.

Reggie wasn't a QB with a broken collarbone in his throwing shoulder that the entire offensive game plan is based on him making off-balance, on-the-run throws into small windows at high velocity.

The total of 13 is definitely higher than the average and would mean a comminuted (many fragments) or a segmental (three main pieces) fracture with a longer plate inserted to cover the extended fracture area.

To add, another orthopedic surgeon opined that Rodgers will also have to deal with some muscle atrophy in that same shoulder. And that takes weeks to rebuild. Simply put, because his shoulder isn't moving, he's not even using these muscles to lift a glass, put on his shirt, and all the other day-to-day tasks we don't even think about that keeps your arm and shoulder at full strength.

Another piece to his recovery iMO that would make it highly doubtful he'll be back in 2017

MichiganPacker posted:
SanDiegoPackFan posted:

Oh ye of little faith.  I believe AR will be back.

heck, Sir Reggie came back to play 3 days after a major injury that might have sidelined him for the season.

Reggie wasn't a QB with a broken collarbone in his throwing shoulder that the entire offensive game plan is based on him making off-balance, on-the-run throws into small windows at high velocity.

Wasn't God involved in that recovery?

MichiganPacker posted:
SanDiegoPackFan posted:

Oh ye of little faith.  I believe AR will be back.

heck, Sir Reggie came back to play 3 days after a major injury that might have sidelined him for the season.

Reggie wasn't a QB with a broken collarbone in his throwing shoulder that the entire offensive game plan is based on him making off-balance, on-the-run throws into small windows at high velocity.

exactly!   I agree.   

Since he's a QB, instead of 3 days, it'll take AR 8 weeks to heal.  It's the miracle-ratio index for QB's.      

The trade deadline is October 31st. If the Packers goal is to win a Super Bowl when the year starts, there is almost zero chance of that happening now. I would be thrilled to have someone repost this post in February so I could eat crow, but I am just being realistic after hearing about the extent of Rodger's surgery.

You would think they might start seeing if they can pick up a few extra draft picks for 2018 if they listened to offers. The problem is that there is really only a couple of guys that are pending free agents that have any value - Morgan Burnett, Corey Linsley, and Davante Adams.

We've been spoiled in the Favre-Rodgers era for 25 years in that virtually every game Green Bay has played has been meaningful, by which I mean that the team had not been practically eliminated from playoff contention. I would define that as having lost more than 7 games since a 9-7 finish at least has an outside shot for a wild card. We have gone to the playoffs 19 times in the last 25 seasons. The other seasons were the following

1992- lost the last game of the season to go 9-7 (all games meaningful)

1999 - lost game 15 to go to 7-8 but an 8-8 Lions team was the wild card so they weren't eliminated until the last week (all games meaningful)

2000- 9-7. I don't remember whether they were eliminated before the last week, but I don't think so. (all games meaningful)

2005 - finished 4-12 and at one point were 2-8. The last 6 games they were going through the motions.

2006- finished 8-8 but at one point were 5-8. The last 3 games were just playing out the string.

2008 - Rodgers' first year. Finished at 8-8, but were 5-8 before that. The last 3 games were just Rodgers gaining confidence and experience.

So, in the last 25 years, they had 400 regular season games and in 388 of them they were cases where the team still had playoffs hopes and had a HOF QB other teams would fear in the playoffs so it seemed like you always had at least an outside shot at a Super Bowl.

That's what's going to suck about this year unless a different Hundley shows up in 10 days. There was nothing worse as a Packer fan in the 1970s and 1980s watching what seemed like huge parts of a season with games that had no playoff implications.

OK, I've personally suffered a clavicle injury -- 15 minutes on the web and learned surgery is not mandatory, so I just waited it out, and now have a small bump where it used to be smoove.  Just spent another 30 minutes on the web to see how long #12 would likely be out.  Surgery does not expedite healing, fancy that!?  6-8 weeks,  even for a complete break.  Surgery usually for elite athletes only.  Removal of the plate+screws adds 6+ weeks to full recovery.  So 6+6 = 12 weeks, if #12 is a real fast healer, and no screws back out.

Almost certain we've seen the last of #12 this season. 

Agreed Chili.  I just have a hard time believing he is going to come back as fast as he did in 2013 when he's 4 years older, plus this time the injury affects his throwing shoulder instead of the "less important" shoulder.   Sure, he can come back, but I can only imagine his arm will not be the same strong/accurate arm we are used to if he doesn't fully rehabilitate it. 

I'd rather he be 100% for 2018 than be 90% with a chance to damage it further by coming back a bit too early.  I really have a hard time believing he could be straight up 100% before the end of the regular season.   

The thought of Hundley hoisting a Lombardi in Minneapolis next February while the entire state looks on knowing they brought it to be is simply too fulfilling to contemplate. 

Spielman giving away two first Round picks for Hundley in March is what will make the Disney movie about it Oscar worthy. 

It will be titled β€œBroken Dreams” or β€œThe 14th Screw”. 

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