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Everyone knows the moon landings were faked.
The subject matter is pretty benign. I mean, it'd be s$itty to do it, but nothing like alternative theories for 9-11.

That being said, I fell into hearing the case for we never having accomplished that technical feat - actually landing on the moon.

Well, since a couple times I have seen the same case being made and heard debates.

Not caring one way or the other that much?

The evidence supporting the hypothesis that the moon landings were a fake is vast.

Many of the photographs (shadowing, wind, other thinga) are nothing short of a hoot.

Stanly Kubrick.
Originally posted by phaedrus:

The evidence supporting the hypothesis that the moon landings were a fake is vast.

If you put it on a scale, how much does this vastness weigh ?
Is it also possible that we really did land on the moon... but on the Dark Side where nobody could see them ?

So "they" had to fake the Sea of Tranquility event for the networks and Russians ?

Then both sides are correct when making their claims

Last edited by Satori
Originally posted by ChilliJon:
If Goodell announced convicted felons will be denied the ability to play in the NFL, I'm fine with that. As long as it's upheld.

But when Mike Vick is embraced by Goodell on his return, Goodell helps find him a soft landing spot in his reacclimation back into the NFL, and talks about the opportunity of second chances, then strong arms Jolly (or anyone else) it's a power hog altering competitive balance for his own personal reasons.

He's not asking to have his medical license renewed--he wants to return to a game where brain trauma and physical injury is a common result of playing.
How many players have abused Vicodin etc...?
Sounds like he has some pretty heavy duty probation/parole...which might help him abstain...A person with substance abuse issues that can stop using is commendable..I don't care if they're a millionaire, alcoholic president/prime minister or crack whore.
This is a feel good story that'll make you feel better than a super sized purple drink.
Money will be the big motivator for Jolly. He's probably out of money at this point. He was only a 6th round pick and based on photos of him BEFORE his trial he spent a good deal of money on clothes, shoes, and jewelry, so I imagine the legal fees drained his wallet.

IF he kept in shape and is ready to go I'd love to have him back. He was on his way to being an elite DL in this league, his BFI was off the charts. I really doubt he could shake off the rust and pick up where he left off, but there's really no downside to bringing him into camp.
Originally posted by section19:
Originally posted by El-Ka-Bong:
Kennedy wasn't shot, he OD'd on coke they brought back from the moon landing

That's silly. Everyone knows the moon landings were faked. Covered up by the Jews who own the MSM who secretly run the world. Duh.

Hey, let's not rag on the greatest achievement of all time that some of us are old enough to have witnessed as it happened. I'll never forget how cool it was to watch and actually photograph Armstrong as he made history...

It actually helped take some some of the sting out of the Packers' 1968 6-7-1 season...

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