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@vitaflo posted:

Did this apply to the preseason?  Rodgers was inactive for those games.

Effective as of 9/28/2021. I would assume the prior version had similar restrictions but am not 100% on that.

Edit: The same paragraph exists in the July 27 Training Camp and Pre-season protocol. So yes, Rodgers would have been required to be wearing a mask (surgical preferred, gaiters prohibited) during any pre-season game where he was inactive and on the sidelines.

Last edited by NumberThree
@DH13 posted:

They won't be saying much about it on the game broadcast.  Doesn't reflect well on "the shield".  They'll have some statement about it pregame and then let it lie.

I'm pretty excited to finally know what Love is.

The Shield was crystal clear his home craft witch brew wasn’t vax worthy. Claim denied.
Rodgers will take a beating this weekend. And I’m actually here for all of it.

Many of you thought GB was dumb to draft Love and that it was a slap in AR's face.  Also, AR was treated poorly by the FO.  The best QB on the planet deserved a seat at the table with personnel decisions.  The reigning MVP deserved much, much better treatment from an ungrateful, incompetent organization led by a bunch of clowns.  

Now he's a piece of shit.  GB should have traded him in the off season.  Fuck him.

Because of a shot.  

@ChilliJon posted:

The Shield was crystal clear his home craft witch brew wasn’t vax worthy. Claim denied.
Rodgers will take a beating this weekend. And I’m actually here for all of it.

Doesn't matter.  The NFL doesn't bash its players during a game.  Ever. Not to mention they'd piss off half of their audience.  Someone will say something before the game and then they'll just keep it under the rug.

You guys are all idiots..first of all for not acknowledging just how stupid the league is for even having protocols for covid still(hint: it's NEVER going away), if a guy is asymptomatic, he should be able to play. Period. IDC who it is. Second of all, it's not like Arodg was driving a 156 mph, while drunk and killed someone. He's not vaxxed and wasn't wearing a mask, BFD. I say good for him for standing up for what's right and what he believes in.

@pkr_north posted:

Wait - are we sure the dude is not vaccinated??? Everyone is peeing their pants when I don’t even know if he is just positive with being vaxxed - maybe I missed something

If you believe the media who says he’s not vaccinated then yes he’s not vaccinated. I’ll wait until I hear from him either way whether he is or is not, but I posted several pages ago that there is a protocol for symptomatic vaccinated players to mandatorily be out 10 days.

@michiganjoe posted:

So what punishment will the NFL levy on Kirk Cousins and the Vikings for his weekly violation of this in his post-game press conferences?

What a fucking idiot.

If there was only a safe and well studied way to "raise your antibody" levels against COVID19. Something that had undergone extensive scientific scrutiny for safety and been evaluated in billions of people. Something that every former and current US President had gotten. Something that >90% of your teammates had already done. Gee, you know something that tricked your immune system into thinking that it had been exposed to COVID19 when it really hadn't so it would make antibodies with no chance of you actually getting COVID. Maybe something that had been done in over 3 BILLION people so far. You know, like a fucking vaccine?

To raise his antibody levels? The whole point about immune memory is that you want to keep the numbers of B/T cells responding to a particular antigen (part of a virus in this case) low if you aren't exposed to it. Your body has to respond to literally potentially billions of antigens and if you kept the number of cells that respond to each of them up non-specifically you'd get pretty sick for other reasons pretty fast. The system evolved to have memory cells that can respond immediately and exponentially multiply when they see the same pathogen again. You get booster shots to improve the process through things like somatic hypermutation. That is, boosters give your body the chance to optimize the antibodies produced from B cells or the T cells that can kill off virally-infected cells. Then, those "better" versions of those cells go dormant again so they can repeat the cycle if needed.

Oh goodie, you're one of these people. Listen, if your vax is so safe, and masks are so effective, then why do you care if someone around you is wearing a mask, or isn't vaccinated. You're protected, right?? Right?? What a sanctimonious, pompous, Fauci fellator you are.

I want someone, anyone to show me a study that these "scientists" have done, that definitively proves masks have saved people's lives during this pandemic. I have asked tons of people and no one seems to be able to produce any hard evidence of it, why is that?? I mean, we have studies that show seatbelts save lives, right??

@NumberThree posted:

If you believe the media who says he’s not vaccinated then yes he’s not vaccinated. I’ll wait until I hear from him either way whether he is or is not, but I posted several pages ago that there is a protocol for symptomatic vaccinated players to mandatorily be out 10 days.

I mean, this was the impression I was under, right now it's just like the offseason with the drivel, I will check back in when he speaks some.  This could just be a non-story - that he is vaxxed and is symptomatic, which does happen...anyways, back to it..

Oh goodie, you're one of these people. Listen, if your vax is so safe, and masks are so effective, then why do you care if someone around you is wearing a mask, or isn't vaccinated. You're protected, right?? Right?? What a sanctimonious, pompous, Fauci fellator you are.

I want someone, anyone to show me a study that these "scientists" have done, that definitively proves masks have saved people's lives during this pandemic. I have asked tons of people and no one seems to be able to produce any hard evidence of it, why is that?? I mean, we have studies that show seatbelts save lives, right??

Man are you barking up the wrong tree you fucking idiot.

13 seconds.

Oh goodie, you're one of these people. Listen, if your vax is so safe, and masks are so effective, then why do you care if someone around you is wearing a mask, or isn't vaccinated. You're protected, right?? Right?? What a sanctimonious, pompous, Fauci fellator you are.

I want someone, anyone to show me a study that these "scientists" have done, that definitively proves masks have saved people's lives during this pandemic. I have asked tons of people and no one seems to be able to produce any hard evidence of it, why is that?? I mean, we have studies that show seatbelts save lives, right??

Nice try troll.  I think most of us know you are just trying to stir the pot.  No one can be that uneducated and uninformed.  

August 6, 2021
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