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GreenBayLA posted:

Experts will disagree. I don't put much stock in em.

My straight up picks this season: 146-80.

I just checked ESPN Experts,  I'm better than 10 of 11 "experts", of the rest only 4 are within 5 picks of me.

CBS Experts I bested all 8, only 1 within 5 picks or less.

My pick,  Packers roll on Monday night.

If only Vegas took straight up picks...

I have a good feeling about the game as well. 

It's shocking to see a potential 12-4 team be a #5 or #6 seed. Possibly two teams at 12-4 being #5 & #6 (Vikings & Niners) with 4 of the teams in the playoffs at 12-4 (Assuming Saints win next week to go 13-3) otherwise 5 teams potentially being locked at 12-4. Crazy

Good day of football & give credit to the Bengals dolphins Redskins Giants for all playing professional football instead of tanking.

Tonight's game is basically a playoff game and the Packers need to show up and treat it as one. Tonight will help determine whether we can:

1) Clinch a first round bye (must win out); or 

2) Clinch the #1 (must win out + 49ers loss); or

3) Host the Queens in the Wild Card (lose to Vikings or Lions).

Now is the time to show everyone that 11-3 isn't a fluke.


Last edited by NumberThree
Boris posted:

MLF kept talking about the goal. Their goal is to win the division. He acknowledged that playoffs come with that but just making the playoffs is not the goal. 

I sure hope they play a good game. Coming out uninspired like they did in SF is 100% unacceptable

At least at this point they're somewhat battle-tested in an adverse environment and know what to expect. The failure of the O-line was a big issue in the SF game. I think the noise affected them and they were a split-second slow all night long. It'll be noisy again tonight, but expect them to show some life.

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